kivitendo/modules/fallback/Exception/ @ 5daf1cf9
c311f0f2 | Moritz Bunkus | # Copyright (c) 2010 Elizabeth Grace Frank-Backman.
# All rights reserved.
# Liscenced under the "Artistic Liscence"
# (see
use 5.8.8;
use strict;
use warnings;
use overload;
package Exception::Lite;
our @ISA = qw(Exporter);
our @EXPORT_OK=qw(declareExceptionClass isException isChainable
onDie onWarn);
=( common => [qw(declareExceptionClass isException isChainable)]
, all => [@EXPORT_OK]
my $CLASS='Exception::Lite';
our $FILTER=1;
our $UNDEF='<undef>';
our $TAB=3;
our $LINE_LENGTH=120;
# provide command line control over amount and layout of debugging
# information, e.g. perl -mException::Lite=STRINGIFY=4
sub import {
Exception::Lite->export_to_level(1, grep {
if (/^(\w+)=(.*)$/) {
my $k = $1;
my $v = $2;
if ($k eq 'STRINGIFY') { $STRINGIFY=$v;
} elsif ($k eq 'FILTER') { $FILTER=$v;
} elsif ($k eq 'LINE_LENGTH') { $LINE_LENGTH=$v;
} elsif ($k eq 'TAB') { $TAB=$v;
} else {
} @_);
# Note to source code divers: DO NOT USE THIS. This is intended for
# internal use but must be declared with "our" because we need to
# localize it. This is an implementation detail and cannot be relied
# on for future releases.
use Scalar::Util ();
use constant EVAL => '(eval)';
sub declareExceptionClass {
my ($sClass, $sSuperClass, $xFormatRule, $bCustomizeSubclass) = @_;
my $sPath = $sClass; $sPath =~ s/::/\//g; $sPath .= '.pm';
if ($INC{$sPath}) {
# we want to start with the caller's frame, not ours
die 'Exception::Lite::Any'->new("declareExceptionClass failed: "
. "$sClass is already defined!");
return undef;
my $sRef=ref($sSuperClass);
if ($sRef) {
$bCustomizeSubclass = $xFormatRule;
$xFormatRule = $sSuperClass;
} else {
$sRef = ref($xFormatRule);
if (!$sRef && defined($xFormatRule)) {
$bCustomizeSubclass = $xFormatRule;
$xFormatRule = undef;
# set up things dependent on whether or not the class has a
# format string or expects a message for each instance
my ($sLeadingParams, $sAddOrOmit, $sRethrowMsg, $sMakeMsg);
my $sReplaceMsg='';
if ($sRef) {
$sLeadingParams='my $e; $e=shift if ref($_[0]);';
$sAddOrOmit='added an unnecessary message or format';
#generate format rule
$xFormatRule=$xFormatRule->($sClass) if ($sRef eq 'CODE');
my $sFormat= 'q{' . $xFormatRule->[0] . '}';
if (scalar($xFormatRule) == 1) {
$sMakeMsg='my $msg='.$sFormat;
} else {
my $sSprintf = 'Exception::Lite::_sprintf(' . $sFormat
. ', map {defined($_)?$_:\''. $UNDEF .'\'} @$h{qw('
. join(' ', @$xFormatRule[1..$#$xFormatRule]) . ')});';
$sMakeMsg='my $msg='.$sSprintf;
} else {
$sLeadingParams = 'my $e=shift; my $msg;'.
'if(ref($e)) { $msg=shift; $msg=$e->[0] if !defined($msg);}'.
'else { $msg=$e;$e=undef; }';
$sAddOrOmit='omitted a required message';
$sRethrowMsg='my $msg=shift; $_[0]->[0]=$msg if defined($msg);';
# put this in an eval so that it doesn't cause parse errors at
# compile time in no-threads versions of Perl
my $sTid = eval q{defined(&threads::tid)?'threads->tid':'undef'};
my $sDeclare = "package $sClass;".
'sub new { my $cl=shift;'. $sLeadingParams .
'my $st=Exception::Lite::_cacheStackTrace($e);'.
'my $h= Exception::Lite::_shiftProperties($cl' .
',$st,"'.$sAddOrOmit.'",@_);' . $sMakeMsg .
