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# adapted from Michael Stevens' test script posted in p5p
# in the thread "broken links in blead" from 01/19/2011
# caveats: wikipedia seems to have crawler protection and
# will give 403 forbidden unless the user agent is faked.

use strict;
use File::Find;
use Test::More;

if (eval " use LWP::Simple; use URI::Find; 1 ") {
plan tests => 1;
} else {
plan skip_all => "LWP::Simple or URI::Find not installed";

my @fails;

my $finder = URI::Find->new(sub {
my ($uri_obj, $uri_text) = @_;
$uri_text =~ s/^\<//;
$uri_text =~ s/\>$//;

push @fails, "$uri_text in file $File::Find::name"
if !defined get($uri_text);

return $_[1];

find(sub {
return unless -f $File::Find::name;
open(FH, $File::Find::name) or return;
my $text;
{ local $/; $text = <FH>; }


}, "./templates", "./doc",

if (@fails) {
ok(0, join "\n", @fails);
} else {
ok(1, "no broken links found");