


Herunterladen (28 KB) Statistiken
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# LX-Office ERP
# Copyright (C) 2004
# Based on SQL-Ledger Version 2.1.9
# Web
# SQL-Ledger, Accounting
# Copyright (c) 2001
# Author: Dieter Simader
# Email:
# Web:
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston,
# MA 02110-1335, USA.
# Inventory Control module

use POSIX qw(strftime);
use List::Util qw(first max);
use List::MoreUtils qw(any);

use SL::AM;
use SL::CVar;
use SL::IC;
use SL::Helper::Flash qw(flash);
use SL::HTML::Util;
use SL::ReportGenerator;

#use SL::PE;

use strict;
#use warnings;

# global imports
our ($form, $locale, %myconfig, $lxdebug, $auth);

require "bin/mozilla/";
require "bin/mozilla/";
require "bin/mozilla/";


# Parserhappy(R):
# type=submit $locale->text('Add Part')
# type=submit $locale->text('Add Service')
# type=submit $locale->text('Add Assembly')
# type=submit $locale->text('Edit Part')
# type=submit $locale->text('Edit Service')
# type=submit $locale->text('Edit Assembly')
# $locale->text('Parts')
# $locale->text('Services')
# $locale->text('Inventory quantity must be zero before you can set this part obsolete!')
# $locale->text('Inventory quantity must be zero before you can set this assembly obsolete!')
# $locale->text('Part Number missing!')
# $locale->text('Service Number missing!')
# $locale->text('Assembly Number missing!')
# $locale->text('ea');

# end of main

sub search {


$form->{revers} = 0; # switch for backward sorting
$form->{lastsort} = ""; # memory for which table was sort at last time
$form->{ndxs_counter} = 0; # counter for added entries to top100

# for seach all possibibilities, is_service only used as UNLESS so == 0
my %is_xyz = ("is_part" => 1, "is_service" => 0, "is_assembly" =>1 );

$form->{title} = (ucfirst $form->{searchitems}) . "s";
$form->{title} =~ s/ys$/ies/;
$form->{title} = $locale->text($form->{title});

$form->{CUSTOM_VARIABLES} = CVar->get_configs('module' => 'IC');
$form->{CUSTOM_VARIABLES_INCLUSION_CODE}) = CVar->render_search_options('variables' => $form->{CUSTOM_VARIABLES},
'include_prefix' => 'l_',
'include_value' => 'Y');


$form->get_lists('partsgroup' => 'ALL_PARTSGROUPS');
print $form->parse_html_template('ic/search', { %is_xyz, });

} #end search()

sub search_update_prices {


my $pricegroups = IC->get_pricegroups(\%myconfig, \%$form);

$form->{title} = $locale->text('Update Prices');


print $form->parse_html_template('ic/search_update_prices', { PRICE_ROWS => $pricegroups });

} #end search()

sub confirm_price_update {


my @errors = ();
my $value_found = undef;

foreach my $idx (qw(sellprice listprice), (1..$form->{price_rows})) {
my $name = $idx =~ m/\d/ ? $form->{"pricegroup_${idx}"} : $idx eq 'sellprice' ? $locale->text('Sell Price') : $locale->text('List Price');
my $type = $idx =~ m/\d/ ? $form->{"pricegroup_type_${idx}"} : $form->{"${idx}_type"};
my $value_idx = $idx =~ m/\d/ ? "price_${idx}" : $idx;
my $value = $form->parse_amount(\%myconfig, $form->{$value_idx});

if ((0 > $value) && ($type eq 'percent')) {
push @errors, $locale->text('You cannot adjust the price for pricegroup "#1" by a negative percentage.', $name);

} elsif (!$value && ($form->{$value_idx} ne '')) {
push @errors, $locale->text('No valid number entered for pricegroup "#1".', $name);

} elsif (0 < $value) {
$value_found = 1;

push @errors, $locale->text('No prices will be updated because no prices have been entered.') if (!$value_found);

my $num_matches = IC->get_num_matches_for_priceupdate();


if (@errors) {
$form->show_generic_error(join('<br>', @errors));

$form->{nextsub} = "update_prices";

map { delete $form->{$_} } qw(action header);

print $form->parse_html_template('ic/confirm_price_update', { HIDDENS => [ map { name => $_, value => $form->{$_} }, keys %$form ],
num_matches => $num_matches });


sub update_prices {


my $num_updated = IC->update_prices(\%myconfig, \%$form);

if (-1 != $num_updated) {
$form->redirect($locale->text('#1 prices were updated.', $num_updated));
} else {
$form->error($locale->text('Could not update prices!'));


sub top100 {


$::form->{l_soldtotal} = "Y";
$::form->{sort} = "soldtotal";
$::form->{lastsort} = "soldtotal";

