kivitendo/templates/print/marei/kiviletter.sty @ 523f5cd0
4987cdc7 | Jan Büren | \NeedsTeXFormat{LaTeX2e}
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33c815ee | Jan Büren | |||
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95eab00b | Marei Peischl | %Optionen vor den eigenen Paketoptionen hinzufügen, damit spätere diese ggf. überschreiben
firstfoot=false,%Für einheitliche Randeinstellungen
8cb0bc13 | Marei Peischl | \ExplSyntaxOn
4987cdc7 | Jan Büren | \newif\if@kivi@infobox
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unknown .code:n = \PassOptionsToPackage{\l_keys_key_str=#1}{scrletter},
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4987cdc7 | Jan Büren | |||
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4987cdc7 | Jan Büren | |||
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4987cdc7 | Jan Büren | \RequirePackage{iftex}
8cb0bc13 | Marei Peischl | |||
4987cdc7 | Jan Büren | % Schriftart, Eingabelayout der Tastatur
3d229eb9 | Marei Peischl | \RequirePackage[utf8]{inputenc}% Nur notwendig, wenn Basis älter als TL2018
ef0a9dc8 | Marei Peischl | |||
3d229eb9 | Marei Peischl | \RequirePackage{eurosym}
4987cdc7 | Jan Büren | \else
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4987cdc7 | Jan Büren | \fi
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4987cdc7 | Jan Büren | \RequirePackage{booktabs}
88fc44c8 | Marei Peischl | \RequirePackage{scrletter}
4987cdc7 | Jan Büren | \LoadLetterOption{DIN}
6974d60c | Jan Büren | \newkomavar{taxpoint}
4987cdc7 | Jan Büren | \newkomavar{transaction}
2e0414b5 | Marei Peischl | \newkomavar[\auftragsnummer]{orderID}
4987cdc7 | Jan Büren | |||
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4987cdc7 | Jan Büren | }
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4987cdc7 | Jan Büren | }
2a3b6b54 | Marei Peischl | \dim_new:N \l_kivi_tab_desc_leftskip_dim
9bbfe2cb | Marei Peischl | |||
\cs_new:Nn \__kivi_set_colwidth:nn {
3d229eb9 | Marei Peischl | \dim_set:cn {l_kivi_tab_#1_dim} {#2}
9bbfe2cb | Marei Peischl | }
\cs_new:Nn \__kivi_initialize_columns: {
3d229eb9 | Marei Peischl | \clist_map_inline:Nn \g_kivi_pricingtable_col_clist {
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\dim_new:c {l_kivi_tab_##1_dim}
\keys_define:nn {kivi/PricingTable} {
##1 .choice:,
##1 / true .code:n = \bool_set_true:c {l_kivi_col_##1_bool},
##1 / false .code:n = \bool_set_false:c {l_kivi_col_##1_bool},
##1 / unknown .code:n = {
\bool_set_true:c {l_kivi_col_##1_bool}
\dim_set:cn {l_kivi_tab_##1_dim} {####1}
##1 .default:n = true,
##1 .initial:n = true,
##1 / header .prop_put:c = {l_kivi_col_##1_prop},
##1 / colspec .prop_put:c = {l_kivi_col_##1_prop},
c05124af | Marei Peischl | }
9bbfe2cb | Marei Peischl | \clist_new:N \g_kivi_pricingtable_col_clist
\keys_define:nn {kivi/PricingTable} {
3d229eb9 | Marei Peischl | columns .code:n =
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columns .initial:n = {pos, id, desc, amount, price, pricetotal},
