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# LX-Office ERP
# Copyright (C) 2004
# Based on SQL-Ledger Version 2.1.9
# Web
# SQL-Ledger Accounting
# Copyright (C) 2001
# Author: Dieter Simader
# Email:
# Web:
# Contributors:
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston,
# MA 02110-1335, USA.
# Inventory Control backend

package IC;

use Data::Dumper;
use List::MoreUtils qw(all any uniq);

use SL::CVar;
use SL::DBUtils;
use SL::HTML::Restrict;
use SL::TransNumber;
use SL::Util qw(trim);
use SL::DB;
use SL::Presenter::Part qw(type_abbreviation classification_abbreviation separate_abbreviation);
use Carp;

use strict;

sub retrieve_buchungsgruppen {

my ($self, $myconfig, $form) = @_;

my ($query, $sth);

my $dbh = $form->get_standard_dbh;

# get buchungsgruppen
$query = qq|SELECT id, description FROM buchungsgruppen ORDER BY sortkey|;
$form->{BUCHUNGSGRUPPEN} = selectall_hashref_query($form, $dbh, $query);


sub assembly_item {

my ($self, $myconfig, $form) = @_;

my $i = $form->{assembly_rows};
my $var;
my $where = qq|1 = 1|;
my @values;

my %columns = ("partnumber" => "p", "description" => "p", "partsgroup" => "pg");

while (my ($column, $table) = each(%columns)) {
next unless ($form->{"${column}_$i"});
$where .= qq| AND ${table}.${column} ILIKE ?|;
push(@values, like($form->{"${column}_$i"}));

if ($form->{id}) {
$where .= qq| AND NOT ( = ?)|;
push(@values, conv_i($form->{id}));

# Search for part ID overrides all other criteria.
if ($form->{"id_${i}"}) {
$where = qq| = ?|;
@values = ($form->{"id_${i}"});

if ($form->{partnumber}) {
$where .= qq| ORDER BY p.partnumber|;
} else {
$where .= qq| ORDER BY p.description|;

my $query =
qq|SELECT, p.partnumber, p.description, p.sellprice,
p.weight, p.onhand, p.unit, pg.partsgroup, p.lastcost,
p.price_factor_id, pfac.factor AS price_factor, p.notes as longdescription
FROM parts p
LEFT JOIN partsgroup pg ON (p.partsgroup_id =
LEFT JOIN price_factors pfac ON = p.price_factor_id
WHERE $where|;
$form->{item_list} = selectall_hashref_query($form, SL::DB->client->dbh, $query, @values);


# Report for Wares.
# Warning, deep magic ahead.
# This function gets all parts from the database according to the filters specified
# specials:
# sort revers - sorting field + direction
# top100
# simple filter strings (every one of those also has a column flag prefixed with 'l_' associated):
# partnumber ean description partsgroup microfiche drawing
# column flags:
# l_partnumber l_description l_listprice l_sellprice l_lastcost l_priceupdate l_weight l_unit l_rop l_image l_drawing l_microfiche l_partsgroup
# l_warehouse l_bin
# exclusives:
# itemstatus = active | onhand | short | obsolete | orphaned
# searchitems = part | assembly | service
# joining filters:
# make model - makemodel
# serialnumber transdatefrom transdateto - invoice/orderitems
# warehouse - warehouse
# bin - bin
# binary flags:
# bought sold onorder ordered rfq quoted - aggreg joins with invoices/orders
# l_linetotal l_subtotal - aggreg joins to display totals (complicated) - NOT IMPLEMENTED here, implementation at frontend
# l_soldtotal - aggreg join to display total of sold quantity
# onhand - as above, but masking the simple itemstatus results (doh!)
# short - NOT IMPLEMENTED as form filter, only as itemstatus option
# l_serialnumber - belonges to serialnumber filter
# l_deliverydate - displays deliverydate is sold etc. flags are active
# l_soldtotal - aggreg join to display total of sold quantity, works as long as there's no bullshit in soldtotal
# not working:
# onhand - as above, but masking the simple itemstatus results (doh!)
# warehouse onhand
# search by overrides of description
# soldtotal drops option default warehouse and bin
# soldtotal can not work if there are no documents checked
# disabled sanity checks and changes:
# - searchitems = assembly will no longer disable bought
# - searchitems = service will no longer disable make and model, although services don't have make/model, it doesn't break the query
# - itemstatus = orphaned will no longer disable onhand short bought sold onorder ordered rfq quoted transdate[from|to]
# - itemstatus = obsolete will no longer disable onhand, short
# - allow sorting by ean
# - serialnumber filter also works if l_serialnumber isn't ticked
# - sorting will now change sorting if the requested sorting column isn't checked and doesn't get checked as a side effect
sub all_parts {

my ($self, $myconfig, $form) = @_;
my $dbh = $form->get_standard_dbh($myconfig);

