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Revision 4cc5904b

Von Sven Schöling vor mehr als 15 Jahren hinzugefügt

  • ID 4cc5904b3ed7efd6a3d1c1f77ed23bf589fe7d0d
  • Vorgänger 5e579516
  • Nachfolger ee792a3f

Testversion is -> template

Unterschiede anzeigen:

our %TMPL_VAR = ();
my @custom_hiddens;
$form->{employee_id} = $form->{old_employee_id} if $form->{old_employee_id};
$form->{salesman_id} = $form->{old_salesman_id} if $form->{old_salesman_id};
"projects" => { "key" => "ALL_PROJECTS",
"all" => 0,
"old_id" => \@old_project_ids },
"employees" => "ALL_SALESMEN",
"employees" => "ALL_EMPLOYEES",
"salesmen" => "ALL_SALESMEN",
"taxzones" => "ALL_TAXZONES",
"currencies" => "ALL_CURRENCIES",
"customers" => "ALL_CUSTOMERS",
"price_factors" => "ALL_PRICE_FACTORS");
my %labels;
my @values = (undef);
foreach my $item (@{ $form->{"ALL_CONTACTS"} }) {
push(@values, $item->{"cp_id"});
$labels{$item->{"cp_id"}} = join(',', $item->{"cp_name"}, $item->{"cp_givenname"}) . ($item->{"cp_abteilung"} ? " ($item->{cp_abteilung})" : "");
my $contact;
if (scalar @values > 1) {
$contact = qq|
<th align="right">| . $locale->text('Contact Person') . qq|</th>
<td>| . NTI($cgi->popup_menu('-name' => 'cp_id', '-values' => \@values, '-style' => 'width: 250px',
'-labels' => \%labels, '-default' => $form->{"cp_id"})) . qq|
%labels = ();
@values = ();
foreach my $item (@{ $form->{"ALL_SALESMEN"} }) {
push(@values, $item->{"id"});
$labels{$item->{id}} = $item->{name} ne "" ? $item->{name} : $item->{login};
my $employees = qq|
<th align="right">| . $locale->text('Employee') . qq|</th>
<td>| . NTI($cgi->popup_menu('-name' => 'employee_id', '-default' => $form->{"employee_id"},
'-values' => \@values, '-labels' => \%labels)) . qq|
%labels = ();
@values = ();
foreach my $item (@{ $form->{"ALL_CUSTOMERS"} }) {
push(@values, $item->{name}.qq|--|.$item->{"id"});
$labels{$item->{name}.qq|--|.$item->{"id"}} = $item->{"name"};
$form->{selectcustomer} = ($myconfig{vclimit} > scalar(@values));
my $customers = qq|
<th align="right">| . $locale->text('Customer') . qq|</th>
<td>| .
(($myconfig{vclimit} <= scalar(@values))
? qq|<input type="text" value="| . H($form->{customer}) . qq|" name="customer">|
: (NTI($cgi->popup_menu('-name' => 'customer', '-default' => $form->{oldcustomer},
'-onChange' => 'document.getElementById(\'update_button\').click();',
'-values' => \@values, '-labels' => \%labels, '-style' => 'width: 250px')))) . qq|
<input type="button" value="| . $locale->text('Details (one letter abbreviation)') . qq|" onclick="show_vc_details('customer')">
%labels = ();
@values = ("");
foreach my $item (@{ $form->{"ALL_SHIPTO"} }) {
push(@values, $item->{"shipto_id"});
$labels{$item->{"shipto_id"}} = join "; ", grep { $_ } map { $item->{"shipto${_}" } } qw(name department_1 street city);
my $shipto;
if (scalar @values > 1) {
$shipto = qq|
<th align="right">| . $locale->text('Shipping Address') . qq|</th>
<td>| . NTI($cgi->popup_menu('-name' => 'shipto_id', '-values' => \@values, '-style' => 'width: 250px',
'-labels' => \%labels, '-default' => $form->{"shipto_id"})). qq|
%labels = ();
@values = ();
foreach my $item (@{ $form->{"ALL_CURRENCIES"} }) {
push(@values, $item);
$labels{$item} = $item;
$TMPL_VAR{sales_employee_labels} = sub { $_[0]->{name} || $_[0]->{login} };
$TMPL_VAR{shipto_labels} = sub { join "; ", grep { $_ } map { $_[0]->{"shipto${_}" } } qw(name department_1 street city) };
$TMPL_VAR{contact_labels} = sub { join(', ', $_[0]->{"cp_name"}, $_[0]->{"cp_givenname"}) . ($_[0]->{cp_abteilung} ? " ($_[0]->{cp_abteilung})" : "") };
$TMPL_VAR{department_labels} = sub { "$_[0]->{description}--$_[0]->{id}" };
# customer
$TMPL_VAR{vc_keys} = sub { "$_[0]->{name}--$_[0]->{id}" };
$TMPL_VAR{vclimit} = $myconfig{vclimit};
$TMPL_VAR{vc_select} = "customer_or_vendor_selection_window('$form->{vc}', '', @{[ $form->{vc} eq 'vendor' ? 1 : 0 ]}, 0)";
push @custom_hiddens, "$form->{vc}_id";
push @custom_hiddens, "old$form->{vc}";
push @custom_hiddens, "select$form->{vc}";
# currencies and exchangerate
my @values = map { $_ } @{ $form->{ALL_CURRENCIES} };
my %labels = map { $_ => $_ } @{ $form->{ALL_CURRENCIES} };
$form->{currency} = $form->{defaultcurrency} unless $form->{currency};
$TMPL_VAR{show_exchangerate} = $form->{currency} ne $form->{defaultcurrency};
$TMPL_VAR{currencies} = NTI($cgi->popup_menu('-name' => 'currency', '-default' => $form->{"currency"},
'-values' => \@values, '-labels' => \%labels)) if scalar @values;
push @custom_hiddens, "forex";
push @custom_hiddens, "exchangerate" if $form->{forex};
$TMPL_VAR{creditwarning} = ($form->{creditlimit} != 0) && ($form->{creditremaining} < 0) && !$form->{update};
$TMPL_VAR{is_credit_remaining_negativ} = $form->{creditremaining} =~ /-/;
$form->{currency} = $form->{defaultcurrency} unless $form->{currency};
my $currencies;
if (scalar @values) {
$currencies = qq|
<th align="right">| . $locale->text('Currency') . qq|</th>
<td>| . NTI($cgi->popup_menu('-name' => 'currency', '-default' => $form->{"currency"},
'-values' => \@values, '-labels' => \%labels)) . qq|
%labels = ();
@values = ("");
foreach my $item (@{ $form->{"ALL_PROJECTS"} }) {
push(@values, $item->{"id"});
$labels{$item->{"id"}} = $item->{"projectnumber"};
my $globalprojectnumber = NTI($cgi->popup_menu('-name' => 'globalproject_id', '-values' => \@values,
'-labels' => \%labels,
'-default' => $form->{"globalproject_id"}));
%labels = ();
@values = ();
foreach my $item (@{ $form->{ALL_SALESMEN} }) {
push(@values, $item->{id});
$labels{$item->{id}} = $item->{name} ne "" ? $item->{name} : $item->{login};
my $salesman =
qq|<tr> <th align="right">| . $locale->text('Salesman') . qq|</th>
<td>| . NTI($cgi->popup_menu('-name' => 'salesman_id', '-values' => \@values, '-labels' => \%labels,
'-default' => $form->{salesman_id} ? $form->{salesman_id} : $form->{employee_id})) . qq|
%labels = ();
@values = ();
foreach my $item (@{ $form->{"ALL_TAXZONES"} }) {
push(@values, $item->{"id"});
$labels{$item->{"id"}} = $item->{"description"};
my $taxzone;
if (!$form->{"id"}) {
$taxzone = qq|
