kivitendo/SL/Template/ @ 5daf1cf9
0fba3edd | Moritz Bunkus | #====================================================================
# LX-Office ERP
# Copyright (C) 2004
# Based on SQL-Ledger Version 2.1.9
# Web
package SL::Template::Simple;
use strict;
0ffb94b4 | Moritz Bunkus | use Scalar::Util qw(blessed);
0fba3edd | Moritz Bunkus | # Parameters:
# 1. The template's file name
# 2. A reference to the Form object
# 3. A reference to the myconfig hash
# Returns:
# A new template object
sub new {
my $type = shift;
my $self = {};
bless($self, $type);
return $self;
sub _init {
7e0814bb | Moritz Bunkus | my ($self, %params) = @_;
0fba3edd | Moritz Bunkus | |||
0b7d4ff9 | Moritz Bunkus | $params{myconfig} ||= \%::myconfig;
$params{userspath} ||= $::lx_office_conf{paths}->{userspath};
7e0814bb | Moritz Bunkus | $self->{$_} = $params{$_} for keys %params;
0fba3edd | Moritz Bunkus | |||
3e466ad1 | Moritz Bunkus | $self->{variable_content_types} ||= {};
$self->{variable_content_types}->{$_} = lc $self->{variable_content_types}->{$_} for keys %{ $self->{variable_content_types} };
$self->{default_variable_content_type} = 'text';
0fba3edd | Moritz Bunkus | $self->{error} = undef;
$self->{quot_re} = '"';
$self->set_tag_style('<%', '%>');
sub set_tag_style {
my $self = shift;
my $tag_start = shift;
my $tag_end = shift;
29185b68 | Sven Schöling | $self->{custom_tag_style} = 1;
0fba3edd | Moritz Bunkus | $self->{tag_start} = $tag_start;
$self->{tag_end} = $tag_end;
$self->{tag_start_qm} = quotemeta $tag_start;
$self->{tag_end_qm} = quotemeta $tag_end;
$self->{substitute_vars_re} = "$self->{tag_start_qm}(.+?)$self->{tag_end_qm}";
1b9d0f70 | Sven Schöling | sub set_use_template_toolkit {
my $self = shift;
my $value = shift;
$self->{use_template_toolkit} = $value;
0fba3edd | Moritz Bunkus | sub cleanup {
my ($self) = @_;
# Parameters:
# 1. A typeglob for the file handle. The output will be written
# to this file handle.
# Returns:
# 1 on success and undef or 0 if there was an error. In the latter case
# the calling function can retrieve the error message via $obj->get_error()
sub parse {
my $self = $_[0];
local *OUT = $_[1];
print(OUT "Hallo!\n");
sub get_error {
my $self = shift;
return $self->{"error"};
sub uses_temp_file {
return 0;
sub _get_loop_variable {
85629633 | Sven Schöling | my ($self, $var, $get_array, @indices) = @_;
0fba3edd | Moritz Bunkus | my $form = $self->{form};
85629633 | Sven Schöling | my ($value, @methods);
0fba3edd | Moritz Bunkus | |||
0ffb94b4 | Moritz Bunkus | if ($var =~ m/\./) {
85629633 | Sven Schöling | ($var, @methods) = split m/\./, $var;
if (($get_array || @indices) && (ref $form->{TEMPLATE_ARRAYS} eq 'HASH') && (ref $form->{TEMPLATE_ARRAYS}->{$var} eq 'ARRAY')) {
0fba3edd | Moritz Bunkus | $value = $form->{TEMPLATE_ARRAYS}->{$var};
} else {
$value = $form->{$var};
for (my $i = 0; $i < scalar(@indices); $i++) {
last unless (ref($value) eq "ARRAY");
$value = $value->[$indices[$i]];
85629633 | Sven Schöling | for my $part (@methods) {
if (ref($value) =~ m/^(?:Form|HASH)$/) {
$value = $value->{$part};
} elsif (blessed($value) && $value->can($part)) {
$value = $value->$part;
} else {
$value = '';
0fba3edd | Moritz Bunkus | return $value;
sub substitute_vars {
my ($self, $text, @indices) = @_;
my $form = $self->{"form"};
while ($text =~ /$self->{substitute_vars_re}/) {
my ($tag_pos, $tag_len) = ($-[0], $+[0] - $-[0]);
ac9bfb42 | Moritz Bunkus | my ($var, @option_list) = split(/\s+/, $1);
my %options = map { ($_ => 1) } @option_list;