# sanity backend check
croak "Cannot combine soldtotal with default bin or default warehouse" if ($form->{l_soldtotal} && ($form->{l_bin} || $form->{l_warehouse}));

$form->{parts} = +{ };
$form->{soldtotal} = undef if $form->{l_soldtotal}; # security fix. top100 insists on putting strings in there...

my @simple_filters = qw(partnumber ean description partsgroup microfiche drawing onhand);
my @project_filters = qw(projectnumber projectdescription);
my @makemodel_filters = qw(make model);
my @invoice_oi_filters = qw(serialnumber soldtotal);
my @apoe_filters = qw(transdate);
my @like_filters = (@simple_filters, @invoice_oi_filters);
my @all_columns = (@simple_filters, @makemodel_filters, @apoe_filters, @project_filters, qw(serialnumber));
my @simple_l_switches = (@all_columns, qw(notes listprice sellprice lastcost priceupdate weight unit rop image shop insertdate));
my %no_simple_l_switches = (warehouse => 'wh.description as warehouse', bin => 'bin.description as bin');
my @oe_flags = qw(bought sold onorder ordered rfq quoted);
my @qsooqr_flags = qw(invnumber ordnumber quonumber trans_id name module qty);
my @deliverydate_flags = qw(deliverydate);
# my @other_flags = qw(onhand); # ToDO: implement these
# my @inactive_flags = qw(l_subtotal short l_linetotal);

my @select_tokens = qw(id factor part_type classification_id);
my @where_tokens = qw(1=1);
my @group_tokens = ();
my @bind_vars = ();
my %joins_needed = ();

my %joins = (
partsgroup => 'LEFT JOIN partsgroup pg ON ( = p.partsgroup_id)',
makemodel => 'LEFT JOIN makemodel mm ON (mm.parts_id =',
pfac => 'LEFT JOIN price_factors pfac ON ( = p.price_factor_id)',
invoice_oi =>
SELECT parts_id, description, serialnumber, trans_id, unit, sellprice, qty, assemblyitem, deliverydate, 'invoice' AS ioi, project_id, id FROM invoice UNION
SELECT parts_id, description, serialnumber, trans_id, unit, sellprice, qty, FALSE AS assemblyitem, NULL AS deliverydate, 'orderitems' AS ioi, project_id, id FROM orderitems
) AS ioi ON ioi.parts_id =|,
apoe =>
SELECT id, transdate, 'ir' AS module, ordnumber, quonumber, invnumber, FALSE AS quotation, NULL AS customer_id, vendor_id, NULL AS deliverydate, globalproject_id, 'invoice' AS ioi FROM ap UNION
SELECT id, transdate, 'is' AS module, ordnumber, quonumber, invnumber, FALSE AS quotation, customer_id, NULL AS vendor_id, deliverydate, globalproject_id, 'invoice' AS ioi FROM ar UNION
SELECT id, transdate, 'oe' AS module, ordnumber, quonumber, NULL AS invnumber, quotation, customer_id, vendor_id, reqdate AS deliverydate, globalproject_id, 'orderitems' AS ioi FROM oe
) AS apoe ON ((ioi.trans_id = AND (ioi.ioi = apoe.ioi))|,
cv =>
SELECT id, name, 'customer' AS cv FROM customer UNION
SELECT id, name, 'vendor' AS cv FROM vendor
) AS cv ON = apoe.customer_id OR = apoe.vendor_id|,
mv => 'LEFT JOIN vendor AS mv ON = mm.make',
project => 'LEFT JOIN project AS pj ON = COALESCE(ioi.project_id, apoe.globalproject_id)',
warehouse => 'LEFT JOIN warehouse AS wh ON = p.warehouse_id',
bin => 'LEFT JOIN bin ON = p.bin_id',
my @join_order = qw(partsgroup makemodel mv invoice_oi apoe cv pfac project warehouse bin);

my %table_prefix = (
deliverydate => 'apoe.', serialnumber => 'ioi.',
transdate => 'apoe.', trans_id => 'ioi.',
module => 'apoe.', name => 'cv.',
ordnumber => 'apoe.', make => 'mm.',
quonumber => 'apoe.', model => 'mm.',
invnumber => 'apoe.', partsgroup => 'pg.',
lastcost => 'p.', , soldtotal => ' ',
factor => 'pfac.', projectnumber => 'pj.',
'SUM(ioi.qty)' => ' ', projectdescription => 'pj.',
description => 'p.',
qty => 'ioi.',
serialnumber => 'ioi.',
quotation => 'apoe.',
cv => 'cv.',
"" => ' ',
"ioi.ioi" => ' ',

