


Herunterladen (26,1 KB) Statistiken
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# LX-Office ERP
# Copyright (C) 2004
# Based on SQL-Ledger Version 2.1.9
# Web
# Veraendert 2005-01-05 - Marco Welter <> - Neue Optik #
# SQL-Ledger, Accounting
# Copyright (c) 1998-2002
# Author: Dieter Simader
# Email:
# Web:
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
# common routines used in is, ir but not in oe

use CGI;
use CGI::Ajax;
use List::Util qw(max);

use SL::Common;
use SL::CT;
use SL::IC;

require "bin/mozilla/";

# any custom scripts for this one
if (-f "bin/mozilla/") {
eval { require "bin/mozilla/"; };
if (-f "bin/mozilla/$form->{login}") {
eval { require "bin/mozilla/$form->{login}"; };


# end of main

# this is for our long dates
# $locale->text('January')
# $locale->text('February')
# $locale->text('March')
# $locale->text('April')
# $locale->text('May ')
# $locale->text('June')
# $locale->text('July')
# $locale->text('August')
# $locale->text('September')
# $locale->text('October')
# $locale->text('November')
# $locale->text('December')

# this is for our short month
# $locale->text('Jan')
# $locale->text('Feb')
# $locale->text('Mar')
# $locale->text('Apr')
# $locale->text('May')
# $locale->text('Jun')
# $locale->text('Jul')
# $locale->text('Aug')
# $locale->text('Sep')
# $locale->text('Oct')
# $locale->text('Nov')
# $locale->text('Dec')
use SL::IS;
use SL::PE;
use SL::AM;
use Data::Dumper;
# Eintrag fuer Version 2.2.0 geaendert #
# neue Optik im Rechnungsformular #
sub display_row {
my $numrows = shift;

my $is_sales =
(substr($form->{type}, 0, 6) eq "sales_")
|| (($form->{type} eq "invoice") && ($form->{script} eq ""))
|| ($form->{type} eq 'credit_note');

if ($lizenzen && $form->{vc} eq "customer") {
if ($form->{type} =~ /sales_order/) {
@column_index = (runningnumber, partnumber, description, ship, qty);
} elsif ($form->{type} =~ /sales_quotation/) {
@column_index = (runningnumber, partnumber, description, qty);
} else {
@column_index = (runningnumber, partnumber, description, qty);
} else {
if ( ($form->{type} =~ /purchase_order/)
|| ($form->{type} =~ /sales_order/)) {
@column_index = (runningnumber, partnumber, description, ship, qty);
} else {
@column_index = (runningnumber, partnumber, description, qty);
############## ENDE Neueintrag ##################

my $dimension_units = AM->retrieve_units(\%myconfig, $form, "dimension");
my $service_units = AM->retrieve_units(\%myconfig, $form, "service");
my $all_units = AM->retrieve_units(\%myconfig, $form);

my %price_factors = map { $_->{id} => $_->{factor} } @{ $form->{ALL_PRICE_FACTORS} };

push @column_index, qw(unit);

#for pricegroups column
if ( $form->{type} =~ (/sales_quotation/)
or (($form->{level} =~ /Sales/) and ($form->{type} =~ /invoice/))
or (($form->{level} eq undef) and ($form->{type} =~ /invoice/))
or ($form->{type} =~ /sales_order/)) {
push @column_index, qw(sellprice_pg);

push @column_index, qw(sellprice);

if ($form->{vc} eq 'customer') {
push @column_index, qw(discount);

push @column_index, "linetotal";

my $colspan = $#column_index + 1;

$form->{invsubtotal} = 0;
map { $form->{"${_}_base"} = 0 } (split(/ /, $form->{taxaccounts}));