$::form->{l_qty} = undef;
$::form->{l_linetotal} = undef;
$::form->{l_number} = "Y";
$::form->{number} = "position";

unless ( $::form->{bought}
|| $::form->{sold}
|| $::form->{rfq}
|| $::form->{quoted}) {
$::form->{bought} = $::form->{sold} = 1;



# Report for Wares.
# Warning, deep magic ahead.
# This function parses the requested details, sanity checks them, and converts them into a format thats usable for IC->all_parts
# flags coming from the form:
# hardcoded:
# searchitems=part revers=0 lastsort=''
# filter:
# partnumber ean description partsgroup classification serialnumber make model drawing microfiche
# transdatefrom transdateto
# radio:
# itemstatus = active | onhand | short | obsolete | orphaned
# action = continue | top100
# checkboxes:
# bought sold onorder ordered rfq quoted
# l_partnumber l_description l_serialnumber l_unit l_listprice l_sellprice l_lastcost
# l_linetotal l_priceupdate l_bin l_rop l_weight l_image l_drawing l_microfiche
# l_partsgroup l_subtotal l_soldtotal l_deliverydate l_pricegroups
# hiddens:
# nextsub revers lastsort sort ndxs_counter
sub generate_report {


my ($revers, $lastsort, $description);

my $cvar_configs = CVar->get_configs('module' => 'IC');

$form->{title} = $locale->text('Articles');

my %column_defs = (
'bin' => { 'text' => $locale->text('Bin'), },
'deliverydate' => { 'text' => $locale->text('deliverydate'), },
'description' => { 'text' => $locale->text('Part Description'), },
'notes' => { 'text' => $locale->text('Notes'), },
'drawing' => { 'text' => $locale->text('Drawing'), },
'ean' => { 'text' => $locale->text('EAN'), },
'image' => { 'text' => $locale->text('Image'), },
'insertdate' => { 'text' => $locale->text('Insert Date'), },
'invnumber' => { 'text' => $locale->text('Invoice Number'), },
'lastcost' => { 'text' => $locale->text('Last Cost'), },
'linetotallastcost' => { 'text' => $locale->text('Extended'), },
'linetotallistprice' => { 'text' => $locale->text('Extended'), },
'linetotalsellprice' => { 'text' => $locale->text('Extended'), },
'listprice' => { 'text' => $locale->text('List Price'), },
'microfiche' => { 'text' => $locale->text('Microfiche'), },
'name' => { 'text' => $locale->text('Name'), },
'onhand' => { 'text' => $locale->text('Stocked Qty'), },
'ordnumber' => { 'text' => $locale->text('Order Number'), },
'partnumber' => { 'text' => $locale->text('Part Number'), },
'partsgroup' => { 'text' => $locale->text('Partsgroup'), },
'priceupdate' => { 'text' => $locale->text('Updated'), },
'quonumber' => { 'text' => $locale->text('Quotation'), },
'rop' => { 'text' => $locale->text('ROP'), },
'sellprice' => { 'text' => $locale->text('Sell Price'), },
'serialnumber' => { 'text' => $locale->text('Serial Number'), },
'soldtotal' => { 'text' => $locale->text('Qty in Selected Records'), },
'name' => { 'text' => $locale->text('Name in Selected Records'), },
'transdate' => { 'text' => $locale->text('Transdate'), },
'unit' => { 'text' => $locale->text('Unit'), },
'weight' => { 'text' => $locale->text('Weight'), },
'shop' => { 'text' => $locale->text('Shop article'), },
'type_and_classific' => { 'text' => $locale->text('Type'), },
'projectnumber' => { 'text' => $locale->text('Project Number'), },
'projectdescription' => { 'text' => $locale->text('Project Description'), },

$revers = $form->{revers};
$lastsort = $form->{lastsort};

# sorting and direction of sorting
# ToDO: change this to the simpler field+direction method
if (($form->{lastsort} eq "") && ($form->{sort} eq undef)) {
$form->{revers} = 0;
$form->{lastsort} = "partnumber";
$form->{sort} = "partnumber";
} else {
if ($form->{lastsort} eq $form->{sort}) {
$form->{revers} = 1 - $form->{revers};
} else {
$form->{revers} = 0;
$form->{lastsort} = $form->{sort};
} #fi
} #fi

