use strict;
use Test::More tests => 5;
use lib 't';
use Support::TestSetup;
use Test::Exception;
use SL::DB::Chart;
use SL::DB::TaxKey;
use SL::DB::GLTransaction;
use SL::DB::Cleared;
use SL::DB::ClearedGroup;
use SL::DBUtils qw(selectall_hashref_query selectall_array_query);
use SL::Clearing;
use Data::Dumper;
my $durchlaufende_posten_orig_clearing;
my $cash = SL::DB::Manager::Chart->find_by( description => 'Kasse');
my $bank = SL::DB::Manager::Chart->find_by( description => 'Bank' );
my $durchlaufende_posten = SL::DB::Manager::Chart->find_by( description => 'Durchlaufende Posten' ) // die "no chart durchlaufende Posten";
$durchlaufende_posten_orig_clearing = $durchlaufende_posten->clearing;
$durchlaufende_posten->save(changes_only => 1);
my $tax_0 = SL::DB::Manager::Tax->find_by(taxkey => 0, rate => 0.00);
my $dbh = SL::DB->client->dbh;
my $start_date = DateTime->today_local->subtract(days => 20);
my $expected_cleared_entries = 0;
quick_gl($durchlaufende_posten, 550, $bank, 550, "abc");
quick_gl($cash, 100, $durchlaufende_posten, 100, "abc");
quick_gl($cash, 450, $durchlaufende_posten, 450, "abc");
my ($cg_abc);
my ($entries);
($cg_abc, $entries) = create_cleared_for_chart_and_reference($durchlaufende_posten, "abc");
$expected_cleared_entries += $entries;
is(SL::DB::Manager::Cleared->get_all_count(), $expected_cleared_entries, "$expected_cleared_entries cleared entries after creating cleared_group abc ok");
eval {
create_cleared_for_chart_and_reference($durchlaufende_posten, "abc");
} or do {
ok(1 == 1, "caught error when trying to clear already cleared transaction abc: ok");
is(SL::DB::Manager::Cleared->get_all_count(), $expected_cleared_entries, "$expected_cleared_entries cleared entries after failing cleared_group abc ok");
quick_gl($durchlaufende_posten, 55, $bank, 55, "xyz");
quick_gl($cash, 55, $durchlaufende_posten, 55, "xyz");
my $cg_xyz;
($cg_xyz, $entries) = create_cleared_for_chart_and_reference($durchlaufende_posten, "xyz");
$expected_cleared_entries += $entries;
is(SL::DB::Manager::Cleared->get_all_count(), $expected_cleared_entries, "$expected_cleared_entries cleared entries after creating cleared_group xyz");
$expected_cleared_entries -= 3;
is(SL::DB::Manager::Cleared->get_all_count(), $expected_cleared_entries, "$expected_cleared_entries cleared entries after unclearing group abc ok");
# for my $i ( 2000..2005 ) {
# quick_gl($cash, 77.77, $durchlaufende_posten, 77.77, "$i");
# quick_gl($durchlaufende_posten, 77.77, $bank, 77.77, "$i");
# }
# my $randnum = 30;
# create_rand_entries($durchlaufende_posten, $randnum);
# die
sub clear_up {
"SL::DB::Manager::${_}"->delete_all(all => 1) for qw( ClearedGroup AccTransaction GLTransaction);
if (defined $durchlaufende_posten_orig_clearing) {
$durchlaufende_posten->save(changes_only => 1);
sub quick_gl {
my ($chart_credit, $amount_credit, $chart_debit, $amount_debit, $reference) = @_;
my $gl_transaction = SL::DB::GLTransaction->new(
taxincluded => 1,
reference => $reference,
description => '1',
transdate => get_random_date(),
chart => $chart_credit,
credit => $amount_credit,
tax_id => $tax_0->id,
chart => $chart_debit,
debit => $amount_debit,
tax_id => $tax_0->id,
sub quick_gl_multi {
my ($chart_credit, $amount_credit, $chart_debit, $amount_debit, $reference) = @_;
my $gl_transaction = SL::DB::GLTransaction->new(
taxincluded => 1,
reference => $reference,
description => '1',
transdate => get_random_date(),
my $rand_diff = int(rand($amount_credit)*100)/100;
$rand_diff = 1 unless $rand_diff > 0;
# printf("credit = %s debit = %s rand_diff = %s\n", $amount_credit, $amount_debit, $rand_diff);
if ( rand(1) > 0.5 ) {
# several credit
chart => $chart_credit,
credit => $amount_credit-$rand_diff,
tax_id => $tax_0->id,
chart => $chart_credit,
credit => $rand_diff,
tax_id => $tax_0->id,
chart => $chart_debit,
debit => $amount_debit,
tax_id => $tax_0->id,
} else {
# several debit
chart => $chart_credit,
credit => $amount_credit,
tax_id => $tax_0->id,
chart => $chart_debit,
debit => $amount_debit-$rand_diff,
tax_id => $tax_0->id,
chart => $chart_debit,
debit => $rand_diff,
tax_id => $tax_0->id,
sub create_cleared_for_chart_and_reference {
my ($chart, $reference) = @_;
my $query = 'select acc_trans_id from acc_trans where chart_id = ? and trans_id in (select id from gl where reference = ?)';
my @acc_trans_ids = selectall_array_query($::form, $dbh, $query, $chart->id, $reference);
my $cg = SL::Clearing::create_cleared_group(\@acc_trans_ids);
($cg, scalar @acc_trans_ids); # return cleared_group and expected number of acc_trans_ids (for testing)
sub get_next_date {
return $start_date->add(days => 1);
sub get_random_date {
my ($max_subtract_days, $max_add_days) = @_;
$max_subtract_days //= 30;
$max_add_days //= 0;
my $span = $max_subtract_days + $max_add_days;
my $rand = int(rand($span));
return DateTime->today_local->subtract( days => $max_subtract_days )->add( days => $rand );
sub create_rand_entries {
my $chart = shift;
my $i = shift // 40;
my $single_prob = 0.3;
my $mult_prob = 0.3;
# create lots of random entries
for my $i ( 1000 .. (1000+$i) ) {
my $amount = int(rand(99))+1 + (int(rand(99))+1)/100;
quick_gl($bank, $amount, $chart, $amount, $i);
my $rand = rand(1);
if ( $rand < 0.3 ) {
# most entries will be clearable
quick_gl($chart, $amount, $bank, $amount, $i);
if ( rand(1) > 0.6 ) {
# some of the entries will already be set as cleared
$expected_cleared_entries += create_cleared_for_chart_and_reference($chart, "$i");
} elsif ( $rand < ($single_prob + $mult_prob) ) {
quick_gl_multi($chart, $amount, $bank, $amount, $i);
if ( rand(1) > 0.6 ) {
# some of the entries will already be set as cleared
$expected_cleared_entries += create_cleared_for_chart_and_reference($chart, "$i");
} else {
# no matching booking