Revision 665741c4
Von Jan Büren vor etwa 6 Jahren hinzugefügt
SL/Controller/ | ||
my $bank_transaction = $data{bank_transaction};
# see pod
if (@{ $bank_transaction->linked_invoices } || $bank_transaction->invoice_amount != 0) {
return {
result => 'error',
message => $::locale->text("Bank transaction with id #1 has already been linked to one or more record and/or some amount is already assigned.", $bank_transaction->id),
my (@warnings);
my $worker = sub {
my $bt_id = $data{bank_transaction_id};
my $sign = $bank_transaction->amount < 0 ? -1 : 1;
my $amount_of_transaction = $sign * $bank_transaction->amount;
my $assigned_amount = $sign * $bank_transaction->invoice_amount;
my $not_assigned_amount = $amount_of_transaction - $assigned_amount;
my $payment_received = $bank_transaction->amount > 0;
my $payment_sent = $bank_transaction->amount < 0;
croak("No amount left to assign") if ($not_assigned_amount <= 0);
foreach my $invoice_id (@{ $params{invoice_ids} }) {
my $invoice = SL::DB::Manager::Invoice->find_by(id => $invoice_id) || SL::DB::Manager::PurchaseInvoice->find_by(id => $invoice_id);
... | ... | |
} else {
$payment_type = 'without_skonto';
# pay invoice or go to the next bank transaction if the amount is not sufficiently high
if ($invoice->open_amount <= $amount_of_transaction && $n_invoices < $max_invoices) {
my $open_amount = ($payment_type eq 'with_skonto_pt'?$invoice->amount_less_skonto:$invoice->open_amount);
# first calculate new bank transaction amount ...
if ($invoice->is_sales) {
$amount_of_transaction -= $sign * $open_amount;
$bank_transaction->invoice_amount($bank_transaction->invoice_amount + $open_amount);
} else {
$amount_of_transaction += $sign * $open_amount;
$bank_transaction->invoice_amount($bank_transaction->invoice_amount - $open_amount);
# ... and then pay the invoice
my @acc_ids = $invoice->pay_invoice(chart_id => $bank_transaction->local_bank_account->chart_id,
trans_id => $invoice->id,
amount => $open_amount,
payment_type => $payment_type,
source => $source,
memo => $memo,
transdate => $bank_transaction->transdate->to_kivitendo);
# ... and record the origin via BankTransactionAccTrans
if (scalar(@acc_ids) != 2) {
return {
result => 'error',
message => $::locale->text("Unable to book transactions for bank purpose #1", $bank_transaction->purpose),
foreach my $acc_trans_id (@acc_ids) {
my $id_type = $invoice->is_sales ? 'ar' : 'ap';
my %props_acc = (
acc_trans_id => $acc_trans_id,
bank_transaction_id => $bank_transaction->id,
$id_type => $invoice->id,
} else {
# use the whole amount of the bank transaction for the invoice, overpay the invoice if necessary
# $invoice->open_amount is negative for credit_notes
# $bank_transaction->amount is negative for outgoing transactions
# so $amount_of_transaction is negative but needs positive
# $invoice->open_amount may be negative for ap_transaction but may be positiv for negative ap_transaction
# if $invoice->open_amount is negative $bank_transaction->amount is positve
# if $invoice->open_amount is positive $bank_transaction->amount is negative
# but amount of transaction is for both positive
$amount_of_transaction *= -1 if ($invoice->amount < 0);
# if we have a skonto case - the last invoice needs skonto
$amount_of_transaction = $invoice->amount_less_skonto if ($payment_type eq 'with_skonto_pt');
my $overpaid_amount = $amount_of_transaction - $invoice->open_amount;
$invoice->pay_invoice(chart_id => $bank_transaction->local_bank_account->chart_id,
trans_id => $invoice->id,
amount => $amount_of_transaction,
payment_type => $payment_type,
source => $source,
memo => $memo,
transdate => $bank_transaction->transdate->to_kivitendo);
$amount_of_transaction = 0;
if ($overpaid_amount >= 0.01) {
push @warnings, {
result => 'warning',
message => $::locale->text('Invoice #1 was overpaid by #2.', $invoice->invnumber, $::form->format_amount(\%::myconfig, $overpaid_amount, 2)),
# pay invoice
# TODO rewrite this: really booked amount should be a return value of
# also this controller shouldnt care about how to calc skonto. we simply delegate the
# payment_type to the helper and get the corresponding bank_transaction values back
my $open_amount = ($payment_type eq 'with_skonto_pt' ? $invoice->amount_less_skonto : $invoice->open_amount);
my $amount_for_booking = abs(($open_amount < $not_assigned_amount) ? $open_amount : $not_assigned_amount);
$amount_for_booking *= $sign;
$bank_transaction->invoice_amount($bank_transaction->invoice_amount + $amount_for_booking);
# ... and then pay the invoice
my @acc_ids = $invoice->pay_invoice(chart_id => $bank_transaction->local_bank_account->chart_id,
trans_id => $invoice->id,
amount => ($open_amount < $not_assigned_amount) ? $open_amount : $not_assigned_amount,
payment_type => $payment_type,
source => $source,
memo => $memo,
transdate => $bank_transaction->transdate->to_kivitendo);
# ... and record the origin via BankTransactionAccTrans
if (scalar(@acc_ids) != 2) {
return {
result => 'error',
message => $::locale->text("Unable to book transactions for bank purpose #1", $bank_transaction->purpose),
foreach my $acc_trans_id (@acc_ids) {
my $id_type = $invoice->is_sales ? 'ar' : 'ap';
my %props_acc = (
acc_trans_id => $acc_trans_id,
bank_transaction_id => $bank_transaction->id,
$id_type => $invoice->id,
# Record a record link from the bank transaction to the invoice
my %props = (
from_table => 'bank_transactions',
... | ... | |
C<invoice_ids>, an array ref of database IDs to purchase or sales
invoice objects).
