Revision 64fab360
Von Bernd Bleßmann vor fast 4 Jahren hinzugefügt
SL/BackgroundJob/ | ||
use SL::BackgroundJob::BackgroundJobCleanup;
use SL::BackgroundJob::CleanBackgroundJobHistory;
use SL::BackgroundJob::CloseProjectsBelongingToClosedSalesOrders;
use SL::BackgroundJob::ConvertTimeRecordings;
use SL::BackgroundJob::CreatePeriodicInvoices;
use SL::BackgroundJob::FailedBackgroundJobsReport;
SL/BackgroundJob/ | ||
package SL::BackgroundJob::ConvertTimeRecordings;
use strict;
use parent qw(SL::BackgroundJob::Base);
use SL::DB::DeliveryOrder;
use SL::DB::TimeRecording;
use SL::Locale::String qw(t8);
use DateTime;
sub create_job {
$_[0]->create_standard_job('7 3 1 * *'); # every first day of month at 03:07
# If job does not throw an error,
# success in background_job_histories is 'success'.
# It is 'failure' otherwise.
# Return value goes to result in background_job_histories.
sub run {
my ($self, $db_obj) = @_;
my $data;
$data = $db_obj->data_as_hash if $db_obj;
# from/to date from data. Defaults to begining and end of last month.
my $from_date;
my $to_date;
$from_date = DateTime->from_kivitendo($data->{from_date}) if $data->{from_date};
$to_date = DateTime->from_kivitendo($data->{to_date}) if $data->{to_date};
$from_date ||= DateTime->new( day => 1, month => DateTime->today_local->month, year => DateTime->today_local->year)->subtract(months => 1);
$to_date ||= DateTime->last_day_of_month(month => DateTime->today_local->month, year => DateTime->today_local->year)->subtract(months => 1);
$to_date->add(days => 1); # to get all from the to_date, because of the time part (15.12.2020 23.59 > 15.12.2020)
my %customer_where;
%customer_where = ('customer.customernumber' => $data->{customernumbers}) if 'ARRAY' eq ref $data->{customernumbers};
my $time_recordings = SL::DB::Manager::TimeRecording->get_all(where => [end_time => { ge_lt => [ $from_date, $to_date ]},
or => [booked => 0, booked => undef],
with_objects => ['customer']);
my %time_recordings_by_customer_id;
push @{ $time_recordings_by_customer_id{$_->customer_id} }, $_ for @$time_recordings;
my @donumbers;
my $has_warnings;
foreach my $customer_id (keys %time_recordings_by_customer_id) {
my $do;
if (!eval {
$do = SL::DB::DeliveryOrder->new_from_time_recordings($time_recordings_by_customer_id{$customer_id});
}) {
"ConvertTimeRecordings: creating delivery order failed ($@) for time recording ids " . join ', ', map { $_->id } @{$time_recordings_by_customer_id{$customer_id}});
$has_warnings = 1;
if ($do) {
if (!SL::DB->client->with_transaction(sub {
$_->update_attributes(booked => 1) for @{$time_recordings_by_customer_id{$customer_id}};
})) {
"ConvertTimeRecordings: saving delivery order failed for time recording ids " . join ', ', map { $_->id } @{$time_recordings_by_customer_id{$customer_id}});
$has_warnings = 1;
} else {
push @donumbers, $do->donumber;
my $msg = t8('Number of deliveryorders created:');
$msg .= ' ';
$msg .= scalar @donumbers;
$msg .= ' (';
$msg .= join ', ', @donumbers;
$msg .= ').';
$msg .= ' ' . t8('There are Warnings.') if $has_warnings;
return $msg;
# possible data
# from_date: 01.12.2020
# to_date: 15.12.2020
# customernumbers: [1,2,3]
=encoding utf8
=head1 NAME
SL::BackgroundJob::ConvertTimeRecordings - Convert time recording
entries into delivery orders
Get all time recording entries for the given period and customer numbers
and create delivery ordes out of that (using
Some data can be provided to configure this backgroung job.
=over 4
=item C<from_date>
The date from which on time recordings should be collected. It defaults
to the first day of the previous month.
Example (format depends on your settings):
from_date: 01.12.2020
=item C<to_date>
The date till which time recordings should be collected. It defaults
to the last day of the previous month.
Example (format depends on your settings):
to_date: 15.12.2020
=item C<customernumbers>
An array with the customer numbers for which time recordings should
be collected. If not given, time recordings for customers are
collected. This is the default.
Example (format depends on your settings):
customernumbers: [c1,22332,334343]
=head1 AUTHOR
Bernd Bleßmann E<lt>bernd@kivitendo-premium.deE<gt>
locale/de/all | ||
'There are #1 unfinished follow-ups of which #2 are due.' => 'Es gibt #1 Wiedervorlage(n), von denen #2 fällig ist/sind.',
'There are Bins defined in your Inventory.' => 'Unter Stammdaten/Waren sind Lagerplätze definiert.',
'There are Bins defined in your master data.' => 'Unter Stammdaten/Waren sind Lagerplätze defininert',
'There are Warnings.' => 'Es gibt Warnungen.',
'There are bookings to the account 3803 after 01.01.2007. If you didn\'t change this account manually to 19% the bookings are probably incorrect.' => 'Das Konto 3803 wurde nach dem 01.01.2007 bebucht. Falls Sie dieses Konto nicht manuell auf 19% gestellt haben sind die Buchungen wahrscheinlich mit falscher Umsatzsteuer gebucht worden.',
'There are currently no delivery orders, or none matches your filter conditions.' => 'kein Lieferschein vorhanden',
'There are currently no open invoices, or none matches your filter conditions.' => 'Es gibt momentan keine offenen Rechnungen, oder keine erfüllt die Filterkriterien.',
locale/en/all | ||
'There are #1 unfinished follow-ups of which #2 are due.' => '',
'There are Bins defined in your Inventory.' => '',
'There are Bins defined in your master data.' => '',
'There are Warnings.' => '',
'There are bookings to the account 3803 after 01.01.2007. If you didn\'t change this account manually to 19% the bookings are probably incorrect.' => '',
'There are currently no delivery orders, or none matches your filter conditions.' => '',
'There are currently no open invoices, or none matches your filter conditions.' => '',
Auch abrufbar als: Unified diff
Zeiterfassung: Hintergrund-Job zum Umwandeln in Lieferscheine