Revision 409d5d5f
Von Kivitendo Admin vor mehr als 11 Jahren hinzugefügt
SL/ | ||
# default usage: always use parts.description for (sub-)totalling and in header and subheader lines
# but use invoice.description in article mode
# so we extract both versions in our query and later overwrite the description in article mode
# qq| , (SELECT sum(invoice.qty*invoice.sellprice/CASE WHEN price_factor IS NOT NULL THEN price_factor ELSE 1.0 END) FROM invoice where invoice.parts_id = i.parts_id) as "sellpricelinetotal2" | .
my $query =
qq|SELECT as customerid, as customername,ct.customernumber,,ar.invnumber,,ar.transdate,p.partnumber,p.description as description, pg.partsgroup,i.parts_id,i.qty,i.price_factor,,i.description as invoice_description,i.lastcost,i.sellprice,i.fxsellprice,i.marge_total,i.marge_percent,i.unit,b.description as business, as employee, as salesman, to_char(ar.transdate,'Month') as month, to_char(ar.transdate, 'YYYYMM') as nummonth, p.unit as parts_unit, p.weight |;
# debug modus for comparing linetotal according to database and perl
$query .= qq| , (i.qty*i.sellprice/CASE WHEN price_factor IS NOT NULL THEN i.price_factor ELSE 1.0 END) as sellpricelinetotal | if $form->{"l_sellpricelinetotal"};
$query .=
qq|SELECT as customerid, as customername,ct.customernumber,,ar.invnumber,,ar.transdate,p.partnumber,p.description as description, pg.partsgroup,i.parts_id,i.qty,i.price_factor,,i.description as invoice_description,i.lastcost,i.sellprice,i.fxsellprice,i.marge_total,i.marge_percent,i.unit,b.description as business, as employee, as salesman, to_char(ar.transdate,'Month') as month, to_char(ar.transdate, 'YYYYMM') as nummonth, p.unit as parts_unit, p.weight | .
qq|FROM invoice i | .
qq|JOIN ar on (i.trans_id = | .
qq|JOIN parts p on (i.parts_id = | .
bin/mozilla/ | ||
if (GL->delete_transaction(\%myconfig, \%$form)){
# saving the history
if(!exists $form->{addition} && $form->{id} ne "") {
$form->{snumbers} = qq|glnumber_| . $form->{id};
$form->{snumbers} = qq|ordnumber_| . $form->{ordnumber};
$form->{addition} = "DELETED";
... | ... | |
# saving the history
if(!exists $form->{addition} && $form->{id} ne "") {
$form->{snumbers} = qq|glnumber_| . $form->{id};
$form->{snumbers} = qq|ordnumber_| . $form->{ordnumber};
$form->{addition} = "SAVED";
$form->{what_done} = $locale->text("Buchungsnummer") . " = " . $form->{id};
... | ... | |
# saving the history
if(!exists $form->{addition} && $form->{id} ne "") {
$form->{snumbers} = "glnumber_$form->{id}";
$form->{snumbers} = "ordnumber_$form->{ordnumber}";
$form->{addition} = "STORNO";
bin/mozilla/ | ||
# if qty or weight is shown add unit
use POSIX qw(strftime);
use List::Util qw(sum first);
... | ... | |
sub search_invoice_top {
$main::auth->assert('general_ledger | invoice_edit');
my $form = $main::form;
my %myconfig = %main::myconfig;
my $locale = $main::locale;
my ($customer, $department);
# setup customer selection
$form->all_vc(\%myconfig, "customer", "AR");
$form->{title} = $locale->text('Sales Report Top');
$form->get_lists("projects" => { "key" => "ALL_PROJECTS", "all" => 1 },
"departments" => "ALL_DEPARTMENTS",
"business_types" => "ALL_BUSINESS_TYPES",