'my $self=bless([$msg,$h,$st,$$,'.$sTid.',$e,[]],$cl);';
# the remainder depends on the type of subclassing
if ($bCustomizeSubclass) {
$sDeclare .= '$self->[7]={}; $self->_new(); return $self; }'
. 'sub _p_getSubclassData { $_[0]->[7]; }';
} else {
$sDeclare .= 'return $self;}'.
'sub replaceProperties {'.
'my $h={%{$_[0]->[1]},%{$_[1]}}; $_[0]->[1]=$h;'.$sReplaceMsg.
'sub rethrow {' .
'my $self=shift;' . $sRethrowMsg .
'Exception::Lite::_rethrow($self,"'.$sAddOrOmit.'",@_)' .
unless (isExceptionClass($sSuperClass)) {
$sDeclare .=
'sub _getInterface { \'Exception::Lite\' }' .
'sub getMessage { $_[0]->[0] };' .
'sub getProperty { $_[0]->[1]->{$_[1]} }' .
'sub isProperty { exists($_[0]->[1]->{$_[1]})?1:0 }' .
'sub getStackTrace { $_[0]->[2] }' .
'sub getFrameCount { scalar(@{$_[0]->[2]}); }' .
'sub getFile { $_[0]->[2]->[ $_[1]?$_[1]:0 ]->[0] };' .
'sub getLine { $_[0]->[2]->[ $_[1]?$_[1]:0 ]->[1] };' .
'sub getSubroutine { $_[0]->[2]->[ $_[1]?$_[1]:0 ]->[2] };' .
'sub getArgs { $_[0]->[2]->[ $_[1]?$_[1]:0 ]->[3] };' .
'sub getPackage {$_[0]->[2]->[-1]->[2] =~ /(\w+)>$/;$1}'.
'sub getPid { $_[0]->[3] }' .
'sub getTid { $_[0]->[4] }' .
'sub getChained { $_[0]->[5] }' .
'sub getPropagation { $_[0]->[6]; }' .
'use overload '.
'q{""} => \&Exception::Lite::_dumpMessage ' .
', q{0+} => \&Exception::Lite::_refaddr, fallback=>1;' .
'sub PROPAGATE { push @{$_[0]->[6]},[$_[1],$_[2]]; $_[0]}';
$sDeclare .= 'return 1;';
local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub {
my ($p,$f,$l) = caller(2);
my $s=$_[0]; $s =~ s/at \(eval \d+\)\s+line\s+\d+\.//m;
print STDERR "$s in declareExceptionClass($sClass,...) "
."in file $f, line $l\n";
eval $sDeclare or do {
my ($p,$f,$l) = caller(1);
print STDERR "Can't create class $sClass at file $f, line $l\n";
if ($sClass =~ /\w:\w/) {
print STDERR "Bad class name: "
."At least one ':' is not doubled\n";
} elsif ($sClass !~ /^\w+(?:::\w+)*$/) {
print STDERR "Bad class name: $sClass\n";
} else {
$sDeclare=~s/(sub |use )/\n$1/g; print STDERR "$sDeclare\n";
# this needs to be separate from the eval, otherwise it never
# ends up in @INC or @ISA, at least in Perl 5.8.8
$INC{$sPath} = __FILE__;
eval "\@${sClass}::ISA=qw($sSuperClass);" if $sSuperClass;
return $sClass;
sub isChainable { return ref($_[0])?1:0; }
sub isException {
my ($e, $sClass) = @_;
my $sRef=ref($e);
return !defined($sClass)
? ($sRef ? isExceptionClass($sRef) : 0)
: $sClass eq ''
? ($sRef eq '' ? 1 : 0)
: ($sRef eq '')
? 0
: $sRef->isa($sClass)
sub isExceptionClass {
return defined($_[0]) && $_[0]->can('_getInterface')
&& ($_[0]->_getInterface() eq __PACKAGE__) ? 1 : 0;
sub onDie {
my $iStringify = $_[0];
$SIG{__DIE__} = sub {
warn 'Exception::Lite::Any'->new('Unexpected death:'.$_[0])
unless $^S || isException($_[0]);
sub onWarn {
my $iStringify = $_[0];
$SIG{__WARN__} = sub {
print STDERR 'Exception::Lite::Any'->new("Warning: $_[0]");
sub _cacheCall {
my $iFrame = $_[0];
my @aCaller;
my $aArgs;