# if the join condition in these blocks are met, the column
# of the specified table will gently override (coalesce actually) the original value
# use it to conditionally coalesce values from subtables
my @column_override = (
# column name, prefix, joins_needed, nick name (in case column is named like another)
[ 'description', 'ioi.', 'invoice_oi' ],
[ 'deliverydate', 'ioi.', 'invoice_oi' ],
[ 'transdate', 'apoe.', 'apoe' ],
[ 'unit', 'ioi.', 'invoice_oi' ],
[ 'sellprice', 'ioi.', 'invoice_oi' ],

# careful with renames. these are HARD, and any filters done on the original column will break
my %renamed_columns = (
'factor' => 'price_factor',
'SUM(ioi.qty)' => 'soldtotal',
'' => 'ioi_id',
'ioi.ioi' => 'ioi',
'projectdescription' => 'projectdescription',
'insertdate' => 'insertdate',

my %real_column = (
projectdescription => 'description',
insertdate => 'itime::DATE',

my $make_token_builder = sub {
my $joins_needed = shift;
sub {
my ($nick, $alias) = @_;
my ($col) = $real_column{$nick} || $nick;
my @coalesce_tokens =
map { ($_->[1] || 'p.') . $_->[0] }
grep { !$_->[2] || $joins_needed->{$_->[2]} }
grep { ($_->[3] || $_->[0]) eq $nick }
@column_override, [ $col, $table_prefix{$nick}, undef , $nick ];

my $coalesce = scalar @coalesce_tokens > 1;
return ($coalesce
? sprintf 'COALESCE(%s)', join ', ', @coalesce_tokens
: shift @coalesce_tokens)
. ($alias && ($coalesce || $renamed_columns{$nick})
? " AS " . ($renamed_columns{$nick} || $nick)
: '');

#===== switches and simple filters ========#

# special case transdate
if (grep { trim($form->{$_}) } qw(transdatefrom transdateto)) {
$form->{"l_transdate"} = 1;
push @select_tokens, 'transdate';
for (qw(transdatefrom transdateto)) {
my $value = trim($form->{$_});
next unless $value;
push @where_tokens, sprintf "transdate %s ?", /from$/ ? '>=' : '<=';
push @bind_vars, $value;

# special case smart search
if ($form->{all}) {
$form->{"l_$_"} = 1 for qw(partnumber description unit sellprice lastcost linetotal);
$form->{l_service} = 1 if $form->{searchitems} eq 'service' || $form->{searchitems} eq '';
$form->{l_assembly} = 1 if $form->{searchitems} eq 'assembly' || $form->{searchitems} eq '';
$form->{l_part} = 1 if $form->{searchitems} eq 'part' || $form->{searchitems} eq '';
$form->{l_assortment} = 1 if $form->{searchitems} eq 'assortment' || $form->{searchitems} eq '';
push @where_tokens, "p.partnumber ILIKE ? OR p.description ILIKE ?";
push @bind_vars, (like($form->{all})) x 2;

# special case insertdate
if (grep { trim($form->{$_}) } qw(insertdatefrom insertdateto)) {
$form->{"l_insertdate"} = 1;
push @select_tokens, 'insertdate';

my $token_builder = $make_token_builder->();
my $token = $token_builder->('insertdate');

for (qw(insertdatefrom insertdateto)) {
my $value = trim($form->{$_});
next unless $value;
push @where_tokens, sprintf "$token %s ?", /from$/ ? '>=' : '<=';
push @bind_vars, $value;

if ($form->{"partsgroup_id"}) {
$form->{"l_partsgroup"} = '1'; # show the column
push @where_tokens, " = ?";
push @bind_vars, $form->{"partsgroup_id"};

if ($form->{shop} ne '') {
$form->{l_shop} = '1'; # show the column
if ($form->{shop} eq '0' || $form->{shop} eq 'f') {
push @where_tokens, 'NOT';
$form->{shop} = 'f';
} else {
push @where_tokens, '';

foreach (@like_filters) {
next unless $form->{$_};
$form->{"l_$_"} = '1'; # show the column
push @where_tokens, "$table_prefix{$_}$_ ILIKE ?";
push @bind_vars, like($form->{$_});

foreach (@simple_l_switches) {
next unless $form->{"l_$_"};
push @select_tokens, $_;

