kivitendo/SL/File/Backend/ @ 58143d76
0e9f27e4 | Martin Helmling | package SL::File::Backend::Webdav;
use strict;
use parent qw(SL::File::Backend);
use SL::DB::File;
011e7aeb | Bernd Bleßmann | use SL::System::Process;
0e9f27e4 | Martin Helmling | use File::Copy;
use File::Slurp;
use File::Basename;
use File::Path qw(make_path);
use File::MimeInfo::Magic;
30a815e3 | Bernd Bleßmann | use File::stat;
0e9f27e4 | Martin Helmling | |||
# public methods
sub delete {
my ($self, %params) = @_;
$main::lxdebug->message(LXDebug->DEBUG2(), "del in backend " . $self . " file " . $params{dbfile});
$main::lxdebug->message(LXDebug->DEBUG2(), "file id=" . $params{dbfile}->id * 1);
return 0 unless $params{dbfile};
my ($file_path, undef, undef) = $self->webdav_path($params{dbfile});
return 1;
sub rename {
my ($self, %params) = @_;
return 0 unless $params{dbfile};
my (undef, $oldwebdavname) = split(/:/, $params{dbfile}->location, 2);
my ($tofile, $basepath, $basename) = $self->webdav_path($params{dbfile});
my $fromfile = File::Spec->catfile($basepath, $oldwebdavname);
$main::lxdebug->message(LXDebug->DEBUG2(), "renamefrom=" . $fromfile . " to=" . $tofile);
move($fromfile, $tofile);
sub save {
my ($self, %params) = @_;
die 'dbfile not exists' unless $params{dbfile};
$main::lxdebug->message(LXDebug->DEBUG2(), "in backend " . $self . " file " . $params{dbfile});
$main::lxdebug->message(LXDebug->DEBUG2(), "file id=" . $params{dbfile}->id);
my $dbfile = $params{dbfile};
die 'no file contents' unless $params{file_path} || $params{file_contents};
if ($params{dbfile}->id * 1 == 0) {
# new element: need id for file
my ($tofile, undef, $basename) = $self->webdav_path($params{dbfile});
if ($params{file_path} && -f $params{file_path}) {
copy($params{file_path}, $tofile);
elsif ($params{file_contents}) {
open(OUT, "> " . $tofile);
print OUT $params{file_contents};
return 1;
sub get_version_count {
my ($self, %params) = @_;
die "no dbfile" unless $params{dbfile};
return 1;
sub get_mtime {
my ($self, %params) = @_;
die "no dbfile" unless $params{dbfile};
$main::lxdebug->message(LXDebug->DEBUG2(), "version=" .$params{version});
my ($path, undef, undef) = $self->webdav_path($params{dbfile});
90f0e0b4 | Jan Büren | die "No file found in Backend: " . $path unless -f $path;
30a815e3 | Bernd Bleßmann | my $dt = DateTime->from_epoch(epoch => stat($path)->mtime, time_zone => $::locale->get_local_time_zone()->name)->clone();
0e9f27e4 | Martin Helmling | $main::lxdebug->message(LXDebug->DEBUG2(), "dt=" .$dt);
return $dt;
sub get_filepath {
my ($self, %params) = @_;
die "no dbfile" unless $params{dbfile};
my ($path, undef, undef) = $self->webdav_path($params{dbfile});
90f0e0b4 | Jan Büren | die "No file found in Backend: " . $path unless -f $path;
0e9f27e4 | Martin Helmling | return $path;
sub get_content {
my ($self, %params) = @_;
my $path = $self->get_filepath(%params);
return "" unless $path;
my $contents = File::Slurp::read_file($path);
return \$contents;
sub sync_from_backend {
my ($self, %params) = @_;
return unless $params{file_type};
sub enabled {
8fa22ab8 | Jan Büren | return $::instance_conf->get_doc_webdav;
0e9f27e4 | Martin Helmling | }
# internals
my %type_to_path = (
7202756a | Bernd Bleßmann | sales_quotation => 'angebote',
sales_order => 'bestellungen',
request_quotation => 'anfragen',
purchase_order => 'lieferantenbestellungen',
