Revision 43749680
Von Tamino Steinert vor 11 Monaten hinzugefügt
SL/Controller/ | ||
462 | 462 |
$email_journal->link_to_record($record); |
463 | 463 |
464 | 464 |
$self->js->flash('info', |
465 |
$::locale->text('Linked e-mail and attachment to ') . $record->displayable_name
465 |
$::locale->text('Linked email and attachment to ') . $record->displayable_name |
466 | 466 |
)->render(); |
467 | 467 |
} |
468 | 468 |
locale/de/all | ||
377 | 377 |
'Apply to transfers without bin' => 'Bei allen Lagerbewegungen ohne Lagerplatz setzen', |
378 | 378 |
'Apply to transfers without comment' => 'Bei allen Lagerbewegungen ohne Kommentar setzen', |
379 | 379 |
'Apply to transfers without warehouse' => 'Bei allen Lagerbewegungen ohne Lager setzen', |
380 |
'Apply with Attachment' => 'Mit Anhang anwenden', |
380 | 381 |
'Apply year-end bookings' => 'Jahresabschlußbuchungen durchführen', |
381 | 382 |
'Applying #1:' => 'Führe #1 aus:', |
382 | 383 |
'Approximately #1 prices will be updated.' => 'Ungefähr #1 Preise werden aktualisiert.', |
... | ... | |
866 | 867 |
'Create Invoice' => 'Rechnung erstellen', |
867 | 868 |
'Create PDF' => 'PDF erzeugen', |
868 | 869 |
'Create Reclamation' => 'Reklamation erstellen', |
869 |
'Create Record with Attachment' => 'Erzeuge Beleg mit Anhang', |
870 | 870 |
'Create Sub-Version' => 'Unterversion erzeugen', |
871 | 871 |
'Create a new background job' => 'Einen neuen Hintergrund-Job anlegen', |
872 | 872 |
'Create a new client' => 'Einen neuen Mandanten anlegen', |
... | ... | |
914 | 914 |
'Create customers and vendors. Edit all vendors. Edit only customers where salesman equals employee (login)' => 'Kunden und Lieferanten erfassen. Alle Lieferanten bearbeiten. Nur Kunden bearbeiten bei denen der Verkäufer gleich Bearbeiter (login) ist', |
915 | 915 |
'Create delivery order' => 'Lieferschein erstellen', |
916 | 916 |
'Create first invoice on' => 'Erste Rechnung erzeugen am', |
917 |
'Create from Workflow' => 'Workflow weiterführen von', |
917 | 918 |
'Create invoice' => 'Buchung erstellen', |
918 | 919 |
'Create invoice?' => 'Rechnung erstellen?', |
919 | 920 |
'Create new' => 'Neu erfassen', |
... | ... | |
1496 | 1497 |
'Either there are no open invoices, or you have already initiated bank transfers with the open amounts for those that are still open.' => 'Entweder gibt es keine offenen Rechnungen, oder es wurden bereits Überweisungen über die offenen Beträge aller offenen Rechnungen erstellt.', |
1497 | 1498 |
'Element disabled' => 'Element deaktiviert', |
1498 | 1499 |
'Email' => 'E-Mail', |
1500 |
'Email Attachment Preview' => 'E-Mail-Anhang-Vorschau', |
1501 |
'Email Details' => 'E-Mail Details', |
1502 |
'Email Journal Workflow' => 'E-Mail-Journal-Workflow', |
1499 | 1503 |
'Email Sender Dunning' => 'E-Mail-Absender für Mahnung', |
1500 | 1504 |
'Email Sender Letter' => 'E-Mail-Absender für Briefe', |
1501 | 1505 |
'Email Sender Purchase Delivery Order' => 'E-Mail-Absender für Lieferantenlieferscheine', |
... | ... | |
1886 | 1890 |
'Here' => 'Hier', |
1887 | 1891 |
'Here you only provide the credentials for logging into the database.' => 'Hier geben Sie nur die Logindaten für die Anmeldung an der Datenbank ein.', |
