kivitendo/t/gl/gl.t @ 53c21645
0fed2b9a | Geoffrey Richardson | use strict;
653af2fb | Jan Büren | use Test::More tests => 8;
0fed2b9a | Geoffrey Richardson | |||
use lib 't';
use Support::TestSetup;
use Carp;
use Test::Exception;
use SL::DB::Chart;
use SL::DB::TaxKey;
use SL::DB::GLTransaction;
use Data::Dumper;
use SL::DBUtils qw(selectall_hashref_query);
my $cash = SL::DB::Manager::Chart->find_by( description => 'Kasse' );
my $bank = SL::DB::Manager::Chart->find_by( description => 'Bank' );
my $betriebsbedarf = SL::DB::Manager::Chart->find_by( description => 'Betriebsbedarf' );
my $tax_9 = SL::DB::Manager::Tax->find_by(taxkey => 9, rate => 0.19);
my $tax_8 = SL::DB::Manager::Tax->find_by(taxkey => 8, rate => 0.07);
my $tax_0 = SL::DB::Manager::Tax->find_by(taxkey => 0, rate => 0.00);
my $dbh = SL::DB->client->dbh;
# example with chaining of add_chart_booking
my $gl_transaction = SL::DB::GLTransaction->new(
taxincluded => 1,
reference => 'bank/cash',
description => 'bank/cash',
transdate => DateTime->today_local,
chart => $cash,
credit => 100,
tax_id => $tax_0->id,
chart => $bank,
debit => 100,
tax_id => $tax_0->id,
# example where bookings is prepared separately as an arrayref
my $gl_transaction_2 = SL::DB::GLTransaction->new(
reference => 'betriebsbedarf several rows',
description => 'betriebsbedarf',
taxincluded => 1,
transdate => DateTime->today_local,
my $bookings = [
chart => $betriebsbedarf,
memo => 'foo 1',
source => 'foo 1',
debit => 119,
tax_id => $tax_9->id,
chart => $betriebsbedarf,
memo => 'foo 2',
source => 'foo 2',
debit => 119,
tax_id => $tax_9->id,
chart => $cash,
credit => 238,
memo => 'foo 1+2',
source => 'foo 1+2',
tax_id => $tax_0->id,
$gl_transaction_2->add_chart_booking(%{$_}) foreach @{ $bookings };
# example where add_chart_booking is called via a foreach
my $gl_transaction_3 = SL::DB::GLTransaction->new(
reference => 'betriebsbedarf tax included',
description => 'bar',
taxincluded => 1,
transdate => DateTime->today_local,
$gl_transaction_3->add_chart_booking(%{$_}) foreach (
chart => $betriebsbedarf,
debit => 119,
tax_id => $tax_9->id,
chart => $betriebsbedarf,
debit => 107,
tax_id => $tax_8->id,
chart => $betriebsbedarf,
debit => 100,
tax_id => $tax_0->id,
chart => $cash,
credit => 326,
tax_id => $tax_0->id,
my $gl_transaction_4 = SL::DB::GLTransaction->new(
reference => 'betriebsbedarf tax not included',
description => 'bar',
taxincluded => 0,
transdate => DateTime->today_local,
$gl_transaction_4->add_chart_booking(%{$_}) foreach (
chart => $betriebsbedarf,
debit => 100,
tax_id => $tax_9->id,
chart => $betriebsbedarf,
debit => 100,
tax_id => $tax_8->id,
chart => $betriebsbedarf,
debit => 100,
tax_id => $tax_0->id,
chart => $cash,
credit => 326,
tax_id => $tax_0->id,
is(SL::DB::Manager::GLTransaction->get_all_count(), 4, "gl transactions created ok");
'accno' => '1000',
'sum' => '990.00000'
'accno' => '1200',
'sum' => '-100.00000'
'accno' => '1571',
'sum' => '-14.00000'
'accno' => '1576',
'sum' => '-76.00000'
'accno' => '4980',
'sum' => '-800.00000'
"chart balances ok"
note('testing subcent');
my $gl_transaction_5_taxinc = SL::DB::GLTransaction->new(
taxincluded => 1,
reference => 'subcent tax included',
description => 'subcent tax included',
transdate => DateTime->today_local,
chart => $betriebsbedarf,
