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Revision 4edfabd2

Von Sven Schöling vor fast 14 Jahren hinzugefügt

  • ID 4edfabd24a6c8e2747519c323bd99092bc6fa5a4
  • Vorgänger 0d3d9d8e
  • Nachfolger 2a30958f

checkall attribut in L.checkbox_tag

Unterschiede anzeigen:

$attributes{id} ||= $self->name_to_id($name);
$attributes{value} = 1 unless defined $attributes{value};
my $label = delete $attributes{label};
my $checkall = delete $attributes{checkall};
if ($attributes{checked}) {
$attributes{checked} = 'checked';
my $code = $self->html_tag('input', undef, %attributes, name => $name, type => 'checkbox');
$code .= $self->html_tag('label', $label, for => $attributes{id}) if $label;
$code .= $self->javascript(qq|\$('#$attributes{id}').checkall('$checkall');|) if $checkall;
return $code;
created with said C<label>. No attribute named C<label> is created in
that case.
If C<%attributes> contains a key C<checkall> then the value is taken as a
JQuery selector and clicking this checkbox will also toggle all checkboxes
matching the selector.
=item C<date_tag $name, $value, cal_align =E<gt> $align_code, %attributes>
Creates a date input field, with an attached javascript that will open a

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