# special case if we have a serialnumber limit search
# serialnumbers are only given in invoices and orders,
# so they can only pop up in bought, sold, rfq, and quoted stuff
$form->{no_sn_joins} = 'Y' if ( !$form->{bought} && !$form->{sold}
&& !$form->{rfq} && !$form->{quoted}
&& ($form->{l_serialnumber} || $form->{serialnumber}));

# special case for any checkbox of bought | sold | onorder | ordered | rfq | quoted.
# if any of these are ticked the behavior changes slightly for lastcost
# since all those are aggregation checks for the legder tables this is an internal switch
# refered to as ledgerchecks
$form->{ledgerchecks} = 'Y' if ( $form->{bought} || $form->{sold} || $form->{onorder}
|| $form->{ordered} || $form->{rfq} || $form->{quoted});

# if something should be activated if something else is active, enter it here
my %dependencies = (
onhand => [ qw(l_onhand) ],
short => [ qw(l_onhand) ],
onorder => [ qw(l_ordnumber) ],
ordered => [ qw(l_ordnumber) ],
rfq => [ qw(l_quonumber) ],
quoted => [ qw(l_quonumber) ],
bought => [ qw(l_invnumber) ],
sold => [ qw(l_invnumber) ],
ledgerchecks => [ qw(l_name) ],
serialnumber => [ qw(l_serialnumber) ],
no_sn_joins => [ qw(bought sold) ],

# get name of partsgroup if id is given
my $pg_name;
if ($form->{partsgroup_id}) {
my $pg = SL::DB::PartsGroup->new(id => $form->{partsgroup_id})->load;
$pg_name = $pg->{'partsgroup'};

# these strings get displayed at the top of the results to indicate the user which switches were used
my %optiontexts = (
active => $locale->text('Active'),
obsolete => $locale->text('Obsolete'),
orphaned => $locale->text('Orphaned'),
onhand => $locale->text('On Hand'),
short => $locale->text('Short'),
onorder => $locale->text('On Order'),
ordered => $locale->text('Ordered'),
rfq => $locale->text('RFQ'),
quoted => $locale->text('Quoted'),
bought => $locale->text('Bought'),
sold => $locale->text('Sold'),
transdatefrom => $locale->text('From') . " " . $locale->date(\%myconfig, $form->{transdatefrom}, 1),
transdateto => $locale->text('To (time)') . " " . $locale->date(\%myconfig, $form->{transdateto}, 1),
partnumber => $locale->text('Part Number') . ": '$form->{partnumber}'",
partsgroup => $locale->text('Partsgroup') . ": '$form->{partsgroup}'",
partsgroup_id => $locale->text('Partsgroup') . ": '$pg_name'",
serialnumber => $locale->text('Serial Number') . ": '$form->{serialnumber}'",
description => $locale->text('Part Description') . ": '$form->{description}'",
make => $locale->text('Make') . ": '$form->{make}'",
model => $locale->text('Model') . ": '$form->{model}'",
drawing => $locale->text('Drawing') . ": '$form->{drawing}'",
microfiche => $locale->text('Microfiche') . ": '$form->{microfiche}'",
l_soldtotal => $locale->text('Qty in Selected Records'),
ean => $locale->text('EAN') . ": '$form->{ean}'",
insertdatefrom => $locale->text('Insert Date') . ": " . $locale->text('From') . " " . $locale->date(\%myconfig, $form->{insertdatefrom}, 1),
insertdateto => $locale->text('Insert Date') . ": " . $locale->text('To (time)') . " " . $locale->date(\%myconfig, $form->{insertdateto}, 1),

my @itemstatus_keys = qw(active obsolete orphaned onhand short);
my @callback_keys = qw(onorder ordered rfq quoted bought sold partnumber partsgroup partsgroup_id serialnumber description make model
drawing microfiche l_soldtotal l_deliverydate transdatefrom transdateto insertdatefrom insertdateto ean shop all);

# calculate dependencies
for (@itemstatus_keys, @callback_keys) {
next if ($form->{itemstatus} ne $_ && !$form->{$_});
map { $form->{$_} = 'Y' } @{ $dependencies{$_} } if $dependencies{$_};

# generate callback and optionstrings
my @options;
for my $key (@itemstatus_keys, @callback_keys) {
next if ($form->{itemstatus} ne $key && !$form->{$key});
push @options, $optiontexts{$key};

