package SL::DB::Batch;
use strict;
use SL::DB::MetaSetup::Batch;
use SL::DB::Manager::Batch;
sub _before_save_set_batchnumber {
my $self = shift;
$self->create_trans_number if !$self->batchnumber;
return 1;
sub displayable_name {
my $self = shift;
return join '/', grep $_, $self->producer->displayable_name, $self->part->displayable_name, $self->batchnumber ;
sub has_children {
my $self = shift;
$self->id && eval "require SL::DB::Piece" && return SL::DB::Manager::Piece->get_all_count( where => [ batch_id => $self->id ] );
return 1;
sub last_modification {
my ($self) = @_;
return $self->mtime // $self->itime;
sub validate {
my( $self, $locale ) = ( shift, $::locale );
my @errors = ();
$self->producer_id || push @errors, $locale->text( 'The producer is missing.' );
$self->part_id || push @errors, $locale->text( 'The part is missing.' );
$self->batchnumber || push @errors, $locale->text( 'The batchnumber is missing.' );
$self->batchdate || push @errors, $locale->text( 'The batchdate is missing.' );
scalar @errors && return @errors;
SL::DB::Manager::Vendor->get_all_count( where => [ id => $self->producer_id ] ) || push @errors, $locale->text( "This producer dosn't exist." );
SL::DB::Manager::Part->get_all_count( where => [ id => $self->part_id ] ) || push @errors, $locale->text( "This part dosn't exist." );
scalar @errors && return @errors;
unless( $self->id ) {
where => [
producer_id => $self->producer_id,
part_id => $self->part_id,
batchnumber => $self->batchnumber
) && push @errors, $locale->text( 'This producer/part/batchnumber already does exist.' );
where => [
producer_id => $self->producer_id,
part_id => $self->part_id,
batchdate => $self->batchdate,
location => $self->location,
process => $self->process
) && push @errors, $locale->text( 'This producer/part/patchdate/location/process already does exist.' );
} else {
where => [
id => { ne => $self->id },
producer_id => $self->producer_id,
part_id => $self->part_id,
batchnumber => $self->batchnumber
) && push @errors, $locale->text( 'This producer/part/batchnumber already does exist.' );
where => [
id => { ne => $self->id },
producer_id => $self->producer_id,
part_id => $self->part_id,
batchdate => $self->batchdate,
location => $self->location,
process => $self->process
) && push @errors, $locale->text( 'This producer/part/batchdate/location/process already does exist.' );
return @errors;
=encoding utf-8
=head1 NAME
SL::DB::Batch: Model for the table 'batches'
This is a standard Rose::DB::Object based model and can be used as one.
=head1 TYPES
=over 4
=item C<displayable_name>
Returns the composed unique name to display.
=item C<has_children>
Returns 0 if there aren't any referenes from other tables.
=item C<last_modification>
Returns the datetime of the last modification.
=item C<validate>
Returns the error messages if this batch doesn,t fullfill the constrains.
=head1 AUTHORS
Rolf Flühmann E<lt>rolf.fluehmann@revamp-it.chE<gt>,
ROlf Flühmann E<lt>rolf_fluehmann@gmx.chE<gt>