Revision 5f4faab9
Von Niklas Schmidt vor 10 Tagen hinzugefügt
SL/Controller/ | ||
sub init_available_documents_with_no_positions {
return [] if !$::instance_conf->get_feature_experimental_order;
my @docs = ( @{SL::DB::Order::TypeData::valid_types()},
@{SL::DB::Reclamation::TypeData::valid_types()} );
SL/Controller/ | ||
my $db = $self->is_vendor() ? 'vendor' : 'customer';
my $action = 'add';
if ($::instance_conf->get_feature_experimental_order && '' eq $script) {
if ('' eq $script) {
$script = '';
$action = 'Order/' . $action;
SL/Controller/ | ||
if ($object->isa('SL::DB::Order')) {
my $type = $object->type;
my $vc = $object->is_sales ? 'customer' : 'vendor';
my $id = $object->id;
if ($::instance_conf->get_feature_experimental_order) {
return "$action&type=$type&id=$id";
} else {
return "$action&type=$type&vc=$vc&id=$id";
return "$action&type=$type&id=$id";
if ($object->isa('SL::DB::Part')) {
my $id = $object->id;
SL/Controller/ | ||
if ($object->isa('SL::DB::Order')) {
my $type = $object->type;
my $vc = $object->is_sales ? 'customer' : 'vendor';
my $id = $object->id;
if ($::instance_conf->get_feature_experimental_order) {
return "$action&type=$type&id=$id";
} else {
return "$action&type=$type&vc=$vc&id=$id";
return "$action&type=$type&id=$id";
if ($object->isa('SL::DB::Part')) {
my $id = $object->id;
SL/Controller/ | ||
if ($object->isa('SL::DB::Order')) {
my $type = $object->type;
my $id = $object->id;
if ($::instance_conf->get_feature_experimental_order) {
return "$action&type=$type&id=$id";
} else {
return "$action&type=$type&vc=customer&id=$id";
return "$action&type=$type&id=$id";
if ($object->isa('SL::DB::Customer')) {
my $id = $object->id;
SL/Controller/ | ||
if ($object->isa('SL::DB::Order')) {
my $type = $object->type;
my $vc = $object->is_sales ? 'customer' : 'vendor';
my $id = $object->id;
if ($::instance_conf->get_feature_experimental_order) {
return "$action&type=$type&id=$id";
} else {
return "$action&type=$type&vc=$vc&id=$id";
return "$action&type=$type&id=$id";
if ($object->isa('SL::DB::Customer')) {
my $id = $object->id;
SL/Controller/ | ||
}) || die $order->db->error;
my $order_controller = $::instance_conf->get_feature_experimental_order ? 'Order' :'';
$self->redirect_to(controller => $order_controller, action => 'edit', type => 'sales_order', vc => 'customer', id => $order->id);
$self->redirect_to(controller => 'Order', action => 'edit', type => 'sales_order', vc => 'customer', id => $order->id);
SL/Controller/TopQuickSearch/ | ||
sub redirect_to_object {
if ($::instance_conf->get_feature_experimental_order) {
controller => 'Order',
action => 'edit',
type => $_[0]->type,
id => $_[1],
} else {
controller => '',
action => 'edit',
type => $_[0]->type,
vc => $_[0]->vc,
id => $_[1],
controller => 'Order',
action => 'edit',
type => $_[0]->type,
id => $_[1],
sub type {
SL/DB/MetaSetup/ | ||
feature_datev => { type => 'boolean', default => 'true', not_null => 1 },
feature_erfolgsrechnung => { type => 'boolean', default => 'false', not_null => 1 },
feature_eurechnung => { type => 'boolean', default => 'true', not_null => 1 },
feature_experimental_order => { type => 'boolean', default => 'true', not_null => 1 },
feature_ustva => { type => 'boolean', default => 'true', not_null => 1 },
fuzzy_skonto => { type => 'boolean', default => 'true' },
fuzzy_skonto_percentage => { type => 'float', default => '0.5', precision => 4, scale => 4 },
SL/ | ||
} elsif ($params{trans_type} eq 'sales_quotation') {
my $script = '';
my $action = 'edit';
if ($::instance_conf->get_feature_experimental_order) {
$script = '';
$action = 'Order/edit';
$link = {
'url' => $script . '?action=' . $action . '&type=sales_quotation&id=' . $params{trans_id},
'url' => '' . $params{trans_id},
'title' => $locale->text('Sales quotation') . " $params{trans_info}",
... | ... | |
} elsif ($params{trans_type} eq 'sales_order') {
