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Revision 3e1190f9

Von Jan Büren vor mehr als 3 Jahren hinzugefügt

  • ID 3e1190f98d050e5a1fe189791d7d553f49eae91b
  • Vorgänger cb3ae7d0
  • Nachfolger 4a852cb1

S/H/Inventory auto_allocate und strict_wh für Erzeugnis fertigen

Prüft ob die Ware sich im selben Lager wie das Ziellager befindet.

Unterschiede anzeigen:

my $part = $params{part} or Carp::croak('allocate needs a part');
my $qty = $params{qty} or Carp::croak('allocate needs a qty');
my $wh = $params{warehouse};
my $wh_strict = $::instance_conf->get_produce_assembly_same_warehouse;
Carp::croak('not an assembly') unless $part->is_assembly;
Carp::croak('not an assembly') unless $part->is_assembly;
Carp::croak('No warehouse selected') if $wh_strict && !$wh;
my %parts_to_allocate;
for my $part_id (keys %parts_to_allocate) {
my $part = SL::DB::Part->load_cached($part_id);
push @allocations, allocate(%params, part => $part, qty => $parts_to_allocate{$part_id});
if ($wh_strict) {
die SL::X::Inventory::Allocation->new(
code => "wrong warehouse for part",
message => t8('Part #1 exists in warehouse #2, but not in warehouse #3 ',
$part->partnumber . ' ' . $part->description,
SL::DB::Manager::Warehouse->find_by(id => $allocations[-1]->{warehouse_id})->description,
) unless $allocations[-1]->{warehouse_id} == $wh->id;
my $bin = $params{bin} or Carp::croak("need target bin");
my $allocations = $params{allocations};
my $strict_wh = $::instance_conf->get_produce_assembly_same_warehouse ? $bin->warehouse : undef;
if ($params{auto_allocate}) {
Carp::croak("produce_assembly: can't have both allocations and auto_allocate") if $params{allocations};
$allocations = [ allocate_for_assembly(part => $part, qty => $qty) ];
$allocations = [ allocate_for_assembly(part => $part, qty => $qty, warehouse => $strict_wh) ];
} else {
Carp::croak("produce_assembly: need allocations or auto_allocate to produce something") if !$params{allocations};
$allocations = $params{allocations};
($trans_id) = selectrow_query($::form, SL::DB->client->dbh, qq|SELECT nextval('id')| ) unless $trans_id;
my $trans_type_out = SL::DB::Manager::TransferType->find_by(direction => 'out', description => 'used');
my $trans_type_in = SL::DB::Manager::TransferType->find_by(direction => 'in', description => 'assembled');
my $trans_type_in = SL::DB::Manager::TransferType->find_by(direction => 'in', description => 'assembled');
# check whether allocations are sane
if (!$params{no_check_allocations} && !$params{auto_allocate}) {

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