


Herunterladen (20,5 KB) Statistiken
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package SL::Controller::YearEndTransactions;

use strict;

use parent qw(SL::Controller::Base);

use utf8; # Umlauts in hardcoded German default texts
use DateTime;
use SL::Locale::String qw(t8);
use SL::Helper::Flash;
use SL::DBUtils;
use Data::Dumper;
use List::Util qw(sum);
use SL::ClientJS;

use SL::DB::Chart;
use SL::DB::GLTransaction;
use SL::DB::AccTransaction;
use SL::DB::Employee;
use SL::DB::Helper::AccountingPeriod qw(get_balance_starting_date get_balance_startdate_method_options);

use Rose::Object::MakeMethods::Generic (
'scalar --get_set_init' => [ qw(cb_date cb_startdate ob_date) ],


sub action_form {
my ($self) = @_;


my $defaults = SL::DB::Default->get;
my $carry_over_chart = SL::DB::Manager::Chart->find_by( id => $defaults->carry_over_account_chart_id );
my $profit_chart = SL::DB::Manager::Chart->find_by( id => $defaults->profit_carried_forward_chart_id );
my $loss_chart = SL::DB::Manager::Chart->find_by( id => $defaults->loss_carried_forward_chart_id );

title => t8('Year-end closing'),
carry_over_chart => $carry_over_chart,
profit_chart => $profit_chart,
loss_chart => $loss_chart,
balance_startdate_method_options => get_balance_startdate_method_options(),

sub action_year_end_bookings {
my ($self) = @_;


eval {
_year_end_bookings( start_date => $self->cb_startdate,
cb_date => $self->cb_date,
} or do {
$self->js->flash('error', t8('Error while applying year-end bookings!') . ' ' . $@);
return $self->js->render;

my ($report_data, $profit_loss_sum) = _report(
cb_date => $self->cb_date,
start_date => $self->cb_startdate,

my $html = $self->render('yearend/_charts', { layout => 0 , process => 1, output => 0 },
charts => $report_data,
profit_loss_sum => $profit_loss_sum,
return $self->js->flash('info', t8('Year-end bookings were successfully completed!'))
->html('#charts', $html)

sub action_get_start_date {
my ($self) = @_;

my $cb_date = $self->cb_date; # parse from form via init
unless ( $self->cb_date ) {
return $self->hide('#apply_year_end_bookings_button')
->flash('error', t8('Year-end date missing'))

$self->cb_startdate($::locale->parse_date_to_object($self->get_balance_starting_date($self->cb_date, $::form->{'balance_startdate_method'})));

# $main::lxdebug->message(0, "found start date: ", $self->cb_startdate->to_kivitendo);

return $self->js->val('#cb_startdate', $self->cb_startdate->to_kivitendo)

sub action_update_charts {
my ($self) = @_;


my ($report_data, $profit_loss_sum) = _report(
cb_date => $self->cb_date,
start_date => $self->cb_startdate,

$self->render('yearend/_charts', { layout => 0 , process => 1 },
charts => $report_data,
profit_loss_sum => $profit_loss_sum,

# helpers

sub _parse_form {
my ($self) = @_;

# parse dates

die "cb_date must come after start_date" unless $self->cb_date > $self->cb_startdate;


sub _year_end_bookings {
my (%params) = @_;

my $start_date = delete $params{start_date};
my $cb_date = delete $params{cb_date};

my $defaults = SL::DB::Default->get;
my $carry_over_chart = SL::DB::Manager::Chart->find_by( id => $defaults->carry_over_account_chart_id ) // die t8('No carry-over chart configured!');
my $profit_chart = SL::DB::Manager::Chart->find_by( id => $defaults->profit_carried_forward_chart_id ) // die t8('No profit carried forward chart configured!');
my $loss_chart = SL::DB::Manager::Chart->find_by( id => $defaults->loss_carried_forward_chart_id ) // die t8('No profit and loss carried forward chart configured!');

my ($report_data, $profit_loss_sum) = _report(
start_date => $start_date,
cb_date => $cb_date,

my @asset_accounts = grep { $_->{account_type} eq 'asset_account' } @{ $report_data };
my @profit_loss_accounts = grep { $_->{account_type} eq 'profit_loss_account' } @{ $report_data };

my $ob_date = $cb_date->clone->add(days => 1);

my ($credit_sum, $debit_sum) = (0,0);

my $employee_id = SL::DB::Manager::Employee->current->id;

