


Herunterladen (6,88 KB) Statistiken
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96308c59 Geoffrey Richardson
package SL::Dev::Payment;

use strict;
use base qw(Exporter);
our @EXPORT = qw(create_payment_terms create_bank_account create_bank_transaction);

use SL::DB::PaymentTerm;
use SL::DB::BankAccount;
use SL::DB::Chart;
use DateTime;

sub create_payment_terms {
my (%params) = @_;

my $payment_terms = SL::DB::PaymentTerm->new(
description => 'payment',
description_long => 'payment',
terms_netto => '30',
terms_skonto => '5',
percent_skonto => '0.05',
auto_calculation => 1,
$payment_terms->assign_attributes(%params) if %params;

sub create_bank_account {
my (%params) = @_;
my $bank_account = SL::DB::BankAccount->new(
iban => 'DE12500105170648489890',
account_number => '0648489890',
bank => 'Testbank',
chart_id => delete $params{chart_id} // $::instance_conf->get_ar_paid_accno_id,
name => 'Test bank account',
bic => 'BANK1234',
bank_code => '50010517'
$bank_account->assign_attributes(%params) if %params;

503fabbf Martin Helmling
sub create_sepa_export {
my (%params) = @_;
my $sepa_export = SL::DB::SepaExport->new(
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closed => 0,
503fabbf Martin Helmling
employee_id => $params{employee_id} // SL::DB::Manager::Employee->current->id,
59320b5a Geoffrey Richardson
executed => 0,
vc => 'customer',
503fabbf Martin Helmling
$sepa_export->assign_attributes(%params) if %params;

sub create_sepa_export_item {
my (%params) = @_;
my $sepa_exportitem = SL::DB::SepaExportItem->new(
59320b5a Geoffrey Richardson
chart_id => delete $params{chart_id} // $::instance_conf->get_ar_paid_accno_id,
payment_type => 'without_skonto',
our_bic => 'BANK1234',
our_iban => 'DE12500105170648489890',
503fabbf Martin Helmling
$sepa_exportitem->assign_attributes(%params) if %params;

96308c59 Geoffrey Richardson
sub create_bank_transaction {
my (%params) = @_;

my $record = delete $params{record};
die "bank_transactions can only be created for invoices" unless ref($record) eq 'SL::DB::Invoice' or ref($record) eq 'SL::DB::PurchaseInvoice';

my $multiplier = $record->is_sales ? 1 : -1;
my $amount = (delete $params{amount} || $record->amount) * $multiplier;

my $bank_chart;
d975f05c Geoffrey Richardson
if ( $params{bank_chart_id} ) {
$bank_chart = SL::DB::Manager::Chart->find_by(id => delete $params{bank_chart_id}) or die "Can't find bank chart";
96308c59 Geoffrey Richardson
} elsif ( $::instance_conf->get_ar_paid_accno_id ) {
$bank_chart = SL::DB::Manager::Chart->find_by(id => $::instance_conf->get_ar_paid_accno_id);
} else {
$bank_chart = SL::DB::Manager::Chart->find_by(description => 'Bank') or die "Can't find bank chart";
my $bank_account = SL::DB::Manager::BankAccount->find_by( chart_id => $bank_chart->id );

my $bt = SL::DB::BankTransaction->new(
local_bank_account_id => $bank_account->id,
remote_bank_code => $record->customervendor->bank_code,
remote_account_number => $record->customervendor->account_number,
transdate => DateTime->today,
valutadate => DateTime->today,
amount => $amount,
currency => $record->currency->id,
remote_name => $record->customervendor->depositor,
purpose => $record->invnumber
$bt->assign_attributes(%params) if %params;



=head1 NAME

SL::Dev::Payment - create objects for payment-related testing, with minimal defaults


=head2 C<create_payment_terms %PARAMS>

Create payment terms.

Minimal example with default values (30days, 5% skonto within 5 days):
8f140730 Geoffrey Richardson
my $payment_terms = SL::Dev::Payment::create_payment_terms;
96308c59 Geoffrey Richardson
=head2 C<create_bank_account %PARAMS>

Required params: chart_id

8f140730 Geoffrey Richardson
my $bank_account = SL::Dev::Payment::create_bank_account(chart_id => SL::DB::Manager::Chart->find_by(description => 'Bank')->id);
96308c59 Geoffrey Richardson
=head2 C<create_bank_transaction %PARAMS>

d975f05c Geoffrey Richardson
Create a bank transaction that matches an existing invoice record, e.g. to be able to
test the point system.

96308c59 Geoffrey Richardson
Required params: record (an SL::DB::Invoice or SL::DB::PurchaseInvoice object)

d975f05c Geoffrey Richardson
Optional params: bank_chart_id : the chart id of a configured bank account
amount : the amount of the bank transaction
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d975f05c Geoffrey Richardson
If no bank_chart_id is given, it tries to find a chart via defaults
(ar_paid_accno_id) or by searching for the chart named "Bank". The chart must
be connected to an existing BankAccount.
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d975f05c Geoffrey Richardson
Param amount should always be relative to the absolute amount of the invoice, i.e. use positive
values for sales and purchases.
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8f140730 Geoffrey Richardson
my $payment_terms = SL::Dev::Payment::create_payment_terms;
96308c59 Geoffrey Richardson
my $bank_chart = SL::DB::Manager::Chart->find_by(description => 'Bank');
8f140730 Geoffrey Richardson
my $bank_account = SL::Dev::Payment::create_bank_account(chart_id => $bank_chart->id);
96308c59 Geoffrey Richardson
my $customer = SL::Dev::CustomerVendor::create_customer(iban => 'DE12500105170648489890',
bank_code => 'abc',
account_number => '44444',
bank => 'Testbank',
bic => 'foobar',
depositor => 'Name')->save;
my $sales_invoice = SL::Dev::Record::create_sales_invoice(customer => $customer,
payment_terms => $payment_terms,
my $bt = SL::Dev::Payment::create_bank_transaction(record => $sales_invoice,
amount => $sales_invoice->amount_less_skonto,
transdate => DateTime->today->add(days => 10),
bank_chart_id => $bank_chart->id
my ($agreement, $rule_matches) = $bt->get_agreement_with_invoice($sales_invoice);
# 14, 'remote_account_number(3) skonto_exact_amount(5) cust_vend_number_in_purpose(1) depositor_matches(2) payment_within_30_days(1) datebonus14(2)'

To create a payment for 3 invoices that were all paid together, all with skonto:
my $ar1 = SL::DB::Manager::Invoice->find_by(invnumber=>'20');
my $ar2 = SL::DB::Manager::Invoice->find_by(invnumber=>'21');
my $ar3 = SL::DB::Manager::Invoice->find_by(invnumber=>'22');
SL::Dev::Payment::create_bank_transaction(record => $ar1
amount => ($ar1->amount_less_skonto + $ar2->amount_less_skonto + $ar2->amount_less_skonto),
purpose => 'Rechnungen 20, 21, 22',
4cc1ef4c Geoffrey Richardson
96308c59 Geoffrey Richardson
=head1 TODO

4cc1ef4c Geoffrey Richardson
Nothing here yet.

96308c59 Geoffrey Richardson
=head1 BUGS

Nothing here yet.

=head1 AUTHOR

G. Richardson E<lt>grichardson@kivitendo-premium.deE<gt>
