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Revision 40ccadef

Von Tamino Steinert vor mehr als 1 Jahr hinzugefügt

  • ID 40ccadef7329e1a06e6ace776dd92ec67a513ff2
  • Vorgänger e3ba5d0f
  • Nachfolger 5171bf51

TODO-Datei für Rebase

Unterschiede anzeigen:
# Close intake
In `./SL/Controller/` `sub save`: link records
$src->update_attributes(closed => 1) if $src->type eq purchase_quotation_intake_type() && $self->type eq purchase_order_type();
To `.SL/DB/` `sub _after_save_link_records` and `./SL/DB/Helper/`
# Close reachable intake
In `./SL/Controller/` `sub save`: after save
# Close reachable sales order intakes in the from-workflow if this is a sales order
if (sales_order_type() eq $self->type) {
my $lr = $self->order->linked_records(direction => 'from', recursive => 1);
$lr = [grep { 'SL::DB::Order' eq ref $_ && !$_->closed && $_->is_type('sales_order_intake')} @$lr];
if (@$lr) {
SL::DB::Manager::Order->update_all(set => {closed => 1},
where => [id => [map {$_->id} @$lr]]);
To `.SL/DB/` `sub _after_save_link_records` and `./SL/DB/Helper/`
# Set dates after save as new
In `./SL/Controller/` `sub action_save_as_new`:
# Set new reqdate unless changed if it is enabled in client config
if ($order->reqdate == $saved_order->reqdate) {
my $extra_days = $self->type eq sales_quotation_type() ? $::instance_conf->get_reqdate_interval :
$self->type eq sales_order_type() ? $::instance_conf->get_delivery_date_interval : 1;
if ( ($self->type eq sales_order_type() && !$::instance_conf->get_deliverydate_on)
|| ($self->type eq sales_quotation_type() && !$::instance_conf->get_reqdate_on)) {
$new_attrs{reqdate} = '';
} else {
$new_attrs{reqdate} = DateTime->today_local->next_workday(extra_days => $extra_days);
} else {
$new_attrs{reqdate} = $order->reqdate;
# Set new reqdate unless changed if it is enabled in client config
if ($order->reqdate == $saved_order->reqdate) {
my $extra_days = $self->type eq sales_quotation_type() ? $::instance_conf->get_reqdate_interval :
$self->type eq sales_order_type() ? $::instance_conf->get_delivery_date_interval :
$self->type eq sales_order_intake_type() ? $::instance_conf->get_delivery_date_interval : 1;
if ( ($self->type eq sales_order_intake_type() && !$::instance_conf->get_deliverydate_on)
|| ($self->type eq sales_order_type() && !$::instance_conf->get_deliverydate_on)
|| ($self->type eq sales_quotation_type() && !$::instance_conf->get_reqdate_on)) {
$new_attrs{reqdate} = '';
} else {
$new_attrs{reqdate} = DateTime->today_local->next_workday(extra_days => $extra_days);
} else {
$new_attrs{reqdate} = $order->reqdate;
# Set default dates
In ./SL/Controller/` sub action_add`:
my $extra_days = $self->type eq sales_quotation_type() ? $::instance_conf->get_reqdate_interval :
$self->type eq sales_order_type() ? $::instance_conf->get_delivery_date_interval : 1;
if ( ($self->type eq sales_order_type() && $::instance_conf->get_deliverydate_on)
|| ($self->type eq sales_quotation_type() && $::instance_conf->get_reqdate_on)
&& (!$self->order->reqdate)) {
$self->order->reqdate(DateTime->today_local->next_workday(extra_days => $extra_days));
my $extra_days = $self->type eq sales_quotation_type() ? $::instance_conf->get_reqdate_interval :
$self->type eq sales_order_type() ? $::instance_conf->get_delivery_date_interval :
$self->type eq sales_order_intake_type() ? $::instance_conf->get_delivery_date_interval : 1;
if (($self->type eq sales_order_intake_type() && $::instance_conf->get_deliverydate_on)
|| ($self->type eq sales_order_type() && $::instance_conf->get_deliverydate_on)
|| ($self->type eq sales_quotation_type() && $::instance_conf->get_reqdate_on)
&& (!$self->order->reqdate)) {
$self->order->reqdate(DateTime->today_local->next_workday(extra_days => $extra_days));
Now in `SL::Model::Record->update_after_new`
# Create Constants for intake and add to valid type
my $text = $self->type eq SALES_ORDER_INTAKE_TYPE() ? $::locale->text('The order intake has been deleted')
: $self->type eq SALES_ORDER_TYPE() ? $::locale->text('The order confirmation has been deleted')
: $self->type eq PURCHASE_ORDER_TYPE() ? $::locale->text('The order has been deleted')
: $self->type eq SALES_QUOTATION_TYPE() ? $::locale->text('The quotation has been deleted')
: $self->type eq REQUEST_QUOTATION_TYPE() ? $::locale->text('The rfq has been deleted')
: $self->type eq PURCHASE_QUOTATION_INTAKE_TYPE() ? $::locale->text('The quotation intake has been deleted')
sub init_valid_types {
[ sales_order_intake_type(), sales_order_type(), purchase_order_type(), sales_quotation_type(), request_quotation_type(), purchase_quotation_intake_type() ];
# End request after save with error
d9bb0bb9 Bernd Bleßmann (2023-07-12 16:44):
Reklamations-Controller: Nach Fehlermeldung beim Speichern Request beenden. …
# adapte record_type update script for order
Add intake types
# No intake flag
`a794ea45d8 (DB::Order: Funktionen angepasst (kein Angebotsflag)`
`tig log -p intake`
# Show menu intake
Order setup action bar
# Type data order intake
# Delivery: order_type errors (Tests)

Auch abrufbar als: Unified diff