# rather than having one gl transaction for each asset account, we group all
# the debit sums and credit sums for cb and ob bookings, so we will have 4 gl
# transactions:

# * cb for credit
# * cb for debit
# * ob for credit
# * ob for debit

my $db = SL::DB->client;
$db->with_transaction(sub {

######### asset accounts ########
# need cb and ob transactions

my $debit_balance = 0;
my $credit_balance = 0;

my $asset_cb_debit_entry = SL::DB::GLTransaction->new(
employee_id => $employee_id,
transdate => $cb_date,
reference => 'SB ' . $cb_date->year,
description => 'Automatische SB-Buchungen Bestandskonten Soll für ' . $cb_date->year,
ob_transaction => 0,
cb_transaction => 1,
my $asset_ob_debit_entry = SL::DB::GLTransaction->new(
employee_id => $employee_id,
transdate => $ob_date,
reference => 'EB ' . $ob_date->year,
description => 'Automatische EB-Buchungen Bestandskonten Haben für ' . $ob_date->year,
ob_transaction => 1,
cb_transaction => 0,
my $asset_cb_credit_entry = SL::DB::GLTransaction->new(
employee_id => $employee_id,
transdate => $cb_date,
reference => 'SB ' . $cb_date->year,
description => 'Automatische SB-Buchungen Bestandskonten Haben für ' . $cb_date->year,
ob_transaction => 0,
cb_transaction => 1,
my $asset_ob_credit_entry = SL::DB::GLTransaction->new(
employee_id => $employee_id,
transdate => $ob_date,
reference => 'EB ' . $ob_date->year,
description => 'Automatische EB-Buchungen Bestandskonten Soll für ' . $ob_date->year,
ob_transaction => 1,
cb_transaction => 0,

foreach my $asset_account ( @asset_accounts ) {
next if $asset_account->{amount_with_cb} == 0;

# create cb and ob acc_trans entry here, but decide which gl entry to add it to later
my $asset_cb_acc = SL::DB::AccTransaction->new(
transdate => $cb_date,
ob_transaction => 0,
cb_transaction => 1,
chart_id => $asset_account->{chart_id},
chart_link => $asset_account->{chart_link},
tax_id => 0,
taxkey => 0,
amount => - $asset_account->{amount_with_cb},
my $asset_ob_acc = SL::DB::AccTransaction->new(
transdate => $ob_date,
ob_transaction => 1,
cb_transaction => 0,
chart_id => $asset_account->{chart_id},
chart_link => $asset_account->{chart_link},
tax_id => 0,
taxkey => 0,
amount => $asset_account->{amount_with_cb},

if ( $asset_account->{amount_with_cb} < 0 ) {
$debit_balance += $asset_account->{amount_with_cb};
# $main::lxdebug->message(0, sprintf("adding accno %s with balance %s to debit", $asset_account->{accno}, $asset_account->{amount_with_cb}));

} else {
# $main::lxdebug->message(0, sprintf("adding accno %s with balance %s to credit", $asset_account->{accno}, $asset_account->{amount_with_cb}));
$credit_balance += $asset_account->{amount_with_cb};

my $debit_cb_acc = SL::DB::AccTransaction->new(
transdate => $cb_date,
ob_transaction => 0,
cb_transaction => 1,
chart_id => $carry_over_chart->id,
chart_link => $carry_over_chart->link, # maybe leave chart_link empty?
tax_id => 0,
taxkey => 0,
amount => $debit_balance,
my $debit_ob_acc = SL::DB::AccTransaction->new(
transdate => $ob_date,
ob_transaction => 1,
cb_transaction => 0,
chart_id => $carry_over_chart->id,
chart_link => $carry_over_chart->link,
tax_id => 0,
taxkey => 0,
amount => - $debit_balance,
my $credit_cb_acc = SL::DB::AccTransaction->new(
transdate => $cb_date,
ob_transaction => 0,
cb_transaction => 1,
chart_id => $carry_over_chart->id,
chart_link => $carry_over_chart->link, # maybe leave chart_link empty?
tax_id => 0,
taxkey => 0,
amount => $credit_balance,
my $credit_ob_acc = SL::DB::AccTransaction->new(
transdate => $ob_date,
ob_transaction => 1,
cb_transaction => 0,
chart_id => $carry_over_chart->id,
chart_link => $carry_over_chart->link,
tax_id => 0,
taxkey => 0,
amount => - $credit_balance,

