


Herunterladen (9,93 KB) Statistiken
| Zweig: | Markierung: | Revision:

use strict;
use warnings;

my %icons = (
'AP--Add Purchase Order.png' => 'purchase_order_add.png',
'AP--Add RFQ.png' => 'rfq_add.png',
'AP.png' => 'ap.png',
'AP--Reports.png' => 'ap_report.png',
'AP--Reports--Purchase Orders.png' => 'purchase_order_report.png',
'AP--Reports--RFQs.png' => 'rfq_report.png',
'AR--Add Credit Note.png' => 'credit_note_add.png',
'AR--Add Delivery Order.png' => 'delivery_oder_add.png', # symlink to MDI-Txt_editor
'AR--Add Dunning.png' => 'dunning_add.png',
'AR--Add Quotation.png' => 'quotation_add.png',
'AR--Add Sales Invoice.png' => 'sales_invoice_add.png',
'AR--Add Sales Order.png' => 'sales_order_add.png',
'AR.png' => 'ar.png',
'AR--Reports--Delivery Orders.png' => 'delivery_order_report.png', # symlink to MDI-Text_editor
'AR--Reports--Dunnings.png' => 'dunnings_report.png',
'AR--Reports--Invoices, Credit Notes & AR Transactions.png' => 'invoices_report.png',
'AR--Reports.png' => 'ar_report.png',
'AR--Reports--Quotations.png' => 'report_quotations.png',
'AR--Reports--Sales Orders.png' => 'report_sales_orders.png',
'Batch Printing--Packing Lists.png' => 'package_lists.png',
'Batch Printing.png' => 'printing.png',
'Batch Printing--Purchase Orders.png' => 'purchase_order_printing.png',
'Batch Printing--Quotations.png' => 'quotation_printing.png',
'Batch Printing--Receipts.png' => 'receipt_printing.png',
'Batch Printing--RFQs.png' => 'rfq_printing.png',
'Batch Printing--Sales Invoices.png' => 'sales_invoice_printing.png',
'Batch Printing--Sales Orders.png' => 'sales_order_printing.png',
'Cash--Payment.png' => 'payment.png',
'Cash.png' => 'cash.png',
'Cash--Receipt.png' => 'receipt.png',
'Cash--Reconciliation.png' => 'reconcilliation.png',
'Cash--Reports--Payments.png' => 'payment_report.png',
'Cash--Reports.png' => 'cash_report.png',
'Cash--Reports--Receipts.png' => 'receipt_report.png',
'CRM--Add--Customer.png' => 'customer.png',
'CRM--Add--Person.png' => 'contact.png',
'CRM--Add--Vendor.png' => 'vendor.png',
'CRM--Admin--Document Template.png' => 'document_template.png',
'CRM--Admin--Label.png' => 'label.png',
'CRM--Admin--Message.png' => 'message.png',
'CRM--Admin.png' => 'admin.png',
'CRM--Admin--Status.png' => 'status.png',
'CRM--Admin--User Groups.png' => 'user_group.png',
'CRM--Admin--User.png' => 'user.png',
'CRM--Appointments.png' => 'appointment.png',
'CRM--E-mail.png' => 'email.png',
'CRM--Follow-Up.png' => 'follow_up.png',
'CRM--Help.png' => 'help.png',
'CRM--Knowledge.png' => 'knowledge.png',
'CRM--Memo.png' => 'memo.png',
'CRM--Opportunity.png' => 'opportunity.png',
'CRM.png' => 'crm.png',
'CRM--Search.png' => 'search.png',
'CRM--Service.png' => 'service.png',
'General Ledger--Add AP Transaction.png' => 'ap_transaction_add.png',
'General Ledger--Add AR Transaction.png' => 'ar_transaction_add.png',
'General Ledger--Add Transaction.png' => 'transaction_add.png',
'General Ledger--DATEV - Export Assistent.png' => 'datev.png',
'General Ledger.png' => 'gl.png',
'General Ledger--Reports--AP Aging.png' => 'ap_aging.png',
'General Ledger--Reports--AR Aging.png' => 'ar_aging.png',
'General Ledger--Reports--Journal.png' => 'journal.png',
'General Ledger--Reports.png' => 'gl_report.png',
'Master Data--Add Assembly.png' => 'assembly_add.png',
'Master Data--Add Customer.png' => 'customer_add.png',
'Master Data--Add License.png' => 'license_add.png',
'Master Data--Add Part.png' => 'part_add.png',
'Master Data--Add Project.png' => 'project_add.png',
'Master Data--Add Service.png' => 'service_add.png',
'Master Data--Add Vendor.png' => 'vendor_add.png',
'Master Data.png' => 'master_data.png',
'Master Data--Reports--Assemblies.png' => 'assembly_report.png',
'Master Data--Reports--Customers.png' => 'customer_report.png',
'Master Data--Reports--Licenses.png' => 'license_report.png',
'Master Data--Reports--Parts.png' => 'part_report.png',
'Master Data--Reports.png' => 'master_data_report.png',
'Master Data--Reports--Projects.png' => 'project_report.png',
'Master Data--Reports--Projecttransactions.png' => 'project_transaction_report.png',
'Master Data--Reports--Services.png' => 'service_report.png',
'Master Data--Reports--Vendors.png' => 'vendor_report.png',
'Master Data--Update Prices.png' => 'prices_update.png',
'Neues Fenster.png' => 'window_new.png',
'phone.png' => 'phone.png',
'Program--Logout.png' => 'logout.png',
'Program.png' => 'program.png',
'Program--Preferences.png' => 'preferences.png',
'Program--Version.png' => 'version.png',
'Reports--Balance Sheet.png' => 'balance_sheet.png',
'Reports--Chart of Accounts.png' => 'chart_of_accounts.png',
'Reports--Income Statement.png' => 'income_statement.png',
'Reports.png' => 'report.png',
'Reports--UStVa.png' => 'ustva.png',
'System.png' => 'system.png',
'Warehouse.png' => 'warehouse.png',
'Warehouse--Produce Assembly.png' => 'assembly_produce.png',
'MDI-Text-Editor-16x16.png' => 'mdi_text_editor.png',
'Productivity' => 'productivity.png',