unknown .code:n = \keys_set:no {kivi/Tabular} {\l_keys_key_str=#1}
9bbfe2cb | Marei Peischl | }
c05124af | Marei Peischl | % set default values for colwidth
9bbfe2cb | Marei Peischl | \keys_set:nn {kivi/PricingTable} {
3d229eb9 | Marei Peischl | pos=5ex,
95eab00b | Marei Peischl | % desc=auto,
3d229eb9 | Marei Peischl | pos/header=\position,
price / colspec = Price,
pricetotal / colspec = Price ,
9bbfe2cb | Marei Peischl | }
4987cdc7 | Jan Büren | |||
\dim_new:N \g_kivi_tabcolsep_dim
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4ec81d44 | Marei Peischl | \setlength\tabcolsep{.5\tabcolsep}
c05124af | Marei Peischl | |||
bd4648bf | Marei Peischl | \prg_new_conditional:Nnn \kivi_if_Price_col:n {T, TF} {
3d229eb9 | Marei Peischl | \prop_get:cnN {l_kivi_col_#1_prop} {colspec} \l_tmpa_tl
\exp_args:NV \tl_if_eq:nnTF \l_tmpa_tl {Price}
c659bf51 | Marei Peischl | }
c05124af | Marei Peischl | \cs_new:Nn \__kivi_calc_desc_column: {
3d229eb9 | Marei Peischl | \bool_if:NTF \g__kivi_Tabular_rowcolor_bool
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\dim_zero:N \l_kivi_tab_desc_dim
\bool_set_false:N \l_tmpa_bool
\tl_gclear:N \g_kivi_Pricing_colspec_tl
\clist_map_inline:Nn \g_kivi_pricingtable_col_clist {
\tl_if_eq:nnTF {##1} {desc} {
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\tl_gput_right:Nn \g_kivi_Pricing_colspec_tl {p{\l_kivi_tab_desc_dim}}
\bool_if:cT {l_kivi_col_##1_bool} {
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bd4648bf | Marei Peischl | \prop_if_in:cnTF {l_kivi_col_##1_prop} {colspec} {
\kivi_if_Price_col:nTF {##1} {
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\tl_gput_right:Nn \g_kivi_Pricing_colspec_tl {{\dim_use:c {l_kivi_tab_##1_dim}}}
} {
\tl_gput_right:Nn \g_kivi_Pricing_colspec_tl {K{\dim_use:c {l_kivi_tab_##1_dim}}}
3d229eb9 | Marei Peischl | \kivi_if_Price_col:nT {##1} {\tl_gput_right:Nn \g_kivi_Pricing_colspec_tl {<{\__kivi_tab_column_currency:}}}
\bool_if:NF \g__kivi_Tabular_rowcolor_bool {
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\tl_gput_right:Nn \g_kivi_Pricing_colspec_tl {@{}}
4987cdc7 | Jan Büren | }
661febc7 | Marei Peischl | \newcolumntype{K}[1]{>{\raggedleft\arraybackslash}p{#1}}
4987cdc7 | Jan Büren | |||
\tcbuselibrary{breakable, skins}
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3d229eb9 | Marei Peischl | },
e6518ce7 | Marei Peischl | underlay~unbroken~and~last={
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bottom=\box_ht:N \g_kivi_LT@foot_box+\box_dp:N \g_kivi_LT@foot_box + \aboverulesep,
top=\box_ht:N \g_kivi_LT@head_box+\box_dp:N \g_kivi_LT@head_box +\belowrulesep,
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3d229eb9 | Marei Peischl | frame~engine=empty,interior~titled~engine=empty,interior~engine=empty,segmentation~engine=empty,title~engine=empty,%
01b1d8ff | Marei Peischl | }
3d229eb9 | Marei Peischl | frame~engine=empty,interior~titled~engine=empty,interior~engine=empty,segmentation~engine=empty,title~engine=empty,%
