# Lx-Office ERP
# Copyright (c) 2004 by Udo Spallek, Aachen
# Author: Udo Spallek
# Email: udono@gmx.net
# Web: http://www.lx-office.org
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
# Utilities for ustva
package USTVA;
sub create_steuernummer {
$part = $form->{part};
$patterncount = $form->{patterncount};
$delimiter = $form->{delimiter};
$elster_pattern = $form->{elster_pattern};
# rebuild steuernummer and elstersteuernummer
# es gibt eine gespeicherte steuernummer $form->{steuernummer}
# und die parts und delimiter
my $h = 0;
my $i = 0;
$steuernummer_new = $part;
$elstersteuernummer_new = $elster_FFFF;
$elstersteuernummer_new .= '0';
for ($h = 1; $h < $patterncount; $h++) {
$steuernummer_new .= qq|$delimiter|;
for ($i = 1; $i <= length($elster_pattern); $i++) {
$steuernummer_new .= $form->{"part_$h\_$i"};
$elstersteuernummer_new .= $form->{"part_$h\_$i"};
if ($form->{steuernummer} ne $steuernummer_new) {
$form->{steuernummer} = $steuernummer_new;
$form->{elstersteuernummer} = $elstersteuernummer_new;
$form->{steuernummer_new} = $steuernummer_new;
return ($steuernummer_new, $elstersteuernummer_new);
sub steuernummer_input {
($elsterland, $elsterFFFF, $steuernummer) = @_;
$elster_land = $elsterland;
$elster_FFFF = $elsterFFFF;
$steuernummer = '0000000000' if ($steuernummer eq '');
# $steuernummer formatieren (nur Zahlen) -> $stnr
$stnr = $steuernummer;
$stnr =~ s/\D+//g;
#Pattern description Elstersteuernummer
my %elster_STNRformat = (
'Mecklenburg Vorpommern' => 'FFF/BBB/UUUUP', # '/' 3
'Hessen' => '0FF BBB UUUUP', # ' ' 3
'Nordrhein Westfalen' => 'FFF/BBBB/UUUP', # '/' 3
'Schleswig Holstein' => 'FF BBB UUUUP', # ' ' 2
'Berlin' => 'FF/BBB/UUUUP', # '/' 3
'Th?ringen' => 'FFF/BBB/UUUUP', # '/' 3
'Sachsen' => 'FFF/BBB/UUUUP', # '/' 3
'Hamburg' => 'FF/BBB/UUUUP', # '/' 3
'Baden W?rtemberg' => 'FF/BBB/UUUUP', # '/' 2
'Sachsen Anhalt' => 'FFF/BBB/UUUUP', # '/' 3
'Saarland' => 'FFF/BBB/UUUUP', # '/' 3
'Bremen' => 'FF BBB UUUUP', # ' ' 3
'Bayern' => 'FFF/BBB/UUUUP', # '/' 3
'Rheinland Pfalz' => 'FF/BBB/UUUU/P', # '/' 4
'Niedersachsen' => 'FF/BBB/UUUUP', # '/' 3
'Brandenburg' => 'FFF/BBB/UUUUP', # '/' 3
#split the pattern
$elster_pattern = $elster_STNRformat{$elster_land};
my @elster_pattern = split(' ', $elster_pattern);
my $delimiter = ' ';
my $patterncount = @elster_pattern;
if ($patterncount < 2) {
@elster_pattern = ();
@elster_pattern = split('/', $elster_pattern);
$delimiter = '/';
$patterncount = @elster_pattern;
# no we have an array of patternparts and a delimiter
# create the first automated and fixed part and delimiter
print qq|<b><font size="+1">|;
$part = '';
$elster_pattern[0] eq 'FFF' && do {
$part = substr($elster_FFFF, 1, 4);
print qq|$part|;
last SWITCH;
$elster_pattern[0] eq '0FF' && do {
$part = '0' . substr($elster_FFFF, 2, 4);
print qq|$part|;
last SWITCH;
$elster_pattern[0] eq 'FF' && do {
$part = substr($elster_FFFF, 2, 4);
print qq|$part|;
last SWITCH;
1 == 1 && do {
print qq|Fehler!|;
last SWITCH;
#now the rest of the Steuernummer ...
