kivitendo/t/tax/tax.t @ 421ebe54
1b112bd3 | Geoffrey Richardson | use Test::More tests => 48;
11a04bd5 | Geoffrey Richardson | use Test::Deep qw(cmp_deeply);
use strict;
use lib 't';
use utf8;
use Support::TestSetup;
use Test::Exception;
13b4fc7a | Jan Büren | use SL::DB::BankTransaction;
use SL::DB::BankTransactionAccTrans;
11a04bd5 | Geoffrey Richardson | use SL::DB::Customer;
use SL::DB::Vendor;
use SL::DB::Invoice;
use SL::DB::GLTransaction;
3ed17038 | Geoffrey Richardson | use SL::DB::AccTransaction;
11a04bd5 | Geoffrey Richardson | use SL::DB::Part;
4858eee4 | Geoffrey Richardson | use SL::DB::PaymentTerm;
11a04bd5 | Geoffrey Richardson | use SL::DBUtils qw(selectall_hashref_query);
use SL::Dev::Record qw(:ALL);
use SL::Dev::CustomerVendor qw(new_customer new_vendor);
use SL::Dev::Part qw(new_part);
4858eee4 | Geoffrey Richardson | use SL::Dev::Payment qw(create_payment_terms);
11a04bd5 | Geoffrey Richardson | use Data::Dumper;
my $dbh = SL::DB->client->dbh;
# TODOs: Storno muß noch korrekt funktionieren
# neue Konten für 5% anlegen
# Leistungszeitraum vs. Datum Zuord. Steuerperiodest
13b4fc7a | Jan Büren | |||
11a04bd5 | Geoffrey Richardson | note('checking if all tax entries exist for Konjunkturprogramm');
# create dates to test on
my $date_2006 = DateTime->new(year => 2006, month => 6, day => 15);
my $date_2020_1 = DateTime->new(year => 2020, month => 6, day => 15);
my $date_2020_2 = DateTime->new(year => 2020, month => 7, day => 15);
my $date_2021 = DateTime->new(year => 2021, month => 1, day => 15);
13b4fc7a | Jan Büren | # dummy bt_id
my $bank_account = SL::DB::BankAccount->new(
account_number => '123',
bank_code => '123',
iban => '123',
bic => '123',
bank => '123',
chart_id => SL::DB::Manager::Chart->find_by( description => 'Bank' )->id,
name => SL::DB::Manager::Chart->find_by( description => 'Bank' )->description,
my $currency_id = $::instance_conf->get_currency_id;
my $bt = SL::DB::BankTransaction->new(
local_bank_account_id => $bank_account->id,
transdate => $date_2021,
valutadate => $date_2021,
amount => 27332.32,
purpose => 'dummy',
currency => $currency_id,
$bt->save || die $@;
11a04bd5 | Geoffrey Richardson | # The only way to discern the pre-2007 16% tax from the 2020 16% tax is by
# their configured automatic tax charts, so look them up here:
my ($chart_vst_19, $chart_vst_16, $chart_vst_5, $chart_vst_7);
my ($chart_ust_19, $chart_ust_16, $chart_ust_5, $chart_ust_7);
my ($income_19_accno, $income_7_accno);
my ($ar_accno, $ap_accno);
my ($chart_reisekosten_accno, $chart_cash_accno, $chart_bank_accno);
3ed17038 | Geoffrey Richardson | my ($skonto_5, $skonto_16, $skonto_7, $skonto_19); # store acc_trans entries during tests
my $test_kontenrahmen = $::instance_conf->get_coa eq 'Germany-DATEV-SKR04EU' ? 'skr04' : 'skr03';
11a04bd5 | Geoffrey Richardson | |||
if ( $test_kontenrahmen eq 'skr03' ) {
is(SL::DB::Default->get->coa, 'Germany-DATEV-SKR03EU', "coa SKR03 ok");
3ed17038 | Geoffrey Richardson | $chart_ust_19 = '1776';
$chart_ust_16 = '1775';
$chart_ust_5 = '1773';
$chart_ust_7 = '1771';