01b1d8ff | Marei Peischl | }
4987cdc7 | Jan Büren | \seq_new:N \l_kivi_PricingTable_seq
c05124af | Marei Peischl | \seq_new:N \l_kivi_columns_seq
4987cdc7 | Jan Büren | \seq_new:N \g_kivi_extraDescription_seq
4ec81d44 | Marei Peischl | |||
424ee46d | Marei Peischl | \int_new:N \g__kivi_PricingTable_rowcolor_int
3d229eb9 | Marei Peischl | \dim_new:N \l__kivi_fboxsep_dim
1057b87c | Marei Peischl | \dim_set:Nn \l__kivi_fboxsep_dim {\g_kivi_tabcolsep_dim}
%colorbox variant to only add vertical spacing
%based on colorbox definition from xcolor.sty
%% ----------------------------------------------------------------
%% Copyright (C) 2003-2016 by Dr. Uwe Kern <xcolor at ukern dot de>
%% ----------------------------------------------------------------
%% This variant of colorbox adds a space of \l__kivi_fboxsep_dim along the vertical axes but no horizontal space
3d229eb9 | Marei Peischl | \tl_if_empty:oTF {#2}
1057b87c | Marei Peischl | }
50acaa01 | Marei Peischl | \setbox\z@\hbox to \linewidth{{\set@color\parbox{\linewidth}{\raggedright#3}}}%
3d229eb9 | Marei Peischl | \dimen@\ht\z@\advance\dimen@\l__kivi_fboxsep_dim\ht\z@\dimen@
1057b87c | Marei Peischl | \long\def\kivi@nocolor@b@x#1#2#3%
50acaa01 | Marei Peischl | \setbox\z@\hbox to \linewidth{\parbox{\linewidth}{\raggedright#3}}%
3d229eb9 | Marei Peischl | \dimen@\ht\z@\advance\dimen@\l__kivi_fboxsep_dim\ht\z@\dimen@
1057b87c | Marei Peischl | %%%
4987cdc7 | Jan Büren | \newcommand{\FakeTable}[1]{
3d229eb9 | Marei Peischl | \par
\seq_set_split:Nnn \l_kivi_PricingTable_seq {\tabularnewline} {#1}
\seq_remove_all:Nn \l_kivi_PricingTable_seq {}
\seq_map_inline:Nn \l_kivi_PricingTable_seq {
40dae6b8 | Marei Peischl | \if_mode_horizontal: \par \fi
3d229eb9 | Marei Peischl | \bool_if:NT \g__kivi_Tabular_rowcolor_bool {
\int_gincr:N \g__kivi_PricingTable_rowcolor_int
\int_if_odd:nTF {\g__kivi_PricingTable_rowcolor_int}
50acaa01 | Marei Peischl | {
3d229eb9 | Marei Peischl | \seq_set_split:Nnn \l_kivi_columns_seq {&} {##1}
\seq_gclear:N \g_kivi_extraDescription_seq
\exp_args:Nnx \use:n {\tabular[t]}\g_kivi_Pricing_colspec_tl
\seq_pop_left:NN \__l_FakeTable_columns_seq \l_tmpa_tl
\seq_item:Nn \l_kivi_columns_seq {\l_tmpa_tl}
\seq_map_inline:Nn \__l_FakeTable_columns_seq {
&\seq_item:Nn \l_kivi_columns_seq {####1}
50acaa01 | Marei Peischl | }
98d4a3a7 | Marei Peischl | }
50acaa01 | Marei Peischl | |||
3d229eb9 | Marei Peischl | \seq_if_empty:NTF \g_kivi_extraDescription_seq
50acaa01 | Marei Peischl | \bool_if:NT \g__kivi_Tabular_rowcolor_bool {
\int_if_odd:nTF {\g__kivi_PricingTable_rowcolor_int}
3d229eb9 | Marei Peischl | \setlength{\leftskip}{\dim_eval:n {\bool_if:NT \g__kivi_Tabular_rowcolor_bool {-\tabcolsep} +\l_kivi_tab_desc_leftskip_dim}}
\setlength{\hsize}{\dim_eval:n {\l_kivi_tab_desc_dim+\leftskip}}
98d4a3a7 | Marei Peischl | \setlength{\linewidth}{\hsize}
3d229eb9 | Marei Peischl | \usekomafont{extraDescription}
9640963c | Marei Peischl | \seq_use:Nn \g_kivi_extraDescription_seq {\ifhmode\\\fi}