# Oder Bedingungen fuer Ware Dienstleistung Erzeugnis:
if ($form->{l_part} || $form->{l_assembly} || $form->{l_service} || $form->{l_assortment}) {
my @or_tokens = ();
push @or_tokens, "p.part_type = 'service'" if $form->{l_service};
push @or_tokens, "p.part_type = 'assembly'" if $form->{l_assembly};
push @or_tokens, "p.part_type = 'part'" if $form->{l_part};
push @or_tokens, "p.part_type = 'assortment'" if $form->{l_assortment};
push @where_tokens, join ' OR ', map { "($_)" } @or_tokens;
else {
# gar keine Teile
push @where_tokens, q|'F' = 'T'|;

if ( $form->{classification_id} > 0 ) {
push @where_tokens, "p.classification_id = ?";
push @bind_vars, $form->{classification_id};

for ($form->{itemstatus}) {
push @where_tokens, ' NOT IN
SELECT DISTINCT parts_id FROM orderitems)' if /orphaned/;
push @where_tokens, 'p.onhand = 0' if /orphaned/;
push @where_tokens, 'NOT p.obsolete' if /active/;
push @where_tokens, ' p.obsolete', if /obsolete/;
push @where_tokens, 'p.onhand > 0', if /onhand/;
push @where_tokens, 'p.onhand < p.rop', if /short/;

my $q_assembly_lastcost =
qq|(SELECT SUM(a_lc.qty * p_lc.lastcost / COALESCE(pfac_lc.factor, 1))
FROM assembly a_lc
LEFT JOIN parts p_lc ON (a_lc.parts_id =
LEFT JOIN price_factors pfac_lc ON (p_lc.price_factor_id =
WHERE ( = AS assembly_lastcost|;
$table_prefix{$q_assembly_lastcost} = ' ';

# special case makemodel search
# all_parts is based upon the assumption that every parameter is named like the column it represents
# unfortunately make would have to match which is already taken for in bsooqr mode.
# fortunately makemodel doesn't need to be displayed later, so adding a special clause to where_token is sufficient.
if ($form->{make}) {
push @where_tokens, ' ILIKE ?';
push @bind_vars, like($form->{make});
if ($form->{model}) {
push @where_tokens, 'mm.model ILIKE ?';
push @bind_vars, like($form->{model});

# special case: sorting by partnumber
# since partnumbers are expected to be prefixed integers, a special sorting is implemented sorting first lexically by prefix and then by suffix.
# and yes, that expression is designed to hold that array of regexes only once, so the map is kinda messy, sorry about that.
# ToDO: implement proper functional sorting
# Nette Idee von Sven, gibt aber Probleme wenn die Artikelnummern groesser als 32bit sind. Korrekt waere es, dass Sort-Natural-Modul zu nehmen
# Ich lass das mal hier drin, damit die Idee erhalten bleibt jb 28.5.2009 bug 1018
#$form->{sort} = join ', ', map { push @select_tokens, $_; ($table_prefix{$_} = "substring(partnumber,'[") . $_ } qw|^[:digit:]]+') [:digit:]]+')::INTEGER|
# if $form->{sort} eq 'partnumber';

#my $order_clause = " ORDER BY $form->{sort} $sort_order";

my $limit_clause;
$limit_clause = " LIMIT 100" if $form->{top100};
$limit_clause = " LIMIT " . $form->{limit} * 1 if $form->{limit} * 1;

#=== joins and complicated filters ========#

my $bsooqr = any { $form->{$_} } @oe_flags;
my @bsooqr_tokens = ();

push @select_tokens, @qsooqr_flags, 'quotation', 'cv', '', 'ioi.ioi' if $bsooqr;
push @select_tokens, @deliverydate_flags if $bsooqr && $form->{l_deliverydate};
push @select_tokens, $q_assembly_lastcost if $form->{l_assembly} && $form->{l_lastcost};
push @bsooqr_tokens, q|module = 'ir' AND NOT ioi.assemblyitem| if $form->{bought};
push @bsooqr_tokens, q|module = 'is' AND NOT ioi.assemblyitem| if $form->{sold};
push @bsooqr_tokens, q|module = 'oe' AND NOT quotation AND cv = 'customer'| if $form->{ordered};
push @bsooqr_tokens, q|module = 'oe' AND NOT quotation AND cv = 'vendor'| if $form->{onorder};
push @bsooqr_tokens, q|module = 'oe' AND quotation AND cv = 'customer'| if $form->{quoted};
push @bsooqr_tokens, q|module = 'oe' AND quotation AND cv = 'vendor'| if $form->{rfq};
push @where_tokens, join ' OR ', map { "($_)" } @bsooqr_tokens if $bsooqr;

