package SL::File::Object;
use strict;
use parent qw(Rose::Object);
use DateTime;
use Rose::Object::MakeMethods::Generic (
scalar => [ qw() ],
'scalar --get_set_init' => [ qw(db_file loaded id version newest) ],
#use SL::DB::Helper::Attr;
# wie wird das mit dem Attr Helper gemacht damit er bei nicht DB Objekten auch geht?
sub mtime_as_timestamp_s {
$::locale->format_date_object($_[0]->mtime, precision => 'second');
# wrapper methods
sub itime {
sub file_name {
sub file_type {
sub object_type {
sub object_id {
sub mime_type {
sub file_title {
sub file_description {
sub backend {
sub source {
# methods to go directly into the backends
sub get_file {
$_[0]->backend_class->get_filepath(dbfile => $_[0]->loaded_db_file, version => $_[0]->version)
sub get_content {
$_[0]->backend_class->get_content(dbfile => $_[0]->loaded_db_file, version => $_[0]->version)
sub mtime {
$_[0]->backend_class->get_mtime(dbfile => $_[0]->loaded_db_file, version => $_[0]->version)
sub version_count {
$_[0]->backend_class->get_version_count(dbfile => $_[0]->loaded_db_file)
sub versions {
SL::File->get_all_versions(dbfile => $_[0]->loaded_db_file)
sub save_contents {
SL::File->save(dbfile => $_[0]->loaded_db_file, file_contents => $_[1] )
sub save_file {
SL::File->save(dbfile => $_[0]->loaded_db_file, file_path => $_[1] )
sub delete {
SL::File->delete(dbfile => $_[0]->loaded_db_file)
sub delete_last_version {
SL::File->delete(dbfile => $_[0]->loaded_db_file, last => 1 )
sub purge {
SL::File->delete(dbfile => $_[0]->loaded_db_file, all_but_notlast => 1 )
sub rename {
SL::File->rename(dbfile => $_[0]->loaded_db_file, to => $_[1])
# internals
sub backend_class {
sub loaded_db_file { # so, dass wir die nur einmal laden.
if (!$_[0]->loaded) {
sub init_db_file { die 'must always have a db file'; }
sub init_loaded { 0 }
sub init_id { 0 }
sub init_version { 0 }
sub init_newest { 1 }
=encoding utf-8
=head1 NAME
SL::File::Object - a filemangement object wrapper
use SL::File;
my ($object) = SL::File->get_all(object_id => $object_id,
object_type => $object_type,
file_type => 'images', # may be optional
source => 'uploaded' # may be optional
# read attributes
my $object_id = $object->object_id,
my $object_type = $object->object_type,
my $file_type = $object->file_type;
my $file_name = $object->file_name;
my $mime_type = $object->mime_type;
my $mtime = $object->mtime;
my $itime = $object->itime;
my $id = $object->id;
my $newest = $object->newest;
my $versions = $object->version_count;
my @versionobjs = $object->versions;
foreach ( @versionobjs ) {
my $mtime = $_->mtime;
my $contents = $_->get_content;
# update
$object->save_contents("new text");
This is a wrapper around a single object in the filemangement.
=head1 METHODS
Following methods are wrapper to read the attributes of L<SL::DB::File> :
=over 4
=item C<object_id>
=item C<object_type>
=item C<file_type>
=item C<file_name>
=item C<mime_name>
=item C<file_title>
=item C<file_description>
=item C<backend>
=item C<source>
=item C<itime>
=item C<id>
Additional are there special methods. If the Object is created by SL::File::get_all_versions()
or by "$object->versions"
it has a version number. So the different mtime, filepath or content can be retrieved:
=over 4
=item C<mtime>
get the modification time of a (versioned) object
=item C<get_file>
get the full qualified file path of the (versioned) object
=item C<get_content>
get the content of the (versioned) object
=item C<version_count>
Get the available versions of the file
=item C<versions>
Returns an array of SL::File::Object objects with the available versions of the file, starting with the newest version.
=item C<newest>
If set this is the newest version of the file.
=item C<save_contents $contents>
Store a new contents to the file (as a new version).
=item C<save_file $filepath>
Store the content of an (absolute)file path to the file
=item C<delete>
Delete the file with all of his versions
=item C<delete_last_version>
Delete only the last version of the file with implicit decrement of the version_count.
=item C<purge>
Delete all old versions of the file. Only one version exist after purge. The version count is reset to 1.
=item C<rename $newfilename>
Renames the filename
=head1 SEE ALSO
=head1 AUTHOR
Martin Helmling E<lt>martin.helmling@opendynamic.deE<gt>