<th align="right">| . $locale->text('Steuersatz') . qq|</th>
<td>| . NTI($cgi->popup_menu('-name' => 'taxzone_id', '-default' => $form->{"taxzone_id"},
'-values' => \@values, '-labels' => \%labels, '-style' => 'width: 250px',)) . qq|
$form->{fokus} = "invoice.customer";
} else {
$taxzone = qq|
<th align="right">| . $locale->text('Steuersatz') . qq|</th>
<input type="hidden" name="taxzone_id" value="| . H($form->{"taxzone_id"}) . qq|">
| . H($labels{$form->{"taxzone_id"}}) . qq|
my $follow_up_vc = $form->{customer};
$follow_up_vc =~ s/--\d*\s*$//;
$TMPL_VAR{customer_name} = $follow_up_vc;
# set option selected
# set option selected
foreach my $item (qw(AR customer currency department employee)) {
$form->{"select$item"} =~ s/ selected//;
$form->{"select$item"} =~ s/option>\Q$form->{$item}\E/option selected>$form->{$item}/;
my $creditwarning = (($form->{creditlimit} != 0) && ($form->{creditremaining} < 0) && !$form->{update}) ? 1 : 0;
$TMPL_VAR{is_type_credit_note} = $form->{type} eq "credit_note";
$TMPL_VAR{is_format_html} = $form->{format} eq 'html';
$TMPL_VAR{dateformat} = $myconfig{dateformat};
$TMPL_VAR{numberformat} = $myconfig{numberformat};
$form->{exchangerate} = $form->format_amount(\%myconfig, $form->{exchangerate});
$form->{creditlimit} = $form->format_amount(\%myconfig, $form->{creditlimit}, 0, "0");
$form->{creditremaining} = $form->format_amount(\%myconfig, $form->{creditremaining}, 0, "0");
# hiddens
id action type media format queued printed emailed title vc discount
creditlimit creditremaining tradediscount business closedto locked shipped storno storno_id
max_dunning_level dunning_amount
shiptoname shiptostreet shiptozipcode shiptocity shiptocountry shiptocontact shiptophone shiptofax
shiptoemail shiptodepartment_1 shiptodepartment_2 message email subject cc bcc taxaccounts cursor_fokus
convert_from_do_ids convert_from_oe_ids
), @custom_hiddens,
map { $_.'_rate', $_.'_description', $_.'_taxnumber' } split / /, $form->{taxaccounts}];
my $exchangerate = "";
if ($form->{currency} ne $form->{defaultcurrency}) {
if ($form->{forex}) {
$exchangerate .= qq|<th align="right">| . $locale->text('Exchangerate') . qq|</th>
<td>$form->{exchangerate}<input type="hidden" name="exchangerate" value="$form->{exchangerate}"></td>|;
} else {
$exchangerate .= qq|<th align="right">| . $locale->text('Exchangerate') . qq|</th>
<td><input name="exchangerate" size="10" value="$form->{exchangerate}"></td>|;
$exchangerate .= qq|\n<input type="hidden" name="forex" value="$form->{forex}">\n|;
my $department = qq|
<th align="right" nowrap>| . $locale->text('Department') . qq|</th>
<td colspan="3"><select name="department" style="width: 250px">$form->{selectdepartment}</select>
<input type="hidden" name="selectdepartment" value="$form->{selectdepartment}">
| if $form->{selectdepartment};
my $n = ($form->{creditremaining} =~ /-/) ? "0" : "1";
my $business;
if ($form->{business}) {
$business = qq|
<th align="right">| . $locale->text('Customer type') . qq|</th>
<td>$form->{business}; | . $locale->text('Trade Discount') . qq| |
. $form->format_amount(\%myconfig, $form->{tradediscount} * 100)
. qq| %</td>
my $dunning;
if ($form->{max_dunning_level}) {
$dunning = qq|
<th align="right">| . $locale->text('Max. Dunning Level') . qq|:</th>
| . $locale->text('Dunning Amount') . qq|: <b>|
. $form->format_amount(\%myconfig, $form->{dunning_amount},2)
. qq|</b>
$form->{fokus} = "invoice.customer";
# use JavaScript Calendar or not
$form->{jsscript} = 1;
my $jsscript = "";
my ($button1, $button2, $button3);
if ($form->{type} eq "credit_note") {
$button1 = qq|
<td nowrap><input name="invdate" id="invdate" size="11" title="$myconfig{dateformat}" value="$form->{invdate}" onBlur=\"check_right_date_format(this)\">
<input type="button" name="invdate_button" id="trigger1" value="|
. $locale->text('button') . qq|"></td>|;
#write Trigger
$jsscript =
Form->write_trigger(\%myconfig, "1",
"invdate", "BL",
} else {
$button1 = qq|
<td nowrap><input name="invdate" id="invdate" size="11" title="$myconfig{dateformat}" value="$form->{invdate}" onBlur=\"check_right_date_format(this)\">
<input type="button" name="invdate_button" id="trigger1" value="|
. $locale->text('button') . qq|"></td>
$button2 = qq|
<td width="13"><input name="duedate" id="duedate" size="11" title="$myconfig{dateformat}" value="$form->{duedate}" onBlur=\"check_right_date_format(this)\">
<input type="button" name="duedate_button" id="trigger2" value="|
. $locale->text('button') . qq|"></td>
$button3 = qq|
<td width="13"><input name="deliverydate" id="deliverydate" size="11" title="$myconfig{dateformat}" value="$form->{deliverydate}" onBlur=\"check_right_date_format(this)\">
<input type="button" name="deliverydate_button" id="trigger3" value="|
. $locale->text('button') . qq|"></td>
#write Trigger
$jsscript =
Form->write_trigger(\%myconfig, "3",
"invdate", "BL", "trigger1",
"duedate", "BL", "trigger2",
"deliverydate", "BL", "trigger3");
my $credittext = $locale->text('Credit Limit exceeded!!!');
my $follow_up_vc = $form->{customer};
$follow_up_vc =~ s/--\d*\s*$//;
my $follow_up_trans_info = "$form->{invnumber} ($follow_up_vc)";
my $onload = ($form->{resubmit} && ($form->{format} eq "html")) ? qq|'about:blank','Beleg'); = 'Beleg';document.invoice.submit()|
: ($form->{resubmit}) ? qq|document.invoice.submit()|
: ($creditwarning) ? qq|alert('$credittext')|
: "focus()";
$onload .= qq|;setupDateFormat('|. $myconfig{dateformat} .qq|', '|. $locale->text("Falsches Datumsformat!") .qq|')|;
$onload .= qq|;setupPoints('|. $myconfig{numberformat} .qq|', '|. $locale->text("wrongformat") .qq|')|;
$form->{javascript} .= qq|<script type="text/javascript" src="js/show_form_details.js"></script>|;
$form->{javascript} .= qq|<script type="text/javascript" src="js/show_vc_details.js"></script>|;
$jsscript .=
$form->write_trigger(\%myconfig, 2,
"orddate", "BL", "trigger_orddate",
"quodate", "BL", "trigger_quodate");
# show history button js
$form->{javascript} .= qq|<script type="text/javascript" src="js/show_history.js"></script>|;
#/show history button js
print qq|
<body onLoad="$onload">