my $script = '';
my $action = 'edit';
if ($::instance_conf->get_feature_experimental_order) {
$script = '';
$action = 'Order/edit';
$link = {
'url' => $script . '?action=' . $action . '&type=sales_order&id=' . $params{trans_id},
'url' => '' . $params{trans_id},
'title' => $locale->text('Sales Order') . " $params{trans_info}",
... | ... | |
} elsif ($params{trans_type} eq 'request_quotation') {
my $script = '';
my $action = 'edit';
if ($::instance_conf->get_feature_experimental_order) {
$script = '';
$action = 'Order/edit';
$link = {
'url' => $script . '?action=' . $action . '&type=request_quotation&id=' . $params{trans_id},
'url' => '' . $params{trans_id},
'title' => $locale->text('Request quotation') . " $params{trans_info}",
} elsif ($params{trans_type} eq 'purchase_order') {
my $script = '';
my $action = 'edit';
if ($::instance_conf->get_feature_experimental_order) {
$script = '';
$action = 'Order/edit';
$link = {
'url' => $script . '?action=' . $action . '&type=purchase_order&id=' . $params{trans_id},
'url' => '' . $params{trans_id},
'title' => $locale->text('Purchase Order') . " $params{trans_info}",
SL/ | ||
Returns the configuration for "vertreter"
=item C<get_feature_experimental_order>
Returns the configuration for the experimental feature "order"
=item C<get_parts_show_image>
Returns the configuarion for show image in parts
SL/Presenter/ | ||
my $text = escape($order->record_number);
if (! delete $params{no_link}) {
my $action = $::instance_conf->get_feature_experimental_order
? ''
: '';
my $href = $action
my $href = ''
. '&type=' . $type
. '&id=' . escape($order->id);
$text = link_tag($href, $text, %params);
bin/mozilla/ | ||
my $base_url = build_std_url("script=$ref->{module}.pl", 'action=edit', 'id=' . E($ref->{invid}), 'callback', @hidden_nondefault);
if ($::instance_conf->get_feature_experimental_order) {
if ('oe' eq $ref->{module}) {
$base_url = build_std_url("", 'action=Order/edit', 'id=' . E($ref->{invid}), 'callback', @hidden_nondefault);
if ('oe' eq $ref->{module}) {
$base_url = build_std_url("", 'action=Order/edit', 'id=' . E($ref->{invid}), 'callback', @hidden_nondefault);
$row->{invnumber}->{link} = $base_url;
bin/mozilla/ | ||
my $callback = $form->escape($href);
my $edit_url = build_std_url('action=edit', 'type', 'vc');
my $edit_order_url = ($::instance_conf->get_feature_experimental_order)
? build_std_url('', 'action=Order/edit', 'type=' . ($form->{type} eq 'sales_delivery_order' ? 'sales_order' : 'purchase_order'))
: build_std_url('', 'action=edit', 'type=' . ($form->{type} eq 'sales_delivery_order' ? 'sales_order' : 'purchase_order'));
my $edit_order_url = build_std_url('', 'action=Order/edit', 'type=' . ($form->{type} eq 'sales_delivery_order' ? 'sales_order' : 'purchase_order'));
my $idx = 1;
bin/mozilla/ | ||
# | ist bestellt | Von Kunden bestellt | -> edit_oe_ord_link
# | Anfrage | Angebot | -> edit_oe_quo_link
my $edit_oe_ord_link = ($::instance_conf->get_feature_experimental_order)
? build_std_url("", 'action=Order/edit',
'type=' . E($ref->{cv} eq 'vendor' ? 'purchase_order' : 'sales_order'), 'id=' . E($ref->{trans_id}), 'callback')
: build_std_url("", 'action=edit',
my $edit_oe_ord_link = build_std_url("", 'action=Order/edit',
'type=' . E($ref->{cv} eq 'vendor' ? 'purchase_order' : 'sales_order'), 'id=' . E($ref->{trans_id}), 'callback');
my $edit_oe_quo_link = ($::instance_conf->get_feature_experimental_order)
? build_std_url("", 'action=Order/edit',
'type=' . E($ref->{cv} eq 'vendor' ? 'request_quotation' : 'sales_quotation'), 'id=' . E($ref->{trans_id}), 'callback')
: build_std_url("", 'action=edit',
my $edit_oe_quo_link = build_std_url("", 'action=Order/edit',
'type=' . E($ref->{cv} eq 'vendor' ? 'request_quotation' : 'sales_quotation'), 'id=' . E($ref->{trans_id}), 'callback');
$row->{ordnumber}{link} = $edit_oe_ord_link;
