Revision 60e1aa55
Von Moritz Bunkus vor fast 12 Jahren hinzugefügt
SL/Controller/ | ||
my $model = 'SL::DB::' . $::form->{object_model};
my $object = $model->new(id => $::form->{object_id})->load || die $::locale->text("Record not found");
my $linked_records = $object->linked_records(direction => 'both');
my $output = SL::Presenter->get->grouped_record_list($linked_records);
my $output = SL::Presenter->get->grouped_record_list($linked_records, with_columns => [ qw(record_link_direction) ]);
$self->render(\$output, { layout => 0, process => 0 });
SL/DB/Helper/ | ||
my @get_objects_query = ref($params{query}) eq 'ARRAY' ? @{ $params{query} } : ();
my $get_objects = sub {
my $manager_class = SL::DB::Helper::Mappings::get_manager_package_for_table($_[0]->$sub_wanted_table);
my $object_class = SL::DB::Helper::Mappings::get_package_for_table($_[0]->$sub_wanted_table);
my ($link) = @_;
my $manager_class = SL::DB::Helper::Mappings::get_manager_package_for_table($link->$sub_wanted_table);
my $object_class = SL::DB::Helper::Mappings::get_package_for_table($link->$sub_wanted_table);
eval "require " . $object_class . "; 1;";
return @{ $manager_class->get_all(query => [ id => $_[0]->$sub_wanted_id, @get_objects_query ]) };
return map {
$_->{_record_link_direction} = $wanted;
$_->{_record_link} = $link;
} @{ $manager_class->get_all(query => [ id => $link->$sub_wanted_id, @get_objects_query ]) };
# If no 'via' is given then use a simple(r) method for querying the wanted objects.
... | ... | |
Returns an array reference.
Returns an array reference. Each element returned is a Rose::DB
instance. Additionally several elements in the element returned are
set to special values:
=over 2
=item C<_record_link_direction>
Either C<from> or C<to> indicating the direction. C<from> means that
this object is the source in the link.
=item C<_record_link>
The actual database link object (an instance of L<SL::DB::RecordLink>).
=item C<link_to_record $record, %params>
SL/Presenter/ | ||
use Carp;
use List::Util qw(first);
sub _arrayify {
my ($array) = @_;
return [] if !defined $array;
return $array if ref $array;
return [ $array ];
sub grouped_record_list {
my ($self, $list, %params) = @_;
%params = map { exists $params{$_} ? ($_ => $params{$_}) : () } qw(selectable with_columns);
my %groups = _group_records($list);
my $output = '';
$output .= _sales_quotation_list( $self, $groups{sales_quotations}) if $groups{sales_quotations};
$output .= _sales_order_list( $self, $groups{sales_orders}) if $groups{sales_orders};
$output .= _sales_delivery_order_list( $self, $groups{sales_delivery_orders}) if $groups{sales_delivery_orders};
$output .= _sales_invoice_list( $self, $groups{sales_invoices}) if $groups{sales_invoices};
$output .= _ar_transaction_list( $self, $groups{ar_transactions}) if $groups{ar_transactions};
$output .= _sales_quotation_list( $self, $groups{sales_quotations}, %params) if $groups{sales_quotations};
$output .= _sales_order_list( $self, $groups{sales_orders}, %params) if $groups{sales_orders};
$output .= _sales_delivery_order_list( $self, $groups{sales_delivery_orders}, %params) if $groups{sales_delivery_orders};
$output .= _sales_invoice_list( $self, $groups{sales_invoices}, %params) if $groups{sales_invoices};
$output .= _ar_transaction_list( $self, $groups{ar_transactions}, %params) if $groups{ar_transactions};
$output .= _request_quotation_list( $self, $groups{purchase_quotations}) if $groups{purchase_quotations};
$output .= _purchase_order_list( $self, $groups{purchase_orders}) if $groups{purchase_orders};
$output .= _purchase_delivery_order_list($self, $groups{purchase_delivery_orders}) if $groups{purchase_delivery_orders};
$output .= _purchase_invoice_list( $self, $groups{purchase_invoices}) if $groups{purchase_invoices};
$output .= _ar_transaction_list( $self, $groups{ar_transactions}) if $groups{ar_transactions};
$output .= _request_quotation_list( $self, $groups{purchase_quotations}, %params) if $groups{purchase_quotations};
$output .= _purchase_order_list( $self, $groups{purchase_orders}, %params) if $groups{purchase_orders};