print qq|</b></font>|;
print qq|\n
<input type=hidden name="elster_pattern" value="$elster_pattern">
<input type=hidden name="patterncount" value="$patterncount">
<input type=hidden name="patternlength" value="$patterncount">
<input type=hidden name="delimiter" value="$delimiter">
<input type=hidden name="part" value="$part">
my $h = 0;
my $i = 0;
my $j = 0;
$k = 0;
for ($h = 1; $h < $patterncount; $h++) {
print qq| $delimiter \n|;
for ($i = 1; $i <= length($elster_pattern[$h]); $i++) {
print qq|<select name="part_$h\_$i">\n|;
for ($j = 0; $j <= 9; $j++) {
print qq| <option value="$j"|;
if ($steuernummer ne '') {
if ($j eq substr($stnr, length($part) + $k, 1)) {
print qq| selected|;
print qq|>$j</option>\n|;
print qq|</select>\n|;
sub fa_auswahl {
use SL::Form;
# Referenz wird ?bergeben, hash of hash wird nicht
# in neues Hash kopiert, sondern direkt ?ber die Referenz ver?ndert
# Prototyp f?r diese Konstruktion
my ($land, $elsterFFFF, $elster_init) =
@_; #Referenz auf Hash von Hash ?bergeben
my $terminal = '';
my $FFFF = $elsterFFFF;
my $ffff = '';
my $checked = '';
$checked = 'checked' if ($elsterFFFF eq '' and $land eq '');
#if ($ENV{HTTP_USER_AGENT} =~ /(mozilla|opera|w3m)/i){
#} elsif ($ENV{HTTP_USER_AGENT} =~ /(links|lynx)/i){
#$terminal = 'lynx';
#if ( $terminal eq 'mozilla' or $terminal eq 'js' ) {
print qq|
<script language="Javascript">
function update_auswahl()
var elsterBLAuswahl = document.verzeichnis.elsterland_new;
var elsterFAAuswahl = document.verzeichnis.elsterFFFF_new;
elsterFAAuswahl.options.length = 0; // dropdown aufr?umen
foreach $elster_land (sort keys %$elster_init) {
print qq|
if (elsterBLAuswahl.options[elsterBLAuswahl.selectedIndex].
value == "$elster_land")
my $j = 0;
my %elster_land_fa = ();
$FFFF = '';
for $FFFF (keys %{ $elster_init->{$elster_land} }) {
$elster_land_fa{$FFFF} = $elster_init->{$elster_land}->{$FFFF}->[0];
foreach $ffff (sort { $elster_land_fa{$a} cmp $elster_land_fa{$b} }
) {
print qq|
elsterFAAuswahl.options[$j] = new Option("$elster_land_fa{$ffff} ($ffff)","$ffff");|;
print qq|
print qq|
<table width="100%">
<select size="1" name="elsterland_new" onchange="update_auswahl()">|;
if ($land eq '') {
print qq|<option value="Auswahl" $checked>hier ausw?hlen...</option>\n|;
foreach $elster_land (sort keys %$elster_init) {
print qq|
<option value="$elster_land"|;
if ($elster_land eq $land and $checked eq '') {
print qq| selected|;
print qq|>$elster_land</option>
print qq|
my $elster_land = '';
$elster_land = ($land ne '') ? $land : '';
%elster_land_fa = ();
for $FFFF (keys %{ $elster_init->{$elster_land} }) {
$elster_land_fa{$FFFF} = $elster_init->{$elster_land}->{$FFFF}->[0];
print qq|
<select size="1" name="elsterFFFF_new">|;
if ($elsterFFFF eq '') {
print qq|<option value="Auswahl" $checked>hier ausw?hlen...</option>|;
} else {
foreach $ffff (sort { $elster_land_fa{$a} cmp $elster_land_fa{$b} }
) {
print qq|
<option value="$ffff"|;
if ($ffff eq $elsterFFFF and $checked eq '') {
print qq| selected|;
print qq|>$elster_land_fa{$ffff} ($ffff)</option>|;
print qq|
sub info {
my $msg = $_[0];
$msg =~ s/\n/<br>/g;
print qq|<body><h2 class=info>Hinweis</h2>
<input type=button value="zur?ck" onClick="history.go(-1)">
} else {
if ($form->{error_function}) {
&{ $form->{error_function} }($msg);
} else {
die "Hinweis: $msg\n";