<script type="text/javascript" src="js/common.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="js/delivery_customer_selection.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="js/vendor_selection.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="js/calculate_qty.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="js/follow_up.js"></script>
<form method="post" name="invoice" action="$form->{script}">
| ;
$form->hide_form(qw(id action type media format queued printed emailed title vc discount
creditlimit creditremaining tradediscount business closedto locked shipped storno storno_id
max_dunning_level dunning_amount
shiptoname shiptostreet shiptozipcode shiptocity shiptocountry shiptocontact shiptophone shiptofax
shiptoemail shiptodepartment_1 shiptodepartment_2 message email subject cc bcc taxaccounts cursor_fokus
convert_from_do_ids convert_from_oe_ids),
map { $_.'_rate', $_.'_description', $_.'_taxnumber' } split / /, $form->{taxaccounts} );
print qq|<p>$form->{saved_message}</p>| if $form->{saved_message};
print qq|
<input type="hidden" name="follow_up_trans_id_1" value="| . H($form->{id}) . qq|">
<input type="hidden" name="follow_up_trans_type_1" value="sales_invoice">
<input type="hidden" name="follow_up_trans_info_1" value="| . H($follow_up_trans_info) . qq|">
<input type="hidden" name="follow_up_rowcount" value="1">
<input type="hidden" name="lizenzen" value="$main::lizenzen">
<div class="listtop" width="100%">$form->{title}</div>
<table width="100%">
<td valign="top">
<input type="hidden" name="customer_klass" value="| . H($form->{customer_klass}) . qq|">
<input type="hidden" name="customer_id" value="| . H($form->{customer_id}) . qq|">
<input type="hidden" name="oldcustomer" value="| . H($form->{oldcustomer}) . qq|">
<input type="hidden" name="selectcustomer" value="| . H($form->{selectcustomer}) . qq|">
<td align="right">| . $locale->text('Credit Limit') . qq|</td>
<td>$form->{creditlimit}; | . $locale->text('Remaining') . qq| <span class="plus$n">$form->{creditremaining}</span></td>
<th align="right" nowrap>| . $locale->text('Record in') . qq|</th>
<td colspan="3"><select name="AR" style="width:250px;">$form->{selectAR}</select></td>
<input type="hidden" name="selectAR" value="$form->{selectAR}">
<input type="hidden" name="fxgain_accno" value="$form->{fxgain_accno}">
<input type="hidden" name="fxloss_accno" value="$form->{fxloss_accno}">
<th align="right" nowrap>| . $locale->text('Shipping Point') . qq|</th>
<td colspan="3"> | .
$cgi->textfield("-name" => "shippingpoint", "-size" => 35, "-value" => $form->{shippingpoint}) .
qq| </td>
<th align="right" nowrap>| . $locale->text('Ship via') . qq|</th>
<td colspan="3"> | .
$cgi->textfield("-name" => "shipvia", "-size" => 35, "-value" => $form->{shipvia}) .
qq| </td>
<th align="right">| . $locale->text('Transaction description') . qq|</th>
<td colspan="3">| . $cgi->textfield("-name" => "transaction_description", "-size" => 35, "-value" => $form->{transaction_description}) . qq|</td>
# <tr>
# <td colspan=4>
# <table>
# <tr>
# <td colspan=2>
# <button type="button" onclick="delivery_customer_selection_window('delivery_customer_string','delivery_customer_id')">| . $locale->text('Choose Customer') . qq|</button>
# </td>
# <td colspan=2><input type=hidden name=delivery_customer_id value="$form->{delivery_customer_id}">
# <input size=45 id=delivery_customer_string name=delivery_customer_string value="$form->{delivery_customer_string}"></td>
# </tr>
# <tr>
# <td colspan=2>
# <button type="button" onclick="vendor_selection_window('delivery_vendor_string','delivery_vendor_id')">| . $locale->text('Choose Vendor') . qq|</button>
# </td>
# <td colspan=2><input type=hidden name=delivery_vendor_id value="$form->{delivery_vendor_id}">
# <input size=45 id=delivery_vendor_string name=delivery_vendor_string value="$form->{delivery_vendor_string}"></td>
# </tr>
# </table>
# </td>
# </tr>
print qq| </table>
<td align="right" valign="top">
#ergänzung in der maske um das feld Lieferscheinnummer (Delivery Order Number), meiner meinung nach sinnvoll ueber dem feld lieferscheindatum 12.02.2009 jb
if ($form->{type} eq "credit_note") {
print qq| <tr>
<th align="right" nowrap>| . $locale->text('Credit Note Number') . qq|</th>
<td> |.
$cgi->textfield("-name" => "invnumber", "-size" => 11, "-value" => $form->{invnumber}) .
qq| </td>
<th align="right">| . $locale->text('Credit Note Date') . qq|</th>
} else {
print qq| <tr>
<th align="right" nowrap>| . $locale->text('Invoice Number') . qq|</th>
<td> |.
$cgi->textfield("-name" => "invnumber", "-size" => 11, "-value" => $form->{invnumber}) .
qq| </td>
<th align="right">| . $locale->text('Invoice Date') . qq|</th>
<th align="right">| . $locale->text('Due Date') . qq|</th>
<th align="right" nowrap>| . $locale->text('Delivery Order Number') . qq|</th>
<td> |.
$cgi->textfield("-name" => "donumber", "-size" => 11, "-value" => $form->{donumber}) .
qq| </td>
<th align="right">| . $locale->text('Delivery Date') . qq|</th>
print qq| <tr>
<th align="right" nowrap>| . $locale->text('Order Number') . qq|</th>
<td> |.
$cgi->textfield("-name" => "ordnumber", "-size" => 11, "-value" => $form->{ordnumber}) .
qq| </td>
<th align="right" nowrap>| . $locale->text('Order Date') . qq|</th>
<td><input name="orddate" id="orddate" size="11" title="$myconfig{dateformat}" value="| . Q($form->{orddate}) . qq|" onBlur=\"check_right_date_format(this)\">
<input type="button" name="b_orddate" id="trigger_orddate" value="?"></td>
<th align="right" nowrap>| . $locale->text('Quotation Number') . qq|</th>
<td> |.
$cgi->textfield("-name" => "quonumber", "-size" => 11, "-value" => $form->{quonumber}) .
qq| </td>
<th align="right" nowrap>| . $locale->text('Quotation Date') . qq|</th>
<td><input name="quodate" id="quodate" size="11" title="$myconfig{dateformat}" value="| . Q($form->{quodate}) . qq|" onBlur=\"check_right_date_format(this)\">
<input type="button" name="b_quodate" id="trigger_quodate" value="?"></td>
<th align="right" nowrap>| . $locale->text('Customer Order Number') . qq|</th>
<td> |.