# Eintrag fuer Version 2.2.0 geaendert #
# neue Optik im Rechnungsformular #
$column_data{runningnumber} = qq|<th align="left" nowrap width="5%" class="listheading">| . $locale->text('No.') . qq|</th>|;
$column_data{partnumber} = qq|<th align="left" nowrap width="12%" class="listheading">| . $locale->text('Number') . qq|</th>|;
$column_data{description} = qq|<th align="left" nowrap width="30%" class="listheading">| . $locale->text('Part Description') . qq|</th>|;
if ($form->{"type"} eq "purchase_order") {
$column_data{ship} = qq|<th align="left" nowrap width="5%" class="listheading">| . $locale->text('Ship rcvd') . qq|</th>|;
} else {
$column_data{ship} = qq|<th align="left" nowrap width="5%" class="listheading">| . $locale->text('Ship') . qq|</th>|;
$column_data{qty} = qq|<th align="left" nowrap width="5%" class="listheading">| . $locale->text('Qty') . qq|</th>|;
$column_data{unit} = qq|<th align="left" nowrap width="20%" class="listheading">| . $locale->text('Unit') . qq|</th>|;
$column_data{license} = qq|<th align="left" nowrap width="10%" class="listheading">| . $locale->text('License') . qq|</th>|;
$column_data{serialnr} = qq|<th align="left" nowrap width="10%" class="listheading">| . $locale->text('Serial No.') . qq|</th>|;
$column_data{projectnr} = qq|<th align="left" nowrap width="10%" class="listheading">| . $locale->text('Project') . qq|</th>|;
$column_data{sellprice} = qq|<th align="left" nowrap width="15%" class="listheading">| . $locale->text('Price') . qq|</th>|;
$column_data{sellprice_pg} = qq|<th align="left" nowrap width="15%" class="listheading">| . $locale->text('Pricegroup') . qq|</th>|;
$column_data{discount} = qq|<th align="left" nowrap width="5%" class="listheading">| . $locale->text('Discount') . qq|</th>|;
$column_data{linetotal} = qq|<th align="left" nowrap width="10%" class="listheading">| . $locale->text('Extended') . qq|</th>|;
$column_data{bin} = qq|<th align="left" nowrap width="10%" class="listheading">| . $locale->text('Bin') . qq|</th>|;
############## ENDE Neueintrag ##################

$myconfig{"show_form_details"} = 1
unless (defined($myconfig{"show_form_details"}));
$form->{"show_details"} = $myconfig{"show_form_details"}
unless (defined($form->{"show_details"}));
$form->{"show_details"} = $form->{"show_details"} ? 1 : 0;
my $show_details_new = 1 - $form->{"show_details"};
my $show_details_checked = $form->{"show_details"} ? "checked" : "";

print qq|
<td>| . $cgi->hidden("-name" => "show_details", "-value" => $form->{show_details}) . qq|
<input type="checkbox" id="cb_show_details" onclick="show_form_details($show_details_new);" $show_details_checked>
<label for="cb_show_details">| . $locale->text("Show details") . qq|</label><br>
<table width="100%">
<tr class="listheading">|;

map { print "\n$column_data{$_}" } @column_index;

print qq|

$runningnumber = $locale->text('No.');
$deliverydate = $locale->text('Delivery Date');
$serialnumber = $locale->text('Serial No.');
$projectnumber = $locale->text('Project');
$partsgroup = $locale->text('Group');
$reqdate = $locale->text('Reqdate');

$delvar = 'deliverydate';

if ($form->{type} =~ /_order$/ || $form->{type} =~ /_quotation$/) {
$deliverydate = $locale->text('Required by');
$delvar = 'reqdate';

$form->{marge_total} = 0;
$form->{sellprice_total} = 0;
$form->{lastcost_total} = 0;
my %projectnumber_labels = ();
my @projectnumber_values = ("");
foreach my $item (@{ $form->{"ALL_PROJECTS"} }) {
push(@projectnumber_values, $item->{"id"});
$projectnumber_labels{$item->{"id"}} = $item->{"projectnumber"};

for $i (1 .. $numrows) {

# undo formatting
map {
$form->{"${_}_$i"} =
$form->parse_amount(\%myconfig, $form->{"${_}_$i"})
} qw(qty ship discount sellprice price_new price_old) unless ($form->{simple_save});

if (!$form->{"unit_old_$i"}) {
# Neue Ware aus der Datenbank. In diesem Fall ist unit_$i die
# Einheit, wie sie in den Stammdaten hinterlegt wurde.
# Es sollte also angenommen werden, dass diese ausgewaehlt war.
$form->{"unit_old_$i"} = $form->{"unit_$i"};