bin/mozilla/ | ||
if ($::instance_conf->get_feature_experimental_order) {
# At this point, the record is saved and the exchangerate contains
# an unformatted value. _make_record uses RDBO attributes (i.e. _as_number)
# to assign values and thus expects an formatted value.
$::form->{exchangerate} = $::form->format_amount(\%::myconfig, $::form->{exchangerate});
my $order = _make_record();
$order->currency(SL::DB::Currency->new(name => $::form->{currency})->load) if $::form->{currency};
$order->globalproject_id(undef) if !$order->globalproject_id;
$order->payment_id(undef) if !$order->payment_id;
my $row = 1;
foreach my $item (@{$order->items_sorted}) {
$item->price_factor_id(undef) if !$item->price_factor_id;
$item->project_id(undef) if !$item->project_id;
# autovivify all cvars that are not in the form (cvars_by_config can do it).
# workaround to pre-parse number-cvars (parse_custom_variable_values does not parse number values).
foreach my $var (@{ $item->cvars_by_config }) {
my $key = 'ic_cvar_' . $var->config->name . '_' . $row;
$var->unparsed_value($::form->parse_amount(\%::myconfig, $var->{__unparsed_value})) if ($var->config->type eq 'number' && exists($var->{__unparsed_value}));
# At this point, the record is saved and the exchangerate contains
# an unformatted value. _make_record uses RDBO attributes (i.e. _as_number)
# to assign values and thus expects an formatted value.
$::form->{exchangerate} = $::form->format_amount(\%::myconfig, $::form->{exchangerate});
my $order = _make_record();
$order->currency(SL::DB::Currency->new(name => $::form->{currency})->load) if $::form->{currency};
$order->globalproject_id(undef) if !$order->globalproject_id;
$order->payment_id(undef) if !$order->payment_id;
my $row = 1;
foreach my $item (@{$order->items_sorted}) {
$item->price_factor_id(undef) if !$item->price_factor_id;
$item->project_id(undef) if !$item->project_id;
# autovivify all cvars that are not in the form (cvars_by_config can do it).
# workaround to pre-parse number-cvars (parse_custom_variable_values does not parse number values).
foreach my $var (@{ $item->cvars_by_config }) {
my $key = 'ic_cvar_' . $var->config->name . '_' . $row;
$var->unparsed_value($::form->parse_amount(\%::myconfig, $var->{__unparsed_value})) if ($var->config->type eq 'number' && exists($var->{__unparsed_value}));
require SL::Controller::Order;
my $c = SL::Controller::Order->new(order => $order);
require SL::Controller::Order;
my $c = SL::Controller::Order->new(order => $order);
bin/mozilla/ | ||
# editing without stuff to edit? try adding it first
if ($form->{rowcount} && !$form->{print_and_save}) {
if ($::instance_conf->get_feature_experimental_order) {
my $c = SL::Controller::Order->new;
my $c = SL::Controller::Order->new;
my $id;
map { $id++ if $form->{"multi_id_$_"} } (1 .. $form->{rowcount});
... | ... | |
my $edit_url = $params{want_binary_pdf}
? ''
: ($::instance_conf->get_feature_experimental_order)
? build_std_url('', 'action=Order/edit', 'type')
: build_std_url('action=edit', 'type', 'vc');
: build_std_url('', 'action=Order/edit', 'type');
foreach my $oe (@{ $form->{OE} }) {
map { $oe->{$_} *= $oe->{exchangerate} } @subtotal_columns;
... | ... | |
if (@{ $quotations }) {
my $callback = build_std_url('action');
my $edit_url = ($::instance_conf->get_feature_experimental_order)
