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Revision 50572139

Von Bernd Bleßmann vor mehr als 3 Jahren hinzugefügt

  • ID 505721395935bb280169f631a0757afb7598ac7f
  • Vorgänger e6da1538
  • Nachfolger ec7e7c8e

Anzahlungs-Rg.: Steuer der Anzahlungs-Rgs. nicht auf das Forderungskto buchen …

… und Betrag der Anzahlungs-Rgs. mit Steuerschlüssel 0 buchen

Unterschiede anzeigen:

my $iap_amounts;
if ($form->{type} eq 'final_invoice') {
my $invoices_for_advance_payment = $self->_get_invoices_for_advance_payment($form->{convert_from_ar_ids} || $form->{id});
if (scalar @$invoices_for_advance_payment > 0) {
# VAT for invoices for advance payment is booked on payment of these. So do not book this VAT for final invoice.
# Collect VAT of invoices for advance payment.
# And book the amount of the invoices for advance payment with taxkey 0 (see below).
# Collect amounts and VAT of invoices for advance payment.
# Set sellprices to fxsellprices for items, because
# the PriceTaxCalculator sets fxsellprice from sellprice before calculating.
$_->sellprice($_->fxsellprice) for @{$invoice_for_advance_payment->items};
my %pat = $invoice_for_advance_payment->calculate_prices_and_taxes;
foreach my $tax_chart_id (keys %{ $pat{taxes_by_chart_id} }) {
my $tax_accno = SL::DB::Chart->new(id => $tax_chart_id)->load->accno;
$form->{amount}{ $form->{id} }{$tax_accno} -= $pat{taxes_by_chart_id}->{$tax_chart_id};
my $tax_accno = SL::DB::Chart->load_cached($tax_chart_id)->accno;
$form->{amount}{ $form->{id} }{$tax_accno} -= $pat{taxes_by_chart_id}->{$tax_chart_id};
$form->{amount}{ $form->{id} }{$form->{AR}} += $pat{taxes_by_chart_id}->{$tax_chart_id};
foreach my $amount_chart_id (keys %{ $pat{amounts} }) {
my $amount_accno = SL::DB::Chart->load_cached($amount_chart_id)->accno;
$iap_amounts->{$amount_accno} += $pat{amounts}->{$amount_chart_id}->{amount};
$form->{amount}{ $form->{id} }{$amount_accno} -= $pat{amounts}->{$amount_chart_id}->{amount};
# Book the amount of the invoices for advance payment with taxkey 0 (see below).
if ($form->{type} eq 'final_invoice' && $iap_amounts) {
foreach my $accno (keys %$iap_amounts) {
$query =
qq|INSERT INTO acc_trans (trans_id, chart_id, amount, transdate, tax_id, taxkey, project_id, chart_link)
VALUES (?, (SELECT id FROM chart WHERE accno = ?), ?, ?, (SELECT id FROM tax WHERE taxkey=0), 0, ?, (SELECT link FROM chart WHERE accno = ?))|;
@values = (conv_i($form->{id}), $accno, $iap_amounts->{$accno}, conv_date($form->{invdate}), conv_i($project_id), $accno);
do_query($form, $dbh, $query, @values);
# deduct payment differences from diff
for my $i (1 .. $form->{paidaccounts}) {
if ($form->{"paid_$i"} != 0) {

Auch abrufbar als: Unified diff