sales_delivery_order => 'verkaufslieferscheine',
purchase_delivery_order => 'einkaufslieferscheine',
cd160f80 | Tamino Steinert | purchase_reclamation => 'einkaufsreklamation',
sales_reclamation => 'verkaufsreklamation',
5fd90d19 | Werner Hahn | supplier_delivery_order => 'beistelllieferscheine',
49b55d2d | Werner Hahn | rma_delivery_order => 'retourenlieferscheine',
7202756a | Bernd Bleßmann | credit_note => 'gutschriften',
invoice => 'rechnungen',
3f9da67b | Bernd Bleßmann | invoice_for_advance_payment => 'rechnungen',
7202756a | Bernd Bleßmann | final_invoice => 'rechnungen',
purchase_invoice => 'einkaufsrechnungen',
part => 'waren',
service => 'dienstleistungen',
assembly => 'erzeugnisse',
letter => 'briefe',
general_ledger => 'dialogbuchungen',
gl_transaction => 'dialogbuchungen',
accounts_payable => 'kreditorenbuchungen',
shop_image => 'shopbilder',
customer => 'kunden',
vendor => 'lieferanten',
0e9f27e4 | Martin Helmling | );
my %type_to_model = (
7202756a | Bernd Bleßmann | sales_quotation => 'Order',
sales_order => 'Order',
request_quotation => 'Order',
purchase_order => 'Order',
sales_delivery_order => 'DeliveryOrder',
purchase_delivery_order => 'DeliveryOrder',
cd160f80 | Tamino Steinert | sales_reclamation => 'Reclamation',
07db1328 | Werner Hahn | purchase_reclamation => 'Reclamation',
5fd90d19 | Werner Hahn | supplier_delivery_order => 'DeliveryOrder',
49b55d2d | Werner Hahn | rma_delivery_order => 'DeliveryOrder',
7202756a | Bernd Bleßmann | credit_note => 'Invoice',
invoice => 'Invoice',
3f9da67b | Bernd Bleßmann | invoice_for_advance_payment => 'Invoice',
7202756a | Bernd Bleßmann | final_invoice => 'Invoice',
purchase_invoice => 'PurchaseInvoice',
part => 'Part',
service => 'Part',
assembly => 'Part',
letter => 'Letter',
general_ledger => 'GLTransaction',
gl_transaction => 'GLTransaction',
accounts_payable => 'GLTransaction',
shop_image => 'Part',
customer => 'Customer',
vendor => 'Vendor',
0e9f27e4 | Martin Helmling | );
my %model_to_number = (
Order => 'ordnumber',
DeliveryOrder => 'ordnumber',
cd160f80 | Tamino Steinert | Reclamation => 'record_number',
0e9f27e4 | Martin Helmling | Invoice => 'invnumber',
PurchaseInvoice => 'invnumber',
Part => 'partnumber',
Letter => 'letternumber',
31378f48 | Werner Hahn | GLTransaction => 'reference',
ShopImage => 'partnumber',
01e8c002 | Werner Hahn | Customer => 'customernumber',
a258467b | Werner Hahn | Vendor => 'vendornumber',
0e9f27e4 | Martin Helmling | );
sub webdav_path {
my ($self, $dbfile) = @_;
#die "No webdav backend enabled" unless $::instance_conf->get_webdav;
my $type = $type_to_path{ $dbfile->object_type };
die "Unknown type" unless $type;
my $number = $dbfile->backend_data;
if ($number eq '') {
$number = $self->_get_number_from_model($dbfile);
$main::lxdebug->message(LXDebug->DEBUG2(), "file_name=" . $dbfile->file_name ." number=".$number);
630c1ae7 | Jan Büren | my @fileparts = split(/_/, $dbfile->file_name);
my $number_ext = pop @fileparts;
my ($maynumber, $ext) = split(/\./, $number_ext, 2);
push @fileparts, $maynumber if $maynumber ne $number;
my $basename = join('_', @fileparts);
0e9f27e4 | Martin Helmling | my $path = File::Spec->catdir($self->get_rootdir, "webdav", $::auth->client->{id}, $type, $number);
if (!-d $path) {
File::Path::make_path($path, { chmod => 0770 });