"salesmen" => "ALL_SALESMEN",
'employees' => 'ALL_EMPLOYEES',
'partsgroup' => 'ALL_PARTSGROUPS',
"customers" => "ALL_VC");
$form->{CUSTOM_VARIABLES_IC} = CVar->get_configs('module' => 'IC');
$form->{CUSTOM_VARIABLES_INCLUSION_CODE_IC}) = CVar->render_search_options('variables' => $form->{CUSTOM_VARIABLES_IC},
'include_prefix' => 'l_',
'include_value' => 'Y');
$form->{CUSTOM_VARIABLES_CT} = CVar->get_configs('module' => 'CT');
$form->{CUSTOM_VARIABLES_INCLUSION_CODE_CT}) = CVar->render_search_options('variables' => $form->{CUSTOM_VARIABLES_CT},
'include_prefix' => 'l_',
'include_value' => 'Y');
$form->{vc_keys} = sub { "$_[0]->{name}--$_[0]->{id}" };
$form->{employee_labels} = sub { $_[0]->{"name"} || $_[0]->{"login"} };
$form->{salesman_labels} = $form->{employee_labels};
print $form->parse_html_template('vk/search_invoice_top', { %myconfig });
sub invoice_transactions {
... | ... | |
my %myconfig = %main::myconfig;
my $locale = $main::locale;
my @data_to_be_sorted;
# debug mode for finding differences in Umsatz as calculated by database and perl
# set to "Y" to turn on
$form->{"l_sellpricelinetotal"} = "";
my ($callback, $href, @columns);
# sort_by_total mode
if ( $form->{l_sort_by_total} ) {
# uncheck Mainheadings
# check both subheadings
# set subsort = mainsort
$form->{l_headers_mainsort} = '';
$form->{l_subtotal_mainsort} = "Y";
$form->{l_headers_subsort} = '';
$form->{l_subtotal_subsort} = "Y";
$form->{mainsort} = $form->{topsortgroup};
$form->{subsort} = $form->{mainsort}; # trigger subsort = mainsort
# can't currently be configured from report, empty line between main sortings
my $addemptylines = 1;
... | ... | |
VK->invoice_transactions(\%myconfig, \%$form);
if ( $form->{mainsort} eq 'month' or $form->{subsort} eq 'month' ) {
# Data already comes out of SELECT statement in correct month order, but
... | ... | |
@columns =
qw(description invnumber transdate customernumber customername partnumber partsgroup country business transdate qty parts_unit weight sellprice sellprice_total discount lastcost lastcost_total marge_total marge_percent employee salesman);
push(@columns, "sellpricelinetotal") if $form->{"l_sellpricelinetotal"};
# sellpricelinetotal is qty*sellprice as calculated by database
my @includeable_custom_variables = grep { $_->{includeable} } @{ $cvar_configs_ic }, @{ $cvar_configs_ct };
my @searchable_custom_variables = grep { $_->{searchable} } @{ $cvar_configs_ic }, @{ $cvar_configs_ct };
... | ... | |
my @hidden_variables = (qw(l_headers_mainsort l_headers_subsort l_subtotal_mainsort l_subtotal_subsort l_total l_parts l_customername l_customernumber transdatefrom transdateto decimalplaces customer customername customer_id department partnumber partsgroup country business description project_id customernumber salesman employee salesman_id employee_id business_id partsgroup_id mainsort subsort),
map({ "cvar_$_->{name}" } @searchable_custom_variables),
map { "l_$_" } @columns,
map { "l_$_" } @columns
push(@hidden_variables, qw(topsortgroup topsorttype l_sort_by_total)); # hidden variables for top
my @hidden_nondefault = grep({ $form->{$_} } @hidden_variables);