11a04bd5 | Geoffrey Richardson | |||
3ed17038 | Geoffrey Richardson | $chart_vst_19 = '1576';
$chart_vst_16 = '1575';
$chart_vst_5 = '1568';
$chart_vst_7 = '1571';
11a04bd5 | Geoffrey Richardson | |||
$income_19_accno = '8400';
$income_7_accno = '8300';
$chart_reisekosten_accno = 4660;
$chart_cash_accno = 1000;
3ed17038 | Geoffrey Richardson | $chart_bank_accno = 1200;
11a04bd5 | Geoffrey Richardson | |||
$ar_accno = 1400;
$ap_accno = 1600;
} elsif ( $test_kontenrahmen eq 'skr04') { # skr04 - test can be ran manually by running t/000setup_database.t with coa for SKR04
is(SL::DB::Default->get->coa, 'Germany-DATEV-SKR04EU', "coa SKR04 ok");
3ed17038 | Geoffrey Richardson | $chart_vst_19 = '1406';
$chart_vst_16 = '1405';
$chart_vst_5 = '1403';
$chart_vst_7 = '1401';
11a04bd5 | Geoffrey Richardson | |||
3ed17038 | Geoffrey Richardson | $chart_ust_19 = '3806';
$chart_ust_16 = '3805';
$chart_ust_5 = '3803';
$chart_ust_7 = '3801';
11a04bd5 | Geoffrey Richardson | |||
$income_19_accno = '4400';
$income_7_accno = '4300';
$chart_reisekosten_accno = 6650;
$chart_cash_accno = 1600;
3ed17038 | Geoffrey Richardson | $chart_bank_accno = 1800;
11a04bd5 | Geoffrey Richardson | |||
$ar_accno = 1200;
$ap_accno = 3300;
my $tax_vst_19 = SL::DB::Manager::Chart->find_by(accno => $chart_vst_19) or die; # 19%
my $tax_vst_16 = SL::DB::Manager::Chart->find_by(accno => $chart_vst_16) or die; # 16%
my $tax_vst_5 = SL::DB::Manager::Chart->find_by(accno => $chart_vst_5 ) or die; # 5%
my $tax_vst_7 = SL::DB::Manager::Chart->find_by(accno => $chart_vst_7 ) or die; # 7%
my $tax_ust_19 = SL::DB::Manager::Chart->find_by(accno => $chart_ust_19) or die; # 19%
my $tax_ust_16 = SL::DB::Manager::Chart->find_by(accno => $chart_ust_16) or die; # 16%
1b112bd3 | Geoffrey Richardson | my $tax_ust_5 = SL::DB::Manager::Chart->find_by(accno => $chart_ust_5) or die; # 5%
my $tax_ust_7 = SL::DB::Manager::Chart->find_by(accno => $chart_ust_7) or die; # 7%
11a04bd5 | Geoffrey Richardson | |||
my $chart_income_19 = SL::DB::Manager::Chart->find_by(accno => $income_19_accno) or die;
my $chart_income_7 = SL::DB::Manager::Chart->find_by(accno => $income_7_accno) or die;
my $chart_reisekosten = SL::DB::Manager::Chart->find_by(accno => $chart_reisekosten_accno) or die;
my $chart_cash = SL::DB::Manager::Chart->find_by(accno => $chart_cash_accno) or die;
3ed17038 | Geoffrey Richardson | my $chart_bank = SL::DB::Manager::Chart->find_by(accno => $chart_bank_accno) or die;
my $payment_terms = create_payment_terms();
11a04bd5 | Geoffrey Richardson | |||
is(defined SL::DB::Manager::Tax->find_by(taxkey => 2, rate => 0.05), 1, "tax for taxkey 2 with 5% was created ok");
3ed17038 | Geoffrey Richardson | is(defined SL::DB::Manager::Tax->find_by(taxkey => 3, rate => 0.16, chart_id => $tax_ust_16->id), 1, "new sales tax for taxkey 3 with 16% exists ok");
is(defined SL::DB::Manager::Tax->find_by(taxkey => 3, rate => 0.19, chart_id => $tax_ust_19->id), 1, "old sales tax for taxkey 3 with 19% exists ok");
