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Revision 60a44450

Von Werner Hahn vor mehr als 7 Jahren hinzugefügt

  • ID 60a4445052c7e044b9b2ce76221a444c67501313
  • Vorgänger 026264a4
  • Nachfolger fec7f504

Shopmodul: Fuzzysearch verbessert

Unterschiede anzeigen:

use SL::DB::ShopOrderItem;
use SL::DB::Shop;
use SL::DB::History;
use SL::DBUtils;
use SL::Shop;
use SL::Presenter;
use SL::Helper::Flash;
my $d_address = $self->check_address(%delivery_address);
my $lastname = $shop_order->customer_lastname;
# Only Customers which are not found will be applied
my $name = $shop_order->billing_lastname ne '' ? "%" . $shop_order->billing_firstname . "%" . $shop_order->billing_lastname . "%" : '';
my $lastname = $shop_order->billing_lastname ne '' ? "%" . $shop_order->billing_lastname . "%" : '';
my $company = $shop_order->billing_company ne '' ? "%" . $shop_order->billing_company . "%" : '';
my $street = $shop_order->billing_street ne '' ? $shop_order->billing_street : '';
# Fuzzysearch for street to find e.g. "Dorfstrasse - Dorfstr. - Dorfstraße"
my $dbh = $::form->get_standard_dbh();
my $fs_query = "SELECT id FROM customer WHERE ( ( ( name ILIKE ?
OR name ILIKE ?
AND zipcode ILIKE ?
OR ( street % ?
AND zipcode ILIKE ?
OR email ILIKE ?
my @values = ($lastname, $company, $shop_order->billing_zipcode, $street, $shop_order->billing_zipcode, $shop_order->billing_email);
my @c_ids = selectall_array_query($::form, $dbh, $fs_query, @values);
$main::lxdebug->dump(0, 'WH:C_IDs ',\@c_ids);
my $proposals = SL::DB::Manager::Customer->get_all(
where => [
or => [
and => [ # when matching names also match zipcode
or => [ 'name' => { ilike => "%$lastname%"},
'name' => { ilike => $shop_order->customer_company },
'zipcode' => { ilike => $shop_order->customer_zipcode },
and => [ # check for street and zipcode
and => [ 'street' => { ilike => "%".$shop_order->customer_street."%" },
'zipcode' => { ilike => $shop_order->customer_zipcode },
or => [ 'email' => { ilike => $shop_order->customer_email } ],
query => [ id => [ @c_ids ],
# or => [
# and => [ # when matching names also match zipcode
# or => [ 'name' => { ilike => "%$lastname%"},
# 'name' => { ilike => $shop_order->customer_company },
# ],
# 'zipcode' => { ilike => $shop_order->customer_zipcode },
# ],
# and => [ # check for street and zipcode
# and => [ 'street' => { ilike => "%".$shop_order->customer_street."%" },
# 'zipcode' => { ilike => $shop_order->customer_zipcode },
# ],
# ],
# or => [ 'email' => { ilike => $shop_order->customer_email } ],
# ],
$shop_order->{positions} = $position-1;
# Only Customers which are not found will be applied
my $name = $shop_order->billing_lastname ne '' ? "%" . $shop_order->billing_firstname . "%" . $shop_order->billing_lastname . "%" : '';
my $name = $shop_order->billing_lastname ne '' ? $shop_order->billing_firstname . " " . $shop_order->billing_lastname : '';
my $lastname = $shop_order->billing_lastname ne '' ? "%" . $shop_order->billing_lastname . "%" : '';
my $company = $shop_order->billing_company ne '' ? "%" . $shop_order->billing_company . "%" : '';
my $street = $shop_order->billing_street ne '' ? $shop_order->billing_street : '';
'email' => $shop_order->billing_email,
'country' => $shop_order->billing_country,
'greeting' => $shop_order->billing_greeting,
'contact' => ($shop_order->billing_greeting eq "Herr" ? "Sehr geehrter Herr $lastname" : "Sehr geehrte Frau $lastname"),
'fax' => $shop_order->billing_fax,
'phone' => $shop_order->billing_phone,
'ustid' => $shop_order->billing_vat,
}elsif(scalar(@c_ids) == 1){
my $customer = SL::DB::Manager::Customer->get_first( query => [ id => $c_ids[0], email => $shop_order->billing_email ] );
my $customer = SL::DB::Manager::Customer->get_first( query => [
id => $c_ids[0],
email => $shop_order->billing_email,
street => $shop_order->billing_street,
zipcode => $shop_order->billing_zipcode,
city => $shop_order->billing_city,
name => $name,
$main::lxdebug->dump(0, 'WH:CUS ',\$customer);
if(ref $customer){
$shop_order->{kivi_customer_id} = $customer->id;
my $customer = SL::DB::Manager::Customer->get_first( query => [ #or => [id => \@c_ids ],
name => $name,
street => $shop_order->billing_street,
zipcode => $shop_order->billing_zipcode,
email => $shop_order->billing_email,
$main::lxdebug->dump(0, 'WH:CUS ',\$customer);
if(ref $customer){
$shop_order->{kivi_customer_id} = $customer->id;
# DF Versandkosten als Position am ende einfügen Dreschflegelspezifisch event. konfigurierbar machen
if(ref $customer){
$shop_order->{kivi_customer_id} = $customer->id;

Auch abrufbar als: Unified diff