# Die zuletzt ausgewaehlte mit der aktuell ausgewaehlten Einheit
# vergleichen und bei Unterschied den Preis entsprechend umrechnen.
$form->{"selected_unit_$i"} = $form->{"unit_$i"} unless ($form->{"selected_unit_$i"});

my $check_units = $form->{"inventory_accno_$i"} ? $dimension_units : $service_units;
if (!$check_units->{$form->{"selected_unit_$i"}} ||
($check_units->{$form->{"selected_unit_$i"}}->{"base_unit"} ne
$all_units->{$form->{"unit_old_$i"}}->{"base_unit"})) {
# Die ausgewaehlte Einheit ist fuer diesen Artikel nicht gueltig
# (z.B. Dimensionseinheit war ausgewaehlt, es handelt sich aber
# um eine Dienstleistung). Dann keinerlei Umrechnung vornehmen.
$form->{"unit_old_$i"} = $form->{"selected_unit_$i"} = $form->{"unit_$i"};
if ((!$form->{"prices_$i"}) || ($form->{"new_pricegroup_$i"} == $form->{"old_pricegroup_$i"})) {
if ($form->{"unit_old_$i"} ne $form->{"selected_unit_$i"}) {
my $basefactor = 1;
if (defined($all_units->{$form->{"unit_old_$i"}}->{"factor"}) &&
$all_units->{$form->{"unit_old_$i"}}->{"factor"}) {
$basefactor = $all_units->{$form->{"selected_unit_$i"}}->{"factor"} /
$form->{"sellprice_$i"} *= $basefactor;
$form->{"unit_old_$i"} = $form->{"selected_unit_$i"};

($dec) = ($form->{"sellprice_$i"} =~ /\.(\d+)/);
$decimalplaces = max length($dec), 2;

$price_factor = $price_factors{$form->{"price_factor_id_$i"}} || 1;
$discount = (100 - $form->{"discount_$i"} * 1) / 100;

$linetotal = $form->round_amount($form->{"sellprice_$i"} * $form->{"qty_$i"} * $discount / $price_factor, $decimalplaces);

my $real_sellprice = $form->{"sellprice_$i"} * $discount / $price_factor;

# marge calculations
my ($marge_font_start, $marge_font_end);

$form->{"lastcost_$i"} *= 1;

$marge_price_factor = $form->{"marge_price_factor_$i"} * 1 || 1;

if ($real_sellprice && ($form->{"qty_$i"} * 1)) {
$form->{"marge_percent_$i"} = ($real_sellprice - $form->{"lastcost_$i"} / $marge_price_factor) * 100 / $real_sellprice;
$myconfig{"marge_percent_warn"} = 15 unless (defined($myconfig{"marge_percent_warn"}));

if ($form->{"id_$i"} &&
($form->{"marge_percent_$i"} < (1 * $myconfig{"marge_percent_warn"}))) {
$marge_font_start = "<font color=\"#ff0000\">";
$marge_font_end = "</font>";

} else {
$form->{"marge_percent_$i"} = 0;

my $marge_adjust_credit_note = $form->{type} eq 'credit_note' ? -1 : 1;
$form->{"marge_total_$i"} = ($real_sellprice - $form->{"lastcost_$i"} / $marge_price_factor) * $form->{"qty_$i"} * $marge_adjust_credit_note;
$form->{"marge_total"} += $form->{"marge_total_$i"};
$form->{"lastcost_total"} += $form->{"lastcost_$i"} * $form->{"qty_$i"} / $marge_price_factor;
$form->{"sellprice_total"} += $real_sellprice * $form->{"qty_$i"};

map { $form->{"${_}_$i"} = $form->format_amount(\%myconfig, $form->{"${_}_$i"}, 2) } qw(marge_total marge_percent);

# convert " to &quot;
map { $form->{"${_}_$i"} =~ s/\"/&quot;/g }
qw(partnumber description unit unit_old);

# Eintrag fuer Version 2.2.0 geaendert #
# neue Optik im Rechnungsformular #
$column_data{runningnumber} =
qq|<td><input name="runningnumber_$i" size="5" value="$i"></td>|; # HuT
############## ENDE Neueintrag ##################

$column_data{partnumber} =
qq|<td><input name="partnumber_$i" size=12 value="$form->{"partnumber_$i"}"></td>|;

if (($rows = $form->numtextrows($form->{"description_$i"}, 30, 6)) > 1) {
$column_data{description} =
qq|<td><textarea name="description_$i" rows="$rows" cols="30" wrap="soft">| . H($form->{"description_$i"}) . qq|</textarea><button type="button" onclick="set_longdescription_window('longdescription_$i')">| . $locale->text('L') . qq|</button></td>|;
} else {
$column_data{description} =
qq|<td><input name="description_$i" size="30" value="| . $form->quote($form->{"description_$i"}) . qq|"><button type="button" onclick="set_longdescription_window('longdescription_$i')">| . $locale->text('L') . qq|</button></td>|;

(my $qty_dec) = ($form->{"qty_$i"} =~ /\.(\d+)/);
$qty_dec = length $qty_dec;