# Variablen werden dann als Hidden Variable mitgegeben, z.B.
# <input type="hidden" name="report_generator_hidden_transdateto" value="21.05.2010">
... | ... | |
'marge_percent' => { 'text' => $locale->text('Sales margin %'), },
'customernumber' => { 'text' => $locale->text('Customer Number'), },
'customername' => { 'text' => $locale->text('Customer Name'), },
'sellpricelinetotal' => { 'text' => $locale->text('sellpricelinetotal'), }, # debug control
# add 3 more column_defs so we have a translation for top_info_text
'customer' => { 'text' => $locale->text('Customer'), },
'part' => { 'text' => $locale->text('Part'), },
... | ... | |
if ( not defined $form->{"l_parts"} ) {
# the columns for sellprice, lastcost and marge_percent will be averages in subtotal and total lines
map { $column_defs{$_}->{text} = $locale->text('Average symbol') . " " . $column_defs{$_}->{text} } qw(sellprice lastcost marge_percent);
map { $column_defs{$_}->{visible} = $form->{"l_$_"} eq 'Y' } @columns;
my %column_alignment = map { $_ => 'right' } qw(lastcost sellprice sellprice_total lastcost_total parts_unit discount marge_total marge_percent qty weight sellpricelinetotal );
my %column_alignment = map { $_ => 'right' } qw(lastcost sellprice sellprice_total lastcost_total parts_unit discount marge_total marge_percent qty weight);
# so now the check-box "Description" is only used as switch for part description in invoice-mode
# always fill the column "Description" if we are in Zwischensummenmode
$form->{"l_description"} = "Y" if not defined $form->{"l_parts"};
$form->{"l_description"} = "Y" if not defined $form->{"l_parts"};;
map { $column_defs{$_}->{visible} = $form->{"l_${_}"} ? 1 : 0 } @columns;
my @options;
... | ... | |
my $report = SL::ReportGenerator->new(\%myconfig, $form);
if ( not $form->{l_sort_by_total} ) {
$report->set_options('top_info_text' => join("\n", $locale->text('Main sorting') . ' : ' . $column_defs{$form->{mainsort}}->{text} , $locale->text('Secondary sorting') . ' : ' . $column_defs{$form->{'subsort'}}->{text}, @options),
'output_format' => 'HTML',
'title' => $form->{title},
'attachment_basename' => $locale->text('Sales Report') . strftime('_%Y%m%d', localtime time),
} else {
$report->set_options('top_info_text' => join("\n", $locale->text('Grouping') . ' : ' . $column_defs{$form->{topsortgroup}}->{text} , $locale->text('Sort By') . ' : ' . $column_defs{$form->{'topsorttype'}}->{text}, @options),
'output_format' => 'HTML',
'title' => $form->{title},
'attachment_basename' => $locale->text('Sales Report') . strftime('_%Y%m%d', localtime time),
$locale->set_numberformat_wo_thousands_separator(\%myconfig) if lc($report->{options}->{output_format}) eq 'csv';
... | ... | |
$report->set_export_options('invoice_transactions', @hidden_variables, qw(mainsort sortdir));
$report->set_sort_indicator($form->{mainsort}, $form->{sortdir}) unless $form->{"l_sort_by_total"};
$report->set_sort_indicator($form->{mainsort}, $form->{sortdir});
CVar->add_custom_variables_to_report('module' => 'CT',
'trans_id_field' => 'customerid',
... | ... | |
# escape callback for href
$callback = $form->escape($href);
my @subtotal_columns = qw(qty weight sellprice sellprice_total lastcost lastcost_total marge_total marge_percent discount sellpricelinetotal);
my @subtotal_columns = qw(qty weight sellprice sellprice_total lastcost lastcost_total marge_total marge_percent discount);
