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Revision 437737b1

Von Tamino Steinert vor etwa 1 Jahr hinzugefügt

  • ID 437737b1ee536febaac2e757cca7817bcb87f427
  • Vorgänger 4ac4488a
  • Nachfolger af42bdfb

S:P:Record: um Belegvorlagen erweitert

Unterschiede anzeigen:

sub items { goto &record_template_items; }
sub record_type { goto &template_type; }
sub date {
goto &mtime;
sub displayable_name {
my ($self) = @_;
return join ' ', $self->template_name_to_use, $self->mtime->to_kivitendo;
gl_transaction_template => sub {
my (%params) = @_;
title => $::locale->text('GL Transaction Template'),
type => 'gl_transaction_template',
columns => [
[ $::locale->text('Name'), 'template_name_to_use' ],
[ $::locale->text('Transaction description'), 'transaction_description', ],
[ $::locale->text('Create Date'), sub { $_[0]->itime->to_kivitendo } ],
[ $::locale->text('Modification date'), sub { $_[0]->mtime->to_kivitendo } ],
ar_transaction_template => sub {
my (%params) = @_;
title => $::locale->text('AR Transaction Template'),
type => 'ar_transaction_template',
columns => [
[ $::locale->text('Name'), 'template_name_to_use' ],
[ $::locale->text('Customer'), 'customer' ],
[ $::locale->text('Project'), 'project', ],
[ $::locale->text('Transaction description'), 'transaction_description', ],
[ $::locale->text('Create Date'), sub { $_[0]->itime->to_kivitendo } ],
[ $::locale->text('Modification date'), sub { $_[0]->mtime->to_kivitendo } ],
ap_transaction_template => sub {
my (%params) = @_;
title => $::locale->text('AP Transaction Template'),
type => 'ap_transaction_template',
columns => [
[ $::locale->text('Name'), 'template_name_to_use' ],
[ $::locale->text('Vendor'), 'vendor' ],
[ $::locale->text('Project'), 'project', ],
[ $::locale->text('Transaction description'), 'transaction_description', ],
[ $::locale->text('Create Date'), sub { $_[0]->itime->to_kivitendo } ],
[ $::locale->text('Modification date'), sub { $_[0]->mtime->to_kivitendo } ],
sub _get_type_params {
letter => sub { (ref($_[0]) eq 'SL::DB::Letter') && $_[0]->id },
email_journal => sub { (ref($_[0]) eq 'SL::DB::EmailJournal') && $_[0]->id },
dunning => sub { (ref($_[0]) eq 'SL::DB::Dunning') },
gl_transaction_template => sub { (ref($_[0]) eq 'SL::DB::RecordTemplate') && $_[0]->template_type eq 'gl_transaction' },
ar_transaction_template => sub { (ref($_[0]) eq 'SL::DB::RecordTemplate') && $_[0]->template_type eq 'ar_transaction' },
ap_transaction_template => sub { (ref($_[0]) eq 'SL::DB::RecordTemplate') && $_[0]->template_type eq 'ap_transaction' },
my %groups;
'AP Transaction' => 'Kreditorenbuchung',
'AP Transaction (abbreviation)' => 'K',
'AP Transaction Storno (one letter abbreviation)' => 'S',
'AP Transaction Template' => 'Kreditorenbuchungsvorlage',
'AP Transaction with Storno (abbreviation)' => 'K(S)',
'AP Transaction/AccTrans Item row names' => 'Namen der Rechnungs/Buchungszeilen',
'AP Transactions' => 'Kreditorenbuchungen',
'AR Aging' => 'Offene Forderungen',
'AR Transaction' => 'Debitorenbuchung',
'AR Transaction (abbreviation)' => 'D',
'AR Transaction Template' => 'Debitorenbuchungsvorlage',
'AR Transaction/AccTrans Item row names' => 'Namen der Rechnungs/Buchungszeilen',
'AR Transactions' => 'Debitorenbuchungen',
'AR transaction \'#1\' posted (ID: #2)' => 'Debitorenbuchung \'#1\' verbucht (Buchungsnummer: #2)',
'Further Invoice for Advance Payment' => 'Weitere Anzahlungsrechnung',
'GL Transaction' => 'Dialogbuchung',
'GL Transaction (abbreviation)' => 'DB',
'GL Transaction Template' => 'Dialogbuchungsvorlage',
'GL Transactions' => 'Dialogbuchungen',
'GL search' => 'FiBu Suche',
'GL template suggestions' => 'Vorschlag Dialogbuchung',
'No quotations or orders have been created yet.' => 'Es wurden noch keine Angebote oder Aufträge angelegt.',
'No record is selected.' => 'Kein Beleg ausgewählt.',
'No record type is selected.' => 'Kein Belegtyp ausgewählt.',
'No records found.' => 'Keine Belege gefunden.',
'No report with id #1' => 'Es gibt keinen Report mit der Id #1',
'No requirement spec templates have been created yet.' => 'Es wurden noch keine Pflichtenheftvorlagen angelegt.',
'No results.' => 'Keine Artikel',
'AP Transaction' => 'Purchase Transaction',
'AP Transaction (abbreviation)' => '',
'AP Transaction Storno (one letter abbreviation)' => '',
'AP Transaction Template' => '',
'AP Transaction with Storno (abbreviation)' => '',
'AP Transaction/AccTrans Item row names' => '',
'AP Transactions' => 'Purchase Transactions',
'AR Aging' => 'Debtor Aging',
'AR Transaction' => 'Sales Transaction',
'AR Transaction (abbreviation)' => '',
'AR Transaction Template' => '',
'AR Transaction/AccTrans Item row names' => '',
'AR Transactions' => 'Sales Transactions',
'AR transaction \'#1\' posted (ID: #2)' => '',
'Further Invoice for Advance Payment' => '',
'GL Transaction' => '',
'GL Transaction (abbreviation)' => '',
'GL Transaction Template' => '',
'GL Transactions' => '',
'GL search' => '',
'GL template suggestions' => '',
'No quotations or orders have been created yet.' => '',
'No record is selected.' => '',
'No record type is selected.' => '',
'No records found.' => '',
'No report with id #1' => '',
'No requirement spec templates have been created yet.' => '',
'No results.' => '',

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