? build_std_url('', 'action=Order/edit', 'callback=' . E($callback))
: build_std_url('', 'action=edit', 'callback=' . E($callback));
my $edit_url = build_std_url('', 'action=Order/edit', 'callback=' . E($callback));
$content = $form->parse_html_template('oe/report_for_todo_list', { 'QUOTATIONS' => $quotations,
'edit_url' => $edit_url,
locale/de/all | ||
'Order & Articles' => 'Auftrag & Artikel',
'Order & Numbers' => 'Auftrag & Nummern',
'Order Confirmation Number' => 'Auftragsbestätigungsnummer',
'Order Controller' => 'Auftrags-Controller',
'Order Date' => 'Auftragsdatum',
'Order Date missing!' => 'Auftragsdatum fehlt!',
'Order Intake' => 'Auftragseingang',
... | ... | |
'Rename attachment' => 'Dateianhang umbenennen',
'Renumber sections and function blocks' => 'Abschnitte/Funktionsblöcke neu nummerieren',
'Reorder Level List' => 'Meldebestandsliste',
'Replace legacy order controller with new one' => 'Neuen Auftrags-Controller verwenden',
'Replace the orphaned currencies by other not orphaned currencies. To do so, please delete the currency in the textfields above and replace it by another currency. You could loose or change unintentionally exchangerates. Go on very carefully since you could destroy transactions.' => 'Ersetze die Währungen durch andere gültige Währungen. Wenn Sie sich hierfür entscheiden, ersetzen Sie bitte alle Währungen, die oben angegeben sind, durch Währungen, die in Ihrem System ordnungsgemäß eingetragen sind. Alle eingetragenen Wechselkurse für die verwaiste Währung werden dabei gelöscht. Bitte gehen Sie sehr vorsichtig vor, denn die betroffenen Buchungen können unter Umständen kaputt gehen.',
'Report Positions' => 'Berichte',
'Report about warehouse contents' => 'Lagerbestand anzeigen',
... | ... | |
'netto' => 'netto',
'never' => 'niemals',
'new' => 'neuer',
'new order controller' => 'Neuer Auftrags-Controller',
'next' => 'vor',
'no' => 'nein',
'no article assigned yet' => 'noch kein Artikel zugewiesen',
locale/en/all | ||
'Order & Articles' => '',
'Order & Numbers' => '',
'Order Confirmation Number' => '',
'Order Controller' => '',
'Order Date' => '',
'Order Date missing!' => '',
'Order Intake' => '',
... | ... | |
'Rename attachment' => '',
'Renumber sections and function blocks' => '',
'Reorder Level List' => '',
'Replace legacy order controller with new one' => '',
'Replace the orphaned currencies by other not orphaned currencies. To do so, please delete the currency in the textfields above and replace it by another currency. You could loose or change unintentionally exchangerates. Go on very carefully since you could destroy transactions.' => '',
'Report Positions' => '',
'Report about warehouse contents' => '',
... | ... | |
'netto' => '',
'never' => '',
'new' => '',
'new order controller' => '',
'next' => '',
'no' => '',
'no article assigned yet' => '',
menus/user/00-erp.yaml | ||
access: requirement_spec_edit
action: RequirementSpec/new
- parent: ar
id: ar_add_quotation
name: Add Quotation
icon: quotation_add
order: 200
access: sales_quotation_edit
action: add
type: sales_quotation
- parent: ar
id: ar_add_sales_order
name: Add Sales Order
icon: sales_order_add
order: 300
access: sales_order_edit
action: add
type: sales_order
- parent: ar
id: ar_add_delivery_order
name: Add Delivery Order
... | ... | |
name: AP
icon: ap
order: 300
- parent: ap
id: ap_add_rfq