$cgi->textfield("-name" => "cusordnumber", "-size" => 11, "-value" => $form->{cusordnumber}) .
qq| </td>
<th align="right" nowrap>| . $locale->text('Project Number') . qq|</th>
print qq|<input type="hidden" name="webdav" value="$main::webdav">|;
# print qq|
#<body onLoad="$onload">
#<script type="text/javascript" src="js/common.js"></script>
#<script type="text/javascript" src="js/delivery_customer_selection.js"></script>
#<script type="text/javascript" src="js/vendor_selection.js"></script>
#<script type="text/javascript" src="js/calculate_qty.js"></script>
#<script type="text/javascript" src="js/follow_up.js"></script>
#<form method="post" name="invoice" action="$form->{script}">
#| ;
# $form->hide_form(qw(id action type media format queued printed emailed title vc discount
# creditlimit creditremaining tradediscount business closedto locked shipped storno storno_id
# max_dunning_level dunning_amount
# shiptoname shiptostreet shiptozipcode shiptocity shiptocountry shiptocontact shiptophone shiptofax
# shiptoemail shiptodepartment_1 shiptodepartment_2 message email subject cc bcc taxaccounts cursor_fokus
# convert_from_do_ids convert_from_oe_ids),
# map { $_.'_rate', $_.'_description', $_.'_taxnumber' } split / /, $form->{taxaccounts} );
# print qq|<p>$form->{saved_message}</p>| if $form->{saved_message};
# print qq|
#<input type="hidden" name="follow_up_trans_id_1" value="| . H($form->{id}) . qq|">
#<input type="hidden" name="follow_up_trans_type_1" value="sales_invoice">
#<input type="hidden" name="follow_up_trans_info_1" value="| . H($follow_up_trans_info) . qq|">
#<input type="hidden" name="follow_up_rowcount" value="1">
#<input type="hidden" name="lizenzen" value="$lizenzen">
#<div class="listtop" width="100%">$form->{title}</div>
#<table width="100%">
# <tr>
# <td valign="top">
# <table>
# <tr>
# $customers
# <input type="hidden" name="customer_klass" value="| . H($form->{customer_klass}) . qq|">
# <input type="hidden" name="customer_id" value="| . H($form->{customer_id}) . qq|">
# <input type="hidden" name="oldcustomer" value="| . H($form->{oldcustomer}) . qq|">
# <input type="hidden" name="selectcustomer" value="| . H($form->{selectcustomer}) . qq|">
# </tr>
# $contact
# $shipto
# <tr>
# <td align="right">| . $locale->text('Credit Limit') . qq|</td>
# <td>$form->{creditlimit}; | . $locale->text('Remaining') . qq| <span class="plus$n">$form->{creditremaining}</span></td>
# </tr>
# $dunning
# $business
# <tr>
# <th align="right" nowrap>| . $locale->text('Record in') . qq|</th>
# <td colspan="3"><select name="AR" style="width:250px;">$form->{selectAR}</select></td>
# <input type="hidden" name="selectAR" value="$form->{selectAR}">
# </tr>
# $taxzone
# $department
# <tr>
# $currencies
# <input type="hidden" name="fxgain_accno" value="$form->{fxgain_accno}">
# <input type="hidden" name="fxloss_accno" value="$form->{fxloss_accno}">
# $exchangerate
# </tr>
# <tr>
# <th align="right" nowrap>| . $locale->text('Shipping Point') . qq|</th>
# <td colspan="3"> | .
# $cgi->textfield("-name" => "shippingpoint", "-size" => 35, "-value" => $form->{shippingpoint}) .
# qq| </td>
# </tr>
# <tr>
# <th align="right" nowrap>| . $locale->text('Ship via') . qq|</th>
# <td colspan="3"> | .
# $cgi->textfield("-name" => "shipvia", "-size" => 35, "-value" => $form->{shipvia}) .
# qq| </td>
# </tr>
# <tr>
# <th align="right">| . $locale->text('Transaction description') . qq|</th>
# <td colspan="3">| . $cgi->textfield("-name" => "transaction_description", "-size" => 35, "-value" => $form->{transaction_description}) . qq|</td>
# </tr>|;
## <tr>
## <td colspan=4>
## <table>
## <tr>
## <td colspan=2>
## <button type="button" onclick="delivery_customer_selection_window('delivery_customer_string','delivery_customer_id')">| . $locale->text('Choose Customer') . qq|</button>
## </td>
## <td colspan=2><input type=hidden name=delivery_customer_id value="$form->{delivery_customer_id}">
## <input size=45 id=delivery_customer_string name=delivery_customer_string value="$form->{delivery_customer_string}"></td>
## </tr>
## <tr>
## <td colspan=2>
## <button type="button" onclick="vendor_selection_window('delivery_vendor_string','delivery_vendor_id')">| . $locale->text('Choose Vendor') . qq|</button>
## </td>
## <td colspan=2><input type=hidden name=delivery_vendor_id value="$form->{delivery_vendor_id}">
## <input size=45 id=delivery_vendor_string name=delivery_vendor_string value="$form->{delivery_vendor_string}"></td>
## </tr>
## </table>
## </td>
## </tr>
#print qq| </table>
# </td>
# <td align="right" valign="top">
# <table>
# $employees
# $salesman
##ergänzung in der maske um das feld Lieferscheinnummer (Delivery Order Number), meiner meinung nach sinnvoll ueber dem feld lieferscheindatum 12.02.2009 jb