$joins_needed{partsgroup} = 1;
$joins_needed{pfac} = 1;
$joins_needed{project} = 1 if grep { $form->{$_} || $form->{"l_$_"} } @project_filters;
$joins_needed{makemodel} = 1 if grep { $form->{$_} || $form->{"l_$_"} } @makemodel_filters;
$joins_needed{mv} = 1 if $joins_needed{makemodel};
$joins_needed{cv} = 1 if $bsooqr;
$joins_needed{apoe} = 1 if $joins_needed{project} || $joins_needed{cv} || grep { $form->{$_} || $form->{"l_$_"} } @apoe_filters;
$joins_needed{invoice_oi} = 1 if $joins_needed{project} || $joins_needed{apoe} || grep { $form->{$_} || $form->{"l_$_"} } @invoice_oi_filters;
$joins_needed{bin} = 1 if $form->{l_bin};
$joins_needed{warehouse} = 1 if $form->{l_warehouse};

# special case for description search.
# up in the simple filter section the description filter got interpreted as something like: WHERE description ILIKE '%$form->{description}%'
# now we'd like to search also for the masked description entered in orderitems and invoice, so...
# find the old entries in of @where_tokens and @bind_vars, and adjust them
if ($joins_needed{invoice_oi}) {
for (my ($wi, $bi) = (0)x2; $wi <= $#where_tokens; $bi++ if $where_tokens[$wi++] =~ /\?/) {
next unless $where_tokens[$wi] =~ /\bdescription ILIKE/;
splice @where_tokens, $wi, 1, 'p.description ILIKE ? OR ioi.description ILIKE ?';
splice @bind_vars, $bi, 0, $bind_vars[$bi];

# now the master trick: soldtotal.
if ($form->{l_soldtotal}) {
push @where_tokens, 'NOT ioi.qty = 0';
push @group_tokens, @select_tokens;
map { s/.*\sAS\s+//si } @group_tokens;
push @select_tokens, 'SUM(ioi.qty)';

#============= build query ================#

my $token_builder = $make_token_builder->(\%joins_needed);

my @sort_cols = (@simple_filters, qw(id onhand invnumber ordnumber quonumber name serialnumber soldtotal deliverydate insertdate shop));
$form->{sort} = 'id' unless grep { $form->{"l_$_"} } grep { $form->{sort} eq $_ } @sort_cols; # sort by id if unknown or invisible column
my $sort_order = ($form->{revers} ? ' DESC' : ' ASC');
my $order_clause = " ORDER BY " . $token_builder->($form->{sort}) . ($form->{revers} ? ' DESC' : ' ASC');

my $select_clause = join ', ', map { $token_builder->($_, 1) } @select_tokens;
my $join_clause = join ' ', @joins{ grep $joins_needed{$_}, @join_order };
my $where_clause = join ' AND ', map { "($_)" } @where_tokens;
my $group_clause = @group_tokens ? ' GROUP BY ' . join ', ', map { $token_builder->($_) } @group_tokens : '';

# key of %no_simple_l_switch is the logical l_switch.
# the assigned value is the 'not so simple
# select token'
my $no_simple_select_clause;
foreach my $no_simple_l_switch (keys %no_simple_l_switches) {
next unless $form->{"l_${no_simple_l_switch}"};
$no_simple_select_clause .= ', '. $no_simple_l_switches{$no_simple_l_switch};
$select_clause .= $no_simple_select_clause;

my %oe_flag_to_cvar = (
bought => 'invoice',
sold => 'invoice',
onorder => 'orderitems',
ordered => 'orderitems',
rfq => 'orderitems',
quoted => 'orderitems',

my ($cvar_where, @cvar_values) = CVar->build_filter_query(
module => 'IC',
trans_id_field => $bsooqr ? '': '',
filter => $form,
sub_module => $bsooqr ? [ uniq grep { $oe_flag_to_cvar{$form->{$_}} } @oe_flags ] : undef,

if ($cvar_where) {
$where_clause .= qq| AND ($cvar_where)|;
push @bind_vars, @cvar_values;