$column_data{qty} =
qq|<td align="right"><input name="qty_$i" size="5" value="|
. $form->format_amount(\%myconfig, $form->{"qty_$i"}, $qty_dec) .qq|">|;
if ($form->{"formel_$i"}) {
$column_data{qty} .= qq|<button type="button" onclick="calculate_qty_selection_window('qty_$i','alu_$i', 'formel_$i', $i)">| . $locale->text('*/') . qq|</button>|
. $cgi->hidden("-name" => "formel_$i", "-value" => $form->{"formel_$i"}) . $cgi->hidden("-name" => "alu_$i", "-value" => $form->{"alu_$i"});
$column_data{qty} .= qq|</td>|;
$column_data{ship} =
qq|<td align="right"><input name="ship_$i" size=5 value="|
. $form->format_amount(\%myconfig, $form->{"ship_$i"})
. qq|"></td>|;

my $is_part = $form->{"inventory_accno_$i"};
my $is_assembly = $form->{"assembly_$i"};
my $is_assigned = $form->{"id_$i"};
my $this_unit = $form->{"unit_$i"};
if ($form->{"selected_unit_$i"} && $this_unit &&
$all_units->{$form->{"selected_unit_$i"}} && $all_units->{$this_unit} &&
($all_units->{$form->{"selected_unit_$i"}}->{"base_unit"} eq $all_units->{$this_unit}->{"base_unit"})) {
$this_unit = $form->{"selected_unit_$i"};
} elsif (!$is_assigned ||
($is_part && !$this_unit && ($all_units->{$this_unit} && ($all_units->{$this_unit}->{"base_unit"} eq $all_units->{"kg"}->{"base_unit"})))) {
$this_unit = "kg";

my $price_factor_select;
if (0 < scalar @{ $form->{ALL_PRICE_FACTORS} }) {
my @values = ('', map { $_->{id} } @{ $form->{ALL_PRICE_FACTORS} });
my %labels = map { $_->{id} => $_->{description} } @{ $form->{ALL_PRICE_FACTORS} };

$price_factor_select =
NTI($cgi->popup_menu('-name' => "price_factor_id_$i",
'-default' => $form->{"price_factor_id_$i"},
'-values' => \@values,
'-labels' => \%labels,
'-style' => 'width:90px'))
. ' ';

$column_data{"unit"} = "<td>" .
$price_factor_select .
AM->unit_select_html($is_part || $is_assembly ? $dimension_units :
$is_assigned ? $service_units : $all_units,
"unit_$i", $this_unit,
$is_assigned ? $form->{"unit_$i"} : undef)
. "</td>";

# build in drop down list for pricesgroups
if ($form->{"prices_$i"}) {
if ($form->{"new_pricegroup_$i"} != $form->{"old_pricegroup_$i"}) {
$price_tmp = $form->format_amount(\%myconfig, $form->{"price_new_$i"}, $decimalplaces);
} else {
$price_tmp = $form->format_amount(\%myconfig, $form->{"sellprice_$i"}, $decimalplaces);

$column_data{sellprice_pg} =
qq|<td align="right"><select name="sellprice_pg_$i">$form->{"prices_$i"}</select></td>|;
$column_data{sellprice} =
qq|<td><input name="sellprice_$i" size="10" value="$price_tmp" onBlur=\"check_right_number_format(this)\"></td>|;
} else {

# for last row and report
# set pricegroup drop down list from report menu
if ($form->{"sellprice_$i"} != 0) {
$prices =
qq|<option value="$form->{"sellprice_$i"}--$form->{"pricegroup_id_$i"}" selected>$form->{"pricegroup_$i"}</option>\n|;

$form->{"pricegroup_old_$i"} = $form->{"pricegroup_id_$i"};

$column_data{sellprice_pg} =
qq|<td align="right"><select name="sellprice_pg_$i">$prices</select></td>|;

} else {

# for last row
$column_data{sellprice_pg} = qq|<td align="right">&nbsp;</td>|;
$column_data{sellprice} =
qq|<td><input name="sellprice_$i" size="10" onBlur=\"check_right_number_format(this)\" value="|
. $form->format_amount(\%myconfig, $form->{"sellprice_$i"},
. qq|"></td>|;
$column_data{discount} =
qq|<td align="right"><input name="discount_$i" size=3 value="|
. $form->format_amount(\%myconfig, $form->{"discount_$i"})
. qq|"></td>|;
$column_data{linetotal} =
qq|<td align="right">|
. $form->format_amount(\%myconfig, $linetotal, 2)
. qq|</td>|;
$column_data{bin} = qq|<td>$form->{"bin_$i"}</td>|;