1888 | 1892 |
'Here\'s an example command line:' => 'Hier ist eine Kommandozeile, die als Beispiel dient:', |
1893 |
'Hide Attachment' => 'Anhang verbergen', |
1889 | 1894 |
'Hide Filter' => 'Filter verbergen', |
1895 |
'Hide Records' => 'Belege verbergen', |
1890 | 1896 |
'Hide all details' => 'Alle Details verbergen', |
1891 | 1897 |
'Hide buttons' => 'Knöpfe verstecken', |
1892 | 1898 |
'Hide by default' => 'Standardmäßig verstecken', |
... | ... | |
2221 | 2227 |
'Link to invoice' => 'Beleglink', |
2222 | 2228 |
'Link to the following project:' => 'Mit dem folgenden Projekt verknüpfen:', |
2223 | 2229 |
'Linked Records' => 'Verknüpfte Belege', |
2230 |
'Linked email and attachment to ' => 'E-Mail und Anhang verknüpft mit ', |
2224 | 2231 |
'Linked invoices' => 'Verknüpfte Rechnungen', |
2225 | 2232 |
'Linked to...' => 'Verlinkt zu...', |
2233 |
'Linking to Record' => 'Zum Beleg hinzufügen', |
2226 | 2234 |
'Liquidity projection' => 'Liquiditätsübersicht', |
2227 | 2235 |
'List' => 'Liste', |
2228 | 2236 |
'List Accounts' => 'Konten anzeigen', |
... | ... | |
2512 | 2520 |
'No profit and loss carried forward chart configured!' => 'Kein Verlustvortragskonto konfiguriert!', |
2513 | 2521 |
'No profit carried forward chart configured!' => 'Kein Gewinnvortragskonto konfiguriert!', |
2514 | 2522 |
'No quotations or orders have been created yet.' => 'Es wurden noch keine Angebote oder Aufträge angelegt.', |
2523 |
'No record is selected.' => 'Kein Beleg ausgewählt.', |
2524 |
'No record type is selected.' => 'Kein Belegtyp ausgewählt.', |
2525 |
'No records found.' => 'Keine Belege gefunden.', |
2515 | 2526 |
'No report with id #1' => 'Es gibt keinen Report mit der Id #1', |
2516 | 2527 |
'No requirement spec templates have been created yet.' => 'Es wurden noch keine Pflichtenheftvorlagen angelegt.', |
2517 | 2528 |
'No results.' => 'Keine Artikel', |
... | ... | |
2631 | 2642 |
'Only due follow-ups' => 'Nur fällige Wiedervorlagen', |
2632 | 2643 |
'Only groups that have been configured for the client the user logs in to will be considered.' => 'Allerdings werden nur diejenigen Gruppen herangezogen, die für den Mandanten konfiguriert sind.', |
2633 | 2644 |
'Only list customer\'s projects in sales records' => 'Nur Projekte des Kunden in Verkaufsbelegen anzeigen', |
2645 |
'Only open' => 'Nur offene', |
2634 | 2646 |
'Only run tests from this file:' => 'Nur Tests aus dieser Datei ausführen:', |
2635 | 2647 |
'Only shown in item mode' => 'werden nur im Artikelmodus angezeigt', |
2636 | 2648 |
'Oops. No valid action found to dispatch. Please report this case to the kivitendo team.' => 'Ups. Es wurde keine gültige Funktion zum Aufrufen gefunden. Bitte berichten Sie diesen Fall den kivitendo-Entwicklern.', |
... | ... | |
3044 | 3056 |
'Prozentual/Absolut' => 'Prozentual/Absolut', |
3045 | 3057 |
'Purchase' => 'Einkauf', |
3046 | 3058 |
'Purchase (typeabbreviation)' => 'E', |
3059 |
'Purchase Credit Note' => 'Einkaufsgutschrift', |
3047 | 3060 |
'Purchase Delivery Order' => 'Einkaufslieferschein', |
3048 | 3061 |
'Purchase Delivery Orders' => 'Einkaufslieferscheine', |