# caller populates @DB::args if called within DB package
eval {
# this 2 line wierdness is needed to prevent Module::Build from finding
# this and adding it to the provides list.
#get rid of eval and call to _cacheCall
@aCaller = caller($iFrame+2);
# mark leading undefined elements as maybe shifted away
my $iDefined;
if ($#aCaller < 0) {
$aArgs = [ map {
? do {$iDefined=1;
"'$_'" . (overload::Method($_,'""')
? ' ('.overload::StrVal($_).')':'')}
: 'undef' . (defined($iDefined)
? '':' (maybe shifted away?)')
} @DB::args];
return $#aCaller < 0 ? \$aArgs : [ @aCaller[0..3], $aArgs ];
sub _cacheStackTrace {
my $e=$_[0]; my $st=[];
# set up initial frame
my $iFrame= $STACK_OFFSET + 1; # call to new
my $aCall = _cacheCall($iFrame++);
my ($sPackage, $iFile, $iLine, $sSub, $sArgs) = @$aCall;
my $iLineFrame=$iFrame;
$aCall = _cacheCall($iFrame++); #context of call to new
while (ref($aCall) ne 'REF') {
$sSub = $aCall->[3]; # subroutine containing file,line
$sArgs = $aCall->[4]; # args used to call $sSub
#print STDERR "debug-2: package=$sPackage file=$iFile line=$iLine"
# ." sub=$sSub, args=@$sArgs\n";
# in evals we want the line number within the eval, but the
# name of the sub in which the eval was located. To get this
# we wait to push on the stack until we get an actual sub name
# and we avoid overwriting the location information, hence 'ne'
if (!$FILTER || ($sSub ne EVAL)) {
my $aFrame=[ $iFile, $iLine, $sSub, $sArgs ];
($sPackage, $iFile, $iLine) = @$aCall;
my $sRef=ref($FILTER);
if ($sRef eq 'CODE') {
my $x = $FILTER->(@$aFrame, $iFrame, $iLineFrame);
if (ref($x) eq 'ARRAY') {
} elsif (!$x) {
} elsif (($sRef eq 'ARRAY') && ! _isIgnored($sSub, $FILTER)) {
} elsif (($sRef eq 'Regexp') && !_isIgnored($sSub, [$FILTER])) {
push(@$st, $aFrame) if $aFrame;
$aCall = _cacheCall($iFrame++);
push @$st, [ $iFile, $iLine, "<package: $sPackage>", $$aCall ];
if ($e) { my $n=$#{$e->[2]}-$#$st;$e->[2]=[@{$e->[2]}[0..$n]]};
return $st;
sub _isIgnored {
my ($sSub, $aIgnore) = @_;
foreach my $re (@$aIgnore) { return 1 if $sSub =~ $re; }
return 0;
sub _dumpMessage {
my ($e, $iDepth) = @_;
my $sMsg = $e->getMessage();
return $sMsg unless $STRINGIFY;
if (ref($STRINGIFY) eq 'CODE') {
return $STRINGIFY->($sMsg);
$iDepth = 0 unless defined($iDepth);
my $sIndent = ' ' x ($TAB*$iDepth);
$sMsg = "\n${sIndent}Exception! $sMsg";
return $sMsg if $STRINGIFY == 0;
my ($sThrow, $sReach);
my $sTab = ' ' x $TAB;
$sIndent.= $sTab;
if ($STRINGIFY > 2) {
my $aPropagation = $e->getPropagation();
for (my $i=$#$aPropagation; $i >= 0; $i--) {
my ($f,$l) = @{$aPropagation->[$i]};
$sMsg .= "\n${sIndent}rethrown at file $f, line $l";
$sMsg .= "\n";
$sThrow='thrown ';
$sReach='reached ';
} else {
my $st=$e->getStackTrace();
my $iTop = scalar @$st;
for (my $iFrame=0; $iFrame<$iTop; $iFrame++) {
my ($f,$l,$s,$aArgs) = @{$st->[$iFrame]};
if ($iFrame) {
#2nd and following stack frame
my $sVia="${sIndent}${sReach}via file $f, line $l";
my $sLine="$sVia in $s";
$sMsg .= (length($sLine)>$LINE_LENGTH
? "\n$sVia\n$sIndent${sTab}in $s" : "\n$sLine");
} else {
# first stack frame
my $tid=$e->getTid();
my $sAt="${sIndent}${sThrow}at file $f, line $l";
