Revision 430216b9
Von Moritz Bunkus vor etwa 10 Jahren hinzugefügt
SL/BackgroundJob/ | ||
sub _log_msg {
my $message = join('', @_);
my $message = join('', 'SL::BackgroundJob::CreatePeriodicInvoices: ', @_);
$message .= "\n" unless $message =~ m/\n$/;
$::lxdebug->message(LXDebug::DEBUG1(), $message);
... | ... | |
sub _adjust_sellprices_for_period_lengths {
my (%params) = @_;
my $billing_len = $params{config}->get_billing_period_length;
my $order_value_len = $params{config}->get_order_value_period_length;
return if $billing_len == $order_value_len;
my $is_last_invoice_in_cycle = $params{config}->is_last_bill_date_in_order_value_cycle(date => $params{period_start_date});
_log_msg("_adjust_sellprices_for_period_lengths: period_start_date $params{period_start_date} is_last_invoice_in_cycle $is_last_invoice_in_cycle billing_len $billing_len order_value_len $order_value_len");
if ($order_value_len < $billing_len) {
my $num_orders_per_invoice = $billing_len / $order_value_len;
$_->sellprice($_->sellprice * $num_orders_per_invoice) for @{ $params{invoice}->items };
my $num_invoices_in_cycle = $order_value_len / $billing_len;
foreach my $item (@{ $params{invoice}->items }) {
my $sellprice_one_invoice = $::form->round_amount($item->sellprice * $billing_len / $order_value_len, 2);
if ($is_last_invoice_in_cycle) {
$item->sellprice($item->sellprice - ($num_invoices_in_cycle - 1) * $sellprice_one_invoice);
} else {
sub _create_periodic_invoice {
... | ... | |
_replace_vars(object => $item, vars => $time_period_vars, attribute => $_, attribute_format => ($_ eq 'longdescription' ? 'html' : 'text')) for qw(description longdescription);
_adjust_sellprices_for_period_lengths(invoice => $invoice, config => $config, period_start_date => $period_start_date);
$invoice->post(ar_id => $config->ar_chart_id) || die;
# like $form->add_shipto, but we don't need to check for a manual exception,
... | ... | |
period_start_date => $period_start_date)
_log_msg("_create_invoice created for period start date $period_start_date id " . $invoice->id . " number " . $invoice->invnumber . " netamount " . $invoice->netamount . " amount " . $invoice->amount);
# die $invoice->transaction_description;
})) {
$::lxdebug->message(LXDebug->WARN(), "_create_invoice failed: " . join("\n", (split(/\n/, $self->{db_obj}->db->error))[0..2]));
SL/DB/ | ||
sub _log_msg {
$::lxdebug->message(LXDebug->DEBUG1(), join('', @_));
$::lxdebug->message(LXDebug->DEBUG1(), join('', 'SL::DB::PeriodicInvoicesConfig: ', @_));
sub handle_automatic_extension {
... | ... | |
my ($self, %params) = @_;
my $period_len = $self->get_billing_period_length;
my $cur_date = $self->first_billing_date || $self->start_date;
my $cur_date = ($self->first_billing_date || $self->start_date)->clone;
my $end_date = $self->terminated ? $self->end_date : undef;
$end_date //= DateTime->today_local->add(years => 100);
my $start_date = $params{past_dates} ? undef : $self->get_previous_billed_period_start_date;
$start_date = $start_date ? $start_date->add(days => 1) : $cur_date->clone;
my $start_date = $params{past_dates} ? undef : $self->get_previous_billed_period_start_date;
$start_date = $start_date ? $start_date->clone->add(days => 1) : $cur_date->clone;
$start_date = max($start_date, $params{start_date}) if $params{start_date};
$end_date = min($end_date, $params{end_date}) if $params{end_date};
... | ... | |
return @dates;
sub is_last_bill_date_in_order_value_cycle {
my ($self, %params) = @_;
my $months_billing = $self->get_billing_period_length;
my $months_order_value = $self->get_order_value_period_length;
return 1 if $months_billing >= $months_order_value;
my $next_billing_date = $params{date}->clone->add(months => $months_billing);
my $date_itr = max($self->start_date, $self->first_billing_date || $self->start_date)->clone;
_log_msg("is_last_billing_date_in_order_value_cycle start: id " . $self->id . " date_itr $date_itr start " . $self->start_date);
$date_itr->add(months => $months_order_value) while $date_itr < $next_billing_date;
_log_msg("is_last_billing_date_in_order_value_cycle end: refdate $params{date} next_billing_date $next_billing_date date_itr $date_itr months_billing $months_billing months_order_value $months_order_value result "
. ($date_itr == $next_billing_date));
return $date_itr == $next_billing_date;
... | ... | |
will be set to 1, and the configuration will be saved. In this case
C<undef> will be returned.
=item C<is_last_billing_date_in_order_value_cycle %params>
Determines whether or not the mandatory parameter C<date>, an instance
of L<DateTime>, is the last billing date within the cycle given by the
order value periodicity. Returns a truish value if this is the case
and a falsish value otherwise.
This check is always true if the billing periodicity is longer than or
equal to the order value periodicity. For example, if you have an
order whose value is given for three months and you bill every six
months and you have twice the order value on each invoice, meaning
each invoice is itself the last invoice for not only one but two order
value cycles.
Otherwise (if the order value periodicity is longer than the billing
periodicity) this function iterates over all eligible dates starting
with C<first_billing_date> (or C<start_date> if C<first_billing_date>
is unset) and adding the order value length with each step. If the
date given by the C<date> parameter plus the billing period length
equals one of those dates then the given date is indeed the date of
the last invoice in that particular order value cycle.
=head1 BUGS
Auch abrufbar als: Unified diff
Wiederkehrende Rechnungen: Berechnung für Auftragswertperiodizität angepasst