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package SL::Controller::AccTrans;
use strict;
use parent qw(SL::Controller::Base);
use SL::DB::AccTransaction;


sub action_list_transactions {
my ($self) = @_;

return $self->render('generic/error', { layout => 0 }, label_error => "list_transactions needs a trans_id") unless $::form->{trans_id};

my $transactions = SL::DB::Manager::AccTransaction->get_all(query => [ trans_id => $::form->{trans_id} ], sort_by => 'acc_trans_id ASC');

return $self->render(\'', { type => 'json' }) unless scalar @{$transactions};

my $acc_trans_table = $self->_mini_ledger($transactions);
my $balances_table = $self->_mini_trial_balance($transactions);

return $self->render('acc_trans/acc_trans', { header => 0 }, acc_trans_table => $acc_trans_table, balances_table => $balances_table);

sub _mini_ledger {
my ($self, $transactions) = @_;


my $debit_sum = 0;
my $credit_sum = 0;

foreach my $t ( @{ $transactions } ) {
$debit_sum += $t->amount if $t->amount < 0;
$credit_sum += $t->amount if $t->amount > 0;

return $self->render('acc_trans/_mini_ledger', { output => 0 }, TRANSACTIONS => $transactions, debit_sum => $debit_sum, credit_sum => $credit_sum, title => $::locale->text('Transactions') );

sub _mini_trial_balance {
my ($self, $transactions) = @_;


my $rec = {};
foreach my $t ( @{ $transactions } ) {
$rec->{$t->chart->accno}->{description} = $t->chart->description;
$rec->{$t->chart->accno}->{accno} = $t->chart->accno;
$rec->{$t->chart->accno}->{balance} += $t->amount;

my @balances;
foreach ( sort keys %{ $rec } ) {
push @balances, $rec->{$_} if $rec->{$_}->{balance} != 0;

return $self->render('acc_trans/_mini_trial_balance', { output => 0 }, BALANCES => \@balances, title => $::locale->text('Balances') );

sub check_auth {




=encoding utf8

=head1 NAME

SL::Controller::AccTrans - module to list all transactions and balances of an invoice


list_transactions takes an id of an invoice and displays all the transactions in two HTML tables:

* mini_ledger: list of all transactions of the invoice, showing date, chart info and the amount as debit or credit, like a small general ledger just for this invoice.

* mini_trial_balance: list of all charts from the transactions with their current sum, shown as debit or credit.

The two tables are returned as an HTML div blob.

# sample code for console:
use SL::Controller::AccTrans;
# get an invoice (ar/ap/is/ir)
my $invoice = SL::DB::Manager::Invoice->find_by( invnumber => 1 );
# the function is called from an opened invoice and needs the trans_id as a parameter
$::form->{trans_id} = $invoice->id;

The HTML blob can also be opened directly as a url:

=head1 TODO

=head1 BUGS

Nothing here yet.

=head1 AUTHOR

G. Richardson E<lt>grichardson@kivitendo-premium.deE<gt>