$asset_cb_debit_entry->save if scalar @{ $asset_cb_debit_entry->transactions } > 1;
$asset_ob_debit_entry->save if scalar @{ $asset_ob_debit_entry->transactions } > 1;
$asset_cb_credit_entry->save if scalar @{ $asset_cb_credit_entry->transactions } > 1;
$asset_ob_credit_entry->save if scalar @{ $asset_ob_credit_entry->transactions } > 1;

####### profit-loss accounts #######
# these only have a closing balance, the balance is transferred to the profit-loss account

# need to know if profit or loss first!
# use amount_with_cb, so it can be run several times. So sum may be 0 the second time.
my $profit_loss_sum = sum map { $_->{amount_with_cb} }
grep { $_->{account_type} eq 'profit_loss_account' }
my $pl_chart;
if ( $profit_loss_sum > 0 ) {
$pl_chart = $profit_chart;
} else {
$pl_chart = $loss_chart;

my $pl_debit_balance = 0;
my $pl_credit_balance = 0;
# soll = debit, haben = credit
my $pl_cb_debit_entry = SL::DB::GLTransaction->new(
employee_id => $employee_id,
transdate => $cb_date,
reference => 'SB ' . $cb_date->year,
description => 'Automatische SB-Buchungen Erfolgskonten Soll für ' . $cb_date->year,
ob_transaction => 0,
cb_transaction => 1,
my $pl_cb_credit_entry = SL::DB::GLTransaction->new(
employee_id => $employee_id,
transdate => $cb_date,
reference => 'SB ' . $cb_date->year,
description => 'Automatische SB-Buchungen Erfolgskonten Haben für ' . $cb_date->year,
ob_transaction => 0,
cb_transaction => 1,

foreach my $profit_loss_account ( @profit_loss_accounts ) {
# $main::lxdebug->message(0, sprintf("found chart %s with balance %s", $profit_loss_account->{accno}, $profit_loss_account->{amount_with_cb}));

next if $profit_loss_account->{amount_with_cb} == 0;

my $debit_cb_acc = SL::DB::AccTransaction->new(
transdate => $cb_date,
ob_transaction => 0,
cb_transaction => 1,
chart_id => $profit_loss_account->{chart_id},
chart_link => $profit_loss_account->{chart_link},
tax_id => 0,
taxkey => 0,
amount => - $profit_loss_account->{amount_with_cb},
my $credit_cb_acc = SL::DB::AccTransaction->new(
transdate => $cb_date,
ob_transaction => 0,
cb_transaction => 1,
chart_id => $profit_loss_account->{chart_id},
chart_link => $profit_loss_account->{chart_link},
tax_id => 0,
taxkey => 0,
amount => $profit_loss_account->{amount_with_cb},
if ( { $profit_loss_account->{amount_with_cb} < 0 } ) {
$pl_debit_balance += $profit_loss_account->{amount_with_cb};
} else {
$pl_credit_balance += $profit_loss_account->{amount_with_cb};

my $debit_cb_acc = SL::DB::AccTransaction->new(
transdate => $cb_date,
ob_transaction => 0,
cb_transaction => 1,
chart_id => $pl_chart->id,
chart_link => $pl_chart->link,
tax_id => 0,
taxkey => 0,
amount => $pl_debit_balance,
my $credit_cb_acc = SL::DB::AccTransaction->new(
transdate => $cb_date,
ob_transaction => 0,
cb_transaction => 1,
chart_id => $pl_chart->id,
chart_link => $pl_chart->link,
tax_id => 0,
taxkey => 0,
amount => - $pl_credit_balance,

$pl_cb_debit_entry->save if scalar @{ $pl_cb_debit_entry->transactions } > 1;
$pl_cb_credit_entry->save if scalar @{ $pl_cb_credit_entry->transactions } > 1;

######### profit-loss transfer #########
# and finally transfer the new balance of the profit-loss account via the carry-over account
# we want to use profit_loss_sum with cb!