# simple search for assemblies by items used in assemblies
if ($form->{bom} eq '2' && $form->{l_assembly}) {
# assembly_qty is the column name
$form->{l_assembly_qty} = 1;
# nuke where clause and bind vars
$where_clause = ' 1=1 AND in (SELECT id from assembly where parts_id IN ' .
' (select id from parts where 1=1';
@bind_vars = ();
# use only like filter for items used in assemblies
foreach (@like_filters) {
next unless $form->{$_};
$form->{"l_$_"} = '1'; # show the column
$where_clause .= " AND $_ ILIKE ? ";
push @bind_vars, like($form->{$_});
$where_clause .='))';

my $query = <<" SQL";
SELECT DISTINCT $select_clause
FROM parts p
WHERE $where_clause
$form->{parts} = selectall_hashref_query($form, $dbh, $query, @bind_vars);

map { $_->{onhand} *= 1 } @{ $form->{parts} };

# fix qty sign in ap. those are saved negative
if ($bsooqr && $form->{bought}) {
for my $row (@{ $form->{parts} }) {
$row->{qty} *= -1 if $row->{module} eq 'ir';

# post processing for assembly parts lists (bom)
# for each part get the assembly parts and add them into the partlist.
my @assemblies;
if ($form->{l_assembly} && $form->{bom}) {
$query =
qq|SELECT, p.partnumber, p.description, a.qty AS assembly_qty,
p.unit, p.notes, p.itime::DATE as insertdate,
p.sellprice, p.listprice, p.lastcost,
p.rop, p.weight,
p.image, p.drawing, p.microfiche,
FROM parts p
INNER JOIN assembly a ON ( = a.parts_id)
WHERE = ?|;
my $sth = prepare_query($form, $dbh, $query);

foreach my $item (@{ $form->{parts} }) {
push(@assemblies, $item);
do_statement($form, $sth, $query, conv_i($item->{id}));

while (my $ref = $sth->fetchrow_hashref("NAME_lc")) {
$ref->{assemblyitem} = 1;
map { $ref->{$_} /= $ref->{factor} || 1 } qw(sellprice listprice lastcost);
push(@assemblies, $ref);

# copy assemblies to $form->{parts}
$form->{parts} = \@assemblies;

if ($form->{l_pricegroups} ) {
my $query = <<SQL;
SELECT parts_id, price, pricegroup_id
FROM prices
WHERE parts_id = ?

my $sth = prepare_query($form, $dbh, $query);

foreach my $part (@{ $form->{parts} }) {
do_statement($form, $sth, $query, conv_i($part->{id}));

while (my $ref = $sth->fetchrow_hashref("NAME_lc")) {
$part->{"pricegroup_$ref->{pricegroup_id}"} = $ref->{price};


return $form->{parts};

# get partnumber, description, unit, sellprice and soldtotal with choice through $sortorder for Top100
sub get_parts {

my ($self, $myconfig, $form, $sortorder) = @_;
my $dbh = $form->get_standard_dbh;
my $order = qq| p.partnumber|;
my $where = qq|1 = 1|;
my @values;

if ($sortorder eq "all") {
$where .= qq| AND (partnumber ILIKE ?) AND (description ILIKE ?)|;
push(@values, like($form->{partnumber}), like($form->{description}));

} elsif ($sortorder eq "partnumber") {
$where .= qq| AND (partnumber ILIKE ?)|;
push(@values, like($form->{partnumber}));

} elsif ($sortorder eq "description") {
$where .= qq| AND (description ILIKE ?)|;
push(@values, like($form->{description}));
$order = "description";


my $query =
qq|SELECT id, partnumber, description, unit, sellprice,
FROM parts
WHERE $where ORDER BY $order|;

my $sth = prepare_execute_query($form, $dbh, $query, @values);

my $j = 0;
while (my $ref = $sth->fetchrow_hashref("NAME_lc")) {
if (($ref->{partnumber} eq "*") && ($ref->{description} eq "")) {

$form->{"type_and_classific_$j"} = type_abbreviation($ref->{part_type}).
$form->{"id_$j"} = $ref->{id};
$form->{"partnumber_$j"} = $ref->{partnumber};
$form->{"description_$j"} = $ref->{description};
$form->{"unit_$j"} = $ref->{unit};
$form->{"sellprice_$j"} = $ref->{sellprice};
$form->{"soldtotal_$j"} = get_soldtotal($dbh, $ref->{id});
} #while
$form->{rows} = $j;


return $self;
} #end get_parts()

# gets sum of sold part with part_id
sub get_soldtotal {

my ($dbh, $id) = @_;

my $query = qq|SELECT sum(qty) FROM invoice WHERE parts_id = ?|;
my ($sum) = selectrow_query($main::form, $dbh, $query, conv_i($id));
$sum ||= 0;


return $sum;
} #end get_soldtotal

sub follow_account_chain {

my ($self, $form, $dbh, $transdate, $accno_id, $accno) = @_;

my @visited_accno_ids = ($accno_id);

my ($query, $sth);