1b112bd3 | Geoffrey Richardson | # is(defined SL::DB::Manager::Tax->find_by(taxkey => 5, rate => 0.16, chart_id => $tax_ust_16->id), 1, "new sales tax for taxkey 5 with 16% exists ok");
11a04bd5 | Geoffrey Richardson | |||
3ed17038 | Geoffrey Richardson | # is(defined SL::DB::Manager::Tax->find_by(taxkey => 7, rate => 0.16, chart_id => $tax_ust_16->id), 1, "old purchase tax for taxkey 7 with 16% exists ok");
is(defined SL::DB::Manager::Tax->find_by(taxkey => 8, rate => 0.07, chart_id => $tax_vst_7->id ), 1, "purchase tax for taxkey 8 with 7% exists ok");
is(defined SL::DB::Manager::Tax->find_by(taxkey => 9, rate => 0.19, chart_id => $tax_vst_19->id), 1, "old purchase tax for taxkey 9 with 19% exists ok");
is(defined SL::DB::Manager::Tax->find_by(taxkey => 9, rate => 0.16, chart_id => $tax_vst_16->id), 1, "new purchase tax for taxkey 9 with 16% exists ok");
11a04bd5 | Geoffrey Richardson | |||
3ed17038 | Geoffrey Richardson | my $vendor = new_vendor( name => 'Testvendor', payment_id => $payment_terms->id)->save;
my $customer = new_customer(name => 'Testcustomer', payment_id => $payment_terms->id)->save;
11a04bd5 | Geoffrey Richardson | |||
1b112bd3 | Geoffrey Richardson | cmp_ok($chart_income_7->get_active_taxkey($date_2020_1)->tax->rate, '==', 0.07, "get_active_taxkey rate for 8300 in 2020_1 ok");
cmp_ok($chart_income_7->get_active_taxkey($date_2020_2)->tax->rate, '==', 0.05, "get_active_taxkey rate for 8300 in 2020_2 ok");
cmp_ok($chart_income_7->get_active_taxkey($date_2021 )->tax->rate, '==', 0.07, "get_active_taxkey rate for 8300 in 2021 ok");
11a04bd5 | Geoffrey Richardson | cmp_ok($chart_income_7->get_active_taxkey($date_2020_1)->tax->rate, '==', 0.07, "get_active_taxkey rate for $income_7_accno in 2020_1 ok");
cmp_ok($chart_income_7->get_active_taxkey($date_2020_2)->tax->rate, '==', 0.05, "get_active_taxkey rate for $income_7_accno in 2020_2 ok");
cmp_ok($chart_income_7->get_active_taxkey($date_2021 )->tax->rate, '==', 0.07, "get_active_taxkey rate for $income_7_accno in 2021 ok");
cmp_ok($chart_income_7->get_active_taxkey($date_2006 )->tax->rate, '==', 0.07, "get_active_taxkey rate for $income_7_accno in 2016 ok");
cmp_ok($chart_income_19->get_active_taxkey($date_2020_1)->tax->rate, '==', 0.19, "get_active_taxkey rate for $income_19_accno in 2020_1 ok");
cmp_ok($chart_income_19->get_active_taxkey($date_2020_2)->tax->rate, '==', 0.16, "get_active_taxkey rate for $income_19_accno in 2020_2 ok");
cmp_ok($chart_income_19->get_active_taxkey($date_2021 )->tax->rate, '==', 0.19, "get_active_taxkey rate for $income_19_accno in 2021 ok");
cmp_ok($chart_income_19->get_active_taxkey($date_2006 )->tax->rate, '==', 0.16, "get_active_taxkey rate for $income_19_accno in 2016 ok");
my $bugru19 = SL::DB::Manager::Buchungsgruppe->find_by(description => 'Standard 19%') or die "Can't find bugru19";
my $bugru7 = SL::DB::Manager::Buchungsgruppe->find_by(description => 'Standard 7%' ) or die "Can't find bugru7";
my $part1 = new_part(partnumber => '1', description => 'part19', buchungsgruppen_id => $bugru19->id)->save;
my $part2 = new_part(partnumber => '2', description => 'part7', buchungsgruppen_id => $bugru7->id )->save;