name: Add RFQ
icon: rfq_add
order: 100
access: request_quotation_edit
action: add
type: request_quotation
- parent: ap
id: ap_add_purchase_order
name: Add Purchase Order
icon: purchase_order_add
order: 200
access: purchase_order_edit
action: add
type: purchase_order
- parent: ap
id: ap_add_delivery_note
name: Add Delivery Note
menus/user/10-order-controller.yaml | ||
- parent: ar
id: ar_add_quotation
access: sales_quotation_edit & (!client/feature_experimental_order)
- parent: ar
id: ar_add_sales_order
access: sales_order_edit & (!client/feature_experimental_order)
- parent: ap
id: ap_add_rfq
access: request_quotation_edit & (!client/feature_experimental_order)
- parent: ap
id: ap_add_purchase_order
access: purchase_order_edit & (!client/feature_experimental_order)
- parent: ar
id: ar_add_quotation_experimental
name: Add Quotation
icon: quotation_add
order: 250
access: sales_quotation_edit & client/feature_experimental_order
access: sales_quotation_edit
action: Order/add
type: sales_quotation
- parent: ar
id: ar_add_sales_order_experimental
id: ar_add_sales_order
name: Add Sales Order
icon: sales_order_add
order: 350
access: sales_order_edit & client/feature_experimental_order
access: sales_order_edit
action: Order/add
type: sales_order
- parent: ap
id: ap_add_rfq_experimental
id: ap_add_rfq
name: Add RFQ
icon: rfq_add
order: 150
access: request_quotation_edit & client/feature_experimental_order
access: request_quotation_edit
action: Order/add
type: request_quotation
- parent: ap
id: ap_add_purchase_order_experimental
id: ap_add_purchase_order
name: Add Purchase Order
icon: purchase_order_add
order: 250
access: purchase_order_edit & client/feature_experimental_order
access: purchase_order_edit
action: Order/add
type: purchase_order
menus/user/90-purchase-order-confirmation.yaml | ||
- parent: ap
id: ap_add_purchase_order_confirmation_experimental
id: ap_add_purchase_order_confirmation
name: Add Purchase Order Confirmation
icon: purchase_order_add
order: 250
access: purchase_order_edit & client/feature_experimental_order & client/show_purchase_order_confirmation
access: purchase_order_edit & client/show_purchase_order_confirmation
action: Order/add
type: purchase_order_confirmation
menus/user/90-purchase-quotation-intake.yaml | ||
- parent: ap
id: ap_add_purchase_quotation_intake_experimental
id: ap_add_purchase_quotation_intake
name: Add Purchase Quotation Intake
icon: rfq_add
order: 150
access: request_quotation_edit & client/feature_experimental_order & client/show_purchase_quotation_intake
access: request_quotation_edit & client/show_purchase_quotation_intake
action: Order/add
type: purchase_quotation_intake
menus/user/90-sales-order-intake.yaml | ||
- parent: ar
id: ar_add_sales_order_intake_experimental
id: ar_add_sales_order_intake
name: Add Sales Order Intake
icon: sales_order_add
order: 290
access: sales_order_edit & client/feature_experimental_order & client/show_sales_order_intake
access: sales_order_edit & client/show_sales_order_intake
action: Order/add
type: sales_order_intake
- parent: ar
id: ar_add_sales_order_experimental
id: ar_add_sales_order
name: Add Sales Order Confirmation
- parent: ar_reports
id: ar_reports_sales_order_intakes
sql/Pg-upgrade2/defaults_drop_feature_experimental_order.sql | ||
-- @tag: defaults_drop_feature_experimental_order
