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package SL::MoreCommon;

require Exporter;
our @ISA = qw(Exporter);

our @EXPORT = qw(save_form restore_form compare_numbers any cross);
our @EXPORT_OK = qw(ary_union ary_intersect ary_diff listify);

use YAML;

use SL::AM;

use strict;

sub save_form {

my @dont_dump_keys = @_;
my %not_dumped_values;

foreach my $key (@dont_dump_keys) {
$not_dumped_values{$key} = $main::form->{$key};
delete $main::form->{$key};

my $old_form = YAML::Dump($main::form);
$old_form =~ s|!|!:|g;
$old_form =~ s|\n|!n|g;
$old_form =~ s|\r|!r|g;

map { $main::form->{$_} = $not_dumped_values{$_} } keys %not_dumped_values;


return $old_form;

sub restore_form {

my ($old_form, $no_delete, @keep_vars) = @_;

my $form = $main::form;
my %keep_vars_map = map { $_ => 1 } @keep_vars;

map { delete $form->{$_} if (!$keep_vars_map{$_}); } keys %{$form} unless ($no_delete);

$old_form =~ s|!r|\r|g;
$old_form =~ s|!n|\n|g;
$old_form =~ s|![!:]|!|g;

my $new_form = YAML::Load($old_form);
map { $form->{$_} = $new_form->{$_} if (!$keep_vars_map{$_}) } keys %{ $new_form };


sub compare_numbers {

my $a = shift;
my $a_unit = shift;
my $b = shift;
my $b_unit = shift;

$main::all_units ||= AM->retrieve_units(\%main::myconfig, $main::form);
my $units = $main::all_units;

if (!$units->{$a_unit} || !$units->{$b_unit} || ($units->{$a_unit}->{base_unit} ne $units->{$b_unit}->{base_unit})) {
return undef;

$a *= $units->{$a_unit}->{factor};
$b *= $units->{$b_unit}->{factor};


return $a <=> $b;

sub any (&@) {
my $f = shift;
return if ! @_;
for (@_) {
return 1 if $f->();
return 0;

sub cross(&\@\@) {
my $op = shift;
use vars qw/@A @B/;
local (*A, *B) = @_; # syms for caller's input arrays

# Localise $a, $b
my ($caller_a, $caller_b) = do {
my $pkg = caller();
no strict 'refs';
\*{$pkg.'::a'}, \*{$pkg.'::b'};

local(*$caller_a, *$caller_b);

# This map expression is also the return value.
map { my $a_index = $_;
map { my $b_index = $_;
# assign to $a, $b as refs to caller's array elements
(*$caller_a, *$caller_b) = \($A[$a_index], $B[$b_index]);
$op->(); # perform the transformation
} 0 .. $#B;
} 0 .. $#A;

sub _ary_calc_union_intersect {
my ($a, $b) = @_;

my %count = ();

foreach my $e (@$a, @$b) { $count{$e}++ }

my @union = ();
my @isect = ();
foreach my $e (keys %count) {
push @union, $e;
push @isect, $e if $count{$e} == 2;

return (\@union, \@isect);

sub ary_union {
return @{ (_ary_calc_union_intersect @_)[0] };

sub ary_intersect {
return @{ (_ary_calc_union_intersect @_)[1] };

sub ary_diff {
my ($a, $b) = @_;
my %in_b = map { $_ => 1 } @$b;
return grep { !$in_b{$_} } @$a;

sub listify {
my @ary = scalar @_ > 1 ? @_ : ref $_[0] eq 'ARRAY' ? @{ $_[0] } : (@_);
return wantarray ? @ary : scalar @ary;



=head1 NAME - helper functions


this is a collection of helper functions used in Lx-Office.
Most of them are either obvious or too obscure to care about unless you really have to.
The exceptions are documented here.


=over 4

=item save_form
=item restore_form

A lot of the old sql-ledger routines are strictly procedural. They search for params in the $form object, do stuff with it, and return a status code.

Once in a while you'll want something from such a function without altering $form. Yeah, you could rewrite the routine from scratch... not. Just save you form, execute the routine, grab your results, and restore the previous form while you curse at the original design.


Evaluates BLOCK for each combination of elements in ARRAY1 and ARRAY2
and returns a new list consisting of BLOCK's return values.
The two elements are set to $a and $b.
Note that those two are aliases to the original value so changing them
will modify the input arrays.

# append each to each
@a = qw/a b c/;
@b = qw/1 2 3/;
@x = cross { "$a$b" } @a, @b;
# returns a1, a2, a3, b1, b2, b3, c1, c2, c3

As cross expects an array but returns a list it is not directly chainable
at the moment. This will be corrected in the future.