$output .= _purchase_delivery_order_list($self, $groups{purchase_delivery_orders}, %params) if $groups{purchase_delivery_orders};
$output .= _purchase_invoice_list( $self, $groups{purchase_invoices}, %params) if $groups{purchase_invoices};
$output .= _ar_transaction_list( $self, $groups{ar_transactions}, %params) if $groups{ar_transactions};
return $output || $self->empty_record_list;
... | ... | |
croak "Wrong type for 'columns' argument: not an array reference";
my %with_columns = map { ($_ => 1) } @{ _arrayify($params{with_columns}) };
if ($with_columns{record_link_direction}) {
push @columns, {
title => $::locale->text('Link direction'),
data => sub { $_[0]->{_record_link_direction} eq 'from' ? $::locale->text('Row was source for current record') : $::locale->text('Row was created from current record') },
my %column_meta = map { $_->name => $_ } @{ $list->[0]->meta->columns };
my %relationships = map { $_->name => $_ } @{ $list->[0]->meta->relationships };
... | ... | |
sub _sales_quotation_list {
my ($self, $list) = @_;
my ($self, $list, %params) = @_;
return $self->record_list(
... | ... | |
[ $::locale->text('Project'), 'globalproject', ],
[ $::locale->text('Closed'), 'closed' ],
sub _request_quotation_list {
my ($self, $list) = @_;
my ($self, $list, %params) = @_;
return $self->record_list(
... | ... | |
[ $::locale->text('Project'), 'globalproject', ],
[ $::locale->text('Closed'), 'closed' ],
sub _sales_order_list {
my ($self, $list) = @_;
my ($self, $list, %params) = @_;
return $self->record_list(
... | ... | |
[ $::locale->text('Project'), 'globalproject', ],
[ $::locale->text('Closed'), 'closed' ],
sub _purchase_order_list {
my ($self, $list) = @_;
my ($self, $list, %params) = @_;
return $self->record_list(
... | ... | |
[ $::locale->text('Project'), 'globalproject', ],
[ $::locale->text('Closed'), 'closed' ],
sub _sales_delivery_order_list {
my ($self, $list) = @_;
my ($self, $list, %params) = @_;
return $self->record_list(
... | ... | |
[ $::locale->text('Delivered'), 'delivered' ],
[ $::locale->text('Closed'), 'closed' ],
sub _purchase_delivery_order_list {
my ($self, $list) = @_;
my ($self, $list, %params) = @_;
return $self->record_list(
... | ... | |
[ $::locale->text('Delivered'), 'delivered' ],
[ $::locale->text('Closed'), 'closed' ],
sub _sales_invoice_list {
my ($self, $list) = @_;
my ($self, $list, %params) = @_;
return $self->record_list(
... | ... | |
[ $::locale->text('Paid'), 'paid' ],
[ $::locale->text('Transaction description'), 'transaction_description' ],
sub _purchase_invoice_list {
my ($self, $list) = @_;
my ($self, $list, %params) = @_;
return $self->record_list(
... | ... | |
[ $::locale->text('Paid'), 'paid' ],
[ $::locale->text('Transaction description'), 'transaction_description' ],
sub _ar_transaction_list {
my ($self, $list) = @_;
my ($self, $list, %params) = @_;
return $self->record_list(
... | ... | |
[ $::locale->text('Paid'), 'paid' ],
[ $::locale->text('Transaction description'), 'transaction_description' ],
sub _ap_transaction_list {
my ($self, $list) = @_;
my ($self, $list, %params) = @_;
return $self->record_list(
... | ... | |
[ $::locale->text('Paid'), 'paid' ],
[ $::locale->text('Transaction description'), 'transaction_description' ],
locale/de/all | ||
'Line Total' => 'Zeilensumme',
'Line and column' => 'Zeile und Spalte',
'Line endings' => 'Zeilenumbrüche',
'Link direction' => 'Verknüpfungsrichtung',
'Linked Records' => 'Verknüpfte Belege',
'List Accounts' => 'Konten anzeigen',
'List Languages' => 'Sprachen anzeigen',
... | ... | |
'Right' => 'Rechts',
'Row #1: amount has to be different from zero.' => 'Zeile #1: Der Wert darf nicht 0 sein.',
'Row number' => 'Zeilennummer',
'Row was created from current record' => 'Zeile wurde aus aktuellem Beleg erstellt',
'Row was source for current record' => 'Zeile war Quelle für aktuellen Beleg',
'Run at' => 'Ausgeführt um',
'SAVED' => 'Gespeichert',
'SAVED FOR DUNNING' => 'Gespeichert',
Auch abrufbar als: Unified diff
Verknüpfte Belege: Spalte "Verknüpfungsrichtung" anzeigen