note('sales invoices');
my $sales_invoice_2006 = create_invoice_for_date('2006', $date_2006);
my $sales_invoice_2020_1 = create_invoice_for_date('2020_1', $date_2020_1);
my $sales_invoice_2020_2 = create_invoice_for_date('2020_2', $date_2020_2);
my $sales_invoice_2021 = create_invoice_for_date('2021', $date_2021);
is($sales_invoice_2006->amount, 223, '2006 sales invoice has 16% and 7% tax ok' ); # 116 + 7
is($sales_invoice_2020_1->amount, 226, '2020_01 sales invoice has 19% and 7% tax ok'); # 119 + 7
is($sales_invoice_2020_2->amount, 221, '2020_02 sales invoice has 16% and 5% tax ok'); # 116 + 5
is($sales_invoice_2021->amount, 226, '2021 sales invoice has 19% and 7% tax ok' ); # 119 + 7
'belegfeld1' => 'test is 2020_2',
'buchungstext' => 'Testcustomer',
'datum' => '15.07.2020',
'leistungsdatum' => '15.07.2020', # should leistungsdatum be empty if it doesn't exist?
'gegenkonto' => $income_7_accno,
'konto' => $ar_accno,
'kost1' => undef,
'kost2' => undef,
'locked' => undef,
'umsatz' => 105,
'waehrung' => 'EUR'
'belegfeld1' => 'test is 2020_2',
'buchungstext' => 'Testcustomer',
'datum' => '15.07.2020',
'leistungsdatum' => '15.07.2020',
'gegenkonto' => $income_19_accno,
'konto' => $ar_accno,
'kost1' => undef,
'kost2' => undef,
'locked' => undef,
'umsatz' => 116,
'waehrung' => 'EUR'
"datev check for 16/5 ok, no taxkey"
note('sales invoice with differing delivery dates');
my $sales_invoice_2020_1_with_delivery_date_2020_2 = create_invoice_for_date('deliverydate 2020_1', $date_2020_1, $date_2020_2);
is($sales_invoice_2020_1_with_delivery_date_2020_2->amount, 221, "sales_invoice from 2020_1 with future delivery_date 2020_2 tax ok");
my $sales_invoice_2020_2_with_delivery_date_2020_1 = create_invoice_for_date('deliverydate 2020_2', $date_2020_2, $date_2020_1);
is($sales_invoice_2020_2_with_delivery_date_2020_1->amount, 226, "sales_invoice from 2020_2 with past delivery_date 2020_1 tax ok");
'belegfeld1' => 'test is deliverydate 2020_2',
'buchungstext' => 'Testcustomer',
'datum' => '15.07.2020',
'gegenkonto' => $income_7_accno,
'konto' => $ar_accno,
'kost1' => undef,
'kost2' => undef,
'leistungsdatum' => '15.06.2020',
'locked' => undef,
'umsatz' => 107,
'waehrung' => 'EUR'
'belegfeld1' => 'test is deliverydate 2020_2',
'buchungstext' => 'Testcustomer',
'datum' => '15.07.2020',
'gegenkonto' => $income_19_accno,
'konto' => $ar_accno,
'kost1' => undef,
'kost2' => undef,
'leistungsdatum' => '15.06.2020',
'locked' => undef,
'umsatz' => 119,
'waehrung' => 'EUR'
"datev check for datev export with delivery_date 19/7 ok, no taxkey"
my $sales_invoice_2021_with_delivery_date_2020_2 = create_invoice_for_date('deliverydate 2020_2', $date_2021, $date_2020_2);
is($sales_invoice_2021_with_delivery_date_2020_2->amount, 221, "sales_invoice from 2021 with past delivery_date 2020_2 tax ok");
my $sales_invoice_2020_2_with_delivery_date_2021 = create_invoice_for_date('deliverydate 2021', $date_2020_2, $date_2021);
is($sales_invoice_2020_2_with_delivery_date_2021->amount, 226, "sales_invoice from 2020_2 with future delivery_date 2021 tax ok");
