


Herunterladen (4,89 KB) Statistiken
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package SL::Controller::LoginScreen;

use strict;

use parent qw(SL::Controller::Base);

use List::Util qw(first);

use SL::Dispatcher::AuthHandler::User;
use SL::DB::AuthClient;
use SL::DB::AuthGroup;
use SL::DB::AuthUser;
use SL::DB::Employee;
use SL::Locale::String qw(t8);
use SL::User;

use Rose::Object::MakeMethods::Generic (
'scalar --get_set_init' => [ qw(clients default_client_id) ],


# actions

sub action_user_login {
my ($self) = @_;

# If the user is already logged in then redirect to the proper menu
# script.
return if $self->_redirect_to_main_script_if_already_logged_in;

# Otherwise show the login form.

sub action_logout {
my ($self) = @_;

$self->show_login_form(info => $::locale->text('You are logged out!'));

sub action_login {
my ($self) = @_;

my $login = $::form->{'{AUTH}login'} || $::auth->get_session_value('login');
my $client_id = $::form->{'{AUTH}client_id'} || $::auth->get_session_value('client_id');
my $error = t8('Incorrect username or password or no access to selected client!');

if (!$::auth->set_client($client_id)) {
return $self->show_login_form(error => $error);

%::myconfig = $login ? $::auth->read_user(login => $login) : ();
$::locale = Locale->new($::myconfig{countrycode}) if $::myconfig{countrycode};
SL::Dispatcher::AuthHandler::User->new->handle(countrycode => $::myconfig{countrycode});

$::request->layout(SL::Layout::Dispatcher->new(style => $::myconfig{menustyle}));

# if we get an error back, bale out
my $result = User->new(login => $::myconfig{login})->login($::form);

# Auth DB needs update? If so log the user out forcefully.
if (User::LOGIN_AUTH_DBUPDATE_AVAILABLE() == $result) {
# must be without layout because menu rights might not exist yet
return $self->render('login_screen/auth_db_needs_update', { layout => 0 });

# Basic client tables available? If not tell the user to create them
# and log the user out forcefully.
if (User::LOGIN_BASIC_TABLES_MISSING() == $result) {
return $self->render('login_screen/basic_tables_missing');

# Database update available?
::end_of_request() if User::LOGIN_DBUPDATE_AVAILABLE() == $result;

# Other login errors.
if (User::LOGIN_OK() != $result) {
return $self->show_login_form(error => $error);

# Everything is fine.


# settings
sub get_auth_level {
return 'none';

sub keep_auth_vars_in_form {
return 1;

# private methods

sub _redirect_to_main_script {
my ($self) = @_;

return $self->redirect_to($::form->{callback}) if $::form->{callback};

$self->redirect_to(controller => "", action => 'company_logo');

sub _redirect_to_main_script_if_already_logged_in {
my ($self) = @_;

# Get 'login' from valid session.
my $login = $::auth->get_session_value('login');
return unless $login;

# See whether or not the user exists in the database.
my %user = $::auth->read_user(login => $login);
return if ($user{login} || '') ne $login;

# Check if there's a client set in the session -- and whether or not
# the user still has access to the client.
my $client_id = $::auth->get_session_value('client_id');
return if !$client_id;

if (!$::auth->set_client($client_id)) {
$self->show_login_form(error => t8('Incorrect username or password or no access to selected client!'));
return 1;

# Check if the session is logged in correctly.
return if SL::Auth::OK() != $::auth->authenticate($login, undef);



return 1;

sub error_state {
my %states = (
session => { warning => t8('The session has expired. Please log in again.') },
password => { error => t8('Incorrect username or password or no access to selected client!') },
action => { warning => t8('The action is missing or invalid.') },

return %{ $states{$_[0]} || {} };

sub set_layout {
$::request->{layout} = SL::Layout::Dispatcher->new(style => 'login');

sub init_clients {
return SL::DB::Manager::AuthClient->get_all_sorted;

sub init_default_client_id {
my ($self) = @_;
my $default_client = first { $_->is_default } @{ $self->clients };
return $default_client ? $default_client->id : undef;

sub show_login_form {
my ($self, %params) = @_;

$self->render('login_screen/user_login', %params, version => $::form->read_version);