my %symlinks = (
'mdi_text_editor.png' => 'delivery_order_add.png', # symlink to MDI-Txt_editor
'mdi_text_editor.png' => 'delivery_order_report.png', # symlink to MDI-Txt_editor

sub checks {
# check 1: no duplicate targets
my %seen;
for (values %icons) {
next unless defined $_;
die "duplicate target: $_" if $seen{$_}++;

# check2: all targets should end in .png, otherwise there's a typo
for (values %icons) {
next unless defined $_;
die "target does not end in .png: $_" unless /\.png$/;

# check 3: all sources need to be real files in this dir
for (keys %icons) {
next unless defined $_;
die "key $_ is not a file!" unless -f $_;

# check 4: all keys in symlinks need to be a target in icons
for (keys %symlinks) {
no warnings 'uninitialized';
die "can't symlink this, because it's not a target of renaming: $_" unless { reverse %icons }->{$_};

sub make_icons {
# now do the actual renaming
while (my ($from, $to) = each(%icons)) {
if (defined $to) {
# rename
system("git mv '$from' '$to'");
} else {
# delete
system("git rm '$from'");

# and do some symlinking
while (my ($from, $to) = each(%symlinks)) {
system("ln -s '$from' '$to'");
system("git add '$to'");

sub translate_menu {
my ($menu_file) = @_;

my $new_file = $menu_file;
$new_file =~ s/\./_new\./;

open my $in, "<", $menu_file or die "error opening $menu_file: $!";
open my $out, ">", $new_file or die "error opening $new_file: $!";

while (<$in>) {
print $out $_;
if (/^\[(.*)\]$/) {
my $name = $1;
# look if we got this in %icons
if ($icons{ $name . '.png' }) {
my $new_name = $icons{ $name . '.png' };
$new_name =~ s/\.png$//;
print $out "ICON=$new_name\n";
} else {
warn "don't know what '$name' is in $menu_file";
system("mv $new_file $menu_file");

# checks();
# make_icons();