$form->{ACCOUNT_CHAIN_BY_ID} ||= {
map { $_->{id} => $_ }
selectall_hashref_query($form, $dbh, <<SQL, $transdate) };
SELECT, c.new_chart_id, date(?) >= c.valid_from AS is_valid, cnew.accno
FROM chart c
LEFT JOIN chart cnew ON c.new_chart_id =
WHERE NOT c.new_chart_id IS NULL AND (c.new_chart_id > 0)

while (1) {
my $ref = $form->{ACCOUNT_CHAIN_BY_ID}->{$accno_id};
last unless ($ref && $ref->{"is_valid"} &&
!grep({ $_ == $ref->{"new_chart_id"} } @visited_accno_ids));
$accno_id = $ref->{"new_chart_id"};
$accno = $ref->{"accno"};
push(@visited_accno_ids, $accno_id);


return ($accno_id, $accno);

sub retrieve_accounts {

my $self = shift;
my $myconfig = shift;
my $form = shift;
my $dbh = $form->get_standard_dbh;
my %args = @_; # index => part_id

$form->{taxzone_id} *= 1;

return unless grep $_, values %args; # shortfuse if no part_id supplied

# transdate madness.
my $transdate = "";
if ( (any {$form->{type} eq $_} qw(invoice credit_note invoice_for_advance_payment)) or ($form->{script} eq '') ) {
# use deliverydate for sales and purchase invoice, if it exists
# also use deliverydate for credit notes
$transdate = $form->{tax_point} || $form->{deliverydate} || $form->{invdate};
} else {
my $deliverydate;
$deliverydate = $form->{reqdate} if any { $_ eq $form->{type} } qw(sales_order request_quotation purchase_order);
$transdate = $form->{tax_point} || $deliverydate || $form->{transdate};

if ($transdate eq "") {
$transdate = DateTime->today_local->to_lxoffice;
} else {
$transdate = $dbh->quote($transdate);
my $inc_exp = $form->{"vc"} eq "customer" ? "income_accno_id" : "expense_accno_id";

my @part_ids = grep { $_ } values %args;
my $in = join ',', ('?') x @part_ids;

my %accno_by_part = map { $_->{id} => $_ }
selectall_hashref_query($form, $dbh, <<SQL, @part_ids);
SELECT, p.part_type,
tc.income_accno_id AS income_accno_id,
tc.expense_accno_id AS expense_accno_id,
c1.accno AS inventory_accno,
c2.accno AS income_accno,
c3.accno AS expense_accno
FROM parts p
LEFT JOIN buchungsgruppen bg ON p.buchungsgruppen_id =
LEFT JOIN taxzone_charts tc on = tc.buchungsgruppen_id
LEFT JOIN chart c1 ON bg.inventory_accno_id =
LEFT JOIN chart c2 ON tc.income_accno_id =
LEFT JOIN chart c3 ON tc.expense_accno_id =
tc.taxzone_id = '$form->{taxzone_id}'
and IN ($in)

my $query_tax = <<SQL;
SELECT c.accno, t.taxdescription AS description, as tax_id, t.rate,
c.accno as taxnumber
FROM tax t
LEFT JOIN chart c ON = t.chart_id
(SELECT tk.tax_id
FROM taxkeys tk
WHERE tk.chart_id = ? AND startdate <= ?
ORDER BY startdate DESC LIMIT 1)
my $sth_tax = prepare_query($::form, $dbh, $query_tax);

while (my ($index => $part_id) = each %args) {
my $ref = $accno_by_part{$part_id} or next;

$ref->{"inventory_accno_id"} = undef unless $ref->{"part_type"} eq 'part';

my %accounts;
for my $type (qw(inventory income expense)) {
next unless $ref->{"${type}_accno_id"};
($accounts{"${type}_accno_id"}, $accounts{"${type}_accno"}) =
$self->follow_account_chain($form, $dbh, $transdate, $ref->{"${type}_accno_id"}, $ref->{"${type}_accno"});

$form->{"${_}_accno_$index"} = $accounts{"${_}_accno"} for qw(inventory income expense);

$sth_tax->execute($accounts{$inc_exp}, quote_db_date($transdate)) || $::form->dberror($query_tax);
$ref = $sth_tax->fetchrow_hashref or next;

$form->{"taxaccounts_$index"} = $ref->{"accno"};
$form->{"taxaccounts"} .= "$ref->{accno} "if $form->{"taxaccounts"} !~ /$ref->{accno}/;

