kivitendo/SL/DB/ @ 51fec310
d17e1b9d | Moritz Bunkus | package SL::DB::RequirementSpec;
use strict;
34948207 | Moritz Bunkus | use Carp;
405a41ef | Moritz Bunkus | use Rose::DB::Object::Helpers;
34948207 | Moritz Bunkus | |||
d17e1b9d | Moritz Bunkus | use SL::DB::MetaSetup::RequirementSpec;
b2e1809f | Moritz Bunkus | use SL::DB::Manager::RequirementSpec;
d17e1b9d | Moritz Bunkus | use SL::Locale::String;
51fec310 | Moritz Bunkus | items => {
type => 'one to many',
class => 'SL::DB::RequirementSpecItem',
column_map => { id => 'requirement_spec_id' },
d17e1b9d | Moritz Bunkus | },
51fec310 | Moritz Bunkus | text_blocks => {
type => 'one to many',
class => 'SL::DB::RequirementSpecTextBlock',
column_map => { id => 'requirement_spec_id' },
versioned_copies => {
type => 'one to many',
class => 'SL::DB::RequirementSpec',
column_map => { id => 'working_copy_id' },
d17e1b9d | Moritz Bunkus | },
b2e1809f | Moritz Bunkus | __PACKAGE__->before_save('_before_save_initialize_not_null_columns');
d17e1b9d | Moritz Bunkus | sub validate {
my ($self) = @_;
my @errors;
push @errors, t8('The title is missing.') if !$self->title;
return @errors;
b2e1809f | Moritz Bunkus | sub _before_save_initialize_not_null_columns {
my ($self) = @_;
$self->previous_section_number(0) if !defined $self->previous_section_number;
$self->previous_fb_number(0) if !defined $self->previous_fb_number;
return 1;
34948207 | Moritz Bunkus | sub text_blocks_for_position {
my ($self, $output_position) = @_;
return [ sort { $a->position <=> $b->position } grep { $_->output_position == $output_position } @{ $self->text_blocks } ];
sub sections {
my ($self, @rest) = @_;
croak "This sub is not a writer" if @rest;
return [ sort { $a->position <=> $b->position } grep { !$_->parent_id } @{ $self->items } ];
c1569bc1 | Moritz Bunkus | sub displayable_name {
my ($self) = @_;
return sprintf('%s: "%s"', $self->type->description, $self->title);
405a41ef | Moritz Bunkus | sub create_copy {
my ($self, %params) = @_;
return $self->_create_copy(%params) if $self->db->in_transaction;
my $copy;
if (!$self->db->do_transaction(sub { $copy = $self->_create_copy(%params) })) {
$::lxdebug->message(LXDebug->WARN(), "create_copy failed: " . join("\n", (split(/\n/, $self->db->error))[0..2]));
return undef;
return $copy;
sub _create_copy {
my ($self, %params) = @_;
my $copy = Rose::DB::Object::Helpers::clone_and_reset($self);
# Clone text blocks.
$copy->text_blocks(map { Rose::DB::Object::Helpers::clone_and_reset($_) } @{ $self->text_blocks });
# Save new object -- we need its ID for the items.
my %id_to_clone;
# Clone items.
my $clone_item;
$clone_item = sub {
my ($item) = @_;
my $cloned = Rose::DB::Object::Helpers::clone_and_reset($item);
$cloned->children(map { $clone_item->($_) } @{ $item->children });
$id_to_clone{ $item->id } = $cloned;
return $cloned;
$copy->items(map { $clone_item->($_) } @{ $self->sections });
# Save the items -- need to do that before setting dependencies.
# Set dependencies.
foreach my $item (@{ $self->items }) {
next unless @{ $item->dependencies };
$id_to_clone{ $item->id }->update_attributes(dependencies => [ map { $id_to_clone{$_->id} } @{ $item->dependencies } ]);
return $copy;
51fec310 | Moritz Bunkus | sub previous_version {
my ($self) = @_;
my $and = $self->version_id ? " AND (version_id <> ?)" : "";
my $id = $self->db->dbh->selectrow_array(<<SQL, undef, $self->id, ($self->version_id) x !!$self->version_id);
FROM requirement_specs
WHERE (working_copy_id = ?) $and
return $id ? SL::DB::RequirementSpec->new(id => $id)->load : undef;
sub is_working_copy {
my ($self) = @_;
return !$self->working_copy_id;
sub next_version_number {
my ($self) = @_;
my $max_number = $self->db->dbh->selectrow_array(<<SQL, undef, $self->id);
SELECT COALESCE(MAX(ver.version_number), 0)
FROM requirement_spec_versions ver
JOIN requirement_specs rs ON (rs.version_id =
WHERE rs.working_copy_id = ?
return $max_number + 1;
sub create_version {
my ($self, %attributes) = @_;
my ($copy, $version);
my $ok = $self->db->do_transaction(sub {
delete $attributes{version_number};
$version = SL::DB::RequirementSpecVersion->new(%attributes, version_number => $self->next_version_number)->save;
$copy = $self->create_copy;
$copy->update_attributes(version_id => $version->id, working_copy_id => $self->id);
$self->update_attributes(version_id => $version->id);
return $ok ? ($copy, $version) : ();
d17e1b9d | Moritz Bunkus | 1;