-- @description: vormals experimentelles Feature Order ist jetzt der Standard
-- @depends: release_3_9_1
ALTER TABLE defaults DROP COLUMN feature_experimental_order;
templates/design40_webpages/am/config.html | ||
[%- IF INSTANCE_CONF.get_feature_experimental_order -%]
<th>[% 'Scrollbar height percentage for form postion area' | $T8 %]</th>
... | ... | |
[% L.yes_no_tag('positions_show_update_button', positions_show_update_button) %]
[%- END -%]
<th>[% 'Show custom variable search inputs' | $T8 %]</th>
templates/design40_webpages/client_config/_features.html | ||
<th class="caption" colspan="3">[% LxERP.t8("Experimental Features") %]</th>
<th>[% LxERP.t8('Order Controller') %]</th>
<td>[% L.yes_no_tag('defaults.feature_experimental_order', SELF.defaults.feature_experimental_order) %]</td>
<td class="long-desc">[% LxERP.t8('Replace legacy order controller with new one') %]</td>
templates/design40_webpages/customer_vendor/get_delivery.html | ||
[% IF %]</a>[% END %]
<td>[% IF row.oe_id %]
[%- IF INSTANCE_CONF.get_feature_experimental_order -%]
<a href='[% IF SELF.is_customer %]sales_order[% ELSE %]purchase_order[% END %]&id=[% HTML.escape(row.oe_id) %]'>
[%- ELSE -%]
<a href='[% IF SELF.is_customer %]sales_order[% ELSE %]purchase_order[% END %]&vc=customer&id=[% HTML.escape(row.oe_id) %]'>
[%- END -%]
<a href='[% IF SELF.is_customer %]sales_order[% ELSE %]purchase_order[% END %]&id=[% HTML.escape(row.oe_id) %]'>
[% END %]
[% HTML.escape(row.ordnumber) || ' ' %]
[% IF row.oe_id %]</a>[% END %]
templates/design40_webpages/customer_vendor_turnover/order_statistic.html | ||
[%- FOREACH row = orders %]
[%- IF INSTANCE_CONF.get_feature_experimental_order -%]
<td>[% IF %]<a href='[% IF FORM.db == "customer" %]sales_order[% ELSE %]purchase_order[% END %]&id=[% HTML.escape( %]'>[% END %][% HTML.escape(row.ordnumber) || ' ' %][% IF %]</a>[% END %]</td>
[%- ELSE -%]
<td>[% IF %]<a href='[% IF FORM.db == "customer" %]sales_order[% ELSE %]purchase_order[% END %]&vc=[% FORM.db %]&id=[% HTML.escape( %]'>[% END %][% HTML.escape(row.ordnumber) || ' ' %][% IF %]</a>[% END %]</td>
[%- END -%]
<td>[% IF %]<a href='[% IF FORM.db == "customer" %]sales_order[% ELSE %]purchase_order[% END %]&id=[% HTML.escape( %]'>[% END %][% HTML.escape(row.ordnumber) || ' ' %][% IF %]</a>[% END %]</td>
<td>[% row.transdate.to_kivitendo | html %]</td>
<td class="numeric">[%- LxERP.format_amount(row.amount, 2) %]</td>
<td>[% row.reqdate.to_kivitendo | html %]</td>
templates/design40_webpages/customer_vendor_turnover/quotation_statistic.html | ||
[%- FOREACH row = orders %]
[%- IF INSTANCE_CONF.get_feature_experimental_order -%]
<td>[% IF %]<a href='[% IF FORM.db == "customer" %]sales_quotation[% ELSE %]request_quotation[% END %]&id=[% HTML.escape( %]'>
[% END %][% HTML.escape(row.quonumber) || ' ' %][% IF %]</a>[% END %]</td>
[%- ELSE -%]
<td>[% IF %]<a href='[% IF FORM.db == "customer" %]sales_quotation[% ELSE %]request_quotation[% END %]&vc=[% FORM.db %]&id=[% HTML.escape( %]'>
[% END %][% HTML.escape(row.quonumber) || ' ' %][% IF %]</a>[% END %]</td>
[%- END -%]
<td>[% row.transdate.to_kivitendo | html %]</td>
<td class="numeric">[%- LxERP.format_amount(row.amount, 2) %]</td>
<td>[% row.reqdate.to_kivitendo | html %]</td>
templates/design40_webpages/mass_invoice_create_print_from_do/list_sales_delivery_orders.html | ||