sub stichtag {
# noch nicht fertig
# soll mal eine Erinnerungsfunktion f?r USTVA Abgaben werden, die automatisch
# den Termin der n?chsten USTVA anzeigt.
my ($today, $FA_dauerfrist, $FA_voranmeld) = @_;
#$today zerlegen:
#$today =today * 1;
$today =~ /(\d\d\d\d)(\d\d)(\d\d)/;
$year = $1;
$month = $2;
$day = $3;
$yy = $year;
$mm = $month;
$yymmdd = "$year$month$day" * 1;
$mmdd = "$month$day" * 1;
$stichtag = '';
#$tage_bis = '1234';
#$ical = '...vcal format';
#if ($FA_voranmeld eq 'month'){
%liste = ("0110" => 'December',
"0210" => 'January',
"0310" => 'February',
"0410" => 'March',
"0510" => 'April',
"0610" => 'May',
"0710" => 'June',
"0810" => 'July',
"0910" => 'August',
"1010" => 'September',
"1110" => 'October',
"1210" => 'November');
#$mm += $dauerfrist
#$month *= 1;
$month += 1 if ($day > 10);
$month = sprintf("%02d", $month);
$stichtag = $year . $month . "10";
$ust_va = $month . "10";
foreach $date (%liste) {
$ust_va = $liste{$date} if ($date eq $stichtag);
#} elsif ($FA_voranmeld eq 'quarter'){
#@stichtag = ('10.04.2004', '10.05.2004');
#@liste = ['0110', '0210', '0310', '0410', '0510', '0610', '0710', '0810', '0910',
# '1010', '1110', '1210', ];
#foreach $key (@liste){
# #if ($ddmm < ('0110' * 1));
# if ($ddmm ){}
# $stichtag = $liste[$key - 1] if ($ddmm > $key);
#$stichtag =~ /([\d]\d)(\d\d)$/
#$stichtag = "$1.$2.$yy"
return ($stichtag, $description, $tage_bis, $ical);
sub query_finanzamt {
my ($myconfig, $form) = @_;
my $dbh = $form->dbconnect($myconfig) or $self->error(DBI->errstr);
#Test, if table finanzamt exist
my $table = 'finanzamt';
my $filename = "sql/$table.sql";
my $tst = $dbh->prepare("SELECT * FROM $table");
if ($DBI::err) {
#There is no table, read the table from sql/finanzamt.sql
print qq|<p>Bitte warten, Tabelle $table wird einmalig in Datenbank:
$myconfig->{dbname} als Benutzer: $myconfig->{dbuser} hinzugef?gt...</p>|;
process_query($form, $dbh, $filename) || $self->error(DBI->errstr);
#execute second last call
my $dbh = $form->dbconnect($myconfig) or $self->error(DBI->errstr);
my @vars = (
'FA_Land_Nr', # 0
'FA_BUFA_Nr', # 1
#'FA_Verteiler', # 2
'FA_Name', # 3
'FA_Strasse', # 4
'FA_PLZ', # 5
'FA_Ort', # 6
'FA_Telefon', # 7
'FA_Fax', # 8
'FA_PLZ_Grosskunden', # 9
'FA_PLZ_Postfach', # 10
'FA_Postfach', # 11
'FA_BLZ_1', # 12
'FA_Kontonummer_1', # 13
'FA_Bankbezeichnung_1', # 14
#'FA_BankIBAN_1', # 15
#'FA_BankBIC_1', # 16
#'FA_BankInhaber_BUFA_Nr_1', # 17
'FA_BLZ_2', # 18
'FA_Kontonummer_2', # 19
'FA_Bankbezeichnung_2', # 20
#'FA_BankIBAN_2', # 21
#'FA_BankBIC_2', # 22
#'FA_BankInhaber_BUFA_Nr_2', # 23
'FA_Oeffnungszeiten', # 24
'FA_Email', # 25
'FA_Internet' # 26
#'FA_zustaendige_Hauptstelle_BUFA_Nr', # 27
#'FA_zustaendige_vorgesetzte_Finanzbehoerde' # 28
my $field = join(', ', @vars);
my $query = "SELECT $field FROM finanzamt ORDER BY FA_Land_nr";
my $sth = $dbh->prepare($query) or $self->error($dbh->errstr);
$sth->execute || $form->dberror($query);
my $array_ref = $sth->fetchall_arrayref();
my $land = '';
foreach my $row (@$array_ref) {
