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Revision 561744fd

Von Sven Schöling vor mehr als 15 Jahren hinzugefügt

  • ID 561744fd3b3dcd8cf0280e3b6dc2a81889610b29
  • Vorgänger 3e2892b1
  • Nachfolger 6988b41a

Funktion nicht doppelt invertieren

(das klingt als commit meldung noch
bescheuerter als es im code aussieht)

Unterschiede anzeigen:

foreach my $var (@{ $params{variables} }) {
$var->{HTML_CODE} = $form->parse_html_template('amcvar/render_inputs', { 'var' => $var, %options });
$var->{VALID_BOX} = "<input type=checkbox name='$options{name_prefix}cvar_$var->{name}$options{name_postfix}_valid'@{[!$var->{valid} ? ' checked' : '']}>";
$var->{VALID_BOX} = "<input type=checkbox name='$options{name_prefix}cvar_$var->{name}$options{name_postfix}_valid'@{[$var->{valid} ? ' checked' : '']}>";
You have a lot of parts in your database, and a set of properties cofigured. Now not every part has every of these properties, some combinations will just make no sense. In order to clean up your inputs a bit, you want to mark certain combinations as invalid, blocking them from modification and possibly display.
Validity is assumed. If you modify validity, you actually save B<invalidity>.
validity is saved as a function of config_id, and the trans_id
iNvalidity is saved as a function of config_id, and the trans_id
In the naive way, disable an attribute for a specific id (simple)
my $query = qq|SELECT COUNT(*) FROM custom_variables_validity WHERE config_id = ? AND trans_id = ?|;
my ($validity) = selectfirst_array_query($form, $dbh, $query, conv_i($params{config_id}), conv_i($params{trans_id}));
my ($invalid) = selectfirst_array_query($form, $dbh, $query, conv_i($params{config_id}), conv_i($params{trans_id}));
return $validity;
return !$invalid;

Auch abrufbar als: Unified diff