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Revision 4e795d54

Von Jan Büren vor etwa 2 Jahren hinzugefügt

  • ID 4e795d54c5c0c75a94b17530b0d087d6f93349df
  • Vorgänger 705d2fe1
  • Nachfolger 954a2c95

Payment-Helper: neue Methoden f. Wechselkurs, Bankgebühren:

get_exchangerate: Holt den Belegwechselkurs oder den Tageswechselkurs
get_exchangerate_for_bank_transaction: Holt den Wechselkurs zum Valutatag
einer Bankbewegung
_add_bank_fx_fees: Bucht die Nebenkosten einer Auslandsüberweisung
im kreditorischen Fall (die Restmenge nach Währungskorrektur)

Unterschiede anzeigen:

use parent qw(Exporter);
our @EXPORT = qw(pay_invoice);
our @EXPORT_OK = qw(skonto_date amount_less_skonto within_skonto_period percent_skonto reference_account open_amount skonto_amount check_ valid_skonto_amount validate_payment_type get_payment_select_options_for_bank_transaction forex _skonto_charts_and_tax_correction);
our @EXPORT_OK = qw(skonto_date amount_less_skonto within_skonto_period percent_skonto reference_account open_amount skonto_amount valid_skonto_amount validate_payment_type get_payment_select_options_for_bank_transaction forex _skonto_charts_and_tax_correction get_exchangerate_for_bank_transaction get_exchangerate _add_bank_fx_fees);
our %EXPORT_TAGS = (
sub pay_invoice {
my ($self, %params) = @_;
# todo named params
require SL::DB::Tax;
my $is_sales = ref($self) eq 'SL::DB::Invoice';
return _round($self->amount - ( $self->amount * $percent_skonto) );
sub _add_bank_fx_fees {
my ($self, %params) = @_;
my $amount = $params{fee};
croak "no amount passed for bank fx fees" unless abs(_round($amount)) >= 0.01;
croak "no passed" unless $params{bt_id};
croak "no bank chart id passed" unless $params{bank_chart_id};
croak "no banktransaction.transdate passed" unless ref $params{transdate_obj} eq 'DateTime';
$params{memo} //= '';
$params{source} //= '';
my ($credit, $debit);
$credit = SL::DB::Chart->load_cached($params{bank_chart_id});
$debit = SL::DB::Manager::Chart->find_by(description => 'Nebenkosten des Geldverkehrs');
croak("No such Chart ID") unless ref $credit eq 'SL::DB::Chart' && ref $debit eq 'SL::DB::Chart';
my $notes = SL::HTML::Util->strip($self->notes);
my $current_transaction = SL::DB::GLTransaction->new(
employee_id => $self->employee_id,
transdate => $params{transdate_obj},
notes => $params{source} . ' ' . $params{memo},
description => $notes || $self->invnumber,
reference => t8('Automatic Foreign Exchange Bank Fees') . " " . $self->invnumber,
department_id => $self->department_id ? $self->department_id : undef,
imported => 0, # not imported
taxincluded => 0,
chart => $debit,
debit => abs($amount),
source => t8('Automatic Foreign Exchange Bank Fees') . " " . $self->invnumber,
memo => $params{memo},
tax_id => 0,
chart => $credit,
credit => abs($amount),
source => t8('Automatic Foreign Exchange Bank Fees') . " " . $self->invnumber,
memo => $params{memo},
tax_id => 0,
# add a stable link acc_trans_id to
foreach my $transaction (@{ $current_transaction->transactions }) {
my %props_acc = (
acc_trans_id => $transaction->acc_trans_id,
bank_transaction_id => $params{bt_id},
gl => $current_transaction->id,
# Record a record link from banktransactions to gl
my %props_rl = (
from_table => 'bank_transactions',
from_id => $params{bt_id},
to_table => 'gl',
to_id => $current_transaction->id,
# Record a record link from ap to gl
# linked gl booking will appear in tab linked records
# this is just a link for convenience
%props_rl = (
#from_table => $is_sales ? 'ar' : 'ap',
from_table => 'ap',
from_id => $self->id,
to_table => 'gl',
to_id => $current_transaction->id,
sub _skonto_charts_and_tax_correction {
my ($self, %params) = @_;
return @options;
sub exchangerate {
sub get_exchangerate {
my ($self) = @_;
return 1 if $self->currency_id == $::instance_conf->get_currency_id;
# return record exchange rate if set
return $self->exchangerate if $self->exchangerate > 0;
# none defined check daily exchangerate at records transdate
die "transdate isn't a DateTime object:" . ref($self->transdate) unless ref($self->transdate) eq 'DateTime';
my $rate = SL::DB::Manager::Exchangerate->find_by(currency_id => $self->currency_id,
transdate => $self->transdate,
$self->currency_id == $::instance_conf->get_currency_id ? return 0 : return 1;
sub get_exchangerate_for_bank_transaction {
{ can => [ qw(forex is_sales) ],
callbacks => { 'has forex' => sub { return $_[0]->forex } } },
{ callbacks => {
'is an integer' => sub { return $_[0] =~ /^[1-9][0-9]*$/ },
'is a valid bank transaction' => sub { ref SL::DB::BankTransaction->load_cached($_[0]) eq 'SL::DB::BankTransaction' },
'has a valid valuta date' => sub { ref SL::DB::BankTransaction->load_cached($_[0])->valutadate eq 'DateTime' },
my ($self, $bt_id) = @_;
my $bt = SL::DB::BankTransaction->load_cached($bt_id);
my $rate = SL::DB::Manager::Exchangerate->find_by(currency_id => $self->currency_id,
transdate => $bt->valutadate,
return undef unless $rate;
return $self->is_sales ? $rate->buy : $rate->sell; # also undef if not defined
sub _round {
my $value = shift;
my $num_dec = 2;

Auch abrufbar als: Unified diff