# special case for lastcost
if ($form->{ledgerchecks}){
# ledgerchecks don't know about sellprice or lastcost. they just return a
# price. so rename sellprice to price, and drop lastcost.
$column_defs{sellprice}{text} = $locale->text('Price');
$form->{l_lastcost} = ""

if ($form->{description}) {
$description = $form->{description};
$description =~ s/\n/<br>/g;

if ($form->{l_linetotal}) {
$form->{l_qty} = "Y";
$form->{l_linetotalsellprice} = "Y" if $form->{l_sellprice};
$form->{l_linetotallastcost} = $form->{searchitems} eq 'assembly' && !$form->{bom} ? "" : 'Y' if $form->{l_lastcost};
$form->{l_linetotallistprice} = "Y" if $form->{l_listprice};
$form->{"l_type_and_classific"} = "Y";

if ($form->{l_service} && !$form->{l_assembly} && !$form->{l_part}) {

# remove bin, weight and rop from list
map { $form->{"l_$_"} = "" } qw(bin weight rop);

$form->{l_onhand} = "";

# qty is irrelevant unless bought or sold
if ( $form->{bought}
|| $form->{sold}
|| $form->{onorder}
|| $form->{ordered}
|| $form->{rfq}
|| $form->{quoted}) {
# $form->{l_onhand} = "Y";
} else {
$form->{l_linetotalsellprice} = "";
$form->{l_linetotallastcost} = "";

# soldtotal doesn't make sense with more than one bsooqr option.
# so reset it to sold (the most common option), and issue a warning
# ...
# also it doesn't make sense without bsooqr. disable and issue a warning too
my @bsooqr = qw(sold bought onorder ordered rfq quoted);
my $bsooqr_mode = grep { $form->{$_} } @bsooqr;
if ($form->{l_subtotal} && 1 < $bsooqr_mode) {
my $enabled = first { $form->{$_} } @bsooqr;
$form->{$_} = '' for @bsooqr;
$form->{$enabled} = 'Y';

push @options, $::locale->text('Subtotal cannot distinguish betweens record types. Only one of the selected record types will be displayed: #1', $optiontexts{$enabled});
if ($form->{l_soldtotal} && !$bsooqr_mode) {
delete $form->{l_soldtotal};

flash('warning', $::locale->text('Soldtotal does not make sense without any bsooqr options'));
if ($form->{l_name} && !$bsooqr_mode) {
delete $form->{l_name};

flash('warning', $::locale->text('Name does not make sense without any bsooqr options'));
IC->all_parts(\%myconfig, \%$form);

my @columns = qw(
partnumber type_and_classific description notes partsgroup bin onhand rop soldtotal unit listprice
linetotallistprice sellprice linetotalsellprice lastcost linetotallastcost
priceupdate weight image drawing microfiche invnumber ordnumber quonumber
transdate name serialnumber deliverydate ean projectnumber projectdescription
insertdate shop

my $pricegroups = SL::DB::Manager::Pricegroup->get_all_sorted;
my @pricegroup_columns;
my %column_defs_pricegroups;
if ($form->{l_pricegroups}) {
@pricegroup_columns = map { "pricegroup_" . $_->id } @{ $pricegroups };
%column_defs_pricegroups = map {
"pricegroup_" . $_->id => {
text => $::locale->text('Pricegroup') . ' ' . $_->pricegroup,
visible => 1,
} @{ $pricegroups };
push @columns, @pricegroup_columns;

my @includeable_custom_variables = grep { $_->{includeable} } @{ $cvar_configs };
my @searchable_custom_variables = grep { $_->{searchable} } @{ $cvar_configs };
my %column_defs_cvars = map { +"cvar_$_->{name}" => { 'text' => $_->{description} } } @includeable_custom_variables;

push @columns, map { "cvar_$_->{name}" } @includeable_custom_variables;

%column_defs = (%column_defs, %column_defs_cvars, %column_defs_pricegroups);
map { $column_defs{$_}->{visible} ||= $form->{"l_$_"} ? 1 : 0 } @columns;
map { $column_defs{$_}->{align} = 'right' } qw(onhand sellprice listprice lastcost linetotalsellprice linetotallastcost linetotallistprice rop weight soldtotal shop), @pricegroup_columns;

my @hidden_variables = (
qw(l_subtotal l_linetotal searchitems itemstatus bom l_pricegroups insertdatefrom insertdateto),
qw(l_type_and_classific classification_id),
map({ "cvar_$_->{name}" } @searchable_custom_variables),
map({'cvar_'. $_->{name} .'_qtyop'} grep({$_->{type} eq 'number'} @searchable_custom_variables)),
map({ "l_$_" } @columns),