3049 | 3062 |
'Purchase Delivery Orders deleteable' => 'Einkaufslieferscheine löschbar', |
... | ... | |
3462 | 3475 |
'Select from preset' => 'Aus Voreinstellung wählen', |
3463 | 3476 |
'Select items for delivery order' => 'Positionen für Lieferschein auswählen', |
3464 | 3477 |
'Select postscript or PDF!' => 'Postscript oder PDF auswählen!', |
3478 |
'Select record type' => 'Belegtyp auswählen', |
3465 | 3479 |
'Select tax office...' => 'Finanzamt auswählen...', |
3466 | 3480 |
'Select template to paste' => 'Einzufügende Vorlage auswählen', |
3467 | 3481 |
'Select type of removal' => 'Grund der Entnahme auswählen', |
... | ... | |
3592 | 3606 |
'Show "mark as paid" in sales invoices' => '"als bezahlt markieren" bei Verkaufsrechnungen anzeigen', |
3593 | 3607 |
'Show AP transactions as part of AP invoice report' => 'Kreditorenbuchungen zusammen mit Verkaufsrechnungen anzeigen', |
3594 | 3608 |
'Show AR transactions as part of AR invoice report' => 'Debitorenbuchungen zusammen mit Verkaufsrechnungen anzeigen', |
3609 |
'Show Attachment' => 'Anhang anzeigen', |
3595 | 3610 |
'Show Bestbefore' => 'Mindesthaltbarkeit anzeigen', |
3596 | 3611 |
'Show E-Mails' => 'E-Mails anzeigen', |
3597 | 3612 |
'Show Filter' => 'Filter zeigen', |
3613 |
'Show Records' => 'Belege anzeigen', |
3598 | 3614 |
'Show Salesman' => 'Verkäufer anzeigen', |
3599 | 3615 |
'Show Stornos' => 'Stornos anzeigen', |
3600 | 3616 |
'Show TODO list' => 'Aufgabenliste anzeigen', |
... | ... | |
3746 | 3762 |
'Storing the emails in the journal is currently disabled in the client configuration.' => 'Das Speichern von versendeten E-Mails ist derzeit in der Mandantenkonfigurierung abgeschaltet.', |
3747 | 3763 |
'Storno' => 'Storno', |
3748 | 3764 |
'Storno (one letter abbreviation)' => 'S', |
3765 |
'Storno Credit Note' => 'Stornogutschrift', |
3749 | 3766 |
'Storno Invoice' => 'Stornorechnung', |
3767 |
'Storno Invoice for Advance Payment' => 'Stornorechnung für Anzahlung', |
3750 | 3768 |
'Street' => 'Straße', |
3751 | 3769 |
'Street (Shipping)' => 'Straße (Lieferung)', |
3752 | 3770 |
'Street 1' => 'Straße 1', |
... | ... | |
4700 | 4718 |
'View RFQs' => 'Lieferantenanfragen ansehen', |
4701 | 4719 |
'View SEPA export' => 'SEPA-Export-Details ansehen', |
4702 | 4720 |
'View background job execution result' => 'Verlauf der Hintergrund-Job-Ausführungen anzeigen', |
4721 |
'View email' => 'E-Mail anzeigen', |
4703 | 4722 |
'View purchase delivery orders' => 'Einkaufslieferscheine ansehen', |
4704 | 4723 |
'View purchase invoices' => 'Einkaufsrechungen ansehen', |
4705 | 4724 |
'View purchase orders' => 'Lieferantenaufträge ansehen', |
... | ... | |
4708 | 4727 |
'View sales invoices and credit notes' => 'Rechnungen und Gutschriften ansehen', |
4709 | 4728 |
'View sales orders' => 'Auftragsbestätigungen ansehen', |
4710 | 4729 |
'View sales quotations' => 'Angebote ansehen', |
4711 |
'View sent email' => 'Verschickte E-Mail anzeigen', |
4712 | 4730 |
'View warehouse content' => 'Lagerbestand ansehen', |
4713 | 4731 |
'View/edit all employees purchase documents' => 'Bearbeiten/ansehen der Einkaufsdokumente aller Mitarbeiter', |
