package SL::Controller::PayPostingImport;
use strict;
use parent qw(SL::Controller::Base);
use SL::File;
use SL::Helper::DateTime;
use SL::Helper::Flash qw(flash_later);
use SL::Locale::String qw(t8);
use Carp;
use Text::CSV_XS;
sub action_upload_pay_postings {
my ($self, %params) = @_;
$self->render('pay_posting_import/form', title => $::locale->text('Import Pay Postings'));
sub action_import_datev_pay_postings {
my ($self, %params) = @_;
die t8("missing file for action import") unless ($::form->{file});
my $filename= $::form->{ATTACHMENTS}{file}{filename};
# check name and first fields of CSV data
die t8("Wrong file name, expects name like: DTVF_*_LOHNBUCHUNG*.csv") unless $filename =~ /^DTVF_.*_LOHNBUCHUNGEN_LUG.*\.csv$/;
die t8("not a valid DTVF file, expected first field in A1 'DTVF'") unless ($::form->{file} =~ m/^('|")?DTVF/);
die t8("not a valid DTVF file, expected field header start with 'Umsatz; (..) ;Konto;Gegenkonto'")
unless ($::form->{file} =~ m/Umsatz;S\/H;;;;;Konto;Gegenkonto.*;;Belegdatum;Belegfeld 1;Belegfeld 2;;Buchungstext/);
# check if file is already imported
my $acc_trans_doc = SL::DB::Manager::AccTransaction->get_first(query => [ source => $filename ]);
die t8("Already imported: ") . $acc_trans_doc->source if ref $acc_trans_doc eq 'SL::DB::AccTransaction';
if (parse_and_import($self)) {
flash_later('info', t8("All pay postings successfully imported."));
$self->render('pay_posting_import/form', title => $::locale->text('Imported Pay Postings'));
sub parse_and_import {
my $self = shift;
my $csv = Text::CSV_XS->new ({ binary => 0, auto_diag => 1, sep_char => ";" });
open (my $fh, "<:encoding(cp1252)", \$::form->{file}) or die "cannot open $::form->{file} $!";
# Read/parse CSV
# Umsatz S/H Konto Gegenkonto (ohne BU-Schlüssel) Belegdatum Belegfeld 1 Belegfeld 2 Buchungstext
my $year = substr($csv->getline($fh)->[12], 0, 4);
# whole import or nothing
my $current_transaction;
SL::DB->client->with_transaction(sub {
while (my $row = $csv->getline($fh)) {
next unless $row->[0] =~ m/\d/;
my ($credit, $debit, $dt_to_kivi, $length, $accno_credit, $accno_debit,
$department_name, $department);
# check valid soll/haben kennzeichen
croak("No valid debit/credit sign") unless $row->[1] =~ m/^(S|H)$/;
# check transaction date can be 4 or 3 digit (leading 0 omitted)
$length = length $row->[9] == 4 ? 2 : 1;
$dt_to_kivi = DateTime->new(year => $year,
month => substr ($row->[9], -2),
day => substr($row->[9],0, $length))->to_kivitendo;
croak("Something wrong with date conversion") unless $dt_to_kivi;
$accno_credit = $row->[1] eq 'S' ? $row->[7] : $row->[6];
$accno_debit = $row->[1] eq 'S' ? $row->[6] : $row->[7];
$credit = SL::DB::Manager::Chart->find_by(accno => $accno_credit);
$debit = SL::DB::Manager::Chart->find_by(accno => $accno_debit);
croak("No such Chart $accno_credit") unless ref $credit eq 'SL::DB::Chart';
croak("No such Chart $accno_debit") unless ref $debit eq 'SL::DB::Chart';
# optional KOST1 - KOST2 ?
$department_name = $row->[36];
if ($department_name) {
$department = SL::DB::Manager::Department->get_first(description => { like => $department_name . '%' });
my $amount = $::form->parse_amount({ numberformat => '1000,00' }, $row->[0]);
$current_transaction = SL::DB::GLTransaction->new(
employee_id => $::form->{employee_id},
transdate => $dt_to_kivi,
description => $row->[13],
reference => $row->[13],
department_id => ref $department eq 'SL::DB::Department' ? $department->id : undef,
imported => 1,
taxincluded => 1,
chart => $credit,
credit => $amount,
source => $::form->{ATTACHMENTS}{file}{filename},
chart => $debit,
debit => $amount,
source => $::form->{ATTACHMENTS}{file}{filename},
push @{ $self->{gl_trans} }, $current_transaction;
if ($::instance_conf->get_doc_storage) {
my $file = SL::File->save(object_id => $current_transaction->id,
object_type => 'gl_transaction',
mime_type => 'text/csv',
source => 'uploaded',
file_type => 'attachment',
file_name => $::form->{ATTACHMENTS}{file}{filename},
file_contents => $::form->{file},
}) or do { die t8("Cannot add Booking, reason: #1 DB: #2 ", $@, SL::DB->client->error) };
sub check_auth {
sub setup_pay_posting_action_bar {
my ($self) = @_;
for my $bar ($::request->layout->get('actionbar')) {
action => [
submit => [ '#form', { action => 'PayPostingImport/import_datev_pay_postings' } ],
accesskey => 'enter',
=encoding utf8
=head1 NAME
Controller for importing pay postings.
Currently only DATEV format is supported.
=over 2
=item C<action_upload_pay_postings>
Simple upload form. HTML Form allows only CSV files.
=item C<action_import_datev_pay_postings>
Does some sanity checks for the CSV file according to the expected DATEV data structure
If successful calls the parse_and_import function
=item C<parse_and_import>
Internal function for parsing and importing every line of the CSV data as a GL Booking.
Adds the attribute imported for the GL Booking.
If a chart which uses a tax automatic is assigned the tax will be calculated with the
'tax_included' option, which defaults to the DATEV format.
Furthermore adds the original CSV filename for every AccTransaction and puts the CSV in every GL Booking
if the feature DMS is active.
If a Chart is missing or any kind of different error occurs the whole import including the DMS addition
will be aborted