<td>[% L.checkbox_tag('id[]',, "data-checkall"=1) %]</td>
<td>[% HTML.escape(sales_delivery_order.transdate_as_date) %]</td>
<td>[%"", action="DeliveryOrder/edit",, sales_delivery_order.donumber) %]</td>
[%- IF INSTANCE_CONF.get_feature_experimental_order -%]
<td>[%"", action="Order/edit", type="sales_order",, sales_delivery_order.ordnumber) %]</td>
[%- ELSE -%]
<td>[%"", action="edit", type="sales_order",, sales_delivery_order.ordnumber) %]</td>
[%- END -%]
<td>[% HTML.escape( %]</td>
[% END %]
templates/design40_webpages/requirement_spec_order/list.html | ||
[% END %]
<td class="numeric">
[% IF INSTANCE_CONF.get_feature_experimental_order %]
<a href="[% HTML.url(rs_order.order_id) %]&type=[% HTML.url(rs_order.order.type) %]">
[% ELSE %]
<a href="[% HTML.url(rs_order.order_id) %]&type=[% HTML.url(rs_order.order.type) %]">
[% END %]
<a href="[% HTML.url(rs_order.order_id) %]&type=[% HTML.url(rs_order.order.type) %]">
[% HTML.escape(rs_order.order.quotation ? rs_order.order.quonumber : rs_order.order.ordnumber) %]
templates/webpages/am/config.html | ||
[% L.input_tag('longdescription_dialog_size_percentage', longdescription_dialog_size_percentage, size = 5) %]
[%- IF INSTANCE_CONF.get_feature_experimental_order -%]
<th align="right">[% 'Scrollbar height percentage for form postion area (0 means no scrollbar)' | $T8 %]</th>
... | ... | |
[% L.yes_no_tag('positions_show_update_button', positions_show_update_button) %]
[%- END -%]
<th align="right">[% 'Show custom variable search inputs' | $T8 %]</th>
templates/webpages/client_config/_features.html | ||
<td>[% L.input_tag('defaults.sepa_set_skonto_date_buffer_in_days_as_number', SELF.defaults.sepa_set_skonto_date_buffer_in_days_as_number, style=style) %]</td>
<tr><td class="listheading" colspan="4">[% LxERP.t8("Experimental Features") %]</td></tr>
<td align="right">[% LxERP.t8('new order controller') %]</td>
<td>[% L.yes_no_tag('defaults.feature_experimental_order', SELF.defaults.feature_experimental_order) %]</td>
<tr><td class="listheading" colspan="4">[% 'Displayable Name Preferences' | $T8 %]</td></tr>
[% FOREACH module=SELF.displayable_name_specs_by_module.keys.sort %]
[%- SET spec=SELF.displayable_name_specs_by_module.$module -%]
templates/webpages/customer_vendor/get_delivery.html | ||
<tr class="listrow[% loop.count % 2 %]">
<td>[% HTML.escape(row.shiptoname) UNLESS loop.prev.shiptoname == row.shiptoname %] </td>
<td>[% IF %]<a href='[% row.script %].pl?action=edit&id=[% HTML.escape( %]'>[% END %][% HTML.escape(row.invnumber) || ' ' %][% IF %]</a>[% END %]</td>
[%- IF INSTANCE_CONF.get_feature_experimental_order -%]
<td>[% IF row.oe_id %]<a href='[% IF SELF.is_customer %]sales_order[% ELSE %]purchase_order[% END %]&id=[% HTML.escape(row.oe_id) %]'>[% END %][% HTML.escape(row.ordnumber) || ' ' %][% IF row.oe_id %]</a>[% END %]</td>
[%- ELSE -%]
<td>[% IF row.oe_id %]<a href='[% IF SELF.is_customer %]sales_order[% ELSE %]purchase_order[% END %]&vc=customer&id=[% HTML.escape(row.oe_id) %]'>[% END %][% HTML.escape(row.ordnumber) || ' ' %][% IF row.oe_id %]</a>[% END %]</td>
[%- END -%]
<td>[% IF row.oe_id %]<a href='[% IF SELF.is_customer %]sales_order[% ELSE %]purchase_order[% END %]&id=[% HTML.escape(row.oe_id) %]'>[% END %][% HTML.escape(row.ordnumber) || ' ' %][% IF row.oe_id %]</a>[% END %]</td>