4714 | 4732 |
'View/edit all employees sales documents' => 'Bearbeiten/ansehen der Verkaufsdokumente aller Mitarbeiter', |
... | ... | |
4764 | 4782 |
'With Attachments' => 'Journal mit Anhängen', |
4765 | 4783 |
'With Extension Of Time' => 'mit Dauerfristverlängerung', |
4766 | 4784 |
'With Ignoring Onhand' => 'Ohne Prüfung auf Bestand', |
4785 |
'With closed' => 'Mit geschlossenen', |
4767 | 4786 |
'With the introduction of clients each client gets its own WebDAV folder.' => 'Mit der Einführung von Mandanten erhält jeder Mandant sein eigenes WebDAV-Verzeichnis.', |
4768 | 4787 |
'Without Attachments' => 'Journal ohne Anhänge', |
4769 | 4788 |
'Workflow' => 'Workflow', |
... | ... | |
5097 | 5116 |
'reclamation item' => 'Reklamationsitem', |
5098 | 5117 |
'reclamation reasons' => 'Reklamationsgründe', |
5099 | 5118 |
'record exchange rate' => 'Beleg-Wechselkurs', |
5119 |
'record imported' => 'Belegimport', |
5100 | 5120 |
'release_material' => 'Materialausgabebe', |
5101 | 5121 |
'renew' => 'erneuern', |
5102 | 5122 |
'reorder item' => 'Eintrag umsortieren', |
locale/en/all | ||
377 | 377 |
'Apply to transfers without bin' => '', |
378 | 378 |
'Apply to transfers without comment' => '', |
379 | 379 |
'Apply to transfers without warehouse' => '', |
380 |
'Apply with Attachment' => '', |
380 | 381 |
'Apply year-end bookings' => '', |
381 | 382 |
'Applying #1:' => '', |
382 | 383 |
'Approximately #1 prices will be updated.' => '', |
... | ... | |
866 | 867 |
'Create Invoice' => '', |
867 | 868 |
'Create PDF' => '', |
868 | 869 |
'Create Reclamation' => '', |
869 |
'Create Record with Attachment' => '', |
870 | 870 |
'Create Sub-Version' => '', |
871 | 871 |
'Create a new background job' => '', |
872 | 872 |
'Create a new client' => '', |
... | ... | |
914 | 914 |
'Create customers and vendors. Edit all vendors. Edit only customers where salesman equals employee (login)' => '', |
915 | 915 |
'Create delivery order' => '', |
916 | 916 |
'Create first invoice on' => '', |
917 |
'Create from Workflow' => '', |
917 | 918 |
'Create invoice' => '', |
918 | 919 |
'Create invoice?' => '', |
919 | 920 |
'Create new' => '', |
... | ... | |
1496 | 1497 |
'Either there are no open invoices, or you have already initiated bank transfers with the open amounts for those that are still open.' => '', |
1497 | 1498 |
'Element disabled' => '', |
1498 | 1499 |
'Email' => '', |
1500 |
'Email Attachment Preview' => '', |
1501 |
'Email Details' => '', |
1502 |
'Email Journal Workflow' => '', |
1499 | 1503 |
'Email Sender Dunning' => '', |
1500 | 1504 |
'Email Sender Letter' => '', |
1501 | 1505 |
'Email Sender Purchase Delivery Order' => '', |
... | ... | |
1885 | 1889 |
'Here' => '', |
1886 | 1890 |
'Here you only provide the credentials for logging into the database.' => '', |
1887 | 1891 |
'Here\'s an example command line:' => '', |
1892 |
'Hide Attachment' => '', |
1888 | 1893 |
'Hide Filter' => '', |
1894 |
'Hide Records' => '', |
1889 | 1895 |
'Hide all details' => '', |
1890 | 1896 |
'Hide buttons' => '', |
1891 | 1897 |
'Hide by default' => '', |
... | ... | |
2220 | 2226 |
