Revision 4d8ad1a5
Von Moritz Bunkus vor mehr als 12 Jahren hinzugefügt
scripts/ | ||
my $dbupdir2 = "$basedir/sql/Pg-upgrade2";
my $menufile = "menu.ini";
my $submitsearch = qr/type\s*=\s*[\"\']?submit/i;
our $self = {};
our $missing = {};
our @lost = ();
my (%referenced_html_files, %locale, %htmllocale, %alllocales, %cached, %submit);
... | ... | |
return @files;
sub merge_texts {
# overwrite existing entries with the ones from 'missing'
$self->{texts}->{$_} = $missing->{$_} for grep { $missing->{$_} } keys %alllocales;
# try to set missing entries from lost ones
my %lost_by_text = map { ($_->{text} => $_->{translation}) } @lost;
$self->{texts}->{$_} = $lost_by_text{$_} for grep { !$self->{texts}{$_} } keys %alllocales;
my @bindir_files = find_files($bindir);
my @progfiles = map { m:^(.+)/([^/]+)$:; [ $2, $1 ] } grep { /\.pl$/ && !/_custom/ } @bindir_files;
my @customfiles = grep /_custom/, @bindir_files;
... | ... | |
my @dbplfiles2 = grep { /\.pl$/ } keys %dir_h;
# slurp the translations in
our $self = {};
our $missing = {};
our @missing = ();
our @lost = ();
if (-f "$locales_dir/all") {
require "$locales_dir/all";
... | ... | |
handle_file($_, $dbupdir2) for @dbplfiles2;
scanmenu($_) for @menufiles;
# merge entries to translate with entries from files 'missing' and 'lost'
# generate all
file => "$locales_dir/all",
... | ... | |
data_sub => sub { _print_line($_, $self->{texts}{$_}, @_) for sort keys %alllocales },
foreach my $text (keys %$missing) {
if ($locale{$text} || $htmllocale{$text}) {
unless ($self->{texts}{$text}) {
$self->{texts}{$text} = $missing->{$text};
# calc and generate missing
push @missing, grep { !$self->{texts}{$_} } sort keys %alllocales;
my @new_missing = grep { !$self->{texts}{$_} } sort keys %alllocales;
if (@missing) {
if (@new_missing) {
file => "$locales_dir/missing",
header => $MISSING_HEADER,
data_name => '$missing',
data_sub => sub { _print_line($_, '', @_) for @missing },
data_sub => sub { _print_line($_, '', @_) for @new_missing },
... | ... | |
search_unused_htmlfiles() if $opt_c;
my $count = scalar keys %alllocales;
my $notext = scalar @missing;
my $notext = scalar @new_missing;
my $per = sprintf("%.1f", ($count - $notext) / $count * 100);
print "\n$trlanguage - ${per}%";
print " - $notext/$count missing" if $notext;
... | ... | |
$file =~ s/\.pl//;
foreach my $text (keys %$missing) {
if ($locale{$text} || $htmllocale{$text}) {
unless ($self->{texts}{$text}) {
$self->{texts}{$text} = $missing->{$text};
sub extract_text_between_parenthesis {
Auch abrufbar als: Unified diff
Fehlende Übersetzungen aus "lost" nehmen, sofern dort vorhanden