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Revision 47a963f4

Von Moritz Bunkus vor etwa 14 Jahren hinzugefügt

  • ID 47a963f4da66588e72124424e0e5e58577894eb5
  • Vorgänger 37171c70
  • Nachfolger 6fd01c3d


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=encoding utf-8
=head1 NAME
SL::DB::Part: Model for the 'parts' table
C<new_service>, and C<new_assembly>. A Buchungsgruppe should be supplied in this
case, but it will use the default Buchungsgruppe if you don't.
Matching these there are assorted helper methods dealing with type:
Matching these there are assorted helper methods dealing with types,
e.g. L</new_part>, L</new_service>, L</new_assembly>, L</type>,
L</is_type> and others.
=over 4
=head2 new_part PARAMS
=item C<new_part %PARAMS>
=head2 new_service PARAMS
=item C<new_service %PARAMS>
=head2 new_assembly PARAMS
=item C<new_assembly %PARAMS>
Will set the appropriate data fields so that the resulting instance will be of
tthe requested type. Since part of the distinction are accounting targets,
providing a C<Buchungsgruppe> is recommended. If none is given the constructor
will load a default one and set the accounting targets from it.
=head2 type
=item C<type>
Returns the type as a string. Can be one of C<part>, C<service>, C<assembly>.
=head2 is_type TYPE
=item C<is_type $TYPE>
Tests if the current object is a part, a service or an
assembly. C<$type> must be one of the words 'part', 'service' or
Returns 1 if the requested type matches, 0 if it doesn't and
C<confess>es if an unknown C<$type> parameter is encountered.
=head2 is_part
=item C<is_part>
=head2 is_service
=item C<is_service>
=head2 is_assembly
=item C<is_assembly>
Shorthand for is_type('part') etc.
Shorthand for C<is_type('part')> etc.
=head2 get_sellprice_info %params
=item C<get_sellprice_info %params>
Retrieves the C<sellprice> and C<price_factor_id> for a part under
different conditions and returns a hash reference with those two keys.
If none of the above conditions is met then the information from
C<$self> is used.
=head2 get_ordered_qty %params
=item C<get_ordered_qty %params>
Retrieves the quantity that has been ordered from a vendor but that
has not been delivered yet. Only open purchase orders are considered.
=head2 orphaned
=item C<orphaned>
Checks if this articke is used in orders, invoices, delivery orders or
=head2 buchungsgruppe BUCHUNGSGRUPPE
=item C<buchungsgruppe BUCHUNGSGRUPPE>
Used to set the accounting informations from a L<SL:DB::Buchungsgruppe> object.
Please note, that this is a write only accessor, the original Buchungsgruppe can
not be retrieved from an article once set.
=head1 AUTHOR
=head1 AUTHORS
Moritz Bunkus E<lt>m.bunkus@linet-services.deE<gt>
Moritz Bunkus E<lt>m.bunkus@linet-services.deE<gt>,
Sven Schöling E<lt>s.schoeling@linet-services.deE<gt>

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