Revision 606b2190
Von Jan Büren vor mehr als 3 Jahren hinzugefügt
SL/ | ||
1298 | 1298 |
phone as customerphone, fax as customerfax, ${ct}number, |
1299 | 1299 |
"invnumber", "transdate", |
1300 | 1300 |
(amount - COALESCE((SELECT sum(amount)*$ml FROM acc_trans WHERE chart_link ilike '%paid%' AND acc_trans.trans_id=${arap}.id AND acc_trans.transdate <= (date $todate)),0)) as "open", "amount", |
1301 |
"duedate", invoice, ${arap}.id, date_part('days', now() - duedate) as overduedays, |
1301 |
"duedate", invoice, ${arap}.id, date_part('days', now() - duedate) as overduedays, datepaid,
1302 | 1302 |
(SELECT $buysell |
1303 | 1303 |
FROM exchangerate |
1304 | 1304 |
WHERE (${arap}.currency_id = exchangerate.currency_id) |
Auch abrufbar als: Unified diff
#485 Forderungsliste um Zahlungsdatum erweitert
Für nachträgliche Auswertungen der OPOS-Liste (Werthaltigkeit
im nachfolgendem Buchungsjahr)