my $sLine="$sAt in $s";
$sMsg .= (length($sLine)>$LINE_LENGTH
? "\n$sAt\n$sIndent${sTab}in $s" : "\n$sLine")
. ", pid=" . $e->getPid() . (defined($tid)?", tid=$tid":'');
return "$sMsg\n" if $STRINGIFY == 1;
if ($STRINGIFY > 3) {
my $bTop = ($iFrame+1) == $iTop;
my $sVar= ($bTop && !$iDepth) ? '@ARGV' : '@_';
my $bMaybeEatenByGetOpt = $bTop && !scalar(@$aArgs)
&& exists($INC{'Getopt/'});
my $sVarIndent = "\n${sIndent}" . (' ' x $TAB);
my $sArgPrefix = "${sVarIndent}".(' ' x length($sVar)).' ';
if ($bMaybeEatenByGetOpt) {
$sMsg .= $sArgPrefix . $sVar
. '() # maybe eaten by Getopt::Long?';
} else {
my $sArgs = join($sArgPrefix.',', @$aArgs);
$sMsg .= "${sVarIndent}$sVar=($sArgs";
$sMsg .= $sArgs ? "$sArgPrefix)" : ')';
return $sMsg if $STRINGIFY == 2;
my $eChained = $e->getChained();
if (defined($eChained)) {
my $sTrigger = isException($eChained)
? _dumpMessage($eChained, $iDepth+1)
: "\n${sIndent}$eChained\n";
$sMsg .= "\n${sIndent}Triggered by...$sTrigger";
return $sMsg;
# refaddr has a prototype($) so we can't use it directly as an
# overload operator: it complains about being passed 3 parameters
# instead of 1.
sub _refaddr { Scalar::Util::refaddr($_[0]) };
sub _rethrow {
my $self = shift; my $sAddOrOmit = shift;
my ($p,$f,$l)=caller(1);
if (@_%2) {
warn sprintf('bad parameter list to %s->rethrow(...)'
.'at file %d, line %d: odd number of elements in property-value '
.'list, property value has no property name and will be '
."discarded (common causes: you have %s string)\n"
,$f, $l, $sAddOrOmit);
shift @_;
$self->replaceProperties({@_}) if (@_);
return $self;
# Traps warnings and reworks them so that they tell the user how
# to fix the problem rather than obscurely complain about an
# invisible sprintf with uninitialized values that seem to come from
# no where (and make Exception::Lite look like it is broken)
sub _sprintf {
my $sMsg;
my $sWarn;
local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { $sWarn=$_[0] if !defined($sWarn) };
# sprintf has prototype ($@)
my $sFormat = shift;
$sMsg = sprintf($sFormat, @_);
if (defined($sWarn)) {
my $sReason='';
my ($f, $l, $s) = (caller(1))[1,2,3];
$s =~ s/::(\w+)\z/->$1/;
$sWarn =~ s/sprintf/$s/;
$sWarn =~ s/\s+at\s+[\w\/\.]+\s+line\s+\d+\.\s+\z//;
if ($sWarn
=~ m{^Use of uninitialized value in|^Missing argument}) {
my $p=$s; $p =~ s/->\w+\z//;
$sReason ="\n Most likely cause: "
. "Either you are missing property-value pairs needed to"
. "build the message or your exception class's format"
. "definition mistakenly has too many placeholders "
. "(e.g. %s,%d,etc)\n";
warn "$sWarn called at file $f, line $l$sReason\n";
return $sMsg;
sub _shiftProperties {
my $cl= shift; my $st=shift; my $sAddOrOmit = shift;
if (@_%2) {
warn sprintf('bad parameter list to %s->new(...) at '
.'file %s, line %d: odd number of elements in property-value '
.'list, property value has no property name and will be '
.'discarded (common causes: you have %s string -or- you are '
."using a string as a chained exception)\n"
,$cl,$st->[0]->[0],$st->[0]->[1], $sAddOrOmit);
shift @_;
return {@_};
declareExceptionClass(__PACKAGE__ .'::Any');