kivitendo/t/form/arap.t @ 4a852cb1
0e68056c | Geoffrey Richardson | use strict;
use Test::More;
use lib 't';
use Support::TestSetup;
use Carp;
use Test::Exception;
6a3c29cd | Sven Schöling | no warnings qw(qw);
0e68056c | Geoffrey Richardson | # this test tests the functions calculate_arap and calculate_tax in SL/
# calculate_arap is used for post_invoice in AR and AP
6a3c29cd | Sven Schöling | # calculate_tax is used in calculate_arap as well as update in ar/ap/gl and post_transaction in gl
0e68056c | Geoffrey Richardson | |||
my ($ar_tax_19, $ar_tax_7,$ar_tax_0);
my $config = {};
$config->{numberformat} = '1.000,00';
sub reset_state {
my %params = @_;
$params{$_} ||= {} for qw(ar_tax_19 ar_tax_7 ar_tax_0 );
# delete rowcount lines in form, would be better to reset form completely
for my $hv ( 1 .. 10 ) {
foreach my $type ( qw(amount tax tax_id tax_chart) ) {
delete $::form{"$type\_$hv"};
$ar_tax_19 = SL::DB::Manager::Tax->find_by(taxkey => 3, rate => 0.19, %{ $params{ar_tax_19} }) || croak "No 19% tax";
$ar_tax_7 = SL::DB::Manager::Tax->find_by(taxkey => 2, rate => 0.07, %{ $params{ar_tax_7} }) || croak "No 7% tax";
$ar_tax_0 = SL::DB::Manager::Tax->find_by(taxkey => 0, rate => 0.00, %{ $params{ar_tax_0} }) || croak "No 0% tax";
sub arap_test {
my ($testcase) = @_;
# values from testcase
$::form->{taxincluded} = $testcase->{taxincluded};
$::form->{currency} = $testcase->{currency};
$::form->{rowcount} = scalar @{$testcase->{lines}};
# parse exchangerate, because it was added in the same numberformat as the
# other amounts in the testcases
$testcase->{exchangerate} = $::form->parse_amount(\%::myconfig, $testcase->{exchangerate});
foreach my $a ( 1 .. scalar @{$testcase->{lines}} ) {
my ($taxrate, $form_amount, $netamount, $taxamount, $totalamount) = @{ @{ $testcase->{lines} }[$a-1] };
my $tax;
if ( $taxrate == 19 ) {
$tax = $ar_tax_19;
} elsif ( $taxrate == 7 ) {
$tax = $ar_tax_7;
} elsif ( $taxrate == 0 ) {
$tax = $ar_tax_0;
} else {
croak "illegal taxrate $taxrate";
$::form->{"amount_$a"} = $form_amount;
$::form->{"tax_$a"} = $taxamount; # tax according to UI, will recalculate anyway?
$::form->{"taxchart_$a"} = $tax->id . '--' . $tax->rate;
# calculate totals using lines in $::form
($::form->{netamount},$::form->{total_tax},$::form->{amount}) = $::form->calculate_arap($testcase->{'buysell'}, $::form->{taxincluded}, $testcase->{'exchangerate'});
# create tests comparing calculated and expected values
is($::form->format_amount(\%::myconfig , $::form->{total_tax} , 2) , $testcase->{'total_taxamount'} , "total tax = $testcase->{'total_taxamount'}");
is($::form->format_amount(\%::myconfig , $::form->{netamount} , 2) , $testcase->{'total_netamount'} , "netamount = $testcase->{'total_netamount'}");
is($::form->format_amount(\%::myconfig , $::form->{amount} , 2) , $testcase->{'total_amount'} , "totalamount = $testcase->{'total_amount'}");
is($::form->{taxincluded}, $testcase->{'taxincluded'}, "taxincluded = $testcase->{'taxincluded'}");
sub calculate_tax_test {
my ($amount, $rate, $taxincluded, $net, $tax, $total, $dec) = @_;
# amount, rate and taxincluded are the values that we want to calculate with
# net, tax and total are the values that we expect, dec is the number of decimals we round to
my ($calculated_net,$calculated_tax) = $::form->calculate_tax($amount,$rate,$taxincluded,$dec);
is($tax, $calculated_tax, "calculated tax for taxincluded = $taxincluded for net $amount and rate $rate is = $calculated_tax");
is($calculated_net, $net, "calculated net for taxincluded = $taxincluded for net $amount and rate $rate is = $net");
# define the various lines that can be used for the testcases
# always use positive values for buy/sell, like in the interface
# tax input net tax total type
my @testline1 = qw(19 56,53 47,50 9,03 56,53 sell);
my @testline2 = qw(19 11,90 10,00 1,90 11,90 sell);
my @testline3 = qw( 7 14,39 13,45 0,94 11,90 sell);
my @testline4 = qw(19 133,08 133,08 25,29 158,37 sell);
my @testline5 = qw( 0 100,00 83,00 0,00 83,00 sell); # exchangerate of 0,83