'Link to invoice' => '', |
2221 | 2227 |
'Link to the following project:' => '', |
2222 | 2228 |
'Linked Records' => '', |
2229 |
'Linked email and attachment to ' => '', |
2223 | 2230 |
'Linked invoices' => '', |
2224 | 2231 |
'Linked to...' => '', |
2232 |
'Linking to Record' => '', |
2225 | 2233 |
'Liquidity projection' => '', |
2226 | 2234 |
'List' => '', |
2227 | 2235 |
'List Accounts' => '', |
... | ... | |
2512 | 2520 |
'No profit and loss carried forward chart configured!' => '', |
2513 | 2521 |
'No profit carried forward chart configured!' => '', |
2514 | 2522 |
'No quotations or orders have been created yet.' => '', |
2523 |
'No record is selected.' => '', |
2524 |
'No record type is selected.' => '', |
2525 |
'No records found.' => '', |
2515 | 2526 |
'No report with id #1' => '', |
2516 | 2527 |
'No requirement spec templates have been created yet.' => '', |
2517 | 2528 |
'No results.' => '', |
... | ... | |
2631 | 2642 |
'Only due follow-ups' => '', |
2632 | 2643 |
'Only groups that have been configured for the client the user logs in to will be considered.' => '', |
2633 | 2644 |
'Only list customer\'s projects in sales records' => '', |
2645 |
'Only open' => '', |
2634 | 2646 |
'Only run tests from this file:' => '', |
2635 | 2647 |
'Only shown in item mode' => '', |
2636 | 2648 |
'Oops. No valid action found to dispatch. Please report this case to the kivitendo team.' => '', |
... | ... | |
3044 | 3056 |
'Prozentual/Absolut' => '', |
3045 | 3057 |
'Purchase' => 'Purchase', |
3046 | 3058 |
'Purchase (typeabbreviation)' => 'P', |
3059 |
'Purchase Credit Note' => '', |
3047 | 3060 |
'Purchase Delivery Order' => '', |
3048 | 3061 |
'Purchase Delivery Orders' => '', |
3049 | 3062 |
'Purchase Delivery Orders deleteable' => '', |
... | ... | |
3462 | 3475 |
'Select from preset' => '', |
3463 | 3476 |
'Select items for delivery order' => '', |
3464 | 3477 |
'Select postscript or PDF!' => '', |
3478 |
'Select record type' => '', |
3465 | 3479 |
'Select tax office...' => '', |
3466 | 3480 |
'Select template to paste' => '', |
3467 | 3481 |
'Select type of removal' => '', |
... | ... | |
3592 | 3606 |
'Show "mark as paid" in sales invoices' => '', |
3593 | 3607 |
'Show AP transactions as part of AP invoice report' => '', |
3594 | 3608 |
'Show AR transactions as part of AR invoice report' => '', |
3609 |
'Show Attachment' => '', |
3595 | 3610 |
'Show Bestbefore' => '', |
3596 | 3611 |
'Show E-Mails' => '', |
3597 | 3612 |
'Show Filter' => '', |
3613 |
'Show Records' => '', |
3598 | 3614 |
'Show Salesman' => '', |
3599 | 3615 |
'Show Stornos' => '', |
3600 | 3616 |
'Show TODO list' => '', |
... | ... | |
3746 | 3762 |
'Storing the emails in the journal is currently disabled in the client configuration.' => '', |
3747 | 3763 |
'Storno' => '', |
3748 | 3764 |
'Storno (one letter abbreviation)' => '', |
3765 |
'Storno Credit Note' => '', |
3749 | 3766 |
'Storno Invoice' => '', |
3767 |
'Storno Invoice for Advance Payment' => '', |
3750 | 3768 |
'Street' => '', |
3751 | 3769 |
'Street (Shipping)' => '', |
3752 | 3770 |
'Street 1' => '', |
... | ... | |
4699 | 4717 |
'View RFQs' => '', |
4700 | 4718 |
