


Herunterladen (24,2 KB) Statistiken
| Zweig: | Markierung: | Revision:
0bfbcce6 Martin Helmling
package SL::Controller::File;

use strict;

use parent qw(SL::Controller::Base);

use List::Util qw(first max);

use utf8;
use Encode qw(decode);
use URI::Escape;
use Cwd;
use DateTime;
use File::stat;
use File::Spec::Unix;
use File::Spec::Win32;
use File::MimeInfo::Magic;
use SL::DB::Helper::Mappings;
use SL::DB::Order;
use SL::DB::DeliveryOrder;
use SL::DB::Invoice;

use SL::DB::PurchaseInvoice;
use SL::DB::Part;
use SL::DB::GLTransaction;
use SL::DB::Draft;
use SL::DB::History;
use SL::JSON;
use SL::Helper::CreatePDF qw(:all);
use SL::Locale::String;
use SL::SessionFile;
use SL::File;
use SL::Controller::Helper::ThumbnailCreator qw(file_probe_image_type);

use constant DO_DELETE => 0;
use constant DO_UNIMPORT => 1;

use Rose::Object::MakeMethods::Generic
'scalar --get_set_init' => [ qw() ],
'scalar' => [ qw(object object_type object_model object_id object_right file_type files is_global existing) ],

__PACKAGE__->run_before('check_object_params', only => [ qw(list ajax_delete ajax_importdialog ajax_import ajax_unimport ajax_upload ajax_files_uploaded) ]);

my %file_types = (
'sales_quotation' => { gen => 1 ,gltype => '', dir =>'SalesQuotation', model => 'Order', right => 'import_ar' },
'sales_order' => { gen => 1 ,gltype => '', dir =>'SalesOrder', model => 'Order', right => 'import_ar' },
'sales_delivery_order' => { gen => 1 ,gltype => '', dir =>'SalesDeliveryOrder', model => 'DeliveryOrder', right => 'import_ar' },
'invoice' => { gen => 1 ,gltype => 'ar', dir =>'SalesInvoice', model => 'Invoice', right => 'import_ar' },
'credit_note' => { gen => 1 ,gltype => '', dir =>'CreditNote', model => 'Invoice', right => 'import_ar' },
'request_quotation' => { gen => 3 ,gltype => '', dir =>'RequestForQuotation', model => 'Order', right => 'import_ap' },
'purchase_order' => { gen => 3 ,gltype => '', dir =>'PurchaseOrder', model => 'Order', right => 'import_ap' },
'purchase_delivery_order' => { gen => 3 ,gltype => '', dir =>'PurchaseDeliveryOrder',model => 'DeliveryOrder', right => 'import_ap' },
'purchase_invoice' => { gen => 2 ,gltype => 'ap', dir =>'PurchaseInvoice', model => 'PurchaseInvoice',right => 'import_ap' },
'vendor' => { gen => 0 ,gltype => '', dir =>'Vendor', model => 'Vendor', right => 'xx' },
'customer' => { gen => 1 ,gltype => '', dir =>'Customer', model => 'Customer', right => 'xx' },
'part' => { gen => 0 ,gltype => '', dir =>'Part', model => 'Part', right => 'xx' },
'gl_transaction' => { gen => 2 ,gltype => 'gl', dir =>'GeneralLedger', model => 'GLTransaction', right => 'import_ap' },
'draft' => { gen => 0 ,gltype => '', dir =>'Draft', model => 'Draft', right => 'xx' },
'csv_customer' => { gen => 1 ,gltype => '', dir =>'Reports', model => 'Customer', right => 'xx' },
'csv_vendor' => { gen => 1 ,gltype => '', dir =>'Reports', model => 'Vendor', right => 'xx' },

#--- 4 locale ---#
# $main::locale->text('imported')