my $carry_over_cb_entry = SL::DB::GLTransaction->new(
employee_id => $employee_id,
transdate => $cb_date,
reference => 'SB ' . $cb_date->year,
description => sprintf('Automatische SB-Buchung für %s %s',
$profit_loss_sum >= 0 ? 'Gewinnvortrag' : 'Verlustvortrag',
ob_transaction => 0,
cb_transaction => 1,
my $carry_over_ob_entry = SL::DB::GLTransaction->new(
employee_id => $employee_id,
transdate => $ob_date,
reference => 'EB ' . $ob_date->year,
description => sprintf('Automatische EB-Buchung für %s %s',
$profit_loss_sum >= 0 ? 'Gewinnvortrag' : 'Verlustvortrag',
ob_transaction => 1,
cb_transaction => 0,

my $carry_over_cb_acc_co = SL::DB::AccTransaction->new(
transdate => $cb_date,
ob_transaction => 0,
cb_transaction => 1,
chart_id => $carry_over_chart->id,
chart_link => $carry_over_chart->link,
tax_id => 0,
taxkey => 0,
amount => $profit_loss_sum,
my $carry_over_cb_acc_pl = SL::DB::AccTransaction->new(
transdate => $cb_date,
ob_transaction => 0,
cb_transaction => 1,
chart_id => $pl_chart->id,
chart_link => $pl_chart->link,
tax_id => 0,
taxkey => 0,
amount => - $profit_loss_sum,

$carry_over_cb_entry->save if $profit_loss_sum != 0;

my $carry_over_ob_acc_co = SL::DB::AccTransaction->new(
transdate => $ob_date,
ob_transaction => 1,
cb_transaction => 0,
chart_id => $pl_chart->id,
chart_link => $pl_chart->link,
tax_id => 0,
taxkey => 0,
amount => $profit_loss_sum,
my $carry_over_ob_acc_pl = SL::DB::AccTransaction->new(
transdate => $ob_date,
ob_transaction => 1,
cb_transaction => 0,
chart_id => $carry_over_chart->id,
chart_link => $carry_over_chart->link,
tax_id => 0,
taxkey => 0,
amount => - $profit_loss_sum,

$carry_over_ob_entry->save if $profit_loss_sum != 0;

my $consistency_query = <<SQL;
select sum(amount)
from acc_trans
where (ob_transaction is true or cb_transaction is true)
and (transdate = ? or transdate = ?)
my ($sum) = my ($empty) = selectrow_query($::form, $db->dbh, $consistency_query,
die "acc_trans transactions don't add up to zero" unless $sum == 0;

}) or die $db->error;

sub _report {
my (%params) = @_;

my $start_date = delete $params{start_date};
my $cb_date = delete $params{cb_date};

my $defaults = SL::DB::Default->get;
die "no carry over account defined"
unless defined $defaults->carry_over_account_chart_id
and $defaults->carry_over_account_chart_id > 0;

my $salden_query = <<SQL;
select as chart_id,
c.description, as chart_link,
sum(a.amount) filter (where cb_transaction is false and ob_transaction is false) as amount,
sum(a.amount) filter (where ob_transaction is true ) as ob_amount,
sum(a.amount) filter (where cb_transaction is false ) as amount_without_cb,
sum(a.amount) filter (where cb_transaction is true ) as cb_amount,
sum(a.amount) as amount_with_cb,
case when c.category = ANY( '{I,E}' ) then 'profit_loss_account'
when c.category = ANY( '{A,C,L,Q}' ) then 'asset_account'
else null
end as account_type
from acc_trans a
inner join chart c on ( = a.chart_id)
where a.transdate >= ?
and a.transdate <= ?
and a.chart_id != ?
group by, c.accno, c.category
order by account_type, c.accno

my $dbh = SL::DB->client->dbh;
my $report = selectall_hashref_query($::form, $dbh, $salden_query,
# profit_loss_sum is the actual profit/loss for the year, without cb, use "amount_without_cb")
my $profit_loss_sum = sum map { $_->{amount_without_cb} }
grep { $_->{account_type} eq 'profit_loss_account' }

return ($report, $profit_loss_sum);

# auth

sub check_auth {

# inits

sub init_ob_date { $::locale->parse_date_to_object($::form->{ob_date}) }
sub init_cb_startdate { $::locale->parse_date_to_object($::form->{cb_startdate}) }
sub init_cb_date { $::locale->parse_date_to_object($::form->{cb_date}) }