'View SEPA export' => '', |
4701 | 4719 |
'View background job execution result' => '', |
4720 |
'View email' => '', |
4702 | 4721 |
'View purchase delivery orders' => '', |
4703 | 4722 |
'View purchase invoices' => '', |
4704 | 4723 |
'View purchase orders' => '', |
... | ... | |
4707 | 4726 |
'View sales invoices and credit notes' => '', |
4708 | 4727 |
'View sales orders' => '', |
4709 | 4728 |
'View sales quotations' => '', |
4710 |
'View sent email' => '', |
4711 | 4729 |
'View warehouse content' => '', |
4712 | 4730 |
'View/edit all employees purchase documents' => '', |
4713 | 4731 |
'View/edit all employees sales documents' => '', |
... | ... | |
4763 | 4781 |
'With Attachments' => '', |
4764 | 4782 |
'With Extension Of Time' => '', |
4765 | 4783 |
'With Ignoring Onhand' => '', |
4784 |
'With closed' => '', |
4766 | 4785 |
'With the introduction of clients each client gets its own WebDAV folder.' => '', |
4767 | 4786 |
'Without Attachments' => '', |
4768 | 4787 |
'Workflow' => '', |
... | ... | |
5096 | 5115 |
'reclamation item' => '', |
5097 | 5116 |
'reclamation reasons' => '', |
5098 | 5117 |
'record exchange rate' => '', |
5118 |
'record imported' => '', |
5099 | 5119 |
'release_material' => '', |
5100 | 5120 |
'renew' => '', |
5101 | 5121 |
'reorder item' => '', |
templates/design40_webpages/email_journal/show.html | ||
52 | 52 |
<div class="wrapper input-panel control-panel" style="display:block"> |
53 | 53 |
<form method="post" action="" id="record_action_form"> |
54 | 54 |
[% L.hidden_tag('email_journal_id', %] |
55 |
<h2>[% LxERP.t8("Email-Workflow") %]</h2>
55 |
<h2>[% LxERP.t8("Email Journal Workflow") %]</h2>
56 | 56 |
57 | 57 |
<div id="action_div"><div class="input-panel" style="margin:0"> |
58 | 58 |
... | ... | |
152 | 152 |
{value => "0", name => LxERP.t8("Only open")}, |
153 | 153 |
], |
154 | 154 |
default = 0, value_key='value', title_key='name', |
155 |
class="wi-small", |
156 | 155 |
onchange='kivi.EmailJournal.update_record_list();' |
157 | 156 |
) %] |
158 | 157 |
</div> |
templates/design40_webpages/email_journal/tabs/basic_data.html | ||
10 | 10 |
[% INCLUDE 'generic/toggle_wrapper.html' %] |
11 | 11 |
12 | 12 |
<table id="email_journal_details" class="tbl-horizontal"> |
13 |
<caption>[% 'E-Mail Details' | $T8 %]</caption>
13 |
<caption>[% 'Email Details' | $T8 %]</caption>
14 | 14 |
<tbody> |
15 | 15 |
<tr> |
16 | 16 |
<th>[% 'From' | $T8 %]</th> |
templates/webpages/email_journal/show.html | ||
138 | 138 |
<div id="record_type_placeholder_div" class="col record_type" style="display:block"> |
139 | 139 |
[% L.input_tag('cv_placeholder', '', |
140 | 140 |
style="color:black", class="wi-normal", disabled=1, |
141 |
placeholder=LxERP.t8("Select record type first"), |
142 | 141 |
) %] |
143 | 142 |
</div> |
144 | 143 |
</div> |
145 | 144 |
<div id="no_record_type_div" class="col" style="display:none"> |
146 | 145 |
[% L.input_tag('cv_placeholder', '', |
147 | 146 |
style="color:black", class="wi-normal", disabled=1, |
148 |
placeholder=LxERP.t8("No record needed"), |
149 | 147 |
) %] |
150 | 148 |
</div> |
151 | 149 |
</td> |
Auch abrufbar als: Unified diff