my @testline6 = qw(19 56,53 47,50 9,03 56,53 buy);
my @testline7 = qw(19 309,86 309,86 58,87 368,73 buy);
my @testline8 = qw( 7 130,00 121,50 8,50 130,00 buy);
my @testline9 = qw( 7 121,49 121,49 8,50 129,99 buy);
my @testline10 = qw( 7 121,50 121,50 8,51 130,01 buy);
my @testline11 = qw(19 -2,77 -2,77 -0,53 -3,30 buy);
my @testline12 = qw( 7 12,88 12,88 0,90 13,78 buy);
my @testline13 = qw(19 41,93 41,93 7,97 49,90 buy);
my @testline14 = qw(19 84,65 84,65 16,08 107,73 buy);
my @testline15 = qw(19 8,39 8,39 1,59 9,98 buy);
my @testline16 = qw(19 100,73 84,65 16,08 107,73 buy);
my @testline17 = qw(19 9,99 8,39 1,60 9,99 buy);
# create testcases, made up of one or more lines, with expected values
my $testcase1 = {
lines => [ \@testline1 ], # lines to be used in testcase
total_amount => '56,53', # expected result
total_netamount => '47,50', # expected result
total_taxamount => '9,03', # expected result
# invoice parameters:
taxincluded => 1,
exchangerate => 1,
currency => 'EUR',
buysell => 'sell',
my $testcase2 = {
lines => [ \@testline1, \@testline2, \@testline3 ],
total_amount => '82,82',
total_netamount => '70,95',
total_taxamount => '11,87',
taxincluded => 1,
exchangerate => 1,
currency => 'EUR',
buysell => 'sell',
my $testcase3 = {
lines => [ \@testline4 ],
total_amount => '158,37',
total_netamount => '133,08',
total_taxamount => '25,29',
taxincluded => 0,
exchangerate => 1,
currency => 'EUR',
buysell => 'sell',
my $testcase4 = {
lines => [ \@testline5 ],
total_amount => '83,00',
total_netamount => '83,00',
total_taxamount => '0,00',
taxincluded => 0,
exchangerate => '0,83',
currency => 'USD',
buysell => 'sell',
my $testcase6 = {
lines => [ \@testline6 ],
total_amount => '56,53',
total_netamount => '47,50',
total_taxamount => '9,03',
taxincluded => 1,
exchangerate => 1,
currency => 'EUR',
buysell => 'buy',
my $testcase7 = {
lines => [ \@testline7 ],
total_netamount => '309,86',
total_taxamount => '58,87',
total_amount => '368,73',
taxincluded => 0,
exchangerate => 1,
currency => 'EUR',
buysell => 'buy',
my $testcase8 = {
lines => [ \@testline8 ],
total_netamount => '121,50',
total_taxamount => '8,50',
total_amount => '130,00',
taxincluded => 1,
exchangerate => 1,
currency => 'EUR',
buysell => 'buy',
my $testcase9 = {
lines => [ \@testline9 ],
total_netamount => '121,49',
total_taxamount => '8,50',
total_amount => '129,99',
taxincluded => 0,
exchangerate => 1,
currency => 'EUR',
buysell => 'buy',
my $testcase10 = {
lines => [ \@testline10 ],
total_netamount => '121,50',
total_taxamount => '8,51',
total_amount => '130,01',
taxincluded => 0,
exchangerate => 1,
currency => 'EUR',
buysell => 'buy',
my $testcase11 = {
# mixed invoices, -2,77€ net with 19% as credit note, 12,88€ net with 7%
lines => [ \@testline11 , \@testline12 ],
total_netamount => '10,11',
total_taxamount => '0,37',
total_amount => '10,48',
taxincluded => 0,
exchangerate => 1,
currency => 'EUR',
buysell => 'buy',
my $testcase12 = {
# ap transaction, example from bug 2435
lines => [ \@testline13 ],
total_netamount => '41,93',
total_taxamount => '7,97',
total_amount => '49,90',
taxincluded => 0,
exchangerate => 1,
currency => 'EUR',
buysell => 'buy',
my $testcase13 = {
# ap transaction, example from bug 2094, tax not included
lines => [ \@testline14 , \@testline15 ],
total_netamount => '93,04',
total_taxamount => '17,67',
total_amount => '110,71',
taxincluded => 0,
exchangerate => 1,
currency => 'EUR',
buysell => 'buy',
my $testcase14 = {
# ap transaction, example from bug 2094, tax included
lines => [ \@testline16 , \@testline17 ],
total_netamount => '93,04',
total_taxamount => '17,68',
total_amount => '110,72',
taxincluded => 1,
exchangerate => 1,
currency => 'EUR',
buysell => 'buy',
# run tests
# tests for calculate_tax:
# tests for 1 Cent, calculated tax should be 0
# tax for rate 7% taxincluded flips at 0.08
# tax for rate 7% taxexcluded flips at 0.08
# tax for rate 19% taxexcluded flips at 0.03
# tax for rate 19% taxincluded flips at 0.04