#if ($form->{type} eq "credit_note") {
#print qq| <tr>
# <th align="right" nowrap>| . $locale->text('Credit Note Number') . qq|</th>
# <td> |.
# $cgi->textfield("-name" => "invnumber", "-size" => 11, "-value" => $form->{invnumber}) .
# qq| </td>
# </tr>
# <tr>
# <th align="right">| . $locale->text('Credit Note Date') . qq|</th>
# $button1
# </tr>|;
#} else {
#print qq| <tr>
# <th align="right" nowrap>| . $locale->text('Invoice Number') . qq|</th>
# <td> |.
# $cgi->textfield("-name" => "invnumber", "-size" => 11, "-value" => $form->{invnumber}) .
# qq| </td>
# </tr>
# <tr>
# <th align="right">| . $locale->text('Invoice Date') . qq|</th>
# $button1
# </tr>
# <tr>
# <th align="right">| . $locale->text('Due Date') . qq|</th>
# $button2
# </tr>
# <tr>
# <th align="right" nowrap>| . $locale->text('Delivery Order Number') . qq|</th>
# <td> |.
# $cgi->textfield("-name" => "donumber", "-size" => 11, "-value" => $form->{donumber}) .
# qq| </td>
# </tr>
# <tr>
# <th align="right">| . $locale->text('Delivery Date') . qq|</th>
# $button3
# </tr>|;
#print qq| <tr>
# <th align="right" nowrap>| . $locale->text('Order Number') . qq|</th>
# <td> |.
# $cgi->textfield("-name" => "ordnumber", "-size" => 11, "-value" => $form->{ordnumber}) .
# qq| </td>
# </tr>
# <tr>
# <th align="right" nowrap>| . $locale->text('Order Date') . qq|</th>
# <td><input name="orddate" id="orddate" size="11" title="$myconfig{dateformat}" value="| . Q($form->{orddate}) . qq|" onBlur=\"check_right_date_format(this)\">
# <input type="button" name="b_orddate" id="trigger_orddate" value="?"></td>
# </tr>
# <tr>
# <th align="right" nowrap>| . $locale->text('Quotation Number') . qq|</th>
# <td> |.
# $cgi->textfield("-name" => "quonumber", "-size" => 11, "-value" => $form->{quonumber}) .
# qq| </td>
# </tr>
# <tr>
# <th align="right" nowrap>| . $locale->text('Quotation Date') . qq|</th>
# <td><input name="quodate" id="quodate" size="11" title="$myconfig{dateformat}" value="| . Q($form->{quodate}) . qq|" onBlur=\"check_right_date_format(this)\">
# <input type="button" name="b_quodate" id="trigger_quodate" value="?"></td>
# </tr>
# <tr>
# <th align="right" nowrap>| . $locale->text('Customer Order Number') . qq|</th>
# <td> |.
# $cgi->textfield("-name" => "cusordnumber", "-size" => 11, "-value" => $form->{cusordnumber}) .
# qq| </td>
# </tr>
# <tr>
# <th align="right" nowrap>| . $locale->text('Project Number') . qq|</th>
# <td>$globalprojectnumber</td>
# </tr>
# </table>
# </td>
# </tr>
# </table>
# </td>
# </tr>
# <tr>
# <td>
# </td>
# </tr>
# $jsscript
# print qq|<input type="hidden" name="webdav" value="$webdav">|;
print $form->parse_html_template("is/form_header", \%TMPL_VAR);
'Confirm!' => 'Best?tigen Sie!',
'Confirmation' => 'Auftragsbest?tigung',
'Contact' => 'Kontakt',
'Contact Person' => 'Ansprechpartner',
'Continue' => 'Weiter',
'Country' => 'Land',
'Create and edit RFQs' => 'Lieferantenanfragen erfassen und bearbeiten',
'Create and edit sales quotations' => 'Angebote erfassen und bearbeiten',
'Create and edit vendor invoices' => 'Eingangsrechnungen erfassen und bearbeiten',
'Credit Limit' => 'Kreditlimit',
'Credit Limit exceeded!!!' => 'Kreditlimit ?berschritten!',
'Credit Note' => 'Gutschrift',
'Credit Note Date' => 'Gutschriftdatum',
'Credit Note Number' => 'Gutschriftnummer',
'Currency' => 'W?hrung',
'Customer' => 'Kunde',
'Customer Number' => 'Kundennummer',
'Customer Order Number' => 'Bestellnummer des Kunden',
'Customer missing!' => 'Kundenname fehlt!',
'Customer not on file or locked!' => 'Dieser Kunde existiert nicht oder ist gesperrt.',
'Customer not on file!' => 'Kunde ist nicht in der Datenbank!',
'Customer type' => 'Kundentyp',
'DATEV Export' => 'DATEV-Export',
'DELETED' => 'Gel?scht',
'DR' => 'S',
'Department' => 'Abteilung',
'Dependency loop detected:' => 'Schleife in den Abh&auml;ngigkeiten entdeckt:',
'Description' => 'Beschreibung',
'Details (one letter abbreviation)' => 'D',
'Directory' => 'Verzeichnis',
'Discount' => 'Rabatt',
'Draft saved.' => 'Entwurf gespeichert.',
'Due Date' => 'F?lligkeitsdatum',
'Dunning' => 'Mahnung',
'Dunning Amount' => 'gemahnter Betrag',
'E-mail' => 'eMail',
'E-mail address missing!' => 'E-Mail-Adresse fehlt!',
'EK' => 'EK',
'Edit Sales Invoice' => 'Rechnung bearbeiten',
'Edit Storno Credit Note' => 'Storno Gutschrift bearbeiten',
'Edit Storno Invoice' => 'Stornorechnung bearbeiten',
'Employee' => 'Bearbeiter',
'Enter longdescription' => 'Langtext eingeben',
'Error in database control file \'%s\': %s' => 'Fehler in Datenbankupgradekontrolldatei \'%s\': %s',
'Ertrag' => 'Ertrag',
'Ertrag prozentual' => 'Ertrag prozentual',
'Exch' => 'Wechselkurs.',
'Exchangerate' => 'Wechselkurs',
'Exchangerate for payment missing!' => 'Es fehlt der Wechselkurs f?r die Bezahlung!',
'Exchangerate missing!' => 'Es fehlt der Wechselkurs!',
'Extended' => 'Gesamt',
'Falsches Datumsformat!' => 'Falsches Datumsformat!',
'Fax' => 'Fax',
'Feb' => 'Feb',
'February' => 'Februar',
'Mark as paid?' => 'Als bezahlt markieren?',
'Marked as paid' => 'Als bezahlt markiert',
'Master Data' => 'Stammdaten',
'Max. Dunning Level' => 'h?chste Mahnstufe',
'May' => 'Mai',
'May ' => 'Mai',
'May set the BCC field when sending emails' => 'Beim Verschicken von Emails das Feld \'BCC\' setzen',
'Sales Invoice' => 'Rechnung',
'Sales Order' => 'Kundenauftrag',
'Sales quotation' => 'Angebot',
'Salesman' => 'Verk?ufer/in',
'Save draft' => 'Entwurf speichern',
'Screen' => 'Bildschirm',
'Select a Customer' => 'Endkunde ausw?hlen',
'Show details' => 'Details anzeigen',
'Skip' => '?berspringen',
'Source' => 'Beleg',
'Steuersatz' => 'Steuersatz',
'Storno' => 'Storno',
'Storno Invoice' => 'Stornorechnung',
'Storno Packing List' => 'Stornolieferschein',
'There are #1 unfinished follow-ups of which #2 are due.' => 'Es gibt #1 Wiedervorlage(n), von denen #2 f&auml;llig ist/sind.',
'To (email)' => 'An',
'Total' => 'Summe',
'Trade Discount' => 'Rabatt',
'Transaction description' => 'Vorgangsbezeichnung',
'Transactions, AR transactions, AP transactions' => 'Dialogbuchen, Debitorenrechnungen, Kreditorenrechnungen',
'Transfer To Stock' => 'Lagereingang',
'Zipcode' => 'PLZ',
'[email]' => '[email]',
'bin_list' => 'Lagerliste',
'button' => '?',
'config/ Key "DB_config" is missing.' => 'config/ Das Schl&uuml;sselwort "DB_config" fehlt.',
'config/ Key "LDAP_config" is missing.' => 'config/ Der Schl&uuml;ssel "LDAP_config" fehlt.',
'config/ Missing parameters in "DB_config". Required parameters are "host", "db" and "user".' => 'config/ Fehlende Parameter in "DB_config". Ben&ouml;tigte Parameter sind "host", "db" und "user".',
'sent' => 'gesendet',
'sent to printer' => 'an Drucker geschickt',
'vendor' => 'Lieferant',
'wrongformat' => 'Falsches Format',
'yes' => 'ja',
select : java function call for a selection popup or other magic
allow_textbox : allow to display a textbox instead of a drop down box if there are more entries than 'limit' entries.