# Total sum:
# sum of sellprice_total, lastcost_total and marge_total
# average of marge_percent
# absolutes: qty, weight, sellprice_total, lastcost_total, marge_total
# averages: sellprice, lastcost, marge_percent
my @total_columns = qw(sellprice_total lastcost_total marge_total marge_percent sellpricelinetotal);
my @total_columns = qw(sellprice_total lastcost_total marge_total marge_percent );
my %totals = map { $_ => 0 } @total_columns;
my %subtotals1 = map { $_ => 0 } @subtotal_columns;
... | ... | |
map { $ar->{$_} = $form->format_amount(\%myconfig, $ar->{$_}, 2) } qw(marge_percent qty);
map { $ar->{$_} = $form->format_amount(\%myconfig, $ar->{$_}, 3) } qw(weight);
map { $ar->{$_} = $form->format_amount(\%myconfig, $ar->{$_}, $form->{"decimalplaces"} )} qw(lastcost sellprice sellprice_total lastcost_total marge_total);
map { $ar->{$_} = $form->format_amount(\%myconfig, $ar->{$_}, $form->{"decimalplaces"} )} qw(sellpricelinetotal) if $form->{"l_sellpricelinetotal"};
# Einzelzeilen nur zeigen wenn l_parts gesetzt ist, nützlich, wenn man nur
# Subtotals und Totals sehen möchte
# these lines are only added to report in individual mode
if ($form->{l_parts}) {
my %row = (
map { ($_ => { data => $ar->{$_}, align => $column_alignment{$_} }) } @columns
... | ... | |
# hier wird bei l_subtotal nicht differenziert zwischen mainsort und subsort
# macht man l_subtotal_mainsort aus wird l_subtotal_subsort auch nicht ausgeführt
# create a subtotal line if we are at the last element or either the subsort or mainsort element has changed
if ( ($form->{l_subtotal_mainsort} eq 'Y')
&& ($form->{l_subtotal_subsort} eq 'Y')
&& (($idx == (scalar @{ $form->{AR} } - 1)) # last element always has a subtotal
... | ... | |
|| ($ar->{ $form->{'mainsort'} } ne $form->{AR}->[$idx + 1]->{ $form->{'mainsort'} })
)) { # if value that is sorted by changes, print subtotal
# stick subtotal_row_invoice in temporary variable
# if TOP mode store it in @data_to_be_sorted so we can sort the lines after all lines have been added
# otherwise just add to $report to be shown in defualt
my $tmpobject = create_subtotal_row_invoice(\%subtotals2, \@columns, \%column_alignment, \@subtotal_columns, $form->{l_parts} ? 'listsubtotal' : undef, $ar->{ $form->{'subsort'} });
if ( $form->{l_sort_by_total} and not $form->{l_parts} ) {
# add subtotal data to temporary array that can later be sorted
push(@data_to_be_sorted, $tmpobject);
} else {
$report->add_data( $tmpobject);
$report->add_data({ %empty_row }) if $form->{l_parts} and $addemptylines;
$report->add_data(create_subtotal_row_invoice(\%subtotals2, \@columns, \%column_alignment, \@subtotal_columns, $form->{l_parts} ? 'listsubtotal' : undef, $ar->{ $form->{'subsort'} }));
$report->add_data({ %empty_row }) if $form->{l_parts} and $addemptylines;
# if last mainsort is reached or mainsort has changed, add mainsort subtotal and empty row
if ( ($form->{l_subtotal_mainsort} eq 'Y')
... | ... | |
if ( $form->{l_sort_by_total} ) {
# filter allowed parameters for sorttype
my @allowed_fields = qw(sellprice_total marge_total qty weight);
my ($sorttype) = grep { /^$form->{topsorttype}$/ } @allowed_fields;
die "illegal parameter for topsorttype" unless $sorttype;
# add marker to column being sorted
# add subtotal lines to report in numerical order of sorttype
@data_to_be_sorted = reverse sort { $a->{$sorttype}{unformatted} <=> $b->{$sorttype}{unformatted} } @data_to_be_sorted;
foreach( @data_to_be_sorted ) {
# to limit output, e.g. top 100, one could add a counter here
# that only adds a certain number of entries
# the total at the end would still be over all entries though
$report->add_data( $_ );