0fba3edd | Moritz Bunkus | |||
my $value = $self->_get_loop_variable($var, 0, @indices);
ac9bfb42 | Moritz Bunkus | $value = $form->parse_amount({ numberformat => $::myconfig{output_numberformat} || $::myconfig{numberformat} }, $value) if $options{NOFORMAT};
3e466ad1 | Moritz Bunkus | $value = $self->format_string($value, $var) unless $options{NOESCAPE};
0fba3edd | Moritz Bunkus | |||
substr($text, $tag_pos, $tag_len, $value);
return $text;
sub _parse_block_if {
my $self = shift;
my $contents = shift;
my $new_contents = shift;
my $pos_if = shift;
my @indices = @_;
$$new_contents .= $self->substitute_vars(substr($$contents, 0, $pos_if), @indices);
substr($$contents, 0, $pos_if) = "";
e09e900d | Sven Schöling | if ($$contents !~ m/^( $self->{tag_start_qm}if
0fba3edd | Moritz Bunkus | \s*
e09e900d | Sven Schöling | (not\b|\!)? # $2 -- Eventuelle Negierung
0fba3edd | Moritz Bunkus | \s+
e09e900d | Sven Schöling | (\b.+?\b) # $3 -- Name der zu überprüfenden Variablen
( # $4 -- Beginn des optionalen Vergleiches
0fba3edd | Moritz Bunkus | \s*
e09e900d | Sven Schöling | ([!=]) # $5 -- Negierung des Vergleiches speichern
([=~]) # $6 -- Art des Vergleiches speichern
0fba3edd | Moritz Bunkus | \s*
e09e900d | Sven Schöling | ( # $7 -- Gequoteter String oder Bareword
0fba3edd | Moritz Bunkus | $self->{quot_re}
e09e900d | Sven Schöling | (.*?)(?<!\\) # $8 -- Gequoteter String -- direkter Vergleich mit eq bzw. ne oder Patternmatching; Escapete Anführungs als Teil des Strings belassen
0fba3edd | Moritz Bunkus | $self->{quot_re}
e09e900d | Sven Schöling | (\b.+?\b) # $9 -- Bareword -- als Index für $form benutzen
0fba3edd | Moritz Bunkus | )
e09e900d | Sven Schöling | $self->{tag_end_qm} )
0fba3edd | Moritz Bunkus | /x) {
$self->{"error"} = "Malformed $self->{tag_start}if$self->{tag_end}.";
return undef;
e09e900d | Sven Schöling | my $not = $2;
my $var = $3;
my $comparison = $4; # Optionaler Match um $4..$8
my $operator_neg = $5; # '=' oder '!' oder undef, wenn kein Vergleich erkannt
my $operator_type = $6; # '=' oder '~' für Stringvergleich oder Regex
my $quoted_word = $8; # nur gültig, wenn quoted string angegeben (siehe unten); dann "value" aus <%if var == "value" %>
my $bareword = $9; # undef, falls quoted string angegeben wurde; andernfalls "othervar" aus <%if var == othervar %>
0fba3edd | Moritz Bunkus | |||
$not = !$not if ($operator_neg && $operator_neg eq '!');
e09e900d | Sven Schöling | substr($$contents, 0, length($1)) = "";
0fba3edd | Moritz Bunkus | |||
my $block;
60c0c579 | Moritz Bunkus | ($block, $$contents) = $self->find_end($$contents, 0, "$var $comparison", $not);
0fba3edd | Moritz Bunkus | if (!$block) {
$self->{"error"} = "Unclosed $self->{tag_start}if$self->{tag_end}." unless ($self->{"error"});
return undef;
my $value = $self->_get_loop_variable($var, 0, @indices);
c0abdaa6 | Moritz Bunkus | $value = scalar(@{ $value }) if (ref($value) || '') eq 'ARRAY';
0fba3edd | Moritz Bunkus | my $hit = 0;
if ($operator_type) {
my $compare_to = $bareword ? $self->_get_loop_variable($bareword, 0, @indices) : $quoted_word;
if ($operator_type eq '=') {
$hit = ($not && !($value eq $compare_to)) || (!$not && ($value eq $compare_to));
} else {
$hit = ($not && !($value =~ m/$compare_to/i)) || (!$not && ($value =~ m/$compare_to/i));
} else {
$hit = ($not && ! $value) || (!$not && $value);
if ($hit) {
my $new_text = $self->parse_block($block, @indices);
if (!defined($new_text)) {
return undef;
$$new_contents .= $new_text;
return 1;