limit : defines the limit of entries, after which a textbox is generated. defaults to vclimit, or, failing to find that, 200.
readonly : softly prevents modification
limit = limit != '' ? limit : vclimit != '' ? vclimit : 200
[%- IF id %] id="[% HTML.escape(id) %]"[% END -%]
[%- IF default %] value="[% HTML.escape(default) %]"[% END -%]
[%- IF style %] style="[% HTML.escape(style) %]"[% END -%]
[%- IF readonly %] readonly[% END -%]
[%- -%]>
[%- IF select -%]
<input type="button" onclick="[% select %]" value="?">
[%- IF id %] id="[% HTML.escape(id) %]"[% END -%]
[%- IF style %] style="[% HTML.escape(style) %]"[% END -%]
[%- IF onChange %] onChange="[% HTML.escape(onChange) %]"[% END -%]
[%- IF readonly %] disabled[% END -%]
[%- -%]>
[%- IF show_empty %]
<option value=""></option>
[%- USE HTML %]
[%- USE LxERP %]
[%- SET follow_up_trans_info = invnumber _ ' (' _ customer_name _ ')' %]
<script type="text/javascript" src="js/common.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="js/delivery_customer_selection.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="js/vendor_selection.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="js/calculate_qty.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="js/follow_up.js"></script>
<form method="post" name="invoice" action="[% script %]">
<p>[% saved_message %]</p>
[%- FOREACH key = HIDDENS %]
<input type="hidden" name="[% HTML.escape(key) %]" value="[% HTML.escape($key) %]">
[%- END %]
<input type="hidden" name="follow_up_trans_id_1" value="[% id %]">
<input type="hidden" name="follow_up_trans_type_1" value="sales_invoice">
<input type="hidden" name="follow_up_trans_info_1" value="[% HTML.escape(follow_up_trans_info) %]">
<input type="hidden" name="follow_up_rowcount" value="1">
<input type="hidden" name="lizenzen" value="[% lizenzen %]">
<p><div class="listtop" width="100%">[% title %]</div></p>
<table width="100%">
<td valign="top">
<th align="right">Kunde</th>
[%- INCLUDE 'generic/multibox.html'
name = 'customer',
style = 'width: 250px',
id_sub = 'vc_keys',
label_key = 'name',
select = vc_select,
limit = vclimit,
allow_textbox = 1,
onChange = "document.getElementById('update_button').click();" -%]
<input type="button" value="D" onclick="show_vc_details('[% HTML.escape(vc) %]')">
<input type="hidden" name="customer_klass" value="[% HTML.escape(customer_klass) %]">
<input type="hidden" name="customer_id" value="[% HTML.escape(customer_id) %]">
<input type="hidden" name="oldcustomer" value="[% HTML.escape(oldcustomer) %]">
<input type="hidden" name="selectcustomer" value="[% HTML.escape(selectcustomer) %]">
[%- IF ALL_CONTACTS.size %]
<th align="right">Ansprechpartner</th>
[%- INCLUDE 'generic/multibox.html'
name = 'cp_id',
style = 'width: 250px',
id_key = 'cp_id',
label_sub = 'contact_labels',
show_empty = 1 -%]
[%- END %]
[%- IF ALL_SHIPTO.size %]
<th align="right">Lieferadresse</th>
[%- INCLUDE 'generic/multibox.html'
name = 'shipto_id',
style = 'width: 250px',
id_key = 'shipto_id',
label_sub = 'shipto_labels',
show_empty = 1,
onChange = "document.getElementById('update_button').click();" -%]
[%- END %]
<td align="right">Kreditlimit</td>
[% LxERP.format_amount(creditlimit, 0, '0') %]; Rest
<span class="plus[% IF is_credit_remaining_negativ %]0[% ELSE %]1[% END %]">[% LxERP.format_amount(creditremaining,0 ,'0') %]</span>
[%- IF max_dunning_level %]
<th align="right">h?chste Mahnstufe:</th>
<b>[% max_dunning_level %]</b>; gemahnter Betrag: <b>[% LxERP.format_amount(dunning_amount,2) %]</b>
[%- END %]
[%- IF business %]
<th align="right">Kundentyp</th>
<td>[% business %]; Rabatt [% LxERP.format_amount(tradediscount * 100) %] %</td>
[%- END %]
<th align="right" nowrap>Buchen auf</th>
<td colspan="3"><select name="AR" style="width:250px;">[% selectAR %]</select></td>
<input type="hidden" name="selectAR" value="[% selectAR %]">
<th align="right">Steuersatz</th>
[%- INCLUDE 'generic/multibox.html'
name = 'taxzone_id'
stype = '250px'
id_key = 'id'
readonly = (id ? 1 : 0)
label_key = 'description' -%]
<th align="right" nowrap>Abteilung</th>
<td colspan="3">
[%- INCLUDE 'generic/multibox.html'
name = 'department_id',
style = 'width: 250px',
id_key = 'id',
label_sub = 'department_labels',
show_empty = 1 -%]
[%- END %]
[%- IF currencies %]
<th align="right">W?hrung</th>
<td>[% currencies %]</td>
[%- END %]
<input type="hidden" name="fxgain_accno" value="[% fxgain_accno %]">
<input type="hidden" name="fxloss_accno" value="[% fxloss_accno %]">
[%- IF show_exchangerate %]
<th align="right">Wechselkurs</th>
[%- IF forex %]
[% LxERP.format_amount(exchangerate, 2) %]
[%- ELSE %]
<input name="exchangerate" size="10" value="[% HTML.escape(LxERP.format_amount(exchangerate)) %]">
[%- END %]
[%- END %]
<th align="right" nowrap>Versandort</th>
<td colspan="3"><input size='35' name="shippingpoint" value="[% HTML.escape(shippingpoint) %]"></td>
<th align="right" nowrap>Transportmittel</th>
<td colspan="3"><input size='35' name="shipvia" value="[% HTML.escape(shipvia) %]"></td>
<th align="right">Vorgangsbezeichnung</th>
<td colspan="3"><input size='35' name="transaction_description" value="[% HTML.escape(transaction_description) %]"></td>
<td align="right" valign="top">
<th align="right">Bearbeiter</th>
[%- INCLUDE 'generic/multibox.html'
name = 'employee_id',
id_key = 'id',
label_sub = 'sales_employee_labels' -%]
[%- IF ALL_SALESMEN.size %]
<th align="right">Verk?ufer/in</th>
[%- INCLUDE 'generic/multibox.html'
name = 'salesman_id',
default = salesman_id ? salesman_id : employee_id,
id_key = 'id',
label_sub = 'sales_employee_labels' -%]
[%- END %]
[%- IF is_type_credit_note %]
<th align="right" nowrap>Gutschriftnummer</th>
<td colspan="3"><input size='11' name="invnumber" value="[% HTML.escape(invnumber) %]"></td>
<th align="right">Gutschriftdatum</th>
<td nowrap>
<input name="invdate" id="invdate" size="11" title="[% dateformat %]" value="[% invdate %]" onBlur="check_right_date_format(this)">
<input type="button" name="invdate_button" id="trigger1" value="?">
[%- ELSE %]
<th align="right" nowrap>Rechnungsnummer</th>
<td colspan="3"><input size='11' name="invnumber" value="[% HTML.escape(invnumber) %]"></td>
<th align="right">Rechnungsdatum</th>
<td nowrap>
<input name="invdate" id="invdate" size="11" title="[% dateformat %]" value="[% invdate %]" onBlur="check_right_date_format(this)">
<input type="button" name="invdate_button" id="trigger1" value="?">
<th align="right">F?lligkeitsdatum</th>