# actions

sub action_list {
my ($self) = @_;

my $isjson = 0;
$isjson = 1 if $::form->{json};


sub action_ajax_importdialog {
my ($self) = @_;
my $path = $::form->{path};
my @files = $self->_get_from_import($path);
my $source = {
'name' => $::form->{source},
'path' => $path ,
'chk_action' => $::form->{source}.'_import',
'chk_title' => $main::locale->text('Import scanned documents'),
'chkall_title' => $main::locale->text('Import all'),
'files' => \@files
{ layout => 0
source => $source

sub action_ajax_import {
my ($self) = @_;
my $ids = $::form->{ids};
my $source = $::form->{source};
my $path = $::form->{path};
my @files = $self->_get_from_import($path);
foreach my $filename (@{ $::form->{$ids} || [] }) {
my ($file,undef) = grep { $_->{name} eq $filename } @files;
if ( $file ) {
my $obj = SL::File->save(object_id => $self->object_id,
object_type => $self->object_type,
mime_type => 'application/pdf',
source => $source,
file_type => 'document',
file_name => $file->{filename},
file_path => $file->{path}
unlink($file->{path}) if $obj;

sub action_ajax_delete {
my ($self) = @_;
$self->_delete_all(DO_DELETE,$::locale->text('Following files are deleted:'));

sub action_ajax_unimport {
my ($self) = @_;
$self->_delete_all(DO_UNIMPORT,$::locale->text('Following files are unimported:'));

sub action_ajax_rename {
my ($self) = @_;
my $file = SL::File->get(id => $::form->{id});
if ( ! $file ) {
$self->js->flash('error',$::locale->text('File not exists !'))->render();
my $sessionfile = $::form->{sessionfile};
if ( $sessionfile && -f $sessionfile ) {
# new uploaded file
if ( $::form->{to} eq $file->file_name ) {
# no rename so use as new version
$self->js->flash('warning',$::locale->text('File \'#1\' is used as new Version !',$file->file_name));

} else {
# new filename so it is a new file with same attributes as old file
eval {
SL::File->save(object_id => $file->object_id,
object_type => $file->object_type,
mime_type => $file->mime_type,
source => $file->source,
file_type => $file->file_type,
file_name => $::form->{to},
file_path => $sessionfile
} or do {
$self->js->flash( 'error', t8('internal error (see details)'))
->flash_detail('error', $@)->render;

} else {
# normal rename
a6ed938f Moritz Bunkus
my $res;

0bfbcce6 Martin Helmling
eval {
a6ed938f Moritz Bunkus
$res = $file->rename($::form->{to});
0bfbcce6 Martin Helmling
} or do {
$self->js->flash( 'error', t8('internal error (see details)'))
->flash_detail('error', $@)->render;
a6ed938f Moritz Bunkus

if ($res != SL::File::RENAME_OK) {
$res == SL::File::RENAME_EXISTS ? $::locale->text('File still exists !')
: $res == SL::File::RENAME_SAME ? $::locale->text('Same Filename !')
: $::locale->text('File not exists !'))
0bfbcce6 Martin Helmling
$self->file_type( $file->file_type);
$self->object_id( $file->object_id);
if ( $::form->{next_ids} ) {
my @existing = split(/,/, $::form->{next_ids});

sub action_ajax_upload {
my ($self) = @_;
$self->{maxsize} = $::instance_conf->get_doc_max_filesize;
$self->{accept_types} = '';
$self->{accept_types} = 'image/png,image/gif,image/jpeg,image/tiff,*png,*gif,*.jpg,*.tif' if $self->{file_type} eq 'image';
{ layout => 0

sub action_ajax_files_uploaded {
my ($self) = @_;

my $source = 'uploaded';
my @existing;
if ( $::form->{ATTACHMENTS}->{uploadfiles} ) {
my @upfiles = @{ $::form->{ATTACHMENTS}->{uploadfiles} };
foreach my $idx (0 .. scalar(@upfiles) - 1) {
eval {
my $fname = uri_unescape($upfiles[$idx]->{filename});
## normalize and find basename
# first split with unix rules
# after that split with windows rules
my ($volume,$directories,$basefile) = File::Spec::Unix->splitpath($fname);
($volume,$directories,$basefile) = File::Spec::Win32->splitpath($basefile);

# to find real mime_type by magic we must save the filedata

my $sess_fname = "file_upload_".$self->object_type."_".$self->object_id."_".$idx;
my $sfile = SL::SessionFile->new($sess_fname, mode => 'w');

my $mime_type = File::MimeInfo::Magic::magic($sfile->file_name);

if (! $mime_type) {
# if filename has the suffix "pdf", but is really no pdf set mimetype for no suffix
$mime_type = File::MimeInfo::Magic::mimetype($basefile);
$mime_type = 'application/octet-stream' if $mime_type eq 'application/pdf' || !$mime_type;
if ( $self->file_type eq 'image' && $self->file_probe_image_type($mime_type, $basefile)) {
my ($existobj) = SL::File->get_all(object_id => $self->object_id,
object_type => $self->object_type,
mime_type => $mime_type,
source => $source,
file_type => $self->file_type,
file_name => $basefile,

