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Revision 5f783ffe

Von Sven Schöling vor mehr als 15 Jahren hinzugefügt

  • ID 5f783ffe9c431bf8bf4eed4a23192368aaf8341d
  • Vorgänger 451843cf
  • Nachfolger 66b4e9c9


Suche von überlagerten Spalten ausgelagert.
Als direkte Konsequenz wird deliverydate von Rechnungen jetzt korrekt
berechnet, aber auch description wird jetzt darüber abgewickelt.

Siehe Dokumentation im Code für Details.

Unterschiede anzeigen:

package IC;
use Data::Dumper;
use List::MoreUtils qw(all);
use List::MoreUtils qw(all any);
use YAML;
use SL::CVar;
# not working:
# onhand - as above, but masking the simple itemstatus results (doh!)
# masking of onhand in bsooqr mode - ToDO: fixme
# warehouse onhand
# search by overrides of description
# disabled sanity checks and changes:
# - searchitems = assembly will no longer disable bought
# - searchitems = service will no longer disable make and model, although services don't have make/model, it doesn't break the query
# - itemstatus = orphaned will no longer disable onhand short bought sold onorder ordered rfq quoted transdate[from|to]
# - itemstatus = obsolete will no longer disable onhand, short
# - searchitems = service will no longer disable make and model, although services don't have make/model, it doesn't break the query
# - itemstatus = orphaned will no longer disable onhand short bought sold onorder ordered rfq quoted transdate[from|to]
# - itemstatus = obsolete will no longer disable onhand, short
# - allow sorting by ean
# - serialnumber filter also works if l_serialnumber isn't ticked
# - onhand doesn't get masked by it's oi or invoice counterparts atm. ToDO: fix this
# - sorting will now change sorting if the requested sorting column isn't checked and doesn't get checked as a side effect
sub all_parts {
my @makemodel_filters = qw(make model);
my @invoice_oi_filters = qw(serialnumber soldtotal);
my @apoe_filters = qw(transdate);
my @like_filters = (@simple_filters, @makemodel_filters, @invoice_oi_filters);
my @all_columns = (@simple_filters, @makemodel_filters, @apoe_filters, qw(serialnumber));
my @simple_l_switches = (@all_columns, qw(listprice sellprice lastcost priceupdate weight unit bin rop image));
my @oe_flags = qw(bought sold onorder ordered rfq quoted);
# my @other_flags = qw(onhand); # ToDO: implement these
# my @inactive_flags = qw(l_subtotal short l_linetotal);
my @select_tokens = qw(id factor);
my @where_tokens = qw(1=1);
my @group_tokens = ();
my @bind_vars = ();
my %joins_needed = ();
my %joins = (
partsgroup => 'LEFT JOIN partsgroup pg ON ( = p.partsgroup_id)',
makemodel => 'LEFT JOIN makemodel mm ON (mm.parts_id =',
pfac => 'LEFT JOIN price_factors pfac ON ( = p.price_factor_id)',
invoice_oi =>
SELECT parts_id, description, serialnumber, trans_id, unit, sellprice, qty, assemblyitem, 'invoice' AS ioi FROM invoice UNION
SELECT parts_id, description, serialnumber, trans_id, unit, sellprice, qty, FALSE AS assemblyitem, 'orderitems' AS ioi FROM orderitems
SELECT parts_id, description, serialnumber, trans_id, unit, sellprice, qty, assemblyitem, deliverydate, 'invoice' AS ioi FROM invoice UNION
SELECT parts_id, description, serialnumber, trans_id, unit, sellprice, qty, FALSE AS assemblyitem, NULL AS deliverydate, 'orderitems' AS ioi FROM orderitems
) AS ioi ON ioi.parts_id =|,
apoe =>
lastcost => ' ',
factor => 'pfac.',
'SUM(ioi.qty)' => ' ',
description => 'p.',
description => 'p.',
qty => 'ioi.',
unit => 'ioi.',
serialnumber => 'ioi.',
# if the join condition in these blocks are met, the column
# of the scecified table will gently override (coalesce actually) the original value
# use it to conditionally coalesce values from subtables
my @column_override = (
# column name, prefix, joins_needed
[ 'description', 'ioi.', 'invoice_oi' ],
[ 'deliverydate', 'ioi.', 'invoice_oi' ],
[ 'transdate' , 'apoe.', 'apoe' ],
# careful with renames. these are HARD, and any filters done on the original column will break
my %renamed_columns = (
'factor' => 'price_factor',
'SUM(ioi.qty)' => 'soldtotal',
@simple_l_switches = grep { $_ ne 'lastcost' } @simple_l_switches;