my $FA_finanzamt = $row;
$land = 'Schleswig Holstein' if (@$FA_finanzamt[0] eq '1');
$land = 'Hamburg' if (@$FA_finanzamt[0] eq '2');
$land = 'Niedersachsen' if (@$FA_finanzamt[0] eq '3');
$land = 'Bremen' if (@$FA_finanzamt[0] eq '4');
$land = 'Nordrhein Westfalen' if (@$FA_finanzamt[0] eq '5');
$land = 'Hessen' if (@$FA_finanzamt[0] eq '6');
$land = 'Rheinland Pfalz' if (@$FA_finanzamt[0] eq '7');
$land = 'Baden W?rtemberg' if (@$FA_finanzamt[0] eq '8');
$land = 'Bayern' if (@$FA_finanzamt[0] eq '9');
$land = 'Saarland' if (@$FA_finanzamt[0] eq '10');
$land = 'Berlin' if (@$FA_finanzamt[0] eq '11');
$land = 'Brandenburg' if (@$FA_finanzamt[0] eq '12');
$land = 'Mecklenburg Vorpommern' if (@$FA_finanzamt[0] eq '13');
$land = 'Sachsen' if (@$FA_finanzamt[0] eq '14');
$land = 'Sachsen Anhalt' if (@$FA_finanzamt[0] eq '15');
$land = 'Th?ringen' if (@$FA_finanzamt[0] eq '16');
my $ffff = @$FA_finanzamt[1];
my $rec = {};
$rec->{$land} = $ffff;
shift @$row;
shift @$row;
$finanzamt{$land}{$ffff} = [@$FA_finanzamt];
return \%finanzamt;
sub process_query {
# Copyright D. Simander -> SL::Form under Gnu GPL.
my ($form, $dbh, $filename) = @_;
# return unless (-f $filename);
open(FH, "$filename") or $form->error("$filename : $!\n");
my $query = "";
my $sth;
my @quote_chars;
while (<FH>) {
# Remove DOS and Unix style line endings.
# don't add comments or empty lines
next if /^(--.*|\s+)$/;
for (my $i = 0; $i < length($_); $i++) {
my $char = substr($_, $i, 1);
# Are we inside a string?
if (@quote_chars) {
if ($char eq $quote_chars[-1]) {
$query .= $char;
} else {
if (($char eq "'") || ($char eq "\"")) {
push(@quote_chars, $char);
} elsif ($char eq ";") {
# Query is complete. Send it.
$sth = $dbh->prepare($query);
$sth->execute || $form->dberror($query);
$char = "";
$query = "";
$query .= $char;
close FH;
sub ustva {
my ($self, $myconfig, $form) = @_;
# connect to database
my $dbh = $form->dbconnect($myconfig);
my $last_period = 0;
my $category = "pos_ustva";
my @category_cent = qw(511 861 36 80 971 931 98 96 53 74
85 65 66 61 62 67 63 64 59 69 39 83
Z43 Z45 Z53 Z62 Z65 Z67);
my @category_euro = qw(41 44 49 43 48 51 86 35 77 76 91 97 93
95 94 42 60 45 52 73 84);
$form->{decimalplaces} *= 1;
foreach $item (@category_cent) {
$form->{"$item"} = 0;
foreach $item (@category_euro) {
$form->{"$item"} = 0;
&get_accounts_ustva($dbh, $last_period, $form->{fromdate}, $form->{todate},
$form, $category);
# Berechnung der USTVA Formularfelder
$form->{"51r"} = $form->{"511"};
$form->{"86r"} = $form->{"861"};
$form->{"97r"} = $form->{"971"};
$form->{"93r"} = $form->{"931"};
$form->{"Z43"} =
$form->{"511"} + $form->{"861"} + $form->{"36"} + $form->{"80"} +
$form->{"971"} + $form->{"931"} + $form->{"96"} + $form->{"98"};
$form->{"Z45"} = $form->{"Z43"};
$form->{"Z53"} = $form->{"Z43"};
$form->{"Z62"} =
$form->{"Z43"} - $form->{"66"} - $form->{"61"} - $form->{"62"} -
$form->{"63"} - $form->{"64"} - $form->{"59"};
$form->{"Z65"} = $form->{"Z62"} - $form->{"69"};
$form->{"83"} = $form->{"Z65"} - $form->{"39"};