if ($existobj) {
push @existing, $existobj->id.'_'.$sfile->file_name;
} else {
my $fileobj = SL::File->save(object_id => $self->object_id,
object_type => $self->object_type,
mime_type => $mime_type,
source => $source,
file_type => $self->file_type,
file_name => $basefile,
## two possibilities: what is better ? content or sessionfile ??
#file_contents => ${$upfiles[$idx]->{data}},
file_path => $sfile->file_name
} or do {
$self->js->flash( 'error', t8('internal error (see details)'))
->flash_detail('error', $@)->render;

sub action_download {
my ($self) = @_;
my ($id,$version) = split /_/, $::form->{id};
my $file = SL::File->get(id => $id );
$file->version($version) if $version;
my $ref = $file->get_content;
if ( $file && $ref ) {
return $self->send_file($ref,
type => $file->mime_type,
name => $file->file_name,

# filters

sub check_object_params {
my ($self) = @_;

6a7d9449 Moritz Bunkus
my $id = ($::form->{object_id} // 0) * 1;
my $draftid = ($::form->{draft_id} // 0) * 1;
0bfbcce6 Martin Helmling
my $gldoc = 0;
my $type = undef;

if ( $draftid == 0 && $id == 0 && $::form->{is_global} ) {
$gldoc = 1;
$type = $::form->{object_type};
elsif ( $id == 0 ) {
$id = $::form->{draft_id};
$type = 'draft';
} elsif ( $::form->{object_type} ) {
$type = $::form->{object_type};
die "No object type" if ! $type;
die "No file type" if ! $::form->{file_type};
die "Unkown object type" if ! $file_types{$type};


# $::auth->assert($self->object_right);

# my $model = 'SL::DB::' . $self->object_model;
# $self->object($model->new(id => $self->object_id)->load || die "Record not found");

return 1;

# private methods

sub _delete_all {
my ($self,$do_unimport,$infotext) = @_;
my $files = '';
my $ids = $::form->{ids};
foreach my $id_version (@{ $::form->{$ids} || [] }) {
my ($id,$version) = split /_/, $id_version;
my $dbfile = SL::File->get(id => $id);
$dbfile->version($version) if $dbfile && $version;
if ( $dbfile && $dbfile->delete ) {
$files .= ' '.$dbfile->file_name;
$self->js->flash('info',$infotext.$files) if $files;

sub _do_list {
my ($self,$json) = @_;
my @files;
if ( $self->file_type eq 'document' ) {
97422880 Martin Helmling
my @object_types;
push @object_types, $self->object_type;
push @object_types, ('dunning','dunning1','dunning2','dunning3') if $self->object_type eq 'invoice';
0bfbcce6 Martin Helmling
@files = SL::File->get_all_versions(object_id => $self->object_id ,
97422880 Martin Helmling
object_type => \@object_types,
0bfbcce6 Martin Helmling
file_type => $self->file_type );

elsif ( $self->file_type eq 'attachment' || $self->file_type eq 'image' ) {
@files = SL::File->get_all(object_id => $self->object_id ,
object_type => $self->object_type,
file_type => $self->file_type );

sub _get_from_import {
my ($self,$path) = @_;
my @foundfiles ;

my $language = $::lx_office_conf{system}->{language};
my $timezone = $::locale->get_local_time_zone()->name;
if (opendir my $dir, $path) {
my @files = ( readdir $dir);
foreach my $file ( @files) {
next if (($file eq '.') || ($file eq '..'));
$file = Encode::decode('utf-8', $file);

next if( -d "$path/$file");

my $tmppath = File::Spec->catfile( $path, $file );
next if( ! -f $tmppath);

my $st = stat($tmppath);
my $dt = DateTime->from_epoch( epoch => $st->mtime, time_zone => $timezone, locale => $language);
my $sname = $main::locale->quote_special_chars('HTML',$file);
push @foundfiles , {
'name' => $file,
'filename' => $sname,
'path' => $tmppath,
'mtime' => $st->mtime,
'date' => $dt->dmy('.')." ".$dt->hms,

return @foundfiles;

sub _mk_render {
my ($self,$template,$edit,$scanner,$json) = @_;
my $err;
eval {
##TODO here a configurable code must be implemented