note('ap transactions');
# in the test we want to test for Reisekosten with 19% and 7%. Normally the user
# would select the entries from the dropdown, as they may differ from the
# default, so we have to pass the tax we want to create_ap_transaction
1b112bd3 | Geoffrey Richardson | # my $tax_9_16_old = SL::DB::Manager::Tax->find_by(taxkey => 7, rate => 0.16, chart_id => $tax_vst_16->id);
3ed17038 | Geoffrey Richardson | my $tax_9_19 = SL::DB::Manager::Tax->find_by(taxkey => 9, rate => 0.19, chart_id => $tax_vst_19->id) or die "missing 9_19";
my $tax_9_16 = SL::DB::Manager::Tax->find_by(taxkey => 9, rate => 0.16, chart_id => $tax_vst_16->id) or die "missing 9_16";
my $tax_8_7 = SL::DB::Manager::Tax->find_by(taxkey => 8, rate => 0.07, chart_id => $tax_vst_7->id) or die "missing 8_7";
my $tax_8_5 = SL::DB::Manager::Tax->find_by(taxkey => 8, rate => 0.05, chart_id => $tax_vst_5->id) or die "missing 8_5";
11a04bd5 | Geoffrey Richardson | |||
# simulate user selecting the "correct" taxes in dropdown:
1b112bd3 | Geoffrey Richardson | my $ap_transaction_2006 = create_ap_transaction_for_date('2006', $date_2006, undef, $tax_9_16, $tax_8_7);
my $ap_transaction_2020_1 = create_ap_transaction_for_date('2020_1', $date_2020_1, undef, $tax_9_19, $tax_8_7);
my $ap_transaction_2020_2 = create_ap_transaction_for_date('2020_2', $date_2020_2, undef, $tax_9_16, $tax_8_5);
my $ap_transaction_2021 = create_ap_transaction_for_date('2021', $date_2021, undef, $tax_9_19, $tax_8_7);
11a04bd5 | Geoffrey Richardson | |||
is($ap_transaction_2006->amount, 223, '2006 ap transaction has 16% and 7% tax ok'); # 116 + 7
is($ap_transaction_2020_1->amount, 226, '2020_01 ap transaction has 19% and 7% tax ok'); # 119 + 7
is($ap_transaction_2020_2->amount, 221, '2020_02 ap transaction has 16% and 5% tax ok'); # 116 + 5
is($ap_transaction_2021->amount, 226, '2021 ap transaction has 19% and 7% tax ok'); # 119 + 7
# ap transaction in july, but use old tax
my $ap_transaction_2020_2_with_delivery_date_2020_1 = create_ap_transaction_for_date('2020_2 with delivery date 2020_1', $date_2020_2, $date_2020_1, $tax_9_19, $tax_8_7);
is($ap_transaction_2020_2_with_delivery_date_2020_1->amount, 226, 'ap transaction 2020_2 with delivery date 2020_1, 19% and 7% tax ok'); # 119 + 7
'belegfeld1' => 'test ap_transaction 2020_2 with delivery date 2020_1',
'buchungsschluessel' => 8,
'buchungstext' => 'Testvendor',
'datum' => '15.07.2020',
'gegenkonto' => $ap_accno,
'konto' => $chart_reisekosten_accno,
'kost1' => undef,
'kost2' => undef,
'leistungsdatum' => '15.06.2020',
'locked' => undef,
'umsatz' => 107,
'waehrung' => 'EUR'
'belegfeld1' => 'test ap_transaction 2020_2 with delivery date 2020_1',
'buchungsschluessel' => 9,
'buchungstext' => 'Testvendor',
'datum' => '15.07.2020',
'gegenkonto' => $ap_accno,
'konto' => $chart_reisekosten_accno,
'kost1' => undef,
'kost2' => undef,
'leistungsdatum' => '15.06.2020',
'locked' => undef,
'umsatz' => 119,
'waehrung' => 'EUR'
"datev check for ap transaction 2020_2 with delivery date 2020_1, 19% and 7% tax ok"