# Hier fehlen moeglicherweise noch einige Berechnungen!
sub get_accounts_ustva {
my ($dbh, $last_period, $fromdate, $todate, $form, $category) = @_;
my ($null, $department_id) = split /--/, $form->{department};
my $query;
my $dpt_where;
my $dpt_join;
my $project;
my $where = "1 = 1";
my $glwhere = "";
my $subwhere = "";
my $ARwhere = "";
my $APwhere = '';
my $arwhere = "";
my $item;
if ($fromdate) {
if ($form->{method} eq 'cash') {
$subwhere .= " AND transdate >= '$fromdate'";
$glwhere = " AND ac.transdate >= '$fromdate'";
$ARwhere .= " AND acc.transdate >= '$fromdate'";
$APwhere .= " AND AP.transdate >= '$fromdate'";
$where .= " AND ac.transdate >= '$fromdate'";
if ($todate) {
$where .= " AND ac.transdate <= '$todate'";
$ARwhere .= " AND acc.transdate <= '$todate'";
$subwhere .= " AND transdate <= '$todate'";
$APwhere .= " AND AP.transdate <= '$todate'";
if ($department_id) {
$dpt_join = qq|
JOIN department t ON (a.department_id = t.id)
$dpt_where = qq|
AND t.id = $department_id
if ($form->{project_id}) {
$project = qq|
AND ac.project_id = $form->{project_id}
# Method eq 'cash' = IST Versteuerung
if ($form->{method} eq 'cash') {
$query = qq|
-- Alle tatsaechlichen Zahlungseingaenge
-- im Voranmeldezeitraum erfassen
-- (Teilzahlungen werden prozentual auf verschiedene Steuern aufgeteilt)
SUM( ac.amount *
-- Bezahlt / Rechnungssumme
SELECT SUM(acc.amount)
FROM acc_trans acc
INNER JOIN chart c ON (acc.chart_id = c.id AND c.link like '%AR_paid%')
AND acc.trans_id = ac.trans_id
select amount from ar where id = ac.trans_id
) AS amount,
FROM acc_trans ac
JOIN chart c ON (c.id = ac.chart_id)
--JOIN ar ON (ar.id = ac.trans_id)
-- Here no where, please. All Transactions ever should be
-- testet if they are paied in the USTVA report period.
GROUP BY c.pos_ustva
UNION -- alle Ausgaben AP erfassen
sum(ac.amount) AS amount, pos_ustva
FROM acc_trans ac
JOIN AP ON (AP.id = ac.trans_id )
JOIN chart c ON (c.id = ac.chart_id AND pos_ustva NOT LIKE '')
GROUP BY pos_ustva
UNION -- alle Ausgaben und Einnahmen direkter gl Buchungen erfassen
CASE WHEN c.link LIKE '%AR%' THEN ac.amount * -1
WHEN c.link LIKE '%AP%' THEN ac.amount * 1
) AS amount, c.$category
FROM acc_trans ac
JOIN chart c ON (c.id = ac.chart_id)
JOIN gl a ON (a.id = ac.trans_id)
WHERE $where
AND NOT (c.link = 'AR' OR c.link = 'AP')
GROUP BY c.$category
} else {
# Method eq 'accrual' = Soll Versteuerung
if ($department_id) {
$dpt_join = qq|
JOIN dpt_trans t ON (t.trans_id = ac.trans_id)
$dpt_where = qq|
AND t.department_id = $department_id
$query = qq|
CASE WHEN c.link LIKE '%AR%' THEN ac.amount * -1
WHEN c.link LIKE '%AP%' THEN ac.amount * 1
) AS amount, c.$category
FROM acc_trans ac
JOIN chart c ON (c.id = ac.chart_id)
WHERE $where
GROUP BY c.$category
my @accno;
my $accno;
my $ref;
# Show all $query in Debuglevel LXDebug::QUERY
$callingdetails = (caller (0))[3];
$main::lxdebug->message(LXDebug::QUERY, "$callingdetails \$query=\n $query");
my $sth = $dbh->prepare($query);
$sth->execute || $form->dberror($query);
while ($ref = $sth->fetchrow_hashref(NAME_lc)) {
# Bug 365 solved?!
$ref->{amount} *= -1;
if ($category eq "pos_bwa") {
if ($last_period) {
$form->{ $ref->{$category} }{kumm} += $ref->{amount};
} else {
$form->{ $ref->{$category} }{jetzt} += $ref->{amount};
} else {
$form->{ $ref->{$category} } += $ref->{amount};