#===== switches and simple filters ========#
my $make_token_builder = sub {
my $joins_needed = shift;
sub {
my ($col, $group) = @_;
$renamed_columns{$col} ||= $col;
my @coalesce_tokens =
map { ($_->[1] || 'p.') . $_->[0] }
grep { !$_->[2] || $joins_needed->{$_->[2]} }
grep { $_->[0] eq $col }
[ $col, $table_prefix{$col} ];
my $coalesce = scalar @coalesce_tokens > 1;
return ($coalesce
? sprintf 'COALESCE(%s)', join ', ', @coalesce_tokens
: shift @coalesce_tokens)
. ($group && $coalesce
? " AS $renamed_columns{$col}"
: '');
my @select_tokens = qw(id factor);
my @where_tokens = qw(1=1);
my @group_tokens = ();
my @bind_vars = ();
my %joins_needed = ();
#===== switches and simple filters ========#
# special case transdate
if (grep { $form->{$_} } qw(transdatefrom transdateto)) {
foreach (@simple_filters, @makemodel_filters, @invoice_oi_filters) {
foreach (@like_filters) {
next unless $form->{$_};
$form->{"l_$_"} = '1'; # show the column
push @where_tokens, "$table_prefix{$_}$_ ILIKE ?";
LEFT JOIN parts p_lc ON (a_lc.parts_id =
LEFT JOIN price_factors pfac_lc ON (p_lc.price_factor_id =
WHERE ( = AS lastcost|;
my @sort_cols = (@simple_filters, qw(id bin priceupdate onhand invnumber ordnumber quonumber name serialnumber soldtotal deliverydate));
$form->{sort} = 'id' unless grep { $form->{"l_$_"} } grep { $form->{sort} eq $_ } @sort_cols;
my $sort_order = ($form->{revers} ? ' DESC' : ' ASC');
my $order_clause = " ORDER BY $form->{sort} " . ($form->{revers} ? 'DESC' : 'ASC');
$table_prefix{$q_assembly_lastcost} = ' ';
# special case: sorting by partnumber
# since partnumbers are expected to be prefixed integers, a special sorting is implemented sorting first lexically by prefix and then by suffix.
#=== joins and complicated filters ========#
my $bsooqr = $form->{bought} || $form->{sold}
|| $form->{ordered} || $form->{onorder}
|| $form->{quoted} || $form->{rfq};
my @bsooqr;
my $bsooqr = any { $form->{$_} } @oe_flags;
my @bsooqr_tokens = ();
push @select_tokens, @qsooqr_flags if $bsooqr;
push @select_tokens, @deliverydate_flags if $bsooqr && $form->{l_deliverydate};
push @select_tokens, $q_assembly_lastcost if ($form->{searchitems} eq 'assembly') && $form->{l_lastcost};
# find the old entries in of @where_tokens and @bind_vars, and adjust them
if ($joins_needed{invoice_oi}) {
for (my ($wi, $bi) = (0)x2; $wi <= $#where_tokens; $bi++ if $where_tokens[$wi++] =~ /\?/) {
next unless $where_tokens[$wi] =~ /^description ILIKE/;
next unless $where_tokens[$wi] =~ /\bdescription ILIKE/;
splice @where_tokens, $wi, 1, 'p.description ILIKE ? OR ioi.description ILIKE ?';
splice @bind_vars, $bi, 0, $bind_vars[$bi];
#============= build query ================#
$table_prefix{$q_assembly_lastcost} = ' ';
my $token_builder = $make_token_builder->(\%joins_needed);
map { $table_prefix{$_} = 'ioi.' } qw(description serialnumber qty unit) if $joins_needed{invoice_oi};
map { $renamed_columns{$_} = ' AS ' . $renamed_columns{$_} } keys %renamed_columns;
my @sort_cols = (@simple_filters, qw(id bin priceupdate onhand invnumber ordnumber quonumber name serialnumber soldtotal deliverydate));
$form->{sort} = 'id' unless grep { $form->{"l_$_"} } grep { $form->{sort} eq $_ } @sort_cols; # sort by id if unknown or invisible column
my $sort_order = ($form->{revers} ? ' DESC' : ' ASC');
my $order_clause = " ORDER BY " . $token_builder->($form->{sort}) . ($form->{revers} ? ' DESC' : ' ASC');
my $select_clause = join ', ', map { ($table_prefix{$_} || "p.") . $_ . $renamed_columns{$_} } @select_tokens;
my $select_clause = join ', ', map { $token_builder->($_, 1) } @select_tokens;
my $join_clause = join ' ', @joins{ grep $joins_needed{$_}, @join_order };
my $where_clause = join ' AND ', map { "($_)" } @where_tokens;
my $group_clause = ' GROUP BY ' . join ', ', map { ($table_prefix{$_} || "p.") . $_ } @group_tokens if scalar @group_tokens;
my $group_clause = ' GROUP BY ' . join ', ', map { $token_builder->($_) } @group_tokens if scalar @group_tokens;
my ($cvar_where, @cvar_values) = CVar->build_filter_query('module' => 'IC',
'trans_id_field' => '',

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