package SL::Controller::DownloadZip;
use strict;
use parent qw(SL::Controller::Base);
use List::Util qw(first max);
use utf8;
use Encode qw(decode encode);
use Archive::Zip;
use SL::File;
use SL::SessionFile::Random;
sub action_download_orderitems_files {
my ($self) = @_;
# special case for customer which want to have not all
# in kivitendo.conf some regex may be defined:
# For no values just let it commented out
# PA = Produktionsauftrag, L = Lieferschein, ML = Materialliste
# If you want several options, please seperate the letter with '|'. Example: '^(PA|L).*'
#set_sales_documenttype_for_delivered_quantity = '^(LS).*'
#set_purchase_documenttype_for_delivered_quantity = '^(EL).*'
# enbale this perl code:
# my $doctype = $::lx_office_conf{system}->{"set_documenttype_for_part_zip_download"};
# if ( $doctype ) {
# # eliminate first and last char (are quotes)
# $doctype =~ s/^.//;
# $doctype =~ s/.$//;
# }
#$Archive::Zip::UNICODE = 1;
my $object_id = $::form->{object_id};
my $object_type = $::form->{object_type};
my $element_type = $::form->{element_type};
my $sfile = SL::SessionFile::Random->new(mode => "w");
my $zip = Archive::Zip->new();
#TODO Check client encoding !!
#my $name_encoding = 'cp850';
my $name_encoding = 'UTF-8';
# today only sales_order implementation !
if ( $object_id && $object_type eq 'sales_order' && $element_type eq 'part' ) {
my $orderitems = SL::DB::Manager::OrderItem->get_all(query => ['order.id' => $object_id ],
with_objects => [ 'order', 'part' ],
sort_by => 'part.partnumber ASC');
my $part_id = 0;
foreach my $item ( @{$orderitems} ) {
next if $part_id == $item->parts_id;
my @files = SL::File->get_all(object_id => $item->parts_id,
object_type => $element_type,
my @wanted_files;
## also for filtering if needed:
# if ( $doctype ) {
# @wanted_files = grep { $_->{file_name} =~ /$doctype/ } @files;
# } else {
@wanted_files = @files;
# }
if ( scalar (@wanted_files) > 0 ) {
$zip->addFile(SL::File->get_file_path(dbfile => $_ ),
) for @wanted_files;
unless ( $zip->writeToFileNamed($sfile->file_name) == Archive::Zip::AZ_OK ) {
die 'zipfile write error';
return $self->send_file(
type => 'application/zip',
name => $::form->{zipname}.'.zip',
=encoding utf-8
=head1 NAME
SL::Controller::DownloadZip - controller for download all files from parts of an order in one zip file
=head2 C<action_download_zip FORMPARAMS>
Some customer want all attached files for the parts of an sales order or sales delivery order in one zip to download.
This is a special method for one customer, so it is moved into an extra controller.
The $Archive::Zip::UNICODE = 1; doesnt work ok
So today the filenames in cp850/DOS format for legacy windows.
To ues it for Linux Clients an additinal effort must be done,
for ex. a link to the same file with an utf-8 name.
There is also a special javascript method necessary which calles this controller method.
THis method must be inserted into the customer branch:
=begin text
ns.downloadOrderitemsAtt = function(type,id) {
var rowcount = $('input[name=rowcount]').val() - 1;
var data = {
action: 'FileManagement/download_zip',
type: type,
object_id: id,
rowcount: rowcount
if ( rowcount == 0 ) {
kivi.display_flash('error', kivi.t8('No articles have been added yet.'));
return false;
for (var i = 1; i <= rowcount; i++) {
data['parts_id_'+i] = $('#id_' + i).val();
$.download("controller.pl", data);
return false;
=end text
See also L<SL::Controller::FileManagement>
Is this method needed in the master branch ?
=head1 AUTHOR
Martin Helmling E<lt>martin.helmling@opendynamic.deE<gt>