This method handles already partly assigned bank transactions.
This method cannot handle already partly assigned bank transactions, i.e.
a bank transaction that has a invoice_amount <> 0 but not the fully
transaction amount (invoice_amount == amount).
If the amount of the bank transaction is higher than the sum of
the assigned invoices (1 .. n) the last invoice will be overpayed.
the assigned invoices (1 .. n) the bank transaction will only be
partly assigned.
The whole function is wrapped in a database transaction. If an
exception occurs the bank transaction is not posted at all. The same
t/bank/bank_transactions.t | ||
use Test::More tests => 208;
use Test::More tests => 211;
use strict;
... | ... | |
use List::Util qw(sum);
use SL::DB::AccTransaction;
use SL::DB::BankTransactionAccTrans;
use SL::DB::Buchungsgruppe;
use SL::DB::Currency;
use SL::DB::Customer;
... | ... | |
sub clear_up {
SL::DB::Manager::BankTransactionAccTrans->delete_all(all => 1);
SL::DB::Manager::BankTransaction->delete_all(all => 1);
SL::DB::Manager::InvoiceItem->delete_all(all => 1);
SL::DB::Manager::InvoiceItem->delete_all(all => 1);
... | ... | |
is($ar_transaction->paid , '135.00000' , "$testname: 'salesinv overpaid' was overpaid");
is($bt->invoice_amount , '135.00000' , "$testname: bt invoice amount was assigned overpaid amount");
is($ar_transaction->paid , '119.00000' , "$testname: 'salesinv overpaid' was not overpaid");
is($bt->invoice_amount , '119.00000' , "$testname: bt invoice amount was not fully assigned with the overpaid amount");
{ local $TODO = 'this currently fails because closed ignores over-payments, see commit d90966c7';
is($ar_transaction->closed , 0 , "$testname: 'salesinv overpaid' is open (via 'closed' method')");
is($ar_transaction->open_amount == 0 ? 1 : 0 , 0 , "$testname: 'salesinv overpaid is open (via amount-paid)");
is($ar_transaction->open_amount == 0 ? 1 : 0 , 1 , "$testname: 'salesinv overpaid is closed (via amount-paid)");
sub test_overpayment_with_partialpayment {
# two payments on different days, 10 and 119. If there is only one invoice we want it be overpaid.
# two payments on different days, 10 and 119. If there is only one invoice we
# don't want it to be overpaid.
my $testname = 'test_overpayment_with_partialpayment';
$ar_transaction = test_ar_transaction(invnumber => 'salesinv overpaid partial');
... | ... | |
is($bt_1->invoice_amount , '10.00000' , "$testname: bt_1 invoice amount was fully assigned");
$::form->{invoice_ids} = {
$bt_2->id => [ $ar_transaction->id ]
is($ar_transaction->paid , '129.00000' , "$testname: 'salesinv overpaid partial' was overpaid");
is($bt_1->invoice_amount , '10.00000' , "$testname: bt_1 invoice amount was assigned overpaid amount");
is($bt_2->invoice_amount , '119.00000' , "$testname: bt_2 invoice amount was assigned overpaid amount");
is($bt_1->invoice_amount , '10.00000' , "$testname: bt_1 invoice amount was fully assigned");
is($ar_transaction->paid , '119.00000' , "$testname: 'salesinv overpaid partial' was not overpaid");
is($bt_2->invoice_amount , '109.00000' , "$testname: bt_2 invoice amount was partly assigned");
... | ... | |
bank_chart_id => $bank->id,
transdate => DateTime->today->add(days => 10),
my ($agreement, $rule_matches) = $bt->get_agreement_with_invoice($invoice);
is($agreement, 15, "points for negative ap transaction ok");
... | ... | |
is($invoice->netamount, '-20.00000', "$testname: netamount ok");
is($invoice->paid , '-23.80000', "$testname: paid ok");
is($bt->invoice_amount, '23.80000', "$testname: bt invoice amount for ap was assigned");
is($bt->amount, '23.80000', "$testname: bt amount for ap was assigned");
return $invoice;
Auch abrufbar als: Unified diff
BankTransaction: save_single_bank_transaction API-Änderung
S.a. POD und devel-Liste
Testfälle angepasst