my $callback = build_std_url('action=generate_report', grep { $form->{$_} } @hidden_variables);

my @sort_full = qw(partnumber description onhand soldtotal deliverydate insertdate shop);
my @sort_no_revers = qw(partsgroup bin priceupdate invnumber ordnumber quonumber name image drawing serialnumber);

foreach my $col (@sort_full) {
$column_defs{$col}->{link} = join '&', $callback, "sort=$col", map { "$_=" . E($form->{$_}) } qw(revers lastsort);
map { $column_defs{$_}->{link} = "${callback}&sort=$_" } @sort_no_revers;

# add order to callback
$form->{callback} = join '&', ($callback, map { "${_}=" . E($form->{$_}) } qw(sort revers));

my $report = SL::ReportGenerator->new(\%myconfig, $form);

my %attachment_basenames = (
'part' => $locale->text('part_list'),
'service' => $locale->text('service_list'),
'assembly' => $locale->text('assembly_list'),
'article' => $locale->text('article_list'),

$report->set_options('raw_top_info_text' => $form->parse_html_template('ic/generate_report_top', { options => \@options }),
'raw_bottom_info_text' => $form->parse_html_template('ic/generate_report_bottom' ,
{ PART_CLASSIFICATIONS => SL::DB::Manager::PartClassification->get_all_sorted }),
'output_format' => 'HTML',
'title' => $form->{title},
'attachment_basename' => 'article_list' . strftime('_%Y%m%d', localtime time),
$locale->set_numberformat_wo_thousands_separator(\%myconfig) if lc($report->{options}->{output_format}) eq 'csv';


$report->set_export_options('generate_report', @hidden_variables, qw(sort revers));

$report->set_sort_indicator($form->{sort}, $form->{revers} ? 0 : 1);

CVar->add_custom_variables_to_report('module' => 'IC',
'trans_id_field' => 'id',
'configs' => $cvar_configs,
'column_defs' => \%column_defs,
'data' => $form->{parts});

CVar->add_custom_variables_to_report('module' => 'IC',
'sub_module' => sub { $_[0]->{ioi} },
'trans_id_field' => 'ioi_id',
'configs' => $cvar_configs,
'column_defs' => \%column_defs,
'data' => $form->{parts});

my @subtotal_columns = qw(sellprice listprice lastcost);
my %subtotals = map { $_ => 0 } ('onhand', @subtotal_columns);
my %totals = map { $_ => 0 } @subtotal_columns;
my $idx = 0;
my $same_item = @{ $form->{parts} } ? $form->{parts}[0]{ $form->{sort} } : undef;

my $defaults = AM->get_defaults();

# postprocess parts
foreach my $ref (@{ $form->{parts} }) {

# fresh row, for inserting later
my $row = { map { $_ => { 'data' => $ref->{$_} } } @columns };

$ref->{exchangerate} ||= 1;
$ref->{price_factor} ||= 1;
$ref->{sellprice} *= $ref->{exchangerate} / $ref->{price_factor};
$ref->{listprice} *= $ref->{exchangerate} / $ref->{price_factor};
$ref->{lastcost} *= $ref->{exchangerate} / $ref->{price_factor};

# use this for assemblies
my $soldtotal = $bsooqr_mode ? $ref->{soldtotal} : $ref->{onhand};

if ($ref->{assemblyitem}) {
$row->{partnumber}{align} = 'right';
$row->{soldtotal}{data} = 0;
$soldtotal = 0 if ($form->{sold});

my $edit_link = build_std_url('', 'action=Part/edit', '' . E($ref->{id}), 'callback');
$row->{partnumber}->{link} = $edit_link;
$row->{description}->{link} = $edit_link;

foreach (qw(sellprice listprice lastcost)) {
$row->{$_}{data} = $form->format_amount(\%myconfig, $ref->{$_}, 2);
$row->{"linetotal$_"}{data} = $form->format_amount(\%myconfig, $ref->{onhand} * $ref->{$_}, 2);
foreach ( @pricegroup_columns ) {
$row->{$_}{data} = $form->format_amount(\%myconfig, $ref->{"$_"}, 2);

map { $row->{$_}{data} = $form->format_amount(\%myconfig, $ref->{$_}); } qw(onhand rop weight soldtotal);

$row->{weight}->{data} .= ' ' . $defaults->{weightunit};