# Eintrag fuer Version 2.2.0 geaendert #
# neue Optik im Rechnungsformular #
# if ($lizenzen && $form->{type} eq "invoice" && $form->{vc} eq "customer") {
# $column_data{license} = qq|<td><select name="licensenumber_$i">$form->{"lizenzen_$i"}></select></td>|;
# }
# if ($form->{type} !~ /_quotation/) {
# $column_data{serialnr} = qq|<td><input name="serialnumber_$i" size=10 value="$form->{"serialnumber_$i"}"></td>|;
# }
# $column_data{projectnr} = qq|<td><input name="projectnumber_$i" size=10 value="$form->{"projectnumber_$i"}"></td>|;
############## ENDE Neueintrag ##################
my $j = $i % 2;
print qq|

<tr valign="top" class="listrow$j">|;

map { print "\n$column_data{$_}" } @column_index;

print("</tr>\n" .
$cgi->hidden("-name" => "unit_old_$i",
"-value" => $form->{"selected_unit_$i"})
. "\n" .
$cgi->hidden("-name" => "price_new_$i",
"-value" => $form->format_amount(\%myconfig, $form->{"price_new_$i"}))
. "\n");
map({ print($cgi->hidden("-name" => $_, "-value" => $form->{$_}) . "\n"); }
("orderitems_id_$i", "bo_$i", "pricegroup_old_$i", "price_old_$i",
"id_$i", "inventory_accno_$i", "bin_$i", "partsgroup_$i", "partnotes_$i",
"income_accno_$i", "expense_accno_$i", "listprice_$i", "assembly_$i",
"taxaccounts_$i", "ordnumber_$i", "transdate_$i", "cusordnumber_$i",
"longdescription_$i", "basefactor_$i", "marge_total_$i", "marge_percent_$i", "lastcost_$i",

# Eintrag fuer Version 2.2.0 geaendert #
# neue Optik im Rechnungsformular #

my $row_style_attr =
'style="display:none;"' if (!$form->{"show_details"});

# print second row
print qq|
<tr class="listrow$j" $row_style_attr>
<td colspan="$colspan">
if ($lizenzen && $form->{type} eq "invoice" && $form->{vc} eq "customer") {
my $selected = $form->{"licensenumber_$i"};
my $lizenzen_quoted;
$form->{"lizenzen_$i"} =~ s/ selected//g;
$form->{"lizenzen_$i"} =~
s/value="${selected}"\>/value="${selected}" selected\>/;
$lizenzen_quoted = $form->{"lizenzen_$i"};
$lizenzen_quoted =~ s/\"/&quot;/g;
print qq|
<b>Lizenz\#</b>&nbsp;<select name="licensenumber_$i" size="1">
<input type="hidden" name="lizenzen_$i" value="${lizenzen_quoted}">
if ($form->{type} !~ /_quotation/) {
print qq|
<b>$serialnumber</b>&nbsp;<input name="serialnumber_$i" size="15" value="$form->{"serialnumber_$i"}">|;

print qq|<b>$projectnumber</b>&nbsp;| .
NTI($cgi->popup_menu('-name' => "project_id_$i",
'-values' => \@projectnumber_values,
'-labels' => \%projectnumber_labels,
'-default' => $form->{"project_id_$i"}));

if ($form->{type} eq 'invoice' or $form->{type} =~ /order/) {
my $reqdate_term =
($form->{type} eq 'invoice')
? 'deliverydate'
: 'reqdate'; # invoice uses a different term for the same thing.
print qq|
<b>${$reqdate_term}</b>&nbsp;<input name="${reqdate_term}_$i" size="11" onBlur="check_right_date_format(this)" value="$form->{"${reqdate_term}_$i"}">
my $subtotalchecked = ($form->{"subtotal_$i"}) ? "checked" : "";
print qq|
<b>|.$locale->text('Subtotal').qq|</b>&nbsp;<input type="checkbox" name="subtotal_$i" value="1" $subtotalchecked>

if ($form->{"id_$i"} && $is_sales) {
my $marge_price_factor;