630c1ae7 | Jan Büren | my $fname = $basename . '_' . $number . '_' . $dbfile->itime->strftime('%Y%m%d_%H%M%S');
0e9f27e4 | Martin Helmling | $fname .= '.' . $ext if $ext;
$main::lxdebug->message(LXDebug->DEBUG2(), "webdav path=" . $path . " filename=" . $fname);
return (File::Spec->catfile($path, $fname), $path, $fname);
011e7aeb | Bernd Bleßmann | sub get_rootdir { SL::System::Process::exe_dir() }
0e9f27e4 | Martin Helmling | |||
sub _get_number_from_model {
my ($self, $dbfile) = @_;
my $class = 'SL::DB::' . $type_to_model{ $dbfile->object_type };
eval "require $class";
my $obj = $class->new(id => $dbfile->object_id)->load;
die 'no object found' unless $obj;
my $numberattr = $model_to_number{ $type_to_model{ $dbfile->object_type } };
return $obj->$numberattr;
# TODO not fully imlemented and tested
sub sync_all_locations {
my ($self, %params) = @_;
my %dateparms = (dateformat => 'yyyymmdd');
foreach my $type (keys %type_to_path) {
my @query = (
file_type => $params{file_type},
object_type => $type
my @oldfiles = @{ SL::DB::Manager::File->get_all(
query => [
file_type => $params{file_type},
object_type => $type
my $path = File::Spec->catdir($self->get_rootdir, "webdav", $::auth->client->{id},$type_to_path{$type});
if (opendir my $dir, $path) {
foreach my $file (sort { lc $a cmp lc $b }
map { decode("UTF-8", $_) } readdir $dir)
next if (($file eq '.') || ($file eq '..'));
my $fname = $file;
$fname =~ s|.*/||;
my ($filename, $number, $date, $time_ext) = split(/_/, $fname);
my ($time, $ext) = split(/\./, $time_ext, 2);
$time = substr($time, 0, 2) . ':' . substr($time, 2, 2) . ':' . substr($time, 4, 2);
#my @found = grep { $_->backend_data eq $fname } @oldfiles;
#if (scalar(@found) > 0) {
# @oldfiles = grep { $_ != @found[0] } @oldfiles;
#else {
my $dbfile = SL::DB::File->new();
my $class = 'SL::DB::Manager::' . $type_to_model{$type};
my $obj =
$model_to_number{ $type_to_model{$type} } => $number);
if ($obj) {
my $mime_type = File::MimeInfo::Magic::magic(File::Spec->catfile($path, $fname));
if (!$mime_type) {
# if filename has the suffix "pdf", but is really no pdf set mimetype for no suffix
$mime_type = File::MimeInfo::Magic::mimetype($fname);
$mime_type = 'application/octet-stream' if $mime_type eq 'application/pdf' || !$mime_type;
object_id => $obj->id,
object_type => $type,
source => $params{file_type} eq 'document' ? 'created' : 'uploaded',
file_type => $params{file_type},
file_name => $filename . '_' . $number . '_' . $ext,
mime_type => $mime_type,
itime => $::locale->parse_date_to_object($date . ' ' . $time, %dateparms),
closedir $dir;
=encoding utf8
=head1 NAME
SL::File::Backend::Filesystem - Filesystem class for file storage backend
See the synopsis of L<SL::File::Backend>.
This specific storage backend use a Filesystem which is only accessed by this interface.
This is the big difference to the Webdav backend where the files can be accessed without the control of that backend.
This backend use the database id of the SL::DB::File object as filename. The filesystem has up to 1000 subdirectories
to store the files not to flat in the filesystem.
=head1 METHODS
See methods of L<SL::File::Backend>.
=head1 SEE ALSO
=head1 TODO
The synchronization must be tested and a periodical task is needed to synchronize in some time periods.
=head1 AUTHOR
Martin Helmling E<lt>martin.helmling@opendynamic.deE<gt>