Revision 4791c790
Von Moritz Bunkus vor etwa 14 Jahren hinzugefügt
SL/BackgroundJob/ | ||
_log_msg("Invoice " . $invoice->invnumber . " posted for config ID " . $config->id . ", period start date " . $::locale->format_date(\%::myconfig, $date) . "\n");
push @new_invoices, $invoice;
push @invoices_to_print, $invoice if $config->print;
push @invoices_to_print, [ $invoice, $config ] if $config->print;
# last;
map { _print_invoice($_) } @invoices_to_print;
map { _print_invoice(@{ $_ }) } @invoices_to_print;
_send_email(\@new_invoices, \@invoices_to_print) if @new_invoices;
_send_email(\@new_invoices, [ map { $_->[0] } @invoices_to_print ]) if @new_invoices;
return 1;
... | ... | |
sub _print_invoice {
my ($invoice, $config) = @_;
return unless $config->print && $config->printer_id && $config->printer->printer_command;
my $form = Form->new;
$invoice->flatten_to_form($form, format_amounts => 1);
$form->{printer_code} = $config->printer->template_code;
$form->{copies} = $config->copies;
$form->{formname} = $form->{type};
$form->{format} = 'pdf';
$form->{media} = 'printer';
$form->{OUT} = "| " . $config->printer->printer_command;
$form->throw_on_error(sub {
eval {
$form->parse_template(\%::myconfig, $::userspath);
} || die $EVAL_ERROR->{error};
... | ... | |
Strings like month names are hardcoded to German in this file.
=item *
Implement printing the invoices if requested.
=head1 AUTHOR
Auch abrufbar als: Unified diff
Das Drucken von erzeugten wiederkehrenden Rechnungen implementiert