if ( $form->{l_total} eq "Y" ) {
$report->add_data(create_subtotal_row_invoice(\%totals, \@columns, \%column_alignment, \@total_columns, 'listtotal', 'l_total'))
... | ... | |
$row->{description}->{data} = $locale->text('Total') . ' ' . $name;
map { $row->{$_}->{unformatted} = $totals->{$_} } qw(sellprice_total lastcost_total marge_total qty weight);
map { $row->{$_}->{data} = $form->format_amount(\%myconfig, $totals->{$_}, 2) } qw(marge_total marge_percent qty);
map { $row->{$_}->{data} = $form->format_amount(\%myconfig, $totals->{$_}, 3) } qw(weight);
map { $row->{$_}->{data} = $form->format_amount(\%myconfig, $totals->{$_}, $form->{decimalplaces}) } qw(lastcost sellprice sellprice_total lastcost_total sellpricelinetotal);
map { $row->{$_}->{data} = $form->format_amount(\%myconfig, $totals->{$_}, $form->{decimalplaces}) } qw(lastcost sellprice sellprice_total lastcost_total);
map { $totals->{$_} = 0 } @{ $subtotal_columns };
locale/de/all | ||
'Automatically created invoice for fee and interest for dunning %s' => 'Automatisch erzeugte Rechnung für Gebühren und Zinsen zu Mahnung %s',
'Available' => 'Verfügbar',
'Available qty' => 'Lagerbestand',
'Average symbol' => 'Ø',
'Averaged values' => 'Gemittelte Werte',
'BIC' => 'BIC',
'BOM' => 'Stückliste',
... | ... | |
'Credit Tax Account' => 'Umsatzsteuerkonto',
'Credit note (one letter abbreviation)' => 'G',
'Cumulated or averaged values' => 'Kumulierte oder gemittelte Werte',
'Cumulated values' => 'Kumulierte Werte',
'Curr' => 'Währung',
'Currencies' => 'Währungen',
'Currency' => 'Währung',
... | ... | |
'Group membership' => 'Gruppenzugehörigkeit',
'Group missing!' => 'Warengruppe fehlt!',
'Group saved!' => 'Warengruppe gespeichert!',
'Grouping' => 'Gruppierung',
'Groups' => 'Warengruppen',
'Groups that are valid for this client for access rights' => 'Gruppen, die für diesen Mandanten gültig sind',
'Groups this user is a member in' => 'Gruppen, in denen Benutzer Mitglied ist',
... | ... | |
'Sales Price information' => 'Verkaufspreisinformation',
'Sales Quotations' => 'Angebote',
'Sales Report' => 'Verkaufsbericht',
'Sales Report Top' => 'Verkaufsbericht Top',
'Sales and purchase invoices with inventory transactions with taxkeys' => 'Einkaufs- und Verkaufsrechnungen mit Warenbestandsbuchungen mit Steuerschlüsseln',
'Sales delivery order' => 'Lieferschein (Verkauf)',
'Sales invoice number' => 'Ausgangsrechnungsnummer',
... | ... | |
'Sales invoices changeable' => 'Änderbarkeit von Verkaufsrechnungen',
'Sales margin' => 'Marge',
'Sales margin %' => 'Marge prozentual',
'Sales margin percent' => 'Verkaufsmarge prozentual',
'Sales margin total' => 'Verkaufsmarge gesamt',
'Sales net amount' => 'VK-Betrag',
'Sales price' => 'VK-Preis',
'Sales price total' => 'VK-Betrag',
... | ... | |
'Top Level Designation only' => 'Nur Hauptartikelbezeichnung',
'Total' => 'Summe',
'Total Fees' => 'Kumulierte Gebühren',
'Total revenue' => 'Gesamtumsatz',
'Total stock value' => 'Gesamter Bestandswert',
'Total sum' => 'Gesamtsumme',
'Total weight' => 'Gesamtgewicht',
... | ... | |
'saved' => 'gespeichert',
'saved!' => 'gespeichert',
'saving data' => 'Speichere Daten',
'sellpricelinetotal' => 'sellpricelinetotal',
'sent' => 'gesendet',
'sent to printer' => 'an Drucker geschickt',
'service' => 'Dienstleistung',
menus/erp.ini | ||
[AR--Reports--Sales Report Top]
templates/webpages/common/search_history.html | ||