my $title;
my @sources = $self->_get_sources();
foreach my $source ( @sources ) {
@{$source->{files}} = grep { $_->source eq $source->{name}} @{ $self->files };
if ( $self->file_type eq 'document' ) {
$title = $main::locale->text('Documents');
} elsif ( $self->file_type eq 'attachment' ) {
$title = $main::locale->text('Attachments');
} elsif ( $self->file_type eq 'image' ) {
$title = $main::locale->text('Images');

my $output = SL::Presenter->get->render(
title => $title,
SOURCES => \@sources,
edit_attachments => $edit,
object_type => $self->object_type,
object_id => $self->object_id,
file_type => $self->file_type,
is_global => $self->is_global,
json => $json,
if ( $json ) {
$self->js->html('#'.$self->file_type.'_list_'.$self->object_type, $output);
if ( $self->existing && scalar(@{$self->existing}) > 0) {
my $first = shift @{$self->existing};
my ($first_id,$sfile) = split('_',$first,2);
my $file = SL::File->get(id => $first_id );
$self->js->run('kivi.File.askForRename',$first_id,$file->file_name,$sfile,join (',', @{$self->existing}), $self->is_global);
} else {
$self->render(\$output, { layout => 0, process => 0 });
} or do {
if ($json ){
$self->js->flash( 'error', t8('internal error (see details)'))
->flash_detail('error', $@)->render;
} else {
$self->render('generic/error', { layout => 0 }, label_error => $@);

sub _get_sources {
my ($self) = @_;
my @sources;
if ( $self->file_type eq 'document' ) {
##TODO statt gen neue attribute in filetypes :
if (($file_types{$self->object_type}->{gen}*1 & 1)==1) {
my $gendata = {
'name' => 'created',
'title' => $main::locale->text('generated Files'),
'chk_action' => 'documents_delete',
'chk_title' => $main::locale->text('Delete Documents'),
'chkall_title' => $main::locale->text('Delete all'),
'file_title' => $main::locale->text('filename'),
'confirm_text' => $main::locale->text('delete'),
'can_rename' => 1,
'rename_title' => $main::locale->text('Rename Documents'),
'done_text' => $main::locale->text('deleted')
push @sources , $gendata;
if (($file_types{$self->object_type}->{gen}*1 & 2)==2) {
my @others = SL::File->get_other_sources();
foreach my $scanner_or_mailrx (@others) {
my $other = {
'name' => $scanner_or_mailrx->{name},
'title' => $main::locale->text('from \'#1\' imported Files',$scanner_or_mailrx->{description}),
'chk_action' => $scanner_or_mailrx->{name}.'_unimport',
'chk_title' => $main::locale->text('Unimport documents'),
'chkall_title' => $main::locale->text('Unimport all'),
'file_title' => $main::locale->text('filename'),
'confirm_text' => $main::locale->text('unimport'),
'can_rename' => 1,
'rename_title' => $main::locale->text('Rename Documents'),
'can_import' => 1,
'import_title' => $main::locale->text('Add Document from \'#1\'',$scanner_or_mailrx->{name}),
'path' => $scanner_or_mailrx->{directory},
'done_text' => $main::locale->text('unimported')
push @sources , $other;
elsif ( $self->file_type eq 'attachment' ) {
my $attdata = {
'name' => 'uploaded',
'title' => $main::locale->text(''),
'chk_action' => 'attachments_delete',
'chk_title' => $main::locale->text('Delete Attachments'),
'chkall_title' => $main::locale->text('Delete all'),
'file_title' => $main::locale->text('filename'),
'confirm_text' => $main::locale->text('delete'),
'can_rename' => 1,
'are_existing' => $self->existing ? 1 : 0,
'rename_title' => $main::locale->text('Rename Attachments'),
'can_upload' => 1,
'upload_title' => $main::locale->text('Upload Attachments'),
'done_text' => $main::locale->text('deleted')
push @sources , $attdata;
elsif ( $self->file_type eq 'image' ) {
my $attdata = {
'name' => 'uploaded',
'title' => $main::locale->text(''),
'chk_action' => 'images_delete',
'chk_title' => $main::locale->text('Delete Images'),
'chkall_title' => $main::locale->text('Delete all'),
'file_title' => $main::locale->text('filename'),
'confirm_text' => $main::locale->text('delete'),
'can_rename' => 1,
'are_existing' => $self->existing ? 1 : 0,
'rename_title' => $main::locale->text('Rename Images'),
'can_upload' => 1,
'upload_title' => $main::locale->text('Upload Images'),
'done_text' => $main::locale->text('deleted')
push @sources , $attdata;
return @sources;




