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Revision 40618d8d

Von Bernd Bleßmann vor mehr als 3 Jahren hinzugefügt

  • ID 40618d8d90a2726030009a8e151186a34c2687c6
  • Vorgänger 6ed51626
  • Nachfolger 133cdef3

Zeiterfassung: Logik-/Tippfehler in Validierung beim Speichern

Unterschiede anzeigen:

38 38
  push @errors, t8('Employee must not be empty.')                              if !$self->employee_id;
39 39
  push @errors, t8('Description must not be empty.')                           if !$self->description;
40 40
  push @errors, t8('Start time must be earlier than end time.')                if $self->is_time_in_wrong_order;
  push @errors, t8('Assigned order must be a sales order.')                    if $self->order_id && 'sales_order' eq !$self->order->type;
  push @errors, t8('Assigned order must be a sales order.')                    if $self->order_id && 'sales_order' ne $self->order->type;
42 42
  push @errors, t8('Customer of assigned order must match customer.')          if $self->order_id && $self->order->customer_id != $self->customer_id;
43 43
  push @errors, t8('Customer of assigned project must match customer.')        if $self->project_id && $self->project->customer_id && $self->project->customer_id != $self->customer_id;
44 44
  push @errors, t8('Project of assigned order must match assigned project.')

Auch abrufbar als: Unified diff