3d229eb9 | Marei Peischl | \par
50acaa01 | Marei Peischl | }
3d229eb9 | Marei Peischl | }
c583fd97 | Marei Peischl | \par
0204812c | Marei Peischl | \tl_if_empty:NF \l__kivi_Tabular_rowsep_tl {\nointerlineskip\l__kivi_Tabular_rowsep_tl}
3d229eb9 | Marei Peischl | }
c583fd97 | Marei Peischl | \endgroup
4987cdc7 | Jan Büren | }
c05124af | Marei Peischl | \seq_new:N \__l_FakeTable_columns_seq
\cs_new:Nn \__kivi_setup_FakeTable: {
3d229eb9 | Marei Peischl | \seq_clear:N \__l_FakeTable_columns_seq
\int_zero:N \l_tmpa_int
\clist_map_inline:Nn \g_kivi_pricingtable_col_clist {
\int_incr:N \l_tmpa_int
\bool_if:cT {l_kivi_col_##1_bool} {\seq_put_right:Nx \__l_FakeTable_columns_seq {\int_use:N \l_tmpa_int}}
c05124af | Marei Peischl | }
4987cdc7 | Jan Büren | \tl_new:N \g_kivi_Pricing_colspec_tl
c05124af | Marei Peischl | \tl_gset:Nn \g_kivi_Pricing_colspec_tl {
e6518ce7 | Marei Peischl | \bool_if:NF \g__kivi_Tabular_rowcolor_bool {@{}}
\bool_if:NT \l_kivi_col_pos_bool {p{\l_kivi_tab_pos_dim}}
\bool_if:NT \l_kivi_col_id_bool {p{\l_kivi_tab_id_dim}}
\bool_if:NT \l_kivi_col_amount_bool {\exp_not:n {>{\raggedleft\arraybackslash}p{\l_kivi_tab_amount_dim}}}
\bool_if:NT \l_kivi_col_price_bool {\exp_not:n {>{\raggedleft\arraybackslash}p{\l_kivi_tab_price_dim}<{\__kivi_tab_column_currency:}}}
\bool_if:NT \l_kivi_col_pricetotal_bool {\exp_not:n {>{\raggedleft\arraybackslash}p{\l_kivi_tab_pricetotal_dim}<{\__kivi_tab_column_currency:}}}
\bool_if:NF \g__kivi_Tabular_rowcolor_bool {@{}}
c05124af | Marei Peischl | }
4987cdc7 | Jan Büren | |||
ef0a9dc8 | Marei Peischl | \cs_new_protected:Nn \__kivi_tab_column_currency: {\,\currency}
736bde4c | Marei Peischl | \def\tabcurrency{\__kivi_tab_column_currency:}
9bbfe2cb | Marei Peischl | \cs_set:Nn \__kivi_tab_column_header_currency: {}
\cs_set_eq:NN \__kivi_tab_column_body_currency: \__kivi_tab_column_currency:
4987cdc7 | Jan Büren | |||
\clist_map_inline:nn {head, foot, firsthead, lastfoot} {%TODO reduce
3d229eb9 | Marei Peischl | \box_new:c {g_kivi_LT@#1_box}
4987cdc7 | Jan Büren | }
9bbfe2cb | Marei Peischl | \newkomafont{PricingTableHeader}{\bfseries}
c05124af | Marei Peischl | \cs_new:Nn \__kivi_setup_LT_boxes: {
3d229eb9 | Marei Peischl | \__kivi_calc_desc_column:
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\bool_if:NT \g__kivi_Tabular_rowcolor_bool {\kivi@tabcolorbox{\g__kivi_Tabular_rowcolor_header_tl}}%
\exp_args:Nnx \use:n {\tabular[b]}\g_kivi_Pricing_colspec_tl
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\begin{tabular*}{\textwidth}[t]{@{\extracolsep{\fill}}r@{\bool_if:NT \g__kivi_Tabular_rowcolor_bool {\hskip\tabcolsep}}}
\bool_if:NTF \g__kivi_Tabular_rowcolor_bool
88fc44c8 | Marei Peischl | {\hline\noalign{\vskip1pt}}
3d229eb9 | Marei Peischl | \midrule
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\bool_if:NF \g__kivi_Tabular_rowcolor_bool \bottomrule
4987cdc7 | Jan Büren | }
%Macht es sinn hier eine Variante zu machen, in der alle Spalten Belegbar sind?