=encoding utf-8

=head1 NAME

SL::Controller::File - Controller for managing files


=begin text

# The Controller is called direct from the webpages

<a href="\
&object_type=[% HTML.escape(type) %]&object_id=[% HTML.url(id) %]">

# or indirect via javascript functions from js/kivi.File.js

kivi.popup_dialog({ url: '',
data: { action : 'File/ajax_upload',
file_type : 'uploaded',
object_type: type,
object_id : id

=end text


e61cd137 Moritz Bunkus
This is a controller for handling files in a storage independent way.
0bfbcce6 Martin Helmling
The storage may be a Filesystem,a WebDAV, a Database or DMS.
These backends must be configered in ClientConfig.
This Controller use as intermediate layer for storage C<SL::File>.

The Controller is responsible to display forms for displaying the files at the ERP-objects and
for uploading and downloading the files.

More description of the intermediate layer see L<SL::File>.

=head1 METHODS

=head2 C<action_list>

This loads a list of files on a webpage. This can be done with a normal submit or via an ajax/json call.
e61cd137 Moritz Bunkus
Dependent of file_type different sources are available.
0bfbcce6 Martin Helmling
For documents there are the 'created' source and the imports from scanners or email.
For attachments and images only the 'uploaded' source available.

Available C<FORM PARAMS>:

=over 4

=item C<form.object_id>

The Id of the ERP-object.

=item C<form.object_type>

The Type of the ERP-object like "sales_quotation". A clear mapping to the class/model exists in the controller.

=item C<form.file_type>

For one ERP-object may exists different type of documents the type may be "documents","attachments" or "images".
This file_type is a filter for the list.

=item C<form.json>

The method can be used as normal HTTP-Request (json=0) or as AJAX-JSON call to refresh the list if the parameter is set to 1.


=head2 C<action_ajax_upload>

A new file or more files can selected by a dialog and insert into the system.

Available C<FORM PARAMS>:

=over 4

=item C<form.file_type>

This parameter describe here the source for a new file :
"attachments" and "images"

This is a normal upload selection, which may be more then one file to upload.

=item C<form.object_id>


=item C<form.object_type>

are the same as at C<action_list>


=head2 C<action_ajax_files_uploaded>

The Upload of selected Files. The "multipart_formdata" is parsed in SL::Request into the formsvariable "form.ATTACHMENTS".
The filepaths are checked about Unix and Windows paths. Also the MIME type of the files are verified ( IS the contents of a *.pdf real PDF?).
If the same filename still exists at this object after the download for each existing filename a rename dialog will be opened.

If the filename is not changed the new uploaded file is a new version of the file, if the name is changed it is a new file.

Available C<FORM PARAMS>:

=over 4

=item C<form.ATTACHMENTS.uploadfiles>

This is an array of elements which have {filename} for the name and {data} for the contents.

Also object_id, object_type and file_type


=head2 C<action_download>

This is the real download of a file normally called via javascript "$.download("", data);"

Available C<FORM PARAMS>:

=over 4

Also object_id, object_type and file_type


=head2 C<action_ajax_importdialog>

A Dialog with all available and not imported files to import is open.
More then one file can be selected.

Available C<FORM PARAMS>:

=over 4

=item C<form.source>

The name of the source like "scanner1" or "email"

=item C<form.path>

The full path to the directory on the server, where the files to import can found

Also object_id, object_type and file_type


=head2 C<action_ajax_delete>

Some files can be deleted

Available C<FORM PARAMS>:

=over 4

=item C<form.ids>

The ids of the files to delete. Only this files are deleted not all versions of a file if the exists


=head2 C<action_ajax_unimport>

e61cd137 Moritz Bunkus
Some files can be unimported, dependent of the source of the file. This means they are moved
0bfbcce6 Martin Helmling
back to the directory of the source

Available C<FORM PARAMS>:

=over 4

=item C<form.ids>

The ids of the files to unimport. Only this files are unimported not all versions of a file if the exists


=head2 C<action_ajax_rename>

One file can be renamed. There can be some checks if the same filename still exists at one object.

=head1 AUTHOR

Martin Helmling E<lt>martin.helmling@opendynamic.deE<gt>