<td width="13">
<input name="duedate" id="duedate" size="11" title="[% dateformat %]" value="[% duedate %]" onBlur="check_right_date_format(this)">
<input type="button" name="duedate_button" id="trigger2" value="?">
<th align="right" nowrap>Lieferscheinnummer</th>
<td colspan="3"><input size='11' name="donumber" value="[% HTML.escape(donumber) %]"></td>
<th align="right">Lieferdatum</th>
<td width="13">
<input name="deliverydate" id="deliverydate" size="11" title="[% dateformat %]" value="[% deliverydate %]" onBlur="check_right_date_format(this)">
<input type="button" name="deliverydate_button" id="trigger3" value="?">
[%- END %]
<th align="right" nowrap>Auftragsnummer</th>
<td colspan="3"><input size='11' name="ordnumber" value="[% HTML.escape(ordnumber) %]"></td>
<th align="right" nowrap>Auftragsdatum</th>
<td><input name="orddate" id="orddate" size="11" title="[% dateformat %]" value="[% orddate %]" onBlur="check_right_date_format(this)">
<input type="button" name="b_orddate" id="trigger_orddate" value="?"></td>
<th align="right" nowrap>Angebotsnummer</th>
<td colspan="3"><input size='11' name="quonumber" value="[% HTML.escape(quonumber) %]"></td>
<th align="right" nowrap>Angebotsdatum</th>
<td><input name="quodate" id="quodate" size="11" title="[% dateformat %]" value="[% quodate %]" onBlur="check_right_date_format(this)">
<input type="button" name="b_quodate" id="trigger_quodate" value="?"></td>
<th align="right" nowrap>Bestellnummer des Kunden</th>
<td colspan="3"><input size='11' name="cusordnumber" value="[% HTML.escape(cusordnumber) %]"></td>
<th align="right" nowrap>Projektnummer</th>
[%- INCLUDE 'generic/multibox.html'
name = 'globalproject_id',
id_key = 'id',
label_key = 'projectnumber',
show_empty = 1,
onChange = "document.getElementById('update_button').click();" -%]
[% jsscript %]
<script type="text/javascript" src="js/show_form_details.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="js/show_vc_details.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="js/show_history.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="js/jquery.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
Calendar.setup({ inputField : "invdate", ifFormat :"[% myconfig_jsc_dateformat %]", align : "BL", button : "trigger1" });
[% IF !is_type_credit_note %]
Calendar.setup({ inputField : "duedate", ifFormat :"[% myconfig_jsc_dateformat %]", align : "BL", button : "trigger2" });
Calendar.setup({ inputField : "deliverydate", ifFormat :"[% myconfig_jsc_dateformat %]", align : "BL", button : "trigger3" });
[% END %]
Calendar.setup({ inputField : "orddate", ifFormat :"[% myconfig_jsc_dateformat %]", align : "BL", button : "trigger_orddate" });
Calendar.setup({ inputField : "quodate", ifFormat :"[% myconfig_jsc_dateformat %]", align : "BL", button : "trigger_quodate" });
[% IF resubmit && is_format_html %]'about:blank','Beleg'); = 'Beleg';
[% ELSIF resubmit %]
[% ELSIF creditwarning != '' %]
alert('Kreditlimit ?berschritten!');
[% ELSE %]
[% END %]
setupDateFormat('[% dateformat %]', 'Falsches Datumsformat!');
setupPoints('[% numberformat %]', 'Falsches Format');
<input type="hidden" name="webdav" value="[% webdav %]">
[%- USE HTML %]
[%- USE LxERP %]
[%- SET follow_up_trans_info = invnumber _ ' (' _ customer_name _ ')' %]
<script type="text/javascript" src="js/common.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="js/delivery_customer_selection.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="js/vendor_selection.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="js/calculate_qty.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="js/follow_up.js"></script>
<form method="post" name="invoice" action="[% script %]">
<p>[% saved_message %]</p>
[%- FOREACH key = HIDDENS %]
<input type="hidden" name="[% HTML.escape(key) %]" value="[% HTML.escape($key) %]">
[%- END %]
<input type="hidden" name="follow_up_trans_id_1" value="[% id %]">
<input type="hidden" name="follow_up_trans_type_1" value="sales_invoice">
<input type="hidden" name="follow_up_trans_info_1" value="[% HTML.escape(follow_up_trans_info) %]">
<input type="hidden" name="follow_up_rowcount" value="1">
<input type="hidden" name="lizenzen" value="[% lizenzen %]">
<p><div class="listtop" width="100%">[% title %]</div></p>
<table width="100%">
<td valign="top">
<th align="right"><translate>Customer</translate></th>
[%- INCLUDE 'generic/multibox.html'
name = 'customer',
style = 'width: 250px',
id_sub = 'vc_keys',
label_key = 'name',
select = vc_select,
limit = vclimit,
allow_textbox = 1,
onChange = "document.getElementById('update_button').click();" -%]
<input type="button" value="<translate>Details (one letter abbreviation)</translate>" onclick="show_vc_details('[% HTML.escape(vc) %]')">
<input type="hidden" name="customer_klass" value="[% HTML.escape(customer_klass) %]">
<input type="hidden" name="customer_id" value="[% HTML.escape(customer_id) %]">
<input type="hidden" name="oldcustomer" value="[% HTML.escape(oldcustomer) %]">
<input type="hidden" name="selectcustomer" value="[% HTML.escape(selectcustomer) %]">
[%- IF ALL_CONTACTS.size %]
<th align="right"><translate>Contact Person</translate></th>
[%- INCLUDE 'generic/multibox.html'
name = 'cp_id',
style = 'width: 250px',
id_key = 'cp_id',
label_sub = 'contact_labels',
show_empty = 1 -%]
[%- END %]
[%- IF ALL_SHIPTO.size %]
<th align="right"><translate>Shipping Address</translate></th>
[%- INCLUDE 'generic/multibox.html'
name = 'shipto_id',
style = 'width: 250px',
id_key = 'shipto_id',
label_sub = 'shipto_labels',
show_empty = 1,
onChange = "document.getElementById('update_button').click();" -%]
[%- END %]
<td align="right"><translate>Credit Limit</translate></td>
[% LxERP.format_amount(creditlimit, 0, '0') %]; <translate>Remaining</translate>
<span class="plus[% IF is_credit_remaining_negativ %]0[% ELSE %]1[% END %]">[% LxERP.format_amount(creditremaining,0 ,'0') %]</span>
[%- IF max_dunning_level %]
<th align="right"><translate>Max. Dunning Level</translate>:</th>
<b>[% max_dunning_level %]</b>; <translate>Dunning Amount</translate>: <b>[% LxERP.format_amount(dunning_amount,2) %]</b>
[%- END %]
[%- IF business %]
<th align="right"><translate>Customer type</translate></th>
<td>[% business %]; <translate>Trade Discount</translate> [% LxERP.format_amount(tradediscount * 100) %] %</td>
[%- END %]
<th align="right" nowrap><translate>Record in</translate></th>
<td colspan="3"><select name="AR" style="width:250px;">[% selectAR %]</select></td>
<input type="hidden" name="selectAR" value="[% selectAR %]">
<th align="right"><translate>Steuersatz</translate></th>
[%- INCLUDE 'generic/multibox.html'
name = 'taxzone_id'
stype = '250px'
id_key = 'id'
readonly = (id ? 1 : 0)
label_key = 'description' -%]
<th align="right" nowrap><translate>Department</translate></th>
<td colspan="3">
[%- INCLUDE 'generic/multibox.html'
name = 'department_id',
style = 'width: 250px',
id_key = 'id',
label_sub = 'department_labels',
show_empty = 1 -%]
[%- END %]
[%- IF currencies %]
<th align="right"><translate>Currency</translate></th>
<td>[% currencies %]</td>
[%- END %]
<input type="hidden" name="fxgain_accno" value="[% fxgain_accno %]">
<input type="hidden" name="fxloss_accno" value="[% fxloss_accno %]">
[%- IF show_exchangerate %]
<th align="right"><translate>Exchangerate</translate></th>
[%- IF forex %]
[% LxERP.format_amount(exchangerate, 2) %]
[%- ELSE %]
<input name="exchangerate" size="10" value="[% HTML.escape(LxERP.format_amount(exchangerate)) %]">
[%- END %]
[%- END %]
<th align="right" nowrap><translate>Shipping Point</translate></th>
<td colspan="3"><input size='35' name="shippingpoint" value="[% HTML.escape(shippingpoint) %]"></td>
<th align="right" nowrap><translate>Ship via</translate></th>
<td colspan="3"><input size='35' name="shipvia" value="[% HTML.escape(shipvia) %]"></td>
<th align="right"><translate>Transaction description</translate></th>
<td colspan="3"><input size='35' name="transaction_description" value="[% HTML.escape(transaction_description) %]"></td>
<td align="right" valign="top">
<th align="right"><translate>Employee</translate></th>
[%- INCLUDE 'generic/multibox.html'
name = 'employee_id',
id_key = 'id',
label_sub = 'sales_employee_labels' -%]
[%- IF ALL_SALESMEN.size %]
<th align="right"><translate>Salesman</translate></th>
[%- INCLUDE 'generic/multibox.html'
name = 'salesman_id',
default = salesman_id ? salesman_id : employee_id,
id_key = 'id',
label_sub = 'sales_employee_labels' -%]
[%- END %]
[%- IF is_type_credit_note %]
<th align="right" nowrap><translate>Credit Note Number</translate></th>
<td colspan="3"><input size='11' name="invnumber" value="[% HTML.escape(invnumber) %]"></td>
<th align="right"><translate>Credit Note Date</translate></th>
<td nowrap>
<input name="invdate" id="invdate" size="11" title="[% dateformat %]" value="[% invdate %]" onBlur="check_right_date_format(this)">
<input type="button" name="invdate_button" id="trigger1" value="<translate>button</translate>">
[%- ELSE %]
<th align="right" nowrap><translate>Invoice Number</translate></th>
<td colspan="3"><input size='11' name="invnumber" value="[% HTML.escape(invnumber) %]"></td>
<th align="right"><translate>Invoice Date</translate></th>
<td nowrap>
<input name="invdate" id="invdate" size="11" title="[% dateformat %]" value="[% invdate %]" onBlur="check_right_date_format(this)">
<input type="button" name="invdate_button" id="trigger1" value="<translate>button</translate>">
<th align="right"><translate>Due Date</translate></th>
<td width="13">
<input name="duedate" id="duedate" size="11" title="[% dateformat %]" value="[% duedate %]" onBlur="check_right_date_format(this)">
<input type="button" name="duedate_button" id="trigger2" value="<translate>button</translate>">
<th align="right" nowrap><translate>Delivery Order Number</translate></th>
<td colspan="3"><input size='11' name="donumber" value="[% HTML.escape(donumber) %]"></td>
<th align="right"><translate>Delivery Date</translate></th>
<td width="13">
<input name="deliverydate" id="deliverydate" size="11" title="[% dateformat %]" value="[% deliverydate %]" onBlur="check_right_date_format(this)">
<input type="button" name="deliverydate_button" id="trigger3" value="<translate>button</translate>">
[%- END %]
<th align="right" nowrap><translate>Order Number</translate></th>
<td colspan="3"><input size='11' name="ordnumber" value="[% HTML.escape(ordnumber) %]"></td>
<th align="right" nowrap><translate>Order Date</translate></th>
<td><input name="orddate" id="orddate" size="11" title="[% dateformat %]" value="[% orddate %]" onBlur="check_right_date_format(this)">
<input type="button" name="b_orddate" id="trigger_orddate" value="?"></td>
<th align="right" nowrap><translate>Quotation Number</translate></th>
<td colspan="3"><input size='11' name="quonumber" value="[% HTML.escape(quonumber) %]"></td>
<th align="right" nowrap><translate>Quotation Date</translate></th>
<td><input name="quodate" id="quodate" size="11" title="[% dateformat %]" value="[% quodate %]" onBlur="check_right_date_format(this)">
<input type="button" name="b_quodate" id="trigger_quodate" value="?"></td>
<th align="right" nowrap><translate>Customer Order Number</translate></th>
<td colspan="3"><input size='11' name="cusordnumber" value="[% HTML.escape(cusordnumber) %]"></td>
<th align="right" nowrap><translate>Project Number</translate></th>
[%- INCLUDE 'generic/multibox.html'
name = 'globalproject_id',
id_key = 'id',
label_key = 'projectnumber',
show_empty = 1,
onChange = "document.getElementById('update_button').click();" -%]
[% jsscript %]
<script type="text/javascript" src="js/show_form_details.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="js/show_vc_details.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="js/show_history.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="js/jquery.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
Calendar.setup({ inputField : "invdate", ifFormat :"[% myconfig_jsc_dateformat %]", align : "BL", button : "trigger1" });
[% IF !is_type_credit_note %]
Calendar.setup({ inputField : "duedate", ifFormat :"[% myconfig_jsc_dateformat %]", align : "BL", button : "trigger2" });
Calendar.setup({ inputField : "deliverydate", ifFormat :"[% myconfig_jsc_dateformat %]", align : "BL", button : "trigger3" });
[% END %]
Calendar.setup({ inputField : "orddate", ifFormat :"[% myconfig_jsc_dateformat %]", align : "BL", button : "trigger_orddate" });
Calendar.setup({ inputField : "quodate", ifFormat :"[% myconfig_jsc_dateformat %]", align : "BL", button : "trigger_quodate" });
[% IF resubmit && is_format_html %]'about:blank','Beleg'); = 'Beleg';
[% ELSIF resubmit %]
[% ELSIF creditwarning != '' %]
alert('<translate>Credit Limit exceeded!!!</translate>');
... Dieser Diff wurde abgeschnitten, weil er die maximale Anzahl anzuzeigender Zeilen überschreitet.

Auch abrufbar als: Unified diff