4ec81d44 | Marei Peischl | \NewDocumentEnvironment{PricingTotal}{+b}{
e6518ce7 | Marei Peischl | \par\nointerlineskip
4987cdc7 | Jan Büren | }{
95eab00b | Marei Peischl | \bool_if:NT \g__kivi_Tabular_rowcolor_bool {\nointerlineskip\kivi@tabcolorbox{\g__kivi_Tabular_rowcolor_PricingTotal_tl}}
e6518ce7 | Marei Peischl | {
@{\bool_if:NT \g__kivi_Tabular_rowcolor_bool {\hskip\tabcolsep}}
p{\dim_eval:n {\linewidth-\l_kivi_tab_pricetotal_dim-\bool_if:NTF \g__kivi_Tabular_rowcolor_bool {4}{2}\tabcolsep}}P{\l_kivi_tab_pricetotal_dim}@{\bool_if:NT \g__kivi_Tabular_rowcolor_bool {\hskip\tabcolsep}}
4987cdc7 | Jan Büren | }
4ec81d44 | Marei Peischl | \tl_new:N \l__kivi_Tabular_PricingTotal_topsep_tl
\tl_set:Nn \l__kivi_Tabular_PricingTotal_topsep_tl {\bool_if:NF \g__kivi_Tabular_rowcolor_bool \midrule}
bd3479e4 | Marei Peischl | |||
3d229eb9 | Marei Peischl | \PackageError{kiviletter}{The~command~\string\ExtraDescription\space~may~be~only~used~inside~the~\string\FakeTable\space~environment.}{See~documentation~for~details}
bd3479e4 | Marei Peischl | }
\cs_new:Nn \__kivi_addExtraDescription:n {\seq_gput_right:Nn \g_kivi_extraDescription_seq {#1}}
c05124af | Marei Peischl | |||
4987cdc7 | Jan Büren | \newenvironment{PricingTabular}[1][]{
3d229eb9 | Marei Peischl | \begingroup
\dim_set:Nn \parskip {\c_zero_dim}
\tl_if_empty:nF {#1} {\keys_set:nn {kivi/PricingTable} {#1}}
\exp_args:Nx \longtable \g_kivi_Pricing_colspec_tl
% Tabellenkopf
\bool_if:NF \g__kivi_Tabular_rowcolor_bool \bottomrule
4987cdc7 | Jan Büren | }{
3d229eb9 | Marei Peischl | \endlongtable
4987cdc7 | Jan Büren | }
a89ea81f | Marei Peischl | \cs_set:Nn \__kivi_PricingTabular_header: {
3d229eb9 | Marei Peischl | \bool_if:NTF \g__kivi_Tabular_rowcolor_bool {\noalign{\skip_vertical:n {\dp\strutbox}}}\toprule
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\bool_set_false:N \l_tmpa_bool
95eab00b | Marei Peischl | \clist_map_inline:Nn \g_kivi_pricingtable_col_clist {
3d229eb9 | Marei Peischl | \bool_if:cT {l_kivi_col_##1_bool} {
\bool_if:NT \l_tmpa_bool {&}
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8a997cd8 | Marei Peischl | \cs_gset_eq:NN \__kivi_tab_column_currency: \__kivi_tab_column_body_currency:
a89ea81f | Marei Peischl | }
4ec81d44 | Marei Peischl | \newkomafont{tablehead}{\bfseries}
4987cdc7 | Jan Büren | |||
374086f0 | Marei Peischl | \keys_define:nn {kivi/SimpleTabular} {