# 'yes' and 'no' for boolean value shop
if ($form->{l_shop}) {
$row->{shop}{data} = $row->{shop}{data}? $::locale->text('yes') : $::locale->text('no');

if (!$ref->{assemblyitem}) {
foreach my $col (@subtotal_columns) {
$totals{$col} += $soldtotal * $ref->{$col};
$subtotals{$col} += $soldtotal * $ref->{$col};

$subtotals{soldtotal} += $soldtotal;

# set module stuff
if ($ref->{module} eq 'oe') {
# für oe gibt es vier fälle, jeweils nach kunde oder lieferant unterschiedlich:
# | ist bestellt | Von Kunden bestellt | -> edit_oe_ord_link
# | Anfrage | Angebot | -> edit_oe_quo_link

my $edit_oe_ord_link = build_std_url("", 'action=edit', 'type=' . E($ref->{cv} eq 'vendor' ? 'purchase_order' : 'sales_order'), 'id=' . E($ref->{trans_id}), 'callback');
my $edit_oe_quo_link = build_std_url("", 'action=edit', 'type=' . E($ref->{cv} eq 'vendor' ? 'request_quotation' : 'sales_quotation'), 'id=' . E($ref->{trans_id}), 'callback');

$row->{ordnumber}{link} = $edit_oe_ord_link;
$row->{quonumber}{link} = $edit_oe_quo_link if (!$ref->{ordnumber});

} else {
$row->{invnumber}{link} = build_std_url("script=$ref->{module}.pl", 'action=edit', 'type=invoice', 'id=' . E($ref->{trans_id}), 'callback') if ($ref->{invnumber});

# set properties of images
if ($ref->{image} && (lc $report->{options}->{output_format} eq 'html')) {
$row->{image}{data} = '';
$row->{image}{raw_data} = '<a href="' . H($ref->{image}) . '"><img src="' . H($ref->{image}) . '" height="32" border="0"></a>';
map { $row->{$_}{link} = $ref->{$_} } qw(drawing microfiche);

$row->{notes}{data} = SL::HTML::Util->strip($ref->{notes});
$row->{type_and_classific}{data} = $::request->presenter->type_abbreviation($ref->{part_type}).


my $next_ref = $form->{parts}[$idx + 1];

# insert subtotal rows
if (($form->{l_subtotal} eq 'Y') &&
(!$next_ref ||
(!$next_ref->{assemblyitem} && ($same_item ne $next_ref->{ $form->{sort} })))) {
my $row = { map { $_ => { 'class' => 'listsubtotal', } } @columns };

if ( !$form->{l_assembly} || !$form->{bom}) {
$row->{soldtotal}->{data} = $form->format_amount(\%myconfig, $subtotals{soldtotal});

map { $row->{"linetotal$_"}->{data} = $form->format_amount(\%myconfig, $subtotals{$_}, 2) } @subtotal_columns;
map { $subtotals{$_} = 0 } ('soldtotal', @subtotal_columns);


$same_item = $next_ref->{ $form->{sort} };


if ($form->{"l_linetotal"} && !$form->{report_generator_csv_options_for_import}) {
my $row = { map { $_ => { 'class' => 'listtotal', } } @columns };

map { $row->{"linetotal$_"}->{data} = $form->format_amount(\%myconfig, $totals{$_}, 2) } @subtotal_columns;



} #end generate_report

sub ajax_autocomplete {

my $form = $main::form;
my %myconfig = %main::myconfig;

$form->{column} = 'description' unless $form->{column} =~ /^partnumber|description$/;
$form->{$form->{column}} = $form->{q} || '';
$form->{limit} = ($form->{limit} * 1) || 10;
$form->{searchitems} ||= '';

my @results = IC->all_parts(\%myconfig, $form);

print $form->ajax_response_header(),


sub back_to_record {

delete @{$::form}{qw(action action_add action_back_to_record back_sub description item notes partnumber sellprice taxaccount2 unit vc)};

$::auth->restore_form_from_session($::form->{previousform}, clobber => 1);
$::form->{action} = 'display_form';
$::form->{callback} = $::form->{script} . '?' . join('&', map { $::form->escape($_) . '=' . $::form->escape($::form->{$_}) } sort keys %{ $::form });

sub continue { call_sub($form->{"nextsub"}); }

sub dispatcher {
my $action = first { $::form->{"action_${_}"} } qw(add back_to_record);
$::form->error($::locale->text('No action defined.')) unless $action;

$::form->{dispatched_action} = $action;