<script type="text/javascript">
var available;
var selected;
var translated = {
... | ... | |
'PRINTED' : '[% 'PRINTED' | $T8 %]',
'MAILED' : '[% 'MAILED' | $T8 %]',
function addForm(index) {
templates/webpages/vk/search_invoice.html | ||
<td align=left><input name="l_sellprice_total" class=checkbox type=checkbox value=Y checked>[% 'Sales price total' | $T8 %]</td>
<td align=left><input name="l_lastcost_total" class=checkbox type=checkbox value=Y checked>[% 'Purchase price total' | $T8 %]</td>
<td align=left><input name="l_marge_total" class=checkbox type=checkbox value=Y checked>[% 'Sales margin total' | $T8 %]</td>
<td align=left><input name="l_marge_total" class=checkbox type=checkbox value=Y checked>[% 'Margetotal' | $T8 %]</td>
<td colspan="4"> ([% 'Single values in item mode, cumulated values in invoice mode' | $T8 %])
<td align=left><input name="l_sellprice" class=checkbox type=checkbox value=Y checked>[% 'Sales price' | $T8 %]</td>
<td align=left><input name="l_lastcost" class=checkbox type=checkbox value=Y checked>[% 'Purchase price' | $T8 %]</td>
<td align=left><input name="l_marge_percent" class=checkbox type=checkbox value=Y checked>[% 'Sales margin percent' | $T8 %]</td>
<td align=left><input name="l_marge_percent" class=checkbox type=checkbox value=Y checked>[% 'Margepercent' | $T8 %]</td>
<td colspan="4">([% 'averaged values, in invoice mode only useful when filtered by a part' | $T8 %])</td>
templates/webpages/vk/search_invoice_top.html | ||
[%- USE T8 %]
[%- USE L %]
<form method=post name="search_invoice_top" action=[% script %]>
<input type="hidden" name="sort" value="transdate">
<input type="hidden" name="l_sort_by_total" value="Y">
<input type=hidden name=nextsub value=[% nextsub %]>
<div class="listtop">[% title %]</div>
<td align="right">[% 'Main sorting' | $T8 %]</td>
<select name="topsortmain" id="topsortmain">
<option value="description">[% 'Part' | $T8 %]</option>
<option value="customername" selected="selected">[% 'Customer' | $T8 %]</option>
<option value="country">[% 'Country' | $T8 %]</option>
<option value="partsgroup">[% 'Group' | $T8 %]</option>
<option value="business">[% 'Customer type' | $T8 %]</option>
<option value="salesman">[% 'Salesman' | $T8 %]</option>
<option value="month">[% 'Month' | $T8 %]</option>
<td align="right">[% 'Sort By' | $T8 %]</td>
<select name="topsorttype" id="topsorttype">
<option value="sellprice_total" selected="selected">[% 'Total revenue' | $T8 %]</option>
<option value="marge_total">[% 'Sales margin' | $T8 %]</option>
<option value="qty">[% 'Quantity' | $T8 %]</option>
<option value="weight">[% 'Weight' | $T8 %]</option>
<th align="right">[% 'Total sum' | $T8 %]</th>
<td colspan="1" align=left><input name="l_total" class=checkbox type=checkbox value=Y checked></td>
<td align="right" nowrap>[% 'Decimalplaces' | $T8 %]: </td>
<td colspan="2"><input name="decimalplaces" size="2" value="2"></td>
<td colspan="7">
<hr size="1" noshade="">
<th align=right>[% 'Customer' | $T8 %]</th>
[%- INCLUDE 'generic/multibox.html'
name = 'customer',
default = oldcustomer,
style = 'width: 250px',
id_sub = 'vc_keys',
label_key = 'name',
select = vc_select,
limit = vclimit,
show_empty = 1,
allow_textbox = 1,
class = 'initial_focus',
<th align="right" nowrap>[% 'Customer Number' | $T8 %]</th>
<input name="customernumber" size="20">
<th align=right nowrap>[% 'Department' | $T8 %]</th>
[%- INCLUDE 'generic/multibox.html'
name = 'department',
style = 'width: 250px',
id_key = 'id',
label_key = 'description',
