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Revision 40cee798

Von Bernd Bleßmann vor mehr als 1 Jahr hinzugefügt

  • ID 40cee7980d167dd1ce0c463526b2827dbf9c85b5
  • Vorgänger 1eb4e4a4
  • Nachfolger 3c3fee44

DisplayableNamePrefs: Typos im POD

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# Controller configuring a displayable name
# can get specs to display title and options
# and the user prefs to read and set them
my specs => SL::DB::SomeObject->displayable_name_specs;
my prefs => SL::DB::SomeObject->displayable_name_prefs;
my specs = SL::DB::SomeObject->displayable_name_specs;
my prefs = SL::DB::SomeObject->displayable_name_prefs;
This mixin provides a method C<displayable_name> for the calling module
which returns the a string depending on the settings of the
C<UserPreferences> (see also L<SL::Helper::UserPrefernces::DisplayableName>.
The value in the user preferences is scanned for a pattern like E<lt>%name%E<gt>, which
will be replaced by the value of C<$object-E<gt>name>.
which returns a string depending on the settings of the
C<UserPreferences> (see also L<SL::Helper::UserPrefernces::DisplayableName>).
The value in the user preferences is scanned for a pattern like
E<lt>%name%E<gt>, which will be replaced by the value of C<$object-E<gt>name>.
=item C<displayable_name_prefs>
This returns an instance of the L<SL::Helper::UserPrefernces::DisplayableName>
This returns an instance of the L<SL::Helper::UserPreferences::DisplayableName>
(see there) for the calling class. This can be used to read and set the

Auch abrufbar als: Unified diff