$form->{"$ref->{accno}_${_}"} = $ref->{$_} for qw(rate description taxnumber tax_id);



sub get_basic_part_info {

my $self = shift;
my %params = @_;

Common::check_params(\%params, qw(id));

my @ids = 'ARRAY' eq ref $params{id} ? @{ $params{id} } : ($params{id});

if (!scalar @ids) {
return ();

my $myconfig = \%main::myconfig;
my $form = $main::form;

my $dbh = $form->get_standard_dbh($myconfig);

my $query = qq|SELECT * FROM parts WHERE id IN (| . join(', ', ('?') x scalar(@ids)) . qq|)|;

my $info = selectall_hashref_query($form, $dbh, $query, map { conv_i($_) } @ids);

if ('' eq ref $params{id}) {
$info = $info->[0] || { };

return $info;

my %info_map = map { $_->{id} => $_ } @{ $info };


return %info_map;

sub prepare_parts_for_printing {

my $self = shift;
my %params = @_;

my $myconfig = $params{myconfig} || \%main::myconfig;
my $form = $params{form} || $main::form;

my $dbh = $params{dbh} || $form->get_standard_dbh($myconfig);

my $prefix = $params{prefix} || 'id_';
my $rowcount = defined $params{rowcount} ? $params{rowcount} : $form->{rowcount};

my @part_ids = keys %{ { map { $_ => 1 } grep { $_ } map { $form->{"${prefix}${_}"} } (1 .. $rowcount) } };

if (!@part_ids) {

my $placeholders = join ', ', ('?') x scalar(@part_ids);
my $query = qq|SELECT mm.parts_id, mm.model, mm.lastcost, AS make
FROM makemodel mm
LEFT JOIN vendor v ON (mm.make =
WHERE mm.parts_id IN ($placeholders)|;

my %makemodel = ();

my $sth = prepare_execute_query($form, $dbh, $query, @part_ids);

while (my $ref = $sth->fetchrow_hashref()) {
$makemodel{$ref->{parts_id}} ||= [];
push @{ $makemodel{$ref->{parts_id}} }, $ref;


$query = qq|SELECT
cp.customer_partnumber AS customer_model, AS customer_make
FROM part_customer_prices cp
LEFT JOIN customer c ON (cp.customer_id =
WHERE cp.parts_id IN ($placeholders)|;

my %customermodel = ();

$sth = prepare_execute_query($form, $dbh, $query, @part_ids);

while (my $ref = $sth->fetchrow_hashref()) {
$customermodel{$ref->{parts_id}} ||= [];
push @{ $customermodel{$ref->{parts_id}} }, $ref;


my @columns = qw(ean image microfiche drawing);

$query = qq|SELECT id, | . join(', ', @columns) . qq|
FROM parts
WHERE id IN ($placeholders)|;

my %data = selectall_as_map($form, $dbh, $query, 'id', \@columns, @part_ids);

my %template_arrays;
map { $template_arrays{$_} = [] } (qw(make model customer_make customer_model), @columns);

foreach my $i (1 .. $rowcount) {
my $id = $form->{"${prefix}${i}"};

next if (!$id);

foreach (@columns) {
push @{ $template_arrays{$_} }, $data{$id}->{$_};

push @{ $template_arrays{make} }, [];
push @{ $template_arrays{model} }, [];

if ($makemodel{$id}) {
foreach my $ref (@{ $makemodel{$id} }) {
map { push @{ $template_arrays{$_}->[-1] }, $ref->{$_} } qw(make model);

push @{ $template_arrays{customer_make} }, [];
push @{ $template_arrays{customer_model} }, [];

if ($customermodel{$id}) {
foreach my $ref (@{ $customermodel{$id} }) {
push @{ $template_arrays{$_}->[-1] }, $ref->{$_} for qw(customer_make customer_model);


my $parts = SL::DB::Manager::Part->get_all(query => [ id => \@part_ids ]);
my %parts_by_id = map { $_->id => $_ } @$parts;

for my $i (1..$rowcount) {
my $id = $form->{"${prefix}${i}"};
next unless $id;
my $prt = $parts_by_id{$id};
my $type_abbr = type_abbreviation($prt->part_type);
push @{ $template_arrays{part_type} }, $prt->part_type;
push @{ $template_arrays{part_abbreviation} }, $type_abbr;
push @{ $template_arrays{type_and_classific}}, $type_abbr . classification_abbreviation($prt->classification_id);
push @{ $template_arrays{separate} }, separate_abbreviation($prt->classification_id);

return %template_arrays;