note('ar transactions');
my $ar_transaction_2006 = create_ar_transaction_for_date('2006', $date_2006);
my $ar_transaction_2020_1 = create_ar_transaction_for_date('2020_1', $date_2020_1);
my $ar_transaction_2020_2 = create_ar_transaction_for_date('2020_2', $date_2020_2);
my $ar_transaction_2021 = create_ar_transaction_for_date('2021', $date_2021);
is($ar_transaction_2006->amount, 223, '2006 ar transaction has 16% and 7% tax ok'); # 116 + 7
is($ar_transaction_2020_1->amount, 226, '2020_01 ar transaction has 19% and 7% tax ok'); # 119 + 7
is($ar_transaction_2020_2->amount, 221, '2020_02 ar transaction has 16% and 5% tax ok'); # 116 + 5
is($ar_transaction_2021->amount, 226, '2021 ar transaction has 19% and 7% tax ok'); # 119 + 7
note('gl transactions');
my $gl_2006 = create_gl_transaction_for_date('glincome 2006', $date_2006, 223);
my $gl_2020_1 = create_gl_transaction_for_date('glincome 2020_1', $date_2020_1, 226);
my $gl_2020_2 = create_gl_transaction_for_date('glincome 2020_2', $date_2020_2, 221);
my $gl_2021 = create_gl_transaction_for_date('glincome 2021', $date_2021, 226);
is(SL::DB::Manager::GLTransaction->get_all_count(), 4, "4 gltransactions created correctly");
my $result = &get_account_balances;
# print Dumper($result);
is_deeply( &get_account_balances,
3ed17038 | Geoffrey Richardson | [
11a04bd5 | Geoffrey Richardson | # {
# 'accno' => '1000',
# # 'description' => 'Kasse',
# 'sum' => '-896.00000'
# },
# {
# 'accno' => '1400',
# # 'description' => 'Ford. a.Lieferungen und Leistungen',
# 'sum' => '-2686.00000'
# },
'accno' => '1568',
# 'description' => 'Abziehbare Vorsteuer 7%',
'sum' => '-5.00000'
'accno' => '1571',
# 'description' => 'Abziehbare Vorsteuer 7%',
'sum' => '-28.00000'
'accno' => '1575',
# 'description' => 'Abziehbare Vorsteuer 16%',
'sum' => '-32.00000'
'accno' => '1576',
# 'description' => 'Abziehbare Vorsteuer 19 %',
'sum' => '-57.00000'
# {
# 'accno' => '1600',
# # 'description' => 'Verbindlichkeiten aus Lief.u.Leist.',
# 'sum' => '896.00000'
# },
'accno' => '1771',
# 'description' => 'Umsatzsteuer 7%',
'sum' => '77.00000'
'accno' => '1773',
# 'description' => 'Umsatzsteuer 5 %',
'sum' => '25.00000'
'accno' => '1775',
# 'description' => 'Umsatzsteuer 16%',
'sum' => '128.00000'
'accno' => '1776',
# 'description' => 'Umsatzsteuer 19 %',
'sum' => '152.00000'
# {
# 'accno' => '4660',
# # 'description' => 'Reisekosten Arbeitnehmer',
# 'sum' => '-800.00000'
# },
# {
# 'accno' => $income_7_accno,
# # 'description' => "Erl\x{f6}se 7%USt",
# 'sum' => '1600.00000'
# },
# {
# 'accno' => $income_19_accno,
# # 'description' => "Erl\x{f6}se 16%/19% USt.",
# 'sum' => '1600.00000'
# }
'account balances after invoices'
3ed17038 | Geoffrey Richardson | note('testing payments with skonto');
my %params = ( chart_id => $chart_bank->id,
payment_type => 'with_skonto_pt',
13b4fc7a | Jan Büren | bt_id => $bt->id,
3ed17038 | Geoffrey Richardson | );
$sales_invoice_2020_2->pay_invoice( %params,
amount => $sales_invoice_2020_2->amount_less_skonto,
transdate => $date_2020_2->to_kivitendo,
