kivitendo/t/datev/invoices.t @ 45dec67f
db64ed3a | Geoffrey Richardson | use strict;
use Test::More;
use Test::Deep qw(cmp_bag);
use lib 't';
use_ok 'Support::TestSetup';
63410aa6 | Sven Schöling | use SL::Dev::ALL qw(:ALL);
db64ed3a | Geoffrey Richardson | use List::Util qw(sum);
use SL::DB::Buchungsgruppe;
use SL::DB::Chart;
use DateTime;
1a3b9961 | Geoffrey Richardson | my $dbh = SL::DB->client->dbh;
db64ed3a | Geoffrey Richardson | my $buchungsgruppe7 = SL::DB::Manager::Buchungsgruppe->find_by(description => 'Standard 7%') || die "No accounting group for 7\%";
my $bank = SL::DB::Manager::Chart->find_by(description => 'Bank') || die 'Can\'t find chart "Bank"';
my $date = DateTime->new(year => 2017, month => 1, day => 1);
my $payment_date = DateTime->new(year => 2017, month => 1, day => 5);
1a3b9961 | Geoffrey Richardson | my $gldate = DateTime->new(year => 2017, month => 2, day => 9); # simulate bookings for Jan being made in Feb
db64ed3a | Geoffrey Richardson | |||
63410aa6 | Sven Schöling | my $part1 = new_part(partnumber => '19', description => 'Part 19%')->save;
my $part2 = new_part(
db64ed3a | Geoffrey Richardson | partnumber => '7',
description => 'Part 7%',
buchungsgruppen_id => $buchungsgruppe7->id,
63410aa6 | Sven Schöling | my $invoice = create_sales_invoice(
db64ed3a | Geoffrey Richardson | invnumber => "1 sales invoice",
1a3b9961 | Geoffrey Richardson | itime => $gldate,
gldate => $gldate,
intnotes => 'booked in February',
db64ed3a | Geoffrey Richardson | taxincluded => 0,
transdate => $date,
63410aa6 | Sven Schöling | invoiceitems => [ create_invoice_item(part => $part1, qty => 3, sellprice => 70),
create_invoice_item(part => $part2, qty => 10, sellprice => 50),
db64ed3a | Geoffrey Richardson | ]
$invoice->pay_invoice(chart_id => $bank->id,
amount => $invoice->open_amount,
transdate => $payment_date->to_kivitendo,
memo => 'foobar',
source => 'barfoo',
my $datev1 = SL::DATEV->new(
dbh => $invoice->db->dbh,
trans_id => $invoice->id,
my $kne_lines1 = $datev1->generate_datev_lines;
cmp_bag $datev1->generate_datev_lines, [
'belegfeld1' => '1 sales invoice',
'buchungstext' => 'Testcustomer',
'datum' => '01.01.2017',
'gegenkonto' => '8400',
'konto' => '1400',
'umsatz' => '249.9',
'waehrung' => 'EUR'
'belegfeld1' => '1 sales invoice',
'buchungstext' => 'Testcustomer',
'datum' => '01.01.2017',
'gegenkonto' => '8300',
'konto' => '1400',
'umsatz' => 535,
'waehrung' => 'EUR'
'belegfeld1' => '1 sales invoice',
'buchungstext' => 'Testcustomer',
'datum' => '05.01.2017',
'gegenkonto' => '1400',
'konto' => '1200',
'umsatz' => '784.9',
'waehrung' => 'EUR'
], "trans_id datev check ok";
1a3b9961 | Geoffrey Richardson | my $march_9 = DateTime->new(year => 2017, month => 3, day => 9);
63410aa6 | Sven Schöling | my $invoice2 = create_sales_invoice(
db64ed3a | Geoffrey Richardson | invnumber => "2 sales invoice",
1a3b9961 | Geoffrey Richardson | itime => $march_9,
gldate => $march_9,
intnotes => 'booked in March',
db64ed3a | Geoffrey Richardson | taxincluded => 0,
transdate => $date,
63410aa6 | Sven Schöling | invoiceitems => [ create_invoice_item(part => $part1, qty => 6, sellprice => 70),
create_invoice_item(part => $part2, qty => 20, sellprice => 50),
db64ed3a | Geoffrey Richardson | ]
63410aa6 | Sven Schöling | my $credit_note = create_credit_note(
db64ed3a | Geoffrey Richardson | invnumber => 'Gutschrift 34',
1a3b9961 | Geoffrey Richardson | itime => $gldate,
gldate => $gldate,
intnotes => 'booked in February',
db64ed3a | Geoffrey Richardson | taxincluded => 0,
transdate => $date,
63410aa6 | Sven Schöling | invoiceitems => [ create_invoice_item(part => $part1, qty => 3, sellprice => 70),
create_invoice_item(part => $part2, qty => 10, sellprice => 50),
db64ed3a | Geoffrey Richardson | ]
1a3b9961 | Geoffrey Richardson | my $startdate = DateTime->new(year => 2017, month => 1, day => 1);
db64ed3a | Geoffrey Richardson | my $enddate = DateTime->new(year => 2017, month => 12, day => 31);
my $datev = SL::DATEV->new(
1a3b9961 | Geoffrey Richardson | dbh => $dbh,
from => $startdate,
to => $enddate,
$datev->generate_datev_data(from_to => $datev->fromto);
my $datev_lines = $datev->generate_datev_lines;
my $umsatzsumme = sum map { $_->{umsatz} } @{ $datev_lines };
cmp_ok($::form->round_amount($umsatzsumme,2), '==', 3924.5, "Sum of all bookings ok");
note('testing gldatefrom');
8abfdcfc | Sven Schöling | $datev = SL::DATEV->new(
1a3b9961 | Geoffrey Richardson | dbh => $dbh,
db64ed3a | Geoffrey Richardson | from => $startdate,
1a3b9961 | Geoffrey Richardson | to => DateTime->new(year => 2017, month => 01, day => 31),
db64ed3a | Geoffrey Richardson | );
1a3b9961 | Geoffrey Richardson | |||
$::form = Support::TestSetup->create_new_form;
$::form->{gldatefrom} = DateTime->new(year => 2017, month => 3, day => 1)->to_kivitendo;
db64ed3a | Geoffrey Richardson | $datev->generate_datev_data(from_to => $datev->fromto);
8abfdcfc | Sven Schöling | $datev_lines = $datev->generate_datev_lines;
$umsatzsumme = sum map { $_->{umsatz} } @{ $datev_lines };
1a3b9961 | Geoffrey Richardson | cmp_ok($umsatzsumme, '==', 1569.8, "Sum of bookings made after March 1st (only invoice2) ok");
$::form->{gldatefrom} = DateTime->new(year => 2017, month => 5, day => 1)->to_kivitendo;
$datev->generate_datev_data(from_to => $datev->fromto);
cmp_bag $datev->generate_datev_lines, [], "no bookings for January made after May 1st: ok";
db64ed3a | Geoffrey Richardson | |||
sub clear_up {
SL::DB::Manager::AccTransaction->delete_all(all => 1);
SL::DB::Manager::InvoiceItem->delete_all( all => 1);
SL::DB::Manager::Invoice->delete_all( all => 1);
SL::DB::Manager::Customer->delete_all( all => 1);
SL::DB::Manager::Part->delete_all( all => 1);