show_empty = 1,
allow_textbox = 0,
<th align="right">[% 'Project Number' | $T8 %]</th>
[%- INCLUDE 'generic/multibox.html'
name = 'project_id',
style = "width: 250px",
id_key = 'id',
label_key = 'projectnumber',
limit = vclimit,
show_empty = 1,
allow_textbox = 0,
<th align="right" nowrap>[% 'Part Number' | $T8 %]</th>
<td><input name="partnumber" size="20"></td>
<th align="right" nowrap>[% 'Part Description' | $T8 %]</th>
<input name="description" size="40">
<th align="right">[% 'Group' | $T8 %]</th>
[%- INCLUDE 'generic/multibox.html'
name = 'partsgroup_id',
style = 'width: 250px',
id_key = 'id',
label_key = 'partsgroup',
show_empty = 1,
allow_textbox = 0,
<td align="right" nowrap>[% 'Country' | $T8 %]</td>
<td><input name="country" size="20"></td>
<th align="right">[% 'Employee' | $T8 %]</th>
[%- INCLUDE 'generic/multibox.html'
name = 'employee_id',
style = 'width: 250px',
id_key = 'id',
label_sub = 'employee_labels',
limit = vclimit,
show_empty = 1,
allow_textbox = 0,
default = ' ',
<th align="right">[% 'Salesman' | $T8 %]</th>
[%- INCLUDE 'generic/multibox.html'
name = 'salesman_id',
style = 'width: 250px',
id_key = 'id',
label_sub = 'salesman_labels',
limit = vclimit,
show_empty = 1,
allow_textbox = 0,
<th align="right">[% 'Customer type' | $T8 %]</th>
[%- INCLUDE 'generic/multibox.html'
name = 'business_id',
style = "width: 250px",
id_key = 'id',
label_key = 'description',
limit = vclimit,
show_empty = 1,
allow_textbox = 0,
<th align=right nowrap>[% 'Invoice Date' | $T8 %] [% 'From' | $T8 %]</th>
[% L.date_tag('transdatefrom') %]
<th align=right>[% 'Bis' | $T8 %]</th>
[% L.date_tag('transdateto') %]
<th colspan="4" align="left">
[% 'Filter for customer variables' | $T8 %]
<th colspan="4" align="left">
[% 'Filter for item variables' | $T8 %]
<td colspan="7">
<hr size="1" noshade="">
<th align=right nowrap>[% 'Include in Report' | $T8 %]</th>
<td colspan="3">
<td align=left><input name="l_qty" class=checkbox type=checkbox value=Y checked>[% 'Quantity' | $T8 %]</td>
<td align=left><input name="l_sellprice_total" class=checkbox type=checkbox value=Y checked>[% 'Sales price total' | $T8 %]</td>
<td align=left><input name="l_lastcost_total" class=checkbox type=checkbox value=Y>[% 'Purchase price total' | $T8 %]</td>
<td align=left><input name="l_marge_total" class=checkbox type=checkbox value=Y>[% 'Margetotal' | $T8 %]</td>
<td colspan="1"> ([% 'Cumulated values' | $T8 %])
<td align=left><input name="l_discount" class=checkbox type=checkbox value=Y>[% 'Discount' | $T8 %]</td>
<td align=left><input name="l_sellprice" class=checkbox type=checkbox value=Y>[% 'Sales price' | $T8 %]</td>
<td align=left><input name="l_lastcost" class=checkbox type=checkbox value=Y>[% 'Purchase price' | $T8 %]</td>
<td align=left><input name="l_marge_percent" class=checkbox type=checkbox value=Y>[% 'Margepercent' | $T8 %]</td>
<td colspan="1">([% 'Averaged values' | $T8 %])</td>
<td align=left><input name="l_weight" class=checkbox type=checkbox value=Y>[% 'Weight' | $T8 %]</td>
<td>([% 'Averaged values' | $T8 %])</td>
<td colspan="7"> </td>
<hr size="3" noshade="">
<input class=submit type=submit name=action value="[% 'Continue' | $T8 %]">
<script type="text/javascript">
Auch abrufbar als: Unified diff
Revert "Neue Verkaufsberichtvariante mit Umsatz-Sortierung"
This reverts commit 5ef8b31028dada9eff3c317fe92c0a9b05ea41a4.
Bevor mit das jemand um die Ohren haut, das sollte eigentlich nicht
committed werden. Kommt vielleicht in Zukunft mal rein.