


Herunterladen (3,55 KB) Statistiken
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b6fd15a8 Sven Schöling
package SL::Layout::MenuLeft;
d319704a Moritz Bunkus
3289bcb2 Sven Schöling
use strict;
b6fd15a8 Sven Schöling
use parent qw(SL::Layout::Base);
3289bcb2 Sven Schöling
f2078516 Sven Schöling
use URI;
d319704a Moritz Bunkus
829f6742 Sven Schöling
use List::MoreUtils qw(apply);

a8814e0e Sven Schöling
sub stylesheets {
dc4b933b Sven Schöling
qw(icons16.css icons24.css menu.css)
a8814e0e Sven Schöling
7adc5519 Sven Schöling
a8814e0e Sven Schöling
sub javascripts_inline {
my $self = shift;
my $sections = [ section_menu($self->menu) ];
9ad27e65 Sven Schöling
7adc5519 Sven Schöling
sections => $sections,
a8814e0e Sven Schöling

dc4b933b Sven Schöling
sub javascripts {
9be43132 Sven Schöling
dc4b933b Sven Schöling

a8814e0e Sven Schöling
sub pre_content {
"<div id='html-menu'></div>\n";

sub start_content {
"<div id='content' class='html-menu'>\n";

sub end_content {
d319704a Moritz Bunkus

sub section_menu {
590708a7 Sven Schöling
my ($menu) = @_;
c6a27f90 Sven Schöling
my @items;
590708a7 Sven Schöling
my @id_stack = (-1);
5d73281e Sven Schöling
b251cc22 Sven Schöling
for my $node ($menu->tree_walk) {
my $level = $node->{level};
005b4d9b Sven Schöling
590708a7 Sven Schöling
# do id stack
push @id_stack, -1 if $level > $#id_stack;
pop @id_stack while $level < $#id_stack;
829f6742 Sven Schöling
b251cc22 Sven Schöling
my $label = $::locale->text($node->{name});
my $href = $menu->href_for_node($node);
829f6742 Sven Schöling
b251cc22 Sven Schöling
my @common_args = ($label, "s" . $level, join '_', @id_stack);
62d7ed6e Sven Schöling
b251cc22 Sven Schöling
if (!$node->{parent}) { # toplevel
push @items, [ @common_args, "icon24 $node->{icon}", 'm' ];
} elsif ($node->{children}) {
6fd839ca Sven Schöling
push @items, [ @common_args, "icon16 submenu", 'sm' ];
b251cc22 Sven Schöling
} else {
push @items, [ @common_args, "icon16 $node->{icon}", 'i', $href, $node->{target} ];
829f6742 Sven Schöling
c6a27f90 Sven Schöling
5d73281e Sven Schöling
return @items;
829f6742 Sven Schöling

3289bcb2 Sven Schöling
sub _calc_framesize {
my $is_lynx_browser = $ENV{HTTP_USER_AGENT} =~ /links/i;
my $is_mobile_browser = $ENV{HTTP_USER_AGENT} =~ /mobile/i;
my $is_mobile_style = $::form->{stylesheet} =~ /mobile/i;

return $is_mobile_browser && $is_mobile_style ? 130
: $is_lynx_browser ? 240
da80eb32 Sven Donath
: 200;
3289bcb2 Sven Schöling

829f6742 Sven Schöling
sub _show_images {
# don't show images in links
_calc_framesize() != 240;

3289bcb2 Sven Schöling
91aa8ecb Sven Schöling

=encoding utf-8

=head1 NAME

SL::Layout::MenuLeft - ex html meanu, now only left menu

=head1 DOM MODEL

Data will be embedded into the page as a json array of entries.
Each entry is another array with the following fields:

0: title
1: indentation classes
2: unique id
3: icon classes
4: role classes
8660390c Moritz Bunkus
5: href
6: target
91aa8ecb Sven Schöling
From each entry the following dom will be generated, with [0] being entry 0 of
the data array:

<div id="mi[2]" class="mi [4] [1]">
<a class="ml">
<span class="mii ms">
<div class="[3]"></div>
<span class="mic">[0]</span>

The classes are minified to keep the json somewhat in check, their meaning is as follows:

=over 4

=item Indentation Classes

s0: No indentation
s1: One level of indentation
s2: Two levels of indentation

=item Icon Classes

Each icon consists of two classes, one for the icon, and one for the size.
The icon classes are taken from the file names, for example C<Master-Data> is
the icon for master data, and refers to Master-Icon.png.

icon16: 16x16 icon
icon24: 24x24 icon
icon32: 32x32 icon

=item Role Classes

Role classes may be used to style types of links differently. Currently used:

ml: menu link, any <a> tag will have this
mi: menu item, the enclosing div for each entry has this
mii: menu item icon, the enclosing div for the icons has this
ms: menu spacer, the first <span> in the link will have this
m: menu, only top level entries have this
i: item, only leaf entries have this
sm: sub menu, eveything that is not top nor leaf has this
mic: menu item content, the span with the human readable description has this


=head1 BUGS

none yet

=head1 AUTHOR

Sven Schoeling E<lt>s.schoeling@linet-services.deE<gt>