$skonto_5 = SL::DB::Manager::AccTransaction->find_by(trans_id => $sales_invoice_2020_2->id, amount => -5.25);
like($skonto_5->chart->description, qr/Skonti.*5/, "sales_invoice 2020_2 paid in 2020_2 - skonto 5% ok");
$skonto_16 = SL::DB::Manager::AccTransaction->find_by(trans_id => $sales_invoice_2020_2->id, amount => -5.80);
like($skonto_16->chart->description, qr/Skonti.*16/, "sales_invoice 2020_2 paid in 2020_2 - skonto 16% ok");
$sales_invoice_2020_1->pay_invoice( %params,
amount => $sales_invoice_2020_1->amount_less_skonto,
transdate => $date_2020_2->to_kivitendo,
$skonto_7 = SL::DB::Manager::AccTransaction->find_by(trans_id => $sales_invoice_2020_1->id, amount => -5.35);
like($skonto_7->chart->description, qr/Skonti.*7/, "sales_invoice 2020_1 paid with skonto in 2020_2 - skonto 7% ok");
$skonto_19 = SL::DB::Manager::AccTransaction->find_by(trans_id => $sales_invoice_2020_1->id, amount => -5.95);
like($skonto_19->chart->description, qr/Skonti.*19/, "sales_invoice 2020_1 paid with skonto in 2020_2 - skonto 19% ok");
$ap_transaction_2020_1->pay_invoice( %params,
amount => $ap_transaction_2020_1->amount_less_skonto,
transdate => $date_2020_2->to_kivitendo,
$skonto_7 = SL::DB::Manager::AccTransaction->find_by(trans_id => $ap_transaction_2020_1->id, amount => 5.35);
like($skonto_7->chart->description, qr/Skonti.*7/, "ap transaction 2020_1 paid with skonto in 2020_2 - skonto 7% ok");
$skonto_19 = SL::DB::Manager::AccTransaction->find_by(trans_id => $ap_transaction_2020_1->id, amount => 5.95);
like($skonto_19->chart->description, qr/Skonti.*19/, "ap transaction 2020_1 paid with skonto in 2020_2 - skonto 19% ok");
$ap_transaction_2020_2->pay_invoice( %params,
amount => $ap_transaction_2020_2->amount_less_skonto,
transdate => $date_2021->to_kivitendo,
$skonto_5 = SL::DB::Manager::AccTransaction->find_by(trans_id => $ap_transaction_2020_2->id, amount => 5.25);
like($skonto_5->chart->description, qr/Skonti.*5/, "ap transaction 2020_2 paid in 2021 - skonto 5% ok");
$skonto_16 = SL::DB::Manager::AccTransaction->find_by(trans_id => $ap_transaction_2020_2->id, amount => 5.80);
like($skonto_16->chart->description, qr/Skonti.*16/, "sales_invoice 2020_2 paid in 2021 - skonto 16% ok");
11a04bd5 | Geoffrey Richardson | clear_up();
###### functions for setting up data
sub create_invoice_for_date {
my ($invnumber, $transdate, $deliverydate) = @_;
$deliverydate = $transdate unless defined $deliverydate;
my $sales_invoice = create_sales_invoice(
invnumber => 'test is ' . $invnumber,
transdate => $transdate,
customer => $customer,
deliverydate => $deliverydate,
3ed17038 | Geoffrey Richardson | payment_terms => $payment_terms,
11a04bd5 | Geoffrey Richardson | taxincluded => 0,
invoiceitems => [ create_invoice_item(part => $part1, qty => 10, sellprice => 10),
create_invoice_item(part => $part2, qty => 10, sellprice => 10),
return $sales_invoice;
sub create_ar_transaction_for_date {
my ($invnumber, $transdate) = @_;
my $ar_transaction = create_ar_transaction(
customer => $customer,
invnumber => 'test ar' . $invnumber,