<td>[% HTML.escape(row.transdate) || ' ' %]</td>
<td>[% HTML.escape(row.description) || ' ' %]</td>
<td>[% LxERP.format_amount(HTML.escape(row.qty), 2) || ' ' %]</td>
templates/webpages/customer_vendor_turnover/order_statistic.html | ||
[%- FOREACH row = orders %]
<tr class="listrow[% loop.count % 2 %]">
[%- IF INSTANCE_CONF.get_feature_experimental_order -%]
<td>[% IF %]<a href='[% IF FORM.db == "customer" %]sales_order[% ELSE %]purchase_order[% END %]&id=[% HTML.escape( %]'>[% END %][% HTML.escape(row.ordnumber) || ' ' %][% IF %]</a>[% END %]</td>
[%- ELSE -%]
<td>[% IF %]<a href='[% IF FORM.db == "customer" %]sales_order[% ELSE %]purchase_order[% END %]&vc=[% FORM.db %]&id=[% HTML.escape( %]'>[% END %][% HTML.escape(row.ordnumber) || ' ' %][% IF %]</a>[% END %]</td>
[%- END -%]
<td>[% IF %]<a href='[% IF FORM.db == "customer" %]sales_order[% ELSE %]purchase_order[% END %]&id=[% HTML.escape( %]'>[% END %][% HTML.escape(row.ordnumber) || ' ' %][% IF %]</a>[% END %]</td>
<td>[% row.transdate.to_kivitendo | html %]</td>
<td class="numeric">[%- LxERP.format_amount(row.amount, 2) %]</td>
<td>[% row.reqdate.to_kivitendo | html %]</td>
templates/webpages/customer_vendor_turnover/quotation_statistic.html | ||
[%- FOREACH row = orders %]
<tr class="listrow[% loop.count % 2 %]">
[%- IF INSTANCE_CONF.get_feature_experimental_order -%]
<td>[% IF %]<a href='[% IF FORM.db == "customer" %]sales_quotation[% ELSE %]request_quotation[% END %]&id=[% HTML.escape( %]'>
<td>[% IF %]<a href='[% IF FORM.db == "customer" %]sales_quotation[% ELSE %]request_quotation[% END %]&id=[% HTML.escape( %]'>
[% END %][% HTML.escape(row.quonumber) || ' ' %][% IF %]</a>[% END %]</td>
[%- ELSE -%]
<td>[% IF %]<a href='[% IF FORM.db == "customer" %]sales_quotation[% ELSE %]request_quotation[% END %]&vc=[% FORM.db %]&id=[% HTML.escape( %]'>
[% END %][% HTML.escape(row.quonumber) || ' ' %][% IF %]</a>[% END %]</td>
[%- END -%]
<td>[% row.transdate.to_kivitendo | html %]</td>
<td class="numeric">[%- LxERP.format_amount(row.amount, 2) %]</td>
<td>[% row.reqdate.to_kivitendo | html %]</td>
templates/webpages/mass_invoice_create_print_from_do/list_sales_delivery_orders.html | ||
<td>[% L.checkbox_tag('id[]',, "data-checkall"=1) %]</td>
<td>[% HTML.escape(sales_delivery_order.transdate_as_date) %]</td>
<td>[%"", action="DeliveryOrder/edit",, sales_delivery_order.donumber) %]</td>
[%- IF INSTANCE_CONF.get_feature_experimental_order -%]
<td>[%"", action="Order/edit", type="sales_order",, sales_delivery_order.ordnumber) %]</td>
[%- ELSE -%]
<td>[%"", action="edit", type="sales_order",, sales_delivery_order.ordnumber) %]</td>
[%- END -%]
<td>[%"", action="Order/edit", type="sales_order",, sales_delivery_order.ordnumber) %]</td>
<td>[% HTML.escape( %]</td>
[%- END %]
templates/webpages/requirement_spec_order/list.html | ||
[% END %]
[%- IF INSTANCE_CONF.get_feature_experimental_order -%]
<a href="[% HTML.url(rs_order.order_id) %]&type=[% HTML.url(rs_order.order.type) %]">
[%- ELSE -%]
<a href="[% HTML.url(rs_order.order_id) %]&type=[% HTML.url(rs_order.order.type) %]">
[%- END -%]
<a href="[% HTML.url(rs_order.order_id) %]&type=[% HTML.url(rs_order.order.type) %]">
[% HTML.escape(rs_order.order.quotation ? rs_order.order.quonumber : rs_order.order.ordnumber) %]
Auch abrufbar als: Unified diff
/bin/mozilla/ durch S:C:Order ersetzt: DB, Weiche weg