3d229eb9 | Marei Peischl | colspec .tl_set:N =\l_kivi_SimpleTabular_colspec_tl,
colspec .initial:n = {rrX},
headline .tl_set:N = \l_kivi_SimpleTabular_headline_tl,
headline .initial:n = {\usekomafont{tablehead}\position & \usekomafont{tablehead}\menge & \usekomafont{tablehead}\bezeichnung},
4ec81d44 | Marei Peischl | }
a47d662b | Marei Peischl | \keys_define:nn {kivi/Tabular} {
3d229eb9 | Marei Peischl | color-rows .bool_gset:N = \g__kivi_Tabular_rowcolor_bool ,
color-rows .initial:n = false,
color-rows .default:n = true,
rowcolor-odd .tl_gset:N = \g__kivi_Tabular_rowcolor_odd_tl,
rowcolor-odd .initial:n = black!10,
rowcolor-even .tl_gset:N = \g__kivi_Tabular_rowcolor_even_tl,
rowcolor-even .initial:n =,
rowcolor-header .tl_gset:N = \g__kivi_Tabular_rowcolor_header_tl,
rowcolor-header .initial:n = black!35,
rowcolor-total .tl_gset:N = \g__kivi_Tabular_rowcolor_PricingTotal_tl,
rowcolor-total .initial:n = black!35,
526ed9a1 | Marei Peischl | rowsep .tl_set:N =\l__kivi_Tabular_rowsep_tl,
rowsep .initial:n = ,
hrule .meta:n = {
374086f0 | Marei Peischl | }
4987cdc7 | Jan Büren | |||
0ea3d7bd | Marei Peischl | \newcommand*{\SetupSimpleTabular}[1]{\keys_set:nn {kivi/SimpleTabular} {#1}}
\newcommand*{\SetupPricingTabular}[1]{\keys_set:nn {kivi/PricingTable} {#1}}
374086f0 | Marei Peischl | \newenvironment{SimpleTabular}[1][]
4987cdc7 | Jan Büren | {
3d229eb9 | Marei Peischl | \tl_if_in:nnTF {#1} {=} {\keys_set:nn {kivi/SimpleTabular} {#1}} {\tl_if_empty:nF {#1} {\tl_set:Nn \l_kivi_SimpleTabular_headline_tl {#1}}}
\dim_set:Nn \parskip {\c_zero_dim}
95eab00b | Marei Peischl | \bool_if:NF \g__kivi_Tabular_rowcolor_bool {
3d229eb9 | Marei Peischl | \tl_put_right:Nn \l_kivi_SimpleTabular_colspec_tl {@{}}
\tl_put_left:Nn \l_kivi_SimpleTabular_colspec_tl {@{}}
\exp_args:NnV \xltabular{\linewidth}\l_kivi_SimpleTabular_colspec_tl
\cs_gset_eq:NN \__kivi_tab_column_currency: \__kivi_tab_column_header_currency:
\noalign{\cs_gset_eq:NN \__kivi_tab_column_currency: \__kivi_tab_column_body_currency:}
\bool_if:NF \g__kivi_Tabular_rowcolor_bool \bottomrule
4987cdc7 | Jan Büren | }{
3d229eb9 | Marei Peischl | \def\@currenvir{tabularx}
4987cdc7 | Jan Büren | }
662d2792 | Marei Peischl | %PricingTabular* kann automatisch spalten ignorieren
% \begin{PricingTabular*}[id=false]
% deaktiviert damit die Spalte der Produktnummer
% analog ist dies für pos, amount, price, pricetotal möglich.