taxincluded => 0,
transdate => $transdate,
ar_chart => SL::DB::Manager::Chart->find_by(accno => $ar_accno), # pass ar_chart, as it is hardcoded for SKR03 in SL::Dev::Record
bookings => [
chart => $chart_income_19,
amount => 100,
chart => $chart_income_7,
amount => 100,
return $ar_transaction;
sub create_ap_transaction_for_date {
my ($invnumber, $transdate, $deliverydate, $tax_high, $tax_low) = @_;
# printf("invnumber = %s tax_high = %s tax_low = %s\n", $invnumber, $tax_high->accno , $tax_low->accno);
my $taxkey_ = $chart_reisekosten->get_active_taxkey($transdate);
my $ap_transaction = create_ap_transaction(
vendor => $vendor,
invnumber => 'test ap_transaction ' . $invnumber,
taxincluded => 0,
transdate => $transdate,
deliverydate => $deliverydate,
3ed17038 | Geoffrey Richardson | payment_id => $payment_terms->id,
11a04bd5 | Geoffrey Richardson | ap_chart => SL::DB::Manager::Chart->find_by(accno => $ap_accno), # pass ap_chart, as it is hardcoded for SKR03 in SL::Dev::Record
bookings => [
chart => $chart_reisekosten,
amount => 100,
tax_id => $tax_high->id,
chart => $chart_reisekosten,
amount => 100,
tax_id => $tax_low->id,
return $ap_transaction;
sub create_gl_transaction_for_date {
my ($reference, $transdate, $debitamount) = @_;
my $gl_transaction = create_gl_transaction(
reference => $reference,
taxincluded => 0,
transdate => $transdate,
bookings => [
chart => $chart_income_19,
memo => 'gl 19',
source => 'gl 19',
credit => 100,
chart => $chart_income_7,
memo => 'gl 7',
source => 'gl 7',
credit => 100,
chart => $chart_cash,
debit => $debitamount,
memo => 'gl 19+7',
source => 'gl 19+7',
return $gl_transaction;
sub get_account_balances {
my $query = <<SQL;
select c.accno, sum(a.amount)
from acc_trans a
left join chart c on ( = a.chart_id)
where c.accno ~ '^17' or c.accno ~ '^15'
group by c.accno, c.description
order by c.accno
my $result = selectall_hashref_query($::form, $dbh, $query);
return $result;
sub datev_test {
my ($invoice, $expected_data, $msg) = @_;
my $datev = SL::DATEV->new(
dbh => $invoice->db->dbh,
trans_id => $invoice->id,
my @data_datev = sort { $a->{umsatz} <=> $b->{umsatz} } @{ $datev->generate_datev_lines() };
# print Dumper(\@data_datev);
cmp_deeply(\@data_datev, $expected_data, $msg);
sub clear_up {
13b4fc7a | Jan Büren | SL::DB::Manager::BankTransactionAccTrans->delete_all(all => 1);
SL::DB::Manager::BankTransaction->delete_all(all => 1);
SL::DB::Manager::BankAccount->delete_all(all => 1);
11a04bd5 | Geoffrey Richardson | SL::DB::Manager::OrderItem->delete_all(all => 1);
SL::DB::Manager::Order->delete_all(all => 1);
SL::DB::Manager::InvoiceItem->delete_all(all => 1);
SL::DB::Manager::Invoice->delete_all(all => 1);
SL::DB::Manager::PurchaseInvoice->delete_all(all => 1);
SL::DB::Manager::GLTransaction->delete_all(all => 1);
SL::DB::Manager::Part->delete_all(all => 1);
SL::DB::Manager::Customer->delete_all(all => 1);
SL::DB::Manager::Vendor->delete_all(all => 1);
3ed17038 | Geoffrey Richardson | SL::DB::Manager::PaymentTerm->delete_all(all => 1);
11a04bd5 | Geoffrey Richardson | };