debit => 0.02,
tax_id => $tax_9->id,
chart => $cash,
credit => 0.02,
tax_id => $tax_0->id,
my $gl_transaction_5_taxnoinc = SL::DB::GLTransaction->new(
taxincluded => 0,
reference => 'subcent tax not included',
description => 'subcent tax not included',
transdate => DateTime->today_local,
chart => $betriebsbedarf,
debit => 0.02,
tax_id => $tax_9->id,
chart => $cash,
credit => 0.02,
tax_id => $tax_0->id,
my $gl_transaction_6_taxinc = SL::DB::GLTransaction->new(
taxincluded => 1,
reference => 'cent tax included',
description => 'cent tax included',
transdate => DateTime->today_local,
chart => $betriebsbedarf,
debit => 0.05,
tax_id => $tax_9->id,
chart => $cash,
credit => 0.05,
tax_id => $tax_0->id,
my $gl_transaction_6_taxnoinc = SL::DB::GLTransaction->new(
taxincluded => 0,
reference => 'cent tax included',
description => 'cent tax included',
transdate => DateTime->today_local,
chart => $betriebsbedarf,
debit => 0.04,
tax_id => $tax_9->id,
chart => $cash,
credit => 0.05,
tax_id => $tax_0->id,
is(SL::DB::Manager::GLTransaction->get_all_count(), 8, "gl transactions created ok");
'accno' => '1000',
'sum' => '990.14000'
'accno' => '1200',
'sum' => '-100.00000'
'accno' => '1571',
'sum' => '-14.00000'
'accno' => '1576',
'sum' => '-76.02000'
'accno' => '4980',
'sum' => '-800.12000'
"chart balances ok"
653af2fb | Jan Büren | note "testing automatic tax 19%";
my $gl_transaction_7 = SL::DB::GLTransaction->new(
reference => 'betriebsbedarf tax not included',
description => 'bar',
taxincluded => 0,
transdate => DateTime->new(year => 2019, month => 12, day => 30),
$gl_transaction_7->add_chart_booking(%{$_}) foreach (
chart => $betriebsbedarf,
debit => 100,
chart => $betriebsbedarf,
debit => 100,
chart => $betriebsbedarf,
debit => 100,
tax_id => $tax_0->id,
chart => $cash,
credit => 338,
is(SL::DB::Manager::GLTransaction->get_all_count(), 9, "gl transactions created ok");
'accno' => '1000',
'sum' => '1328.14000'
'accno' => '1200',
'sum' => '-100.00000'
'accno' => '1571',
'sum' => '-14.00000'
'accno' => '1576',
'sum' => '-114.02000'
'accno' => '4980',
'sum' => '-1100.12000'
"chart balances ok"
note "testing automatic tax 16%";
my $gl_transaction_8 = SL::DB::GLTransaction->new(
reference => 'betriebsbedarf tax not included',
description => 'bar',
taxincluded => 0,
transdate => DateTime->new(year => 2020, month => 12, day => 31),
$gl_transaction_8->add_chart_booking(%{$_}) foreach (
chart => $betriebsbedarf,
debit => 100,
chart => $betriebsbedarf,
debit => 100,
chart => $betriebsbedarf,
debit => 100,
tax_id => $tax_0->id,
chart => $cash,
credit => 332,
is(SL::DB::Manager::GLTransaction->get_all_count(), 10, "gl transactions created ok");
'accno' => '1000',
'sum' => '1660.14000'
'accno' => '1200',
'sum' => '-100.00000'
'accno' => '1571',
'sum' => '-14.00000'
'accno' => '1575',
'sum' => '-32.00000'
'accno' => '1576',
'sum' => '-114.02000'
'accno' => '4980',
'sum' => '-1400.12000'
"chart balances ok"
0fed2b9a | Geoffrey Richardson | done_testing;
sub clear_up {
"SL::DB::Manager::${_}"->delete_all(all => 1) for qw(
sub get_account_balances {
my $query = <<SQL;
select c.accno,
from acc_trans a
left join chart c on ( = a.chart_id)
group by c.accno
order by c.accno;
my $result = selectall_hashref_query($::form, $dbh, $query);
return $result;