% Die Spalte der Bezeichnung ist nicht deaktivierbar
01b1d8ff | Marei Peischl | \newenvironment{PricingTabular*}[1][]{
3d229eb9 | Marei Peischl | \int_gzero:N \g__kivi_PricingTable_rowcolor_int
\tl_if_empty:nF {#1} {\keys_set:nn {kivi/PricingTable} {#1}}
\dim_set:Nn \parskip {\c_zero_dim}
50acaa01 | Marei Peischl | \dim_set:Nn \parindent {\c_zero_dim}
3d229eb9 | Marei Peischl | \PricingTabularBox\ignorespaces
4ec81d44 | Marei Peischl | }{\endPricingTabularBox
3d229eb9 | Marei Peischl | %compensate footer spacing
\skip_vertical:n {-\box_ht:N \g_kivi_LT@foot_box-\box_dp:N \g_kivi_LT@foot_box}
4ec81d44 | Marei Peischl | }
4987cdc7 | Jan Büren | |||
01b1d8ff | Marei Peischl | \newtcolorbox{PricingTabularBox}{breakable,skin=kivi@LT}
4987cdc7 | Jan Büren | |||
2e0414b5 | Marei Peischl | \if@kivi@infobox
3d229eb9 | Marei Peischl | \def\locationsep{:}
\IfBooleanTF {#1} {
\IfNoValueTF {#2}
\hbox_set:Nn \l_tmpa_box {\usekomavar{#3}}
\dim_compare:nTF {\box_wd:N \l_tmpa_box>\linewidth}
{\box_use:N \l_tmpa_box\strut}
\IfNoValueTF {#2}
296840e6 | Jan Büren | \locationentry{taxpoint}
3d229eb9 | Marei Peischl | \locationentry[\ansprechpartner]{fromname}
\@addtoplength{refvpos}{4\baselineskip}%sep between address boxes
736bde4c | Marei Peischl | |||
4987cdc7 | Jan Büren | \fi
71650e02 | Marei Peischl | %Fallback for older KOMA-Script-Versions
\cs_if_exist:NF \Ifstr {\let\Ifstr\ifstr}
\cs_if_exist:NF \Ifkomavarempty {\let\Ifkomavarempty\ifkomavarempty}
%Definitionen für die insettings.tex
1efe4b28 | Marei Peischl | \NewDocumentCommand{\setupIdentpath}{sm}{
cc59e279 | Marei Peischl | \file_if_exist:nTF {#2/ident.tex}
} {
736bde4c | Marei Peischl | }
9d8ef337 | Marei Peischl | \newcommand*{\setupCurrencyConfig}[3][euro]{
3d229eb9 | Marei Peischl | \tl_new:N \g_kivi_currency_tl
9d8ef337 | Marei Peischl | \exp_args:Nf \str_if_in:nnT {#3} {USD} {\tl_gset:Nn \g_kivi_currency_tl {usd}}
\exp_args:Nf \str_if_in:nnT {#3} {CHF} {\tl_gset:Nn \g_kivi_currency_tl {chf}}
\exp_args:Nf \str_if_in:nnT {#3} {EUR} {\tl_gset:Nn \g_kivi_currency_tl {euro}}
3d229eb9 | Marei Peischl | \tl_if_empty:NT \g_kivi_currency_tl {
b5c4dac8 | Marei Peischl | \tl_if_empty:oTF {#3} {
9d8ef337 | Marei Peischl | \tl_gset:Nn \g_kivi_currency_tl {#1}
} {
\tl_gset:Nn \g_kivi_currency_tl {#3}
3d229eb9 | Marei Peischl | }
9d8ef337 | Marei Peischl | \input{#2/\g_kivi_currency_tl _account.tex}
\msg_error:nnx {kiviletter} {currency-already-configured} {\g_kivi_currency_tl}
736bde4c | Marei Peischl | }
9d8ef337 | Marei Peischl | \msg_new:nnn {kiviletter} {currency-already-configured} {
736bde4c | Marei Peischl | \ExplSyntaxOff
4987cdc7 | Jan Büren | |||
b06bdb41 | Marei Peischl | \newkomafont{extraDescription}{}
526ed9a1 | Marei Peischl | \newkomafont{subtotal}{}
b06bdb41 | Marei Peischl | |||
4987cdc7 | Jan Büren | \endinput