$form->{"marge_price_factor_$i"} *= 1;

if ($form->{"marge_price_factor_$i"} && (1 != $form->{"marge_price_factor_$i"})) {
$marge_price_factor = '/' . $form->format_amount(\%myconfig, $form->{"marge_price_factor_$i"});

print qq|
${marge_font_start}<b>| . $locale->text('Ertrag') . qq|</b>&nbsp;$form->{"marge_total_$i"}&nbsp;$form->{"marge_percent_$i"} % ${marge_font_end}|;
print qq|
&nbsp;<b>| . $locale->text('LP') . qq|</b>&nbsp;| . $form->format_amount(\%myconfig, $form->{"listprice_$i"}, 2) . qq|
&nbsp;<b>| . $locale->text('EK') . qq|</b>&nbsp;| . $form->format_amount(\%myconfig, $form->{"lastcost_$i"}, 2) . $marge_price_factor;

print qq|

############## ENDE Neueintrag ##################

map { $form->{"${_}_base"} += $linetotal }
(split(/ /, $form->{"taxaccounts_$i"}));

$form->{invsubtotal} += $linetotal;

print qq|

if (0 != ($form->{sellprice_total} * 1)) {
$form->{marge_percent} = ($form->{sellprice_total} - $form->{lastcost_total}) / $form->{sellprice_total} * 100;


sub set_pricegroup {
my $rowcount = shift;
for $j (1 .. $rowcount) {
my $pricegroup_old = $form->{"pricegroup_old_$i"};
if ($form->{PRICES}{$j}) {
$len = 0;
$prices = '<option value="--">' . $locale->text("none (pricegroup)") . '</option>';
$price = 0;
foreach $item (@{ $form->{PRICES}{$j} }) {

#$price = $form->round_amount($myconfig, $item->{price}, 5);
#$price = $form->format_amount($myconfig, $item->{price}, 2);
$price = $item->{price};
$pricegroup_id = $item->{pricegroup_id};
$pricegroup = $item->{pricegroup};

# build drop down list for pricegroups
$prices .=
qq|<option value="$price--$pricegroup_id"$item->{selected}>$pricegroup</option>\n|;

$len += 1;

# map {
# $form->{"${_}_$j"} =
# $form->format_amount(\%myconfig, $form->{"${_}_$j"})
# } qw(sellprice price_new price_old);

# set new selectedpricegroup_id and prices for "Preis"
if ($item->{selected} && ($pricegroup_id != 0)) {
$form->{"pricegroup_old_$j"} = $pricegroup_id;
$form->{"price_new_$j"} = $price;
$form->{"sellprice_$j"} = $price;
if ($pricegroup_id == 0) {
$form->{"price_new_$j"} = $form->{"sellprice_$j"};
$form->{"prices_$j"} = $prices;

sub display_form {


my $new_rowcount = $form->{"rowcount"} * 1 + 1;
$form->{"project_id_${new_rowcount}"} = $form->{"globalproject_id"};


# if we have a display_form
if ($form->{display_form}) {

Common::webdav_folder($form) if ($webdav);

# if ( $form->{print_and_post}
# && $form->{second_run}
# && ($form->{action} eq "display_form")) {
# for (keys %$form) { $old_form->{$_} = $form->{$_} }
# $old_form->{rowcount}++;
# #$form->{rowcount}--;
# #$form->{rowcount}--;
# $form->{print_and_post} = 0;
# &print_form($old_form);
# exit;
# }
# $form->{action} = "";
# $form->{resubmit} = 0;
# if ($form->{print_and_post} && !$form->{second_run}) {
# $form->{second_run} = 1;
# $form->{action} = "display_form";
# $form->{rowcount}--;
# my $rowcount = $form->{rowcount};
# # get pricegroups for parts
# IS->get_pricegroups_for_parts(\%myconfig, \%$form);
# # build up html code for prices_$i
# set_pricegroup($rowcount);
# $form->{resubmit} = 1;
# }

$numrows = ++$form->{rowcount};
$subroutine = "display_row";

if ($form->{item} eq 'part') {

#set preisgruppenanzahl
$numrows = $form->{price_rows};
$subroutine = "price_row";


$numrows = ++$form->{makemodel_rows};
$subroutine = "makemodel_row";
if ($form->{item} eq 'assembly') {
$numrows = $form->{price_rows};
$subroutine = "price_row";


$numrows = ++$form->{makemodel_rows};
$subroutine = "makemodel_row";

# create makemodel rows

$numrows = ++$form->{assembly_rows};
$subroutine = "assembly_row";
if ($form->{item} eq 'service') {
$numrows = $form->{price_rows};
$subroutine = "price_row";


$numrows = 0